Cōmyssioners for our soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the .viii. that nowe is / by his lettres patentes assygned named and deputed for thorderynge and assessynge of eruey {per}sone dwellynge / abydynge / or hauyngt theyr inoost resorte to / or in the sayd Cytie of London chargeable and Contributory to a Subsydie graunted to our sayd soueraygne lorde / by auctoryte of his Parlyament last holden at Westin to A. B.

[...] gretynge. ¶ we on the behalfe of our sayd Soueraygne lorde the kynge / and by auctoryte of his sayd lettres patent [...] and Accestraytly charge & cōmaunde you and euery of you {per}sonally to appere before vs / or before vs / and the other Cōmyssioners in the sayd lettres patentes assygned or before .vi. viiij. iij. or ij. of vs at [...] the [...] day of this present Moneth of Aprell / at the houre of .viii. of the clocke before noone. And there certefye vs by wrytynge / the names and surnames of all and synguler {per}sones men and women of thage of .xv. yeres or aboue beynge within the sayd warde / and dwellynge / or abydynge or hauynge his or her most resorte within the same parysshe aswell within lyberties / Sayntwaryes / as in al other places with in the sayd parysshe and of the sayd warde. ¶ And also of all men and women vnder the sayd age of .xv. yeres hauynge / or takynge profyttes of any landes / tenement / rentes / fees / annuytes / offyres / or Corodyes / of the yerely value of .xx. s̄. or aboue / or hauyng / goodes or Catalles / mouable / coyne / plate / Stocke of marchaūdyse on thyssyde the see / or beyonde the see / to the value of .xl.s̄. or aboue theyr dettes except / the names of women hauynge husbondes Beggers / and euery {per}sone lyuynge oonly by almes of Charyte oonly excepted. ¶ And ouer this that ye certefye by your sayd wrytynge / the yerely value of the sayd profyttes at the vttermoste / And the value of ye sayd goodes & catalles mouable at the vttermost of euery {per}sone / whose name ye shall certefy before vs at the sayd day and place / And whiche of theyin ben borne within the kyng{is} obeysaunce / and whiche of theyin ben alyens borne out of the kynges obeysaunce accordynge to the tenour and effect of the Artycles hereafter specyfyed and declared indifferently as nyghe as ve by your discressions wysooms / and after your conscyence by way of serche demaundynge of questyons or otherwyse ye can or may.

FIrste ye shall certefye by your sayd wrytynge in one Artycle by it selfe the na­ [...]es of euery parsone beynge within the sayd warde / and dwellynge / or hauynge his / or her moost resorte to / or in the layd parysshe / And hauynge yerely profyttes of Land / tesites / fees / annuytes / rent / [...]eruyc / offyc / or Corodyes to his or her owne vse to the yerely value of .xx.s̄. or aboue in any place or places within this Realme / and to what yerely va­lue the same profyttes of landes and tenementes / and other (the premysses) extende vnto / at the vttermost / So that the sayd {per}sone haue not goodes and catalles mouable / as beforesayd within this Realme of Englande / and in the parties be yonde the see / that amounte and extende aboue the sayd yerely value / at the vttermost of the sayd profyttes of the same landes / tenementes / annuytes / offyces / and Corodyes / For then in that case the parsone shalbe cessed by the value of the sayd goodes / and catalles / mouable / whiche is best for the kyng / And not by & after the yerely value of the sayd profyttes of his landes / and other (the premysses) beforesayd nor shalbe cessed for bothe / but for one the whiche shalbe best for the kynge / women hauynge husbondes oonly except.

¶ Also in the same Artycle to certyfy the names and surnames of euery parsone man and woman of thage of .xv. yeres or aboue / And with whiche of the sayd {per}sones they ben in housholde / and not hauynge landes / tenementes / seruyces / annuytes / fees / offyces, or Corodyes to his or their propre vse to the yerely value of .xx. s̄. nor goodes and catalles mouable to the value of .xl. s̄. nor be ynge a begger / nor lyuynge oonly by almes / of charyte / nor woman hauynge husbonde / ne takynge wages or profyttes for wages by yere to the value of .xx. s̄. And also the names and surnames of euery {per}sone takynge wa­ges or profyttes for wages by yece to the value of .xx. s̄. or aboue / and thenne to what value euery suche {per}s [...] [...]keth by yere in wages or profyttes for wages at the vttermoste, and with whiche of the sayd {per}sones they ben dwellynge or aby­dynge in husholde / and that you certyfy by your sayd wrytynge / whiche of the sayd parsones be borne vnder the kynges obeysaunce / and whiche be borne out of the kynges obeysaunce aswell the maysters as all the other abouesayd.

xl. s̄. or aboue in any place or places within this Realme of Englande or in the {per} [...]es of beyonde the see / And to what value the same goodes mouable extende and Amounte vnto at the vttermoste / Soo that the same {per}sone haue not profyttes / of landes / tenementes / rentes / seruyces / fees / annuytes / offyces / or Corodyes to his or theyr owne vse extendynge or Amoun tynge in yerely value aboue the value that the same goodes and catalles mouable of the same {per}sone amounteth to at the vttermost / For thenne in that case the {per}sone shalbe cessed by and after the yerely value of the sayd profyttes of his landes / tenementes / annuytes / fees / and offyces / whiche shalbe best for the kynge & not by and after the value of the same goodes and catalles / nor shalbe cessed for bothe / but for one the whiche shalbe beste for the kynge women hauynge husbondes on­ly except.

¶ Also in the same Artycle to certyfy the names & surnames of euery {per}sone man or woman of thage of .xv. yeres or aboue and not hauynge profyttes of landes / tenemēd / rentes / seruyc / annuytes / fees / offyces / or Corodyes to his or theyr propre vse to the yerely value of .xx. s̄. nor goodes / and catalles as beforesayd mouable to the value of .xl.s̄. nor beynge a Begger / nor lyuynge oonly by almes of charyte nor takyng wages or profyttes for wages by yere to the value of .xx s̄. nor woman hauynge husbonde. And also the names and surnames of euery suche {per}sone takynge wages or profyttes for wages by yere to the value of .xx s̄ or aboue / And to what value euery suche {per}sone taketh by yere in wages or prefyttes for wages at the vttermost / And with whiche of the sayd parsones they ben dwellynge or in housholde / And that you certyfye by your sayd wrytynge whiche of the sayd {per}sones be borne vnder the kynges obeysaunce / And whiche be borne out of the kynges obeysaunce aswell the maysters as all other aboue specyfyed.

¶ Also in an other Artycle the names and surnames of euery {per}sone beynge within the sayd warde / dwellynge / abydyn­ge / or hauynge his / or her moste resorte in or to the sayd parysshe & beynge of thage of .xv. yeres or aboue hauynge no pro­fyttes of landes / tenementes / and other (the premysses) to the yerely value of .xx. s̄. nor hauynge goodes and catalles / mo­uable to the value of .xl. s̄. nor beynge a begger / nor woman hauynge an husbonde / nor lyuynge oonly by Almes of chary [...] [...]or dwellygne / nor abydynge in housholde with any of them / nor takynge wages / nor profyttes for wages by yere to [...].xx. s̄. or aboue.

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