¶ The Kynges Maiesties free and most general Pardon.
THe Kynges most royal Maiestie right well perceiuyng his louyng subiectes by many and sundrye wayes and meanes to haue borne and sustayned the great aduentures, charges and busynesses of warres and defences of this his realme, aswell in the tyme of his moste deare father kyng Henry the right, as in his tyme and reigne, entēdyng of his clemency and pitie to gratifie his sayd subiectes with his graces free and liberall pardon accordyng to his kyngly power, trustyng assuredly that his sayd subiectes will continue his louyng and assured obedient subiectes, and hereafter in suche sorte obey his highnes lawes and statutes, as to theim and euery of theim of right appertaineth: is fully and resolutely cōtented and pleased, that it be enacted by aucthoritie of this present Parliament in maner and fourme folowyng, that is to say, that all and euery of his sayd subiectes, aswell spirituall as temporall of this his realme of Englande, Wales, the Iles of Iernesey and Gernesey, Barwicke, Calleys, Guysnes, Hammes, Bulloigne and Bullonoys & the Marches of thesame, the heires, successours, executours, and administrators of them and euery of them, and al and singuler bodies in any maner of wyse corporate, Cities, Boroughes, Shires, Ridynges, Hundredes, lathes, rapes wapentakes, tounes, villages and tithynges, and euery of them, & the successor and successors of them, shalbe by thaucthoritie of this present Parliament acquited, pardoned, released and discharged against the kynges highnes, his heyres, successours and executours, and euery of theim of all maner of treasons, heresies, felonies, robberies, offences, contemptes, trespasses, wronges, deceiptes, misdemenors, forfaitures, penalties, and profites, sūmes of money, paynes of death, paynes corporal, & pecuniary, and all other thinges, causes, quarelles, suites, iudgementes and execucions, whiche may be, or can be by his highnes in any wise, or by any meanes pardoned before & vnto the xiiii. day of Marche in the yere of our Lord God M. CCCCC. xlviii. other then suche as hereafter in this act be excepted or foreprised in suche maner and forme, & vnto suche tymes as they bee excepted or foreprised in this acte, and other then suche as the clauses of prouiso hereafter mencioned doth extende vnto.
AND also the kynges highnes is further contented and pleased that it be enacted by the aucthoritie of this present Parliament, that this his sayd general and free pardon, shalbe as good and effectuall in the law, to euery of his sayd subiectes, bodies corporate, and other before rehersed, & to euery of them, by the sayd general wordes before rehersed in all thinges whiche be not hereafter in this present act excepted or foreprised, as the same pardon should haue been, if all offences, contemptes, forfaitures, causes, matters, suites, quarrelles, iudgemētes, execucions, penalties, & all other thynges not hereafter excepted, nor contayned in any clause of prouiso hereafter mencioned had been particulerly, singulerly, specially & plainly named, rehersed and specified and also pardoned by propre and expresse wordes and names in their kyndes, natures and qualities, by wordes and tearmes thervnto requisite to haue be put in and expressed in this act of free pardon.
AND that his sayd subiectes nor any of them nor their executors nor administratours of any of theim, nor any of thesayd bodies corporate nor any other persons bodies politique or corporate before named, or any of them, be nor shalbe sued, vexed or inquieted in their bodies, goodes, landes or cattalles, for any maner matter, cause, contempt, misdemcanor, forfaiture, trespasse, offence, or any other thing suffred, done or committed against his highnes, croune, dignitie, prerogatiue, lawe or statutes, but only for suche matters, causes and offences as be rehersed in the excepcions and clauses of prouiso, in this present act hereafter mencioned, in suche maner & fourme, as in the same excepcions and clauses of prouiso be mencioned [Page] [Page] and for none other, any statute or statutes, lawes, customes, vses, or presidentes heretofore had, made, or vsed to the contrary in any wise notwithstanddyng.
AND also the kynges highnes of his boūteous liberalitie by thaucthoritie of this present Parliament graūteth and freely geueth to euery of his sayd subiectes and to euery of the sayd bodies corporate, and other before rehersed, & to euery of them, all suche landes, tenementes, and hereditamentes, goodes, cattals, debtes, fines, issues, profites, amerciamentes, forfaitures, and summes of money by any of them forfaited, whiche to his highnes doth or should belong or appertain, by reason of any offence, cōtempte, trespasse, misdemeanour, matter, cause, or quarel, suffred, done, or committed by them or any of them, which be not hereafter foreprised or excepted in this present acte.
