¶ By the King.

WHere amongst other Persons discouered to bee Confederates in the late horrible Treason, for the destruction of Our person and the whole Estates of the Realme, one Robert Winter Es­quire, is knowen to be a principall, who is fled for the same, and being not found among the Companie taken and defeated by the Sheriffe of our Countie of Worcester, doeth lurke in some places of our Realme: Although We doubt not by that experience, which in this cause Wee haue had of the diligence of our Ministers in the apprehending of all Persons, whom they shall haue cause to suspect; Yet because the said Winter is vnknowen to many, We haue thought it conuenient to publish a description of him, to the ende hee may the sooner be found by those who shall lay waite for him, And to will and Command all our Officers, Ministers and louing Subiects whatsoe­uer, to make all diligent Search for the said Winter, and him to apprehend by all possible meanes, especially to doe their best to keepe him aliue, to receiue condigne punishment for his detestable crime. The like diligence Wee doe also will and require them to vse in the appre­hending of Stephen Litleton Gentleman, whose description is also hereunder written.

God saue the King.

Robert Winter is a man of meane stature, rather low then otherwise, sqvare made, somewhat stouping, neere fourtie yeeres of age, his haire and beard browne, his beard not much, and his haire short.

Stephen Litleton is a very tall man, swarthy of complexion, of browne coloured haire, no beard or little, about thirtie yeeres of age.

¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. 1605.

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