By the Quene,

WHere as the Quenes Maiestie for sondry, great, and weightie affayres, concerning her highnes, and the state of her Maiesties realme, and churche of EngĀ­lande, hathe by the aduise of her mooste honourable counsayle called & sommoned her Maiesties highe Courte of Parliamente to be kept and holden at her citie of Oxford, the seconde daye of Aprill next comĀ­minge, yet neuerthelesse her Maiestie for diuerse greate respectes and considerations the same nowe speciallye mouinge, hath by the aduise aforesayd resolued and determined to adiourne and proroge her sayd parliament from the sayde citie of Oxforde vnto her highnes citie of Westminster, and there to be holden and kept. Wherfore to thintent her louing subiectes shall haue knowledge and aduertisemente of the same, her highnes pleasure is to signifie by this her graces Proclamation, as well vnto the noble men and piers of this realme, being Lordes of the Parliament, as vnto the Knightes, Citezins, Burgeyses, and other her hyghnes subiectes, who shall haue cause of repayre to the sayde Parliamente, that her wyll and pleasure is, that they obserue and kepe theyr assembles and apparaunces at the sayde citie of Westmynster in lyke maner, forme, and condition, as they shuld or ought to haue done at the sayd citie of Oxforde.

God saue the Quene.

Londini in aedibus Iohannis Cawodi Typographi Reginae Mariae excusum. Anno. M.D.LIIII.

Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.

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