AND that al and euery the kynges sayd subiectes, and al and singuler bodies corporate, and other before rehersed, may by him or themselfes, or by his or their deputie, or deputies, or by his or their attornay or attornays, accordyng to the lawes of this realme, pleade, and minister this present acte of free pardon for his or their discharge, of and for euery thyng that is by vertue of this present acte pardoned, discharged, geuen, or graunted without any fee or other thyng in any wise paiyng to any person or persons for writyng or entrey of the iudgement, or other cause, concernyng suche plee, writyng, or entrey, but onely xii. d. to be payed to the officer or clarke that shall entre the plea, matter, or iudgement, for the discharge of any the partie so pleadyng thesame, any statute or vse to the contrary in any wyse notwithstaudyng.
AND furthermore the kynges highnes is pleased and contented that it be enacted by thaucthoritie of this present parliament, that his sayd free pardon by the general wordes before rehersed shalbe reputed, demed, and iudged, allowed and taken in all maner of courtes and els where, aswell in the woordes and clauses of excepcions and forprises specified in this present act, as in all and singuler other clauses, wordes and sentences mencioned and rehersed in this his sayd free pardon, moste beneficially and auailably to al and singuler his sayd subiectes, bodies corporate and other before rehersed, and to euery of them in all thynges ambiguous or doubtfull and moste strongly in barre and discharge against his highnes, his heires, successours and executours in euery thyng, without any obstacle, chalenge or other delay, whatsoeuer it shalbe to be made, pleaded, obiected or alledged by the kyng our souereigne Lorde, his heires, successours, or executors, or by his or any of their general attorney or attorneys or by any person or persons for his highnes, or any of his heires, successors or executors.
AND furthermore it is enacted by the kyng our soueraigne Lorde, by aucthoritie of this present Parliament, that if any officer or clerke of any his highnes courtes commonly called the kynges Benche, Chauntery, & Cōmon place, or of his Exchequier, or of any other officer or clerke of any other court with in this realme or in Wales or other his highnes dominions aboue mencioned at any tyme after the tenth day of May next cōmyng whiche shalbe in the yere of our Lorde God a M. ccccc. xlix. make out or write out▪ any maner writtes or other processe, or any extractes, sommons, or other preceptes wherby any of the sayd subiectes or any of the sayd bodies corporate, or other before rehersed, or any of theim, shalbe in any wyse arrested, attached, distrained, sommoned, or otherwise vexed, inquieted, or greued in his or their bodies, landes, tenementes, goodes or cattals, or in any of them, for or because of any maner of thyng pardoned or discharged by vertue of this act of free pardon, he so offendyng & therof lawfully condempned, shall yelde and pay for the recompence therof to the partie so greued or offended, treble dammages, to be accompted as parcell of the dammages and costes of the suite. And neuertheles all and singuler suche writtes, processe, extractes and preceptes, so to be made for or vpō any maner thyng pardoned or discharged by this act of free pardon, shalbe vtterly voyde and of none effect
Except alwayes and foreprised out of this general & free pardon, all and all maner prepensed and voluntary murders and poysonynges: And excepte all selonyous, takyng or stealyng of any goodes or cattals out of any Churche, Chapel or dwellyng house, and all and singuler robberies & robbery of any person or persons in or nere any high way committed, perpetrated or done.
And also except and forprised out of this free pardon, all and all maner of piracies, and offences vpon the sea, had, done, committed or perpetrated, sithen the first day of Ianuary in the first yere of the reigne [Page] [Page] [...]f our [...] the king. And also all and all maner of punishmentes, Impeticions forfaittures, peynes of death, Iudgementes, & executions, for the premisses before excepted, & for euery of theim.
AND except and forprised out of this fre pardon, all & all maner of dcreates & conceilementes, of al & synguler moniers, and other officers, ministers, and workemen of or in any of the mintes within any of the kynges realmes or dominions, perpetrated, done, or committed in or about the makyng coynyng or altering of any money curraunt within this realme, or in any wyse touching or concerning any accomptes or bookes of any of the sayd officers or ministers or any of them, and all maner of Impeticions, punishmentes forfayctures and peines for the same.
AND except and forprysed out of this fre pardon, all and singuler sommes & somme of money grafited to late kyng Henry theight, by waye or meane of subsidie, fiftene, beneuolence, lone and contributiō or by any of the same wayes or meanes. And all deteiners, withholdinges and none paimentes, touching or concerning the same, and also all and all maner of accomptes, and all actions, suites and demaundes touching or cōcerning any accomptes, and all arrerages of accompte, and al debtes, Impeticions, suites demaundēs and execucions by occasion or meanes of any accompe or for any accompte.
