❧ By the King.
WHereas one Thomas Percy, a Gentleman Pensioner to his Maiestie, is discouered to haue bene priuie to one of the most horrible Treasons that euer was contriued, that is, to haue blowen vp this day, while his Maiestie should haue bene in the vpper House of the Parliament, attended with the Queene, the Prince, all his Nobilitie and the Commons, with Gun-powder (for which purpose a great quantitie of Powder was conueyed into a Vault vnder the said Chamber, which is this morning there found) the Chamber where they should be assembled, which Percy is sithens fled:
These are to will and command all our Officers and louing Subiects whatsoeuer, to do that which we doubt not but they will willingly perfourme, according to the former experience we haue had of their loue and zeale toward vs, That is, to make all diligent search for the sayde Percy, and him to apprehend by all possible meanes, especially to keepe him aliue, to the ende the rest of the Conspiratours may bee discouered. The sayde Percy is a tall man, with a great broad beard, a good face, the colour of his beard and head mingled with white haires, but the head more white then the beard, he stoupeth somewhat in the shoulders, well coloured in the face, long footed, small legged.
Giuen at our Pallace of Westminster, the fift day of Nouember, 1605. in the third yeere of our reigne of great Britaine.
God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.
ANNO DOM. 1605.