❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for repeale of certaine Letters Patents, Commissions, and Proclamations, concerning Innes, Ale-houses, and the Manufacture of
Gold and Siluer Threed.
WHereas the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, by sundry Letters Pattents, Commissions, and Proclamations heeretofore made and published, gaue seuerall directions, aswell touching the Licensing of Innes and Hosteries, as touching the ordering of Alehouse-keepers, and leuying the forfeitures of their Recognizances, and likewise touching the setling of a Manufacture of Gold and Siluer Threed within this Kingdome; In all which, his Maiesties intentions were no other but the increase of profitable Arts and Inuentions, the repressing of vice and disorder, and reformation of sundry enormities and abuses: yet by the fraud and abuse of some persons, who with much confidence and assurance vndertooke to his Maiesty, to manage and execute the said Patents, Proclamations, and Commissions, for his Maiesties honour, and the good of the publike; the same haue beene peruerted, to the disturbance of the Iustice of the Realme, affront to Iustices of Assise, and Iustices of the Peace, and to the great damage, hurt, and oppression of many of his Maiesties Subiects; which abuses were altogether vnknowne to his most Excellent Maiestie, vntill they were discouered by the complaint of the Commons in this present Parliament, which (had they sooner come to his Maiesties knowledge) he would haue punished with all seueritie. His Maiestie out of his tender zeale and affection which he beareth to all his louing Subiects, being well pleased with that exemplarie course of Iustice, which to His singuler contentment, hath beene already begun in His high Court of Parliament, against some of the principall offenders; and to the end that all His louing Subiects, might see how much His care and zeale is to giue remedy to any thing that is found hurtfull to the Common-weale of His people; Hath been pleased of His aboundant goodnesse, to put His owne Royall hand and Princely care, to the speedy and vtter abolishing of all that euill, which might heereafter spring from those rootes.
And therefore doth hereby declare and publish, that it is his expresse will and pleasure, That all the sayd Letters Patents, Commissions, and Proclamations beforementioned, be forthwith reuoked. And doth further hereby streightly charge and command, That no person or persons, doe hereafter presume to put in execution the foresayd Letters Patents, Proclamations or Commissions, or any of them, or any Article or thing in them or any of them conteyned. And his further pleasure is, That all Innes, Hosteries and Alehouses, and the seuerall Inne-keepers and Alehouse-keepers thereof shalbe gouerned, ordered and vsed in all points as they should haue beene, if the sayd Letters Patents, Commissions and Proclamations had not beene made. And that all Recognizances of Alehouse-keepers shalbe proceeded with, in the same plight, manner and forme, and none other, then as they should haue beene if the sayd Letters Patents and Proclamations concerning the same, had not beene made. And whereas sundrie Alehouse-keepers, being by order of the Iustices of Assise, and Iustices of Peace, put downe and suppressed from keeping Victualling houses, did after by collour of the sayd Letters Patents, and Commissions for Licensing of Innes and Hosteries, obteyne Licences from or by meanes of the sayd Patentees, to keepe Innes or Hosteries, His Maiesties further pleasure and commandement is, that all such Innes so abusiuely erected, and all other Innes lycensed and set vp by force or collour of the foresayd Letters Patents in vnfit places, or by persons of euill fame, bee forthwith suppressed. And his Maiestie doth hereby require, command, and authorize his Iustices of Assise, and Iustices of Peace within the seuerall Counties and places of this Kingdome, to take order for the suppressing thereof accordingly, and to take further order, that the seuerall Lycences so vnduely granted, be deliuered to the Clerke of Assise, or Clerke of the Peace in open Assises or Sessions, there to remaine vntill further order may bee taken for the absolute cancellation and auoyding of the same. And His Highnesse further pleasure is, in regard of the sayd abuses, That no rent, or summe of money due or pretended to bee due for, or in respect of any such Lycence, for setting vp of any Inne or Hostery, bee at any time hereafter leuied, receiued or demaunded; But that all assurances for payment thereof bee discharged.
Giuen at Our Palace of Westminster the thirtieth day of March, in the nineteenth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France and Ireland.
God saue the King.
❧ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON, and IOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. M.DC.XXI.