AND also except all tytles of actions of quare impedit, all rauyshmentes and withholding of the kynges wardes, and the withholding of any wardes, landes or tenemētes, & the profites of the same landes and tenementes, and all and euery fyne or fynes for the single value or double value, of the mariage or mariages of any the kinges wardes, at any tyme growen to the king our soueraigne lorde, or to any of his noble progenitours.
AND also except all homages & reliefes, and all rentes seruices, rentes charges, rentes seck and tenthes and charterages of euery of theim.
AND also except and forprysed out of this free pardon all and singuler forfeitures, and all maner of penalties, sommes of money and profyttes, whatsoeuer growen or dewe by reason of any offence or acte committed or done, contrarye to any statute or statutes, or contrarye to the comon law extending aboue the somme of ten poundes in money or value wherof any seasure was made, or any informacion geuen in the kynges exchequer or any suet there commenced and now depending before the .xii. daye of February in the yere of our lord God M.ccccc.xlviij. and not yet determined, or wherof the kinges highnes or king Henry theight, by byll sealed with any of their seales before the .xiiij. daye of Marche in the yere of our lord God .M.ccccc.xlviij. haue made any gyfte or assignement, to any of the seruauntes of our soueraigne lorde the king, or king Henry theight, or to any other persone or persones.
AND except and forprysed out of this free pardon, all and singuler forfaytours and sommes of money being dew to our soueraygne lorde the king, or to king Henry theight, by any penall statute or statutes, which be conuerted into the nature of debtes by iudgement or by the agrement of the offendour.
AND except and forprysed out of this fre pardon, all and all maner of debtes, dewe, and to be dew to our soueraigne lorde the king, or vnto the late noble king of famous memorie king Henry theight, and king Henry the seuenth, or to any of theim (other then such as are dewe to our soueraigne lord the kyng) vpon any obligacion or recognisaunce forfetted for none apparaunce, or for not keping of the peace, or not being of good behauour.
AND also except al yssues, fynes, and amerciamētes, afferid, taxed, set, extracted, or entered seuerally, or particulerlye touchyng & concerning any one persone, or mo persons ioyntlye, extending to the somme of twentye poundes or aboue. And that all and synguler other fynes, aswell fynes pro licencia concordandi, as other fynes for contemptes or offences, set, or taxed, & also all yssues, and amerciamentes aswell reall as other whiche seuerally or particulerlye extend not vpon or concerning any one persone or moo persones ioyntly, to the somme of twenty poūdes, whcther they be totted or not totted, takē to the charge of any shriefe or shryefes, or not taken to his or their charge extreated or not extreated, whether they be turned into debt or not turned into debt, and not being leuied nor receiued by any shriefe or shriefes, baylyefe, ministers, or other officers, shalbe fully, clercly and plainely pardoned and discharged against the king oure soueraigne lorde his heires and successors for euer by this present acte of fre pardon.
AND [...] enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid, that in care it shalbe obiected to or against any shriefe or shriefes, or other accomptaunte or accomptauntes in the kinges court of exchequer or in any other his courtes, that any shriefe or shriefes, or other officers accomptaunte haue receaued or taken any suche fynes yssues or amerciamentes, by this present acte pardoned & acquited, that then euery suche shriefe or shriefes or other accomptauntes shalbe discharged, released, pardoned, and acquited therof by his or their othe without any further triall in that behalfe.
PROVIDED alwayes that this present acte of fre pardon, nor any thing therin conteigned in any wise extend to discharge, pardon, remit, or acquite any persone or persones, for any maner of yssues, fines or amerciamentes of twentie pounde or vnder wherof any shriefes hath here to fore accompted before the barōs of the kinges exchequer, or els where, and payed the same yssues, fynes, or amerciamentes, vpon his or their said accompte, determined to the kinges vse, and haue his or their quietusest for the same.
PROVIDED also and be it enacted by thauctoritie of this present parliament, that all and euery person and persons which haue tended to sewe liuereye out of the kinges hādes, or that ought to sew any lyucreye out of the kinges handes, or that ought to sewe any outer lemaine of any manours, landes, tenementes, or hereditamentes whatsoeuer they be, shal sue and be bounden to sue, his and their liuereie, lyuereis, and outer lemain of his and their manours, landes, tenementes, & hereditamentes, as they ought or should haue done, if this fre pardon had neuer bene graunted, any article, clause, matter, or sentence, acte or actes, thing or thinges▪ in this present acte of fre perdon, comprysed or specified to the contrarie in anywise notwithstanding.
