❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation for the preuenting and remedying of the dearth of Graine, and other Ʋictuals.

THe Kings Maiestie hauing taken knowledge of the high prices of Graine and other Victuals, lately and very sud­denly growen in sundry parts of this Realme, And finding no suffi­cient reason thereof, doeth iudge that the rich Owners of Corne doe keepe their store from common Markets, thereby to encrease the prices thereof, Or else that the same is engrossed vnduely into few hands, and so the multitude of poore people hauing no Graine of their owne growing, must needes sustaine great lacke. His Highnesse therefore for remedy thereof, hath caused special Orders to be made and published through all parts of this Realme, bearing date the first day of Iune 1608, and Intituled, Orders appointed by his Maiestie, &c. By which the Iustices of Peace in all parts of the Realme, are directed to stay all Engrossers, Forestallers and Regrators of Corne, and to direct all Owners and Farmers, (hauing Corne to spare) to furnish the Markets rateably and weekely, with such quantities as reasonably they may and ought to doe, and to see diuers other Articles obserued and performed, tending to the preuention and remedy of this inconuenience. Neuerthelesse, because his Maiestie doeth well know, that the life of these his gracious, godly, and politique Constitutions, depends vpon the carefull and diligent Execution of the same: His Highnesse doeth therefore by this his Proclamation (to the ende that no person whom it may concerne, shall or may pleade igno­rance) straightly charge and command all Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Bayliffes, Constables, and other his Officers and Subiects whatsoeuer, That they take knowledge of the said Orders, and obserue and cause the same to be obserued, as shall appertaine vnto them, as they tender his displeasure.

And because there may be iust cause to feare, that notwithstanding all the straight Prouisi­ons that are lately taken against Transportation of Graine, yet vnder colour of conueying of it from Port to Port within the land, some may be conueyed into forraine parts: Therefore for further prouision in that behalfe, besides the Bonds in that case appointed to be taken, His Ma­iestie commandeth and giueth Licence to any person that shall haue cause to suspect that any such Corne is or should be shipped, or prouided to be shipped by lawfull Authoritie to be caried to any other Port, that the same may be by fraud caried out of the Realme; such person hauing such cause to suspect, shall giue Information thereof to any Iustice of Peace, or publique Offi­cer dwelling neere to the Port, Which Iustice or Officer shall with the said Informer, repaire to the Custome house of any such Port or Creeke where Corne is shipped, or prouided to be ship­ped, and there shall duely examine both the Officers of the Custome house, and the sellers, buy­ers, and shippers of the Corne vpon their seuerall Oathes, whether they know of any Inten­tion directly, or indirectly, to haue the said Corne to be caried out of the Realme. And further also, when by their Oathes they shal cleare themselues of any such intention (thereby the suspi­tion conceiued being cleared) yet the Officers of the Ports that haue authority to take Bonds, shall shew the parties, who vpon pregnant suspition shall require the same, and giue them in [Page]writing the contents of the Bond, with the names of the parties bound, being sufficient to an­swere the same, the true quantitie of the Graine, and the Ports to which it is intended to haue the same carried: And if notwithstanding such prouision of good assurance taken, there shall af­terwards any doubt follow, that notwithstanding the said Bonds the said Corne shalbe caried out of the Realme, The party that shall haue cause so to suspect the same, shall repaire to some Iustice of Peace, whom his Maiestie doeth hereby command to examine the trueth at the Port whereunto the said Corne was appointed. And for that purpose the Officers of that Port shall make plaine declaration whether any such Corne, or what quantitie thereof came to that Port within the time limitted; And if by good proofe it shall any wayes appeare, that there hath bene any fraud in any Officer of the Port, or falshood in the Transporter by carying it out of the Realme, the Officer of the Port shalbe depriued of his Office, and suffer imprisonment, and make Fine to his Maiestie at his pleasure; And the Transporter for carying it out of the Realme, and the Seller and Buyer, or either of them being priuie thereto, shall bee commit­ted to prison for the space of one yeere, and the Ship forfeited; And the Informer for his la­bour and reward, shall haue both the halfe of the value of the Corne Transported, and the halfe of the Fines imposed vpon the Offenders. And for the triall of these Offences, and exe­cution of the punishments and Fines, the same shalbe tried in his Maiesties Exchequer, as all Informations are vpon penall Statutes, where all expedition shalbe vsed, or before the Iusti­ces of Assise in their Circuits, or before any Iustices of Peace in the Sessions where the offence shalbe committed, hauing any authoritie to heare and determine any penall Law.

Finally, his Maiestie is particularly informed of some intentions of sundry persons of abilitie to keepe Hospitalitie in their Countreys, to leaue their Hospitalities, and to come to the City of London, and other Cities and Townes corporate, thereby leauing the reliefe of their poore neighbours, as well for food, as for good Rule, and with couetous mindes to liue in London, and about the City priuately, and so also in other Townes corporate, without charge of com­pany. For withstanding whereof, his Maiestie chargeth all maner of persons, that shall haue any such intention during the time of this Dearth, not to breake vp their households, nor to come to the said City, or other Townes corporate, And all others that haue of late time broken vp their households, to returne to their houses againe without delay. Of the performance and execution of which his Maiesties Orders, It is his Highnesse pleasure that the Iustices do make certificate vpon all occasions to his Maiesties Priuie Councell, and more particularly for his Highnesse better satisfaction, what price Corne and Victuals doe beare.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.

Anno Dom. 1608.

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