¶ a trew copie of the mutuall band betuix the castell and toun of Edinburgh, contracrit in the obedience of the Kingis Maiestie our Souerane Lord, publis [...]hit that all men may the better persaue how the Laird of Grange, agains his faith, honour and promeis, is and hes bene, the Instrument and occasioun, of the present vnquyetnes and bypast vastatioun of the toun, to the suppressing of the exercise of Goddis trew Religioun, the hinderance of Iustice and Policie, and calamitie of the haill commoun wealth.

AT Edinburgh the viij. day of Maij, the ȝeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth, thre scoir and aucht ȝeiris. It is appointit, aggreit, and finally contractit and bound in vp, betuix the richt honorabill schir Williame Kirkcaldie of Grange Knicht Capitane of the castell of Edinburgh, for him self, kin, freindis, seruandis, assistaris and partakaris on that ane part. And the richt honorabill Symon Prestoun of Craigmillar of that Ilk Knicht, Prouest of the Burgh of Edinburgh, for him self, the Bailleis, counsal, Communitie and haill Inhabitantis of the said Burgh on the vther part: in maner forme and effect as efter followis. That is to say, Forsamekle as it is not vnknawin to thame, how that the Quene our Soueranes dearest Mother with certane of the Nobilitie, hir assistaris and partakaris, seikis be all meanis, sorce and power thay may, to depois our said Souerane of his Authoritie Royall: and for mair haistie performing thairof ar al­reddy conuenit in armes, for the Inuasioun of our said maist vndoutit Soueranes Regent, and Gouernour, Iames Erle of Murray, &c. and all vtheris his partakaris and assistaris, townis, castellis, cieteis, and haill liegis of this Realme: qubilkis will not obey and assist thame in thair vnnaturall and vngodly procedingis. For eschewing quhairof, sertifica­tioun, mantening and defending of our said vndoutit Souerane, now in his tender age, and his Regent foirsaid. The saidis Capitane and Prouest for thame selfis, and takand the burdene vpon thame, for the vtheris aboue writtin accor­ding to thair boundin dewtie and aith of fidelitie, geuin to thair maist vndoutit and nariue Souerane, for mantenance of him and his authoritie Royall, ar bundin, oblist and sworne, be the faith and treuth in thair bodyis, lyke as be thir pre­sentis thay bind, oblisch and sweiris be thair greit aithis, in all tymes cūming, to tak afald, trew, and plane part togidder forthe defence of our said Souerane, his Authoritie and persoun Royall. And either of thame, with thair haill force, sub­stance and power, to fortifie, assist, and mantene vtheris with thair bodyis and gudis, and to concur and pas togidder at all tymes and to all places neidfull: not onlie for the defence of the said castell, toun, leigis, habitantis & substances yair of: but alswa for the mantenance, ayde and defence of our said Souerane his Authoritie Royall and Regent foirsaid, aga­nis all and sindrie, that fall pretend to Inuaid, molest or persew thame or ony of thame. And to ayde and support vtheris with quhatsumeuer thing is necessare in thair possessiounis, or salbe possibill to thame to do, for the defence of vtheris, as neid sall requyre. And farther, that nouther of thame fall heir, se, nor acknawledge the dampnage or hurt of vtheris in thair personis, landis or gudis, bot sall Incontinent warne vtheris thairof, with all haist possibill: let, stop, and mak im­pediment to the samin, at thair vtter power. And finally, sall nouther contract, compone, tak appointment or mak aggre­ance by vtheris, but fall with thair haill poweris fortifie, defend and mantene vtheris in the causis abone writtin, but feinȝe or dissimulatioun: contrare and aganis all that leuis or die may, that sall happin to pretend to troubill or molest our said Souerane in his Authoritie Royall, his said Regent, assistatis and partakaris, this toun, castell, liegis, and haill In­habitantis thairof, for the causis foirsaidis. In witnes of the quhilk, to thir present letteris of Iudentouris and con­tract subscriuit with our handis, our signet is affixt at the said Burgh day ȝeir and place forisaid, befoir thir witnessis Schir Williame Maitland of Lethingtoun ȝounger Knicht, Maister Iames Makgill of Rankelour Nether, Clerk of Registar, Maister Archebald Dowglas Persoun of that Ilk, and Dauid Forest Generall with vtheris diuers.

  • W. Kirkcaldie.
  • Craigmillar Knicht

¶ Imprentit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekpreuik ANNO. DO. M.D.LXXIII.

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