Collected for the most part out of Mr. CROMPTON, his Booke, entituled The Iurisdiction of divers Courts.
LONDON, Printed for IOHN GROVE at Furniuals Inne Gate. 1630.
The Preamble explaining the causes properly belonging to the Cognizance of the Starchamber, viz. Vnlawfull Assemblies, Routs, Riots, Forgeries, Periuries, Cozenages, Libelling, and other like misdemeanors not especially provided for by the Statutes.
AN Vnlawfull Assembly is the meeting of three or more persons together,Vnlawfull Assemblies. with force to commit some unlawfull act, and abiding still, not endevoring the execution thereof, as to assault or beat any person, or to enter into his House or Land, &c. West part 2. Symbol. tractat. Indictments Sectio 6. Lambert in his Eirenarch. saith of it thus: An unlawfull assembly is the company of three persons (or more) gathered together to doe any unlawfull act although they doe it not in deed. So saith Kitchin fol. 20.
RoutRout. is originally a French word signifiing a Company or flocke. It signifieth in our [Page 2] Common Law an Assembly of three persons, or more going about forceably to commit an vnlawfull act, but yet doe it not. West part. 2. Symbol. Tractat. Indictments. Sect. 65. Lambert thus writeth of it; A Rout is the same which the Germanes yet call (Rot) meaning a Band or great Company of men gathered together, and going about to execute, or executing indeed any Riot or vnlawfull Act. And (saith Marrow) it is said properly of the multitude that assemble themselues in such disorderly sort for their common quarrels. As if the Inhabitants of a Township doe assemble to pull downe a hedge or pale, to haue Common where they ought to haue none, or to beate a man that hath done them some publike offence or displeasure. But the Stat. of 18. Ed. 3. cap. 1. which giueth Process of Outlawry against such, as bring routs into the presence of Iustices, or in affray of the peoplea; and the Stat. of Anno R. 2. cap. 6. that speaketh of ryding in great Routs to make entry into lands, to beat others, and to take their wiues, &c. do seeme to vnderstand it more largely.
And it is a Rout whether they put their purpose in execution or not, if so be that they goe, ride or moue forward after their meeting. Br. titulo Riot. ca. 5. So as it seemeth, a Rout should be a speciall kinde of vnlawfull Assembly. And the disorderly fact committed [Page 3] generally by any vnlawfull Assembly: Howsoeuer it be, two things be common both to Rout, Riot, and vnlawfull Assembly; the one that three persons at the least, bee gathered together; for so it is commonly taken at this day, as I haue learned: the other that they being together, doe breed disturbance of the Peace, either by signification of speech, shew of Armour, turbulent gesture, or actuall and expresse violence, so that either the peaceable sort of men bee vnquieted and feared by the fact, or the lighter sort & busie bodie emboldned by the example. Thus farre M. Lamb. in whom you may read much more to this purpose worth the reading.
A RyotRyott. is the forcible doing of an vnlawfull act by three or more persons assembled together for that purpose. West. part. 2. Symbol. tractat. Indictments Sectio 65. Kitchin fol. 19. giueth these examples of Ryots, the breach of inclosures, or of banckes or Conduits, Parks, Ponds, Houses, Barnes, the burning of stacks of Corne. And Mr. Lambert in his Eirenarcha vseth these examples, to beat a man, to enter forcibly vpon a possession.
The Statutes that concerne these matters are these following, Anno 2. Edw. 3. cap. 3. commonly called the Stat. of Northampton.
- Anno 2 R. 2. Stat. 1. cap. 6.
- Anno 13. H. 4. cap. 7.
- [Page 4]Anno 2. H. 5. cap. 8. & 9.
- Anno 8. H. 6. cap. 14.
- Anno 11. H. 7. cap. 7.
- Anno 19. H. 7. cap. 13.
- Anno 1. Mar. Parl. 1. cap. 12.
- Anno 2. R. 2. Stat. primo cap. 7.
- Anno 17. R. 2. cap. 8.
The Civilians call it Caetum, vel Turbam, which we call an unlawfull assembly, defining it in these words: Turba est quae consistit ex multitudine hominum ad malt cujusquam perpetrationem congregatorum; and this multitude must be of fifteene, or tenne at the least. Praetor de vi bono rapt. §. 1. Et Barthol. ibidem. Howbeit, the Constitutions and Customes of divers Countries doe restraine this to a lesser number: as to foure in Burgundy, Chassaneus de Consuetud. Burgum rubri 13. §. 6. And it is a private offence to any person, & lyeth civiliter ad duplum only, within the compass of the first yeare: and ad simplum afterwards for any thing lost, or other harme incidently befalling; or in quadruplum, for any thing taken away by any of the tumult. But it is also punished criminally, as a publike offence done to the Commonwealth, and against the peace. And first if the force be done without armes, it is called vis privata, and punished by the third part of his goods that causeth it, and by infamy that depriveth him of all possibility [Page 5] either to become a Senatour, or a Decurian, or a Iudge, or other Honourable person, or Officer. If it be with armes, then it is termed vis publica, and is punished in the intention no lesse than in the effect, per deportationem, that is, perpetuall banishment, if he be a freeman; or by death, if slaughter be committed: If he be a servant, then by death simply. The Saxons punish it at this day per fastigationem, vel manus amputationem. But three things here be accessarily incident. First, that the force raised be greater than may bee resisted by him against whom it is intended, without other helpe. Next, that the force be vis armata, that is, quae fit adhibitis armis: the third, that there be dolus, that is, a pretended malice, or setled intention to harme. Gayl. de pace Pub. lib. 1. cap. 7.
