¶ By the King. ❧ A Proclamation concerning Royall Mynes.

THe Kings most Excellent Maiestie, hauing both by the iudgement and opi­nion of sundry persons of skill, and by diuers trials and good experiments, receiued aduertisement of great probabilities, and assured hopes of finding within His Realmes of England and Ireland, and the Dominion of Wales, many rich Mynes of Siluer and other Mettals, hauing in them Siluer and Gold, which by his Maie­sties lawes and prerogatiue Royall, do of right belong to his Imperiall Crowne; and hauing receiued diuers Ouertures and Propositions, for the discouering and working the same, hath beene pleased (as in a matter of speciall importance for the enriching of his Kingdomes) not onely to commend the same ot the serious consideration of His priuie Counsell, but maturely to consult and aduise thereon himselfe, and in the end, after many and deliberate debatements thereof, hath with the aduise of His priuie Counsell resolued vpon these ensuing Articles.

First, that Leases for one and twentie yeeres shall be made vnder the great Seale of England for any the said Mynes, vnto such as will vndertake the same, either in his Maiesties owne lands and soyle, or in the lands and soyle of any others within either of the said Realmes or Dominion, except the Countie of Cardigan.

Secondly, That for encouragement of the said Lessees, they shall hold the same two yeeres from the date of the said Leases free from any rent or payment to his Maiestie.

Thirdly, in case the said Lessees shall discouer any such Myne within the limits and bounds contei­ned in their Leases, and after opening thereof, the Veine shall be found to runne into any other grounds adiacent, and being without the limits and bounds conteined in the said Leases, the Lessees shall be enabled to follow and worke after the same Veine into all other places (excepting Mynes ope­ned by others in the same ground, into which the Veine runneth, before the discouery made by such Les­sees) alwayes allowing vnto such owners and possessors of the ground for the time being, into which the [Page]Ueine runneth, and is followed, double the value of the dammage they shall susteine any way, the same to be valued by the two next Iustices of Peace; and in case that by colour hereof any wrong be malicious­ly done, then further recompense to be giuen to the partie grieued vpon his complaint to the Kings Ma­ [...]estie, or the Lords of the priuie Counsell, as the qualitie of the cause shal merit. And the said Leases shall [...]enteine such other ample Priuiledges, Clauses and Couenants as shalbe fit, and may best encourage the the said workes.

Fourthly, to the intent the said Mynes shal not lie vnprofitable, as heretofore, his Maiesties pleasure is, That the said Vndertakers shall so prepare and begin their worke with such conuenient expedition, as that from the end of two yeeres after the date of their Leases, they shall allow and pay his Maiestie the proportion of Siluer and other Mettall hereafter mentioned, and shall effectually proceede therein with [...]uch competent stocke and number of workemen, as the scituation, richnesse, and condition of the Mynes shall require, and shall yeeld to his Maiestie from the end of the said two yeeres, the tenth part of all the Gold, Siluer, Copper, and Lead extracted and refined, which shall proceede or come of the sayd Mynes. And for the more ease and expedition of such as shall sue for any such Leases, the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer within the Realme of England, or either of them in the vacancy of the other. shall and may, without other suit to his Maiestie, appoint the limits and bounds to be contained in each mans Lease, and giue order accordingly to his Maiesties Attourney generall. And his Maiestie in fa­uour to the owners of the lands, within which the sayd Mynes are, is pleased, that they, or such as they shall nominate, be preferred to the said Leases before all others, so as they attend the said Lord Treasu­rer or Chancellor, and take the same within three Moneths after the publishing of this his Royall Pro­clamation in the Countie where the said lands lie. And in case they doe not attend and take the same within that space, then such persons shall be admitted to take Leases thereof, as shall first make suit for the same.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. 1624.

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