❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation to redresse the mis-imployment of Lands, Goods, and other things giuen for Charitable vses.

WHereas Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, goods, Chattels, Money, and other things haue bene heretofore giuen, limitted, appointed and assigned, aswell by his Maiesties most noble Progenitors, as by sundry other well disposed persons; Some for reliefe of aged, im­potent, and poore people, some for maintenance of sicke and maymed Souldiers and Mariners, Schooles of learning, free Schooles, and Schollers in Vniuersities; Some for repaire of Bridges, Ports, Ha­uens, Cause-wayes, Churches, Seabanks, and High-wayes; Some for education and preferment of Orphanes; Some for or towards reliefe, stocke, or maintenance for houses of Correction; Some for marriages of poore Maydes; Some for supportation, ayde, and helpe of yong Tradesmen, Handicrafts men, and persons decayed; And others for reliefe, or re­demption of Prisoners, or Captiues, and for ayde or ease of any poore Inhabitants, concerning pay­ment of Fifteenes, setting out of Souldiers, and other Taxes: Which Lands, Tenements, He­reditaments, Goods, Chattels, Money, and other things neuerthelesse haue not bene imployed according to the charitable intent of the Giuers and Founders thereof, by reason of frauds, breaches of trust, and negligences in those, that should pay, deliuer, and employ the same. For redresse and reformation whereof, remedy and reliefe haue bene prouided, in and by one Art of Parliament, made in the three and fourtieth yeere of the raigne of the late Queene of famous memory, Elizabeth late Queene of England. By the due execution of which Act, in diuers and many parts of this Realme, much good hath ensued, by the diligence and traueile of diuers of our charitable and well affected Subiects, by restoring, and true employing of diuers and many of the saide Gifts and En­dowments, according to the true Iustitution, Ordinance, and Intention of the Founders and Do­nors in that behalfe: And much more good his Maiestie dayly expecteth should be done in so Religi­ous a case, acceptable to God and all good men.

And whereas such as haue the care, charge and gouernement of the Colledges, Halles, and hou­ses of learning within either of the Vniuersities of Cambridge or Oxford, or of the Colleges of West­minster, Eaton, or Winchester, or of any Cathedrall or Collegiate Church, were presumed by the makers of the said Act, in respect of their Professions and Offices (which ought to put them in con­tinuall memorie of their duties) to neede to Law to enforce them to the performance of so iust and charitable a worke, And therefore did by speciall Prouiso except and exempt them out of the saide Acte: His most excellent Maiestie, in his godly meditations, calling to his blessed remembrance, how good and necessarie it is, That the deuout, godly, and charitable intents of the said Founders and Giuers should be exactly and duely performed, And nothing doubting, but that the saide per­sons, bodies Politique and Corporate so excepted, will aswell in discharge of their owne conscien­ces (albeit they be not bound by the saide Acte) as for example to all others (that may bee enforced thereby) will speedily, Christianly, and exactly perfourme their said dutie: Yet lest that any in so [Page]great a number should bee found eyther so remisse, as to neglect the speedie employment of the same, or so vncharitable and vnconscionable, as in any sort, by fraude or deuices to seeke to per­uert or ouerthrow the true institution & meaning of the said Founders or Giuers; His most excel­lent Maiestie, in his Princely & Royall care, That the said good and godly vses & intents may be duely & speedily employed, as is abouesaid, And that no person or persons, bodies Politique or Cor­porate (presuming to passe away with impunity) neglect, or not performe their duties in that behalfe, Doeth (by Aduise of his Priuie Councell) straightly charge and commaund aswell all and singuler person and persons, bodies Politique, and Corporate within either of the said Vniuersities of Cam­bridge or Oxford, or within Westminster, Eaton, or Winchester, or any Cathedrall or Collegiate Church aforesaid, as all other person and persons, bodies Politique and Corporate whatsoeuer ha­uing any Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Proffits, Goods, Chattels, Summes of money, or o­ther things mentioned to be giuen, limited, assigned or appointed to or for any of the good and chari­table vses aboue said, That they and euery of them doe well and faithfully imploy the said Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods, Chattels, Summes of money or other things, according to the true meaning, ordinance, and institution of the Founders, or Giuers of the same, vpon paine of his Maiesties high displeasure, and of such penalties and punishments, as they shall iustly deserue for contemning of his Royall commaundement, in a cause so iust and necessary to be performed, and for their demerits in that behalfe.

And albeit his Maiestie knoweth, that for and concerning such person and persons, bodies poli­tique and Corporate as be exempted out of the said Act, such sufficient remedie and reformation by visitations, and other lawfull meanes may be had in the cases aboue said: Yet forasmuch as these proceedings will require time, and draw the parties exempted out of the said Act, from their studies, and exercises of learning, and put them to no small charge; His most excellent Maiestie, hath for their ease and profit taken this more speedy course, by these presents in manner and forme abouesaid; Giuing all and singuler the person and persons, bodies Politique and Corporate abouesaid assured­ly to know, That whosoeuer shall violate, or not performe his Maiesties Royall commaunde­ment hereby published, that he, or they, or any of them shall not hope to passe away with impunity, but shall vndergoe such paines, penalties, and punishments, as by the seuerity of the Lawes of this Realme, may be inflicted and imposed vpon so grieuous and vncharitable offendours.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. ANNO DOM. 1605.

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