The reason why the intention in this case is reputed an effect, is because it is reckoned inter atrociora delicta: In the which, for the extraordinary regard of the publike estate, conatus perinde atque effectus punitur. Gayl. ubi supra cap. 13.
ForgeryForgery. is a falshood committed in or about some writing or Deed: as if a man write or signe a false Testament, or falsely set down therein some Legacie, or trust in himselfe; or if he make a false Deed, or Accompt, or other Instrument; or if he bribe or corrupt [Page 6] a Iudge, or doe raze, change, or corrupt any writing, to the defrauding of another man, or doe convey, remove, or take away, suppresse, conceale, or falsely signe a Testament, or counterfeit another mans hand in writing, or counterfeit the hands of Magistrates, and Certificates, Testimonialls, or Licenses in their names, or corrupt or suborne false witnesses, or make false accompt or reckoning. West. part. 2. Symbol. tractat. Indictments, Sect. 60. I finde three Statutes against this offence.
- Anno 1. H. 5. cap. 3. repealed by Anno Ed. cap. 14.
- Anno 7. H. 5. cap. 3.
- Anno 5. Eliz. cap. 14.
Forgery, is that which the Civilians call Crimen falsi, or at the least one part thereof: For by them Crimen falsi is extended as well to false measures, or weights, to false accusations, and conspiracies, (as we call them) ad partus suppositos, and such like, as to forging of writings, or Deeds. That which wee call Forgery, they terme falsitatem scriptorum, which is committed by as many wayes as are above expressed in the example of definition set downe by West.
Bana falsi, aut quasi falsi, id est, ejus delicti quod ex Senatus consulto, aut interpretat' prudent: pro falso habetur, est deportatio, & omnium [Page 7] bonorum publicatio, in liberis, in servis ultimum supplicium: Sed hodie haec est paena arbitraria, & pro qualitate delicti, aut extenditur ad ultimum supplicium, aut remittitur usque ad manus amputationem, vel religationem temporal. Wesenb. in parat. de crimine falsi. But for the diversity of punishments in this case, according to the diversity of the offence in these latter times, See Dantrowderius in his criminall practice, cap. 122.
PerjuryPerjury. is a lye confirmed by oath. West. part. 2. Symbol. tractat. Indictments Sect. 28. Mendacium juramento firmatum, Iul. Clar. perjur. This perjury that is punishable in the Starre-chamber, as I have heard learned men say, is such as is committed in some of the Kings Courts of Record. For if it be an extrajudiciall perjury, or committed in a Court Christian, or any inferiour or base Court, it is rather punishable by Ecclesiasticall penance. Such perjury as is commonly punished in the Starchamber, is corrected by some arbitrary censure; as sometime by fine to his Majesty, sometime by pillory, sometime by whipping, sometime by losse of an eare or eares, sometimes by imprisonment, and sometimes by more of these punishments joyned together, according to the quality of the offence, or of the person: touching perjuries, looke these Statutes:
- [Page 8]Anno 3. Ed. 1. cap. 37.
- Anno 5. E. 3. cap. 6.
- Anno 11. H. 6. cap. 5.
- Anno 15. H. 6. cap. 5.
- Anno 18. H. 6. cap. 4. & cap. 14.
- Anno 1. R. 3. cap. 4.
- Anno 11. H. 7. cap. 15. 21. 23. 24. & 25.
- Anno 1. H. 8. cap. 1.
- Anno 23. H. 8. cap. 3.
- Anno 26. H. 8. cap. 4.
- Anno 5. El. cap. 9.
We have perjury committed in England by one meanes, which in other Nations is unknowne: And that is by the Iury or Enquest, that breake their oathes in giving up their verdict. In which case there lyeth a Writ of attaint against them, whereby they are summoned to appeare in the Kings Bench at a certaine day, and there being convict of perjury, are according to the ancient Law of England to undergoe a most ignominious punishment: as you may reade in Glanvil. li. 2. cap. 19. and Breton cap. 53. & cap. 100. and Fortescue cap. 26. And that is to have their Medowes eared, their Houses broken down, their Woods burned up, their Lands and Tenements forfeited to the King, and (as it may be gathered out of Fitzherb. Nat. Br. in the Writ of Attaints, fol. 195. their bodies to be committed to prison during the Kings [Page 9] pleasure, but wee see no example of this in these daies, but rather in lieu of this, some of these punishments formerly expressed.
