YE precious shelles that lie on
Lybian shore,
Nilus sable sandes in needelesse store,
Or in the welthie deepes that westerne lye,
The muddye mines of
Indian treasurie.
Where euer incofred in the lowly clay,
(There spitefull nature shrowdes your shining ray)
Yeelde vp the Pearles that in you buried bene,
To decke the triumphes of the Mayden Queene.
The six-square
Berill with his fierie shine:
The chast greene
Smar agde, ruddie Sardian stone,
Sardonix with mixt-lesse colours drest,
Androdamant that aye loueth rest,
The costly
Chrysolite of golden greene,
Jasper king of wholsome medicine.
A chates black, and cleare could Christalline.
Chaldean Sagda, coole
Some in her valted Diadem be set
Enameling her costly coronet.
Some binde the borders of her braunched gowne,
In seemly ranks descending fairely downe,
Or in her crisped lockes be looser laid,
Or dubling oft her bared bosome shade.
Giue place ye
Persians with your Tissued traines,
Which baser tymes accounted Souerayne
Giue place ye proudest Queenes that were araied
In curious needle workes of the
Tyrian maid.
Lo here the Art of Nature, pride of Art,
Vnited bene, yet striue for greater part
Nature the matter, Art doth claime the make,
And both their glory from her grace do take.
Descerning eye deale vnto each his due,
And giue the verdict with an equall view.
The Lyon is the Forrests King,
The flore-dece the pride of spring
The three in numbers leads the Ring
The square doth make the surest thing
Foure-quartars can diuide the best.
The circle is the perfectest,
The crosse once bore the holiest
Well may the crowne become their crest
Which all desine the worthiest.
A shame on him that thinkes amisse,
Or grudges at Elizaes blisse,
Grow euer greene victorious
Laurell tree,
Whose branch she beares in such solemnitye
And thou faire bow, bud out and spring anew,
That might'st vnto the world her triumph shew.
Meane while preferred by her gentle grace
To the reuenging sworde or awfull Mace.
Round globe the figure of her kingdomes right,
Due vnto herby sires subduing might
Betoken thou to her impiring hand,
The Northren world, and neighbour western land
From scattered
Orkneis vnto
Piren hils,
The sea-diuided Earths her Empire fils.
Vpon two Piles of Trophe-like ascent,
Much like the spires of
Egypts monuments,
Sit there two Nimphes arayd in lighter weede
To shew the wondering world her vertues meede.
Thone with a bending Palme, and band of Bayes,
The signes of many fortunate assayes,
Victorie selfe shall Crowne her aged heade,
While conquered
Spayne shalbe her captiue led.
The other on her crowned Temples beares
A girlond made of yellow wheaten Eares.
Her left hand holdeth vp the Horne of store,
Her right the wreath that earst
Pomona wore,
Peace in her Raigne, and plentie in her peace,
And in her plentie pleasure, and sweet ease
Wars in her Peace, and Conquests in her war,
And fame of Conquest Crownes the Conquerer
Thus doth
Elyza Triumph on her day,
Whiles her Nouembers sliden soft away.
Slide on ye blessed Moneths to those forepast,
And with the world winde vp your course at last.
The Lion awe, the flower her fayre estate,
Terneon perfect, square sure situate
Four quarters equal rule Circle large gouernance
The crosse her pietie, and sufferance.
These are to be soulde in Pawles ChurchÂyard at the Brasen Serpent by Robert Dexter, 1597.