AND excepte and forprised out of this free pardon, all and synguler persone and persones, being the saide. xiiij. daye of Marche in the yere of oure lorde God a M. ccccc. xlviij. prisoner or prisoners in the toure of London, or in the fleete, or whiche were in the said prisons, or any of theim at any tyme syns the fyrst day of Februarye, in the yere of our lord God M. ccccc. xlviii. and are not discharged out of pryson the said. xiiii. daye of Marche: and also all and synguler persone & persones at any tyme before the eight daye of Marche, in the sayd yere of our lord God M. ccccc. xlviii. put to death or in execucion by vertue of any maner of iudgement against him or theim geuen.
AND except and forprised out of this free pardon, all and all maner of treasons done, committed or perpetrated by any persone or persones in any of the parties of beyond the sea, or in Scotlande, by any person or persones nowe being beyond the sea, or in Scotlande (other then suche treasons or petit treason as hath ben committed, perpetrated or done by any person being beyond the sea, or in Scotlād, that before the feaste of the natiuitie of our lord God, that shalbe in the yere of our lord God M. ccccc. xlix. shall come and make their returne and repayre into this realme of England.) And except al impeticions, punishmentes, forfaictours, paines of death, executions and iudgementes, for the said treasons.
AND furthermore the kinges maiestie of his especiall grace and clemencye, is pleased and contented, that it be enacted and established by thaucthoritie aforesaid, that all and synguler persone & persons being borne within this realme of England, or in any of the kinges dominions, and now being beyond the sea, or in Scotland, whiche before y e fyrst day of Marche, in the yere of our lord God M. ccccc. xlviii. did flee out of this realme of England, or any other of the kinges dominions, for any high treason, petyt treason, misprision of treason, or for any felonie, murder or other crime or offence by him or theim in anywyse committed, done or perpetrated, shall by vertue of this free pardon be clerely discharged, acquited and pardened of all and all maner of treasons, petit treasons, misprision of treason, and other offences, and crimes whatsoeuer, done, committed, or perpetrated before the said fyrst daye of Marche, in the said yere of our lorde God M. ccccc. xlviii. And of all maner of Impeticions, suites, penalties, forfaictours, and execucions for the same: So that he or they do come, and make their retourne and repaier into this realme of England, on thissyde the sayd feaste of the natiuitie of our lorde God M. ccccc. xlix.
AND also our said soueraigne lord the king, by vertue of this acte, and by thaucthoritie abouesayd, doth geue aucthoritie and licence to all and euery of the said persones and persone, being beyond the sea or in Scotland, to returne and repaire into this realme of England, and other his dominions, before the [Page] [Page] same feaste of the Natiuitie of our lorde God M. ccccc. xlix.
PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayd that it shalbe lefull to all and euery clerke and other officer of any of the kynges courtes without any forfaiture, losse or punishement for the same, to award and make writtes of Capias Vtlagatum, at the suite of the partie plaintife, against any person or persons, beyng outlawed, in any accion, to the intent to compel the persons or person so out lawed to make answere to the plaintife or plaintifes, at whose suite he or they were or was outlawed, and also that euery person and persons nowe beeyng outlawed, shalbe bounden to sue a writ of Scire facias against the partie or parties at whose suite he or they wer or was outlawed before suche tyme as the persons or person so outlawed shall take any aduauntage of this free pardon concernyng his or their outlawry.
AND the kyng our soueraigne lorde is contented and pleased, to graunt by thaucthoritie aforesayd, that it shalbe lawfull to all and singuler Archebishops and bishops of this his realme of England and Waies to deliuer out of prison and set at libertie all and singuler those persons beyng in prison in their custody, or in the custody of any of them as clerkes or clerke conuict or attainted, whiche be pardoned by this acte of free pardon, without any further act or suite to be made for the allowaunce of this pardon or otherwise, any acte of Parliament, lawe, vsage, custome or other thyng to the contrary in any wise notwithstandyng.
PROVIDED alwaies and be it enacted by aucthoritie aforesayd that this present act of free pardon or any thyng therin contained, shal not in any wise extend to discharge or pardon any offence, payn, or penaltie done, committed, or forfaited by force of any estatute heretofore made against the decaiyng of any house or houses of husbandry or conuertyng of any lande from tyllage into pasture, otherwise or in any other maner, then to pardon and discharge all issues, profites, paynes and penalties growen or due to the kynges Maiestie or to his late father of famous memory kyng Henry the eight before the last day of Marche in the yere of our Lord God M. ccccc. xlix. or by reason of any suche offence or offēces, which issues, profites, paynes and penalties are plainely and clearely before pardoned in and by this present act of free pardon, nor shal extende to geue or make any licence or dispensacion to any person or persons to hold or cōtinue the same so decayed or cōuerted contrary to the forme of any suche estatute or statutes.
¶ God saue the Kyng.