This by the Civill Law is a branch of crimen falsi, and therefore is censured as before is set downe in Forgery, howbeit the best Civilians be of opinion, that it hath not any ordinary punishment, but juxta arbitrium Iudicis, Fachin de controv. Iuris, lib. 1. ca. 14. yet other effects doe follow of it, as Iulius Clarus mentioneth. Perjurium, first it is questionable, whether that he that is perjurus be infamis infamia Iuris or not, and the common opinion is negative, yet with this distinction, super juramento assertorio hee is not: Sed si promiscrit cum juramento aliquid de futuro, & illud non fecerit, ex tali perjurio fit infamis infamia Iuris; Item Clericus propter perjurium potest privari dignitate obtenta non tamen privatur ipso jure; Et haec est communis opinio, Clerirus tamen perjurus, si instituatur in aliquo beneficio non valet institutio ipso iure; Et haec est communis opinio, Clericus tamen periurus; incidit etiam perjurus circapacta, vel transactiones in poenas Legis 41. Col. de transactione: viz. nō solū infamatur verumetiā actione privatur restituta poena quae pactis probatur inserta & rerum proprietate careat & emolumento, quod ex pactione, vel transactione illa fuerit consecutione. Praeterea perjurus repellitur ab agendo etiam à testificando: Si tamen juramentum licitum [Page 10] fuerit non temerit non temerarium & illicitum.
Excusatur tamen perjurus a poena perjurij diversis modis, & inprimis, si ostendit se sine dolo fuisse pejurum.
Secundo propter difficultatem juramenti observandi. Tertio si tale perjurium nulli alij sit detrimentosum.
Romani solebant eos punire qui per nomen Principis perjuri erant, nos quidem eos qui per nomen Dei perjuri sunt.
CozenageCozenage. is an offence, whereby any thing is done guilfully in or out of contracts, which cannot fitly bee termed by any speciall name, West. part 2. Symbol. tract. Indictments Sectio 68.
This is by the Civilians called Stellionatus, à Stellione, quod est lacertae genus quo nullum animal homini invidet fraudulentius, Plinius libr. 3. cap. 10.
The punishment of this is Arbitrary as in our Realme, so likewise by the Civill Law, as appeareth by the twentieth title of the 47. booke of the Digests, and Wesenbecius parat. upon the same.
Libellers be oftentime dealt with in Starchamber, as offenders not sufficiently provided for by the Lawes otherwise, wherefore it is not amisse here to define a Libell: Famosus Libellus est non modo si dissimulato, vel ficto [Page 11] authoris nomine edatur, verumetiam si expresso. But then what is the difference betweene an injurie in writing, and a Libell?An iniury in writing. For iniuria is either realis quae re infligitur, ut per verbera, aut verbalis quae verbo vel scripto or personalis quae personae infligitur ut per verbera vel cruciatum. The difference therefore betweene a written injury and a Libell is, quia famosus libellus ad infamiam pertinet, hoc est impingit delictum aliquod not abile, injuria fit contumeliae causa, etiam abs{que} infamiae nota, ut si quis luscus, spurius, claudus, alioue contumelioso nomine appelletur & traducatur.
The rest of the misdemeanors punishable in this Court cannot bee comprized under any certaine title but this, for that the most part be such as receive no speciall punishment, by either the common or Statute Law. And these in the Civill Law are called crimina extraordinaria quia extra ordine puniuntur, unde certae nullae poenae existunt; Sed arbitrio iudicis committuntur. Of these you may read many in the 47. booke of the Digests, titulo 11. and in Wesenbecius upon the same. But which they bee with us appeareth in some sort by these cases, that M. Crompton hath in this treatise following set downe de facto to have beene censured heretofore in this Honourable Court.
The Court of Starre-chamber, and matters before the Kings Counsell. Set forth in French by M. Crompton in his Booke entituled, The Iurisdiction of divers Courts.
THe Court of Starr-chamber is a High Court, held before the King, and his Counsell, and others. And those that be sued there bee called by a Subpoena to appeare before the King and his Councell, at the day mentioned in the writ. At the which day if he make default, then upon oath taken that the party was served with the Subpoena, there shall issue out an Atachment, upon the which if he be taken and doe appeare, he shall be committed to the Fleet, by the discretion of the Court. If hee bee not taken nor yeeld himselfe, there shall then issue out a Proclamation of Rebellion, with Commandement to apprehend him, and to have his body before [Page 14] the King, and his Counsell at the day set downe in the writ. At the which if he appeare he shall be committed to the Fleet. But if hee appeare gratis upon the Proclamation or upon the Attachment the contempt will not be so heynous, if hee have any reasonable excuse. And upon his default of appearance upon the Proclamation there shall goe out a Commission of Rebellion which appeareth hereafter in this treatise.
Note that if the partie doe gratis yeeld himselfe upon Proclamation hee shall