❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation for the suppressing of Felons, and Outlawes, their Aiders and Abettors,
by bringing them to bee answerable to the seuerall Lawes of the seuerall Realmes of
England and Scotland.
WHereas Wee are informed by the chiefe Landlords, and Inhabitants of the Lands and Possessions, next adioyning to the Out-Bounds of Our Kingdomes of England and Scotland, that by the great and generall intercourse, secret practises, and combinations of Outlawes, Felons, and Malefactors of both those Kingdomes, diuers and sundry Outrages and Felonies haue beene by them committed, to the great hurt, dammage and preiudice of Our good and dutifull Subiects, contrary to the weale and peaceable gouernment of both Our sayd Realmes; Wee hereupon taking into Our tender and Princely consideration, the speedy reformation of such so enormious mischiefes and inconueniences, and calling to minde, that sundry the chiefe Landlords of the Lands and Possessions next adioyning to the Frontiers of Our sayd two Kingdomes, were contented to vndertake to Our late Father of blessed memorie, that their Tenants vnder them should be answerable to Our Lawes, for any Felony, or other capitall Crime they should bee charged with; and if the partie or parties delinquent should happen to flie before hee or they should bee apprehended, and the partie grieued should by course of Law Iudict and Conuict the partie or parties delinquent, of the said Felonie or Felonies, that then the sayd Landlord, to whom the Forfeiture of such partie or parties Conuicted should accrew, should make restitution to the partie grieued, of such goods as were stollen from him by the said partie or parties Conuicted, by the sight of two Iustices of Peace of the said County, where the said Felonie was committed, to bee indifferently chosen by the sayd partie grieued, and the sayd Landlord: The sayd Landlord beeing lawfully authorized by himselfe, his officers and seruants to search for, and to apprehend any Felons, Fugitiues, Receitors, Abettors, Out-putters, or any other suspected persons secretly lurking, remaining, or beeing within the sayd Landlords bounds or limits, and him or them to bring, [Page]and make answerable to the seuerall Lawes of Our said Kingdomes: Of which sayd vndertaking Wee well approue, and by this Our Proclamation doe straitly charge and command all chiefe Landlords in the Counties of Cumberland and Northumberland, whom it may in any sort concerne, to put the same in execution to the vttermost of their power: And hereby accordingly giuing them, their officers and seruants, full and absolute power and authoritie, to search for all manner of Felons, Fugitiues, Outlawes, Receitors, Abettors, Out-putters, or any other vnknowen or suspected persons, secretly lurking, remayning or beeing within euery, or any of the sayd seuerall chiefe Landlords Bounds or Limits, and them to apprehend and make answerable to the seuerall Lawes of Our said Kingdomes.
And Wee doe hereby further forbid, forwarne, and straitly charge and command all, and all manner of persons, inhabiting any where within Tenne miles of the said Out-Bounds, and Frontiers of either of Our said Kingdomes, to forbeare to harbour, receiue, entertaine, or relieue any Felon, Fugitiue, outlawed, vnknowen or s [...]spected person, wherein if any bee discouered to offend after the Feast of Saint Iames the Apostle next ensuing, Wee will and command all and singular the sayd chiefe Landlords, their officers, and seruants, forthwith to apprehend all such offenders, in whose seuerall bounds or limits they inhabite; and them to present to the next Iustice of Peace of the County where they shall be apprehended, whom Wee straitly charge and command instantly to commit them to the next Gaole, there to remaine without Baile or Maineprise, vntill the partie or parties so harboured, receiued, entertained, or relieued, doe yeeld themselues to bee brought foorth, and personally appeare before the seate of Iustice, to answere and abide their Trials for such their offences, as on Our behalfe they shall be charged with, according to the seuerall Lawes of Our said seuerall Kingdomes.
Giuen at Our Court at Saint Iames, the Thirtieth day of Iune, in the sixth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France and Ireland.
God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent MAIESTIE: and by the Assignes of Iohn Bill. M.DC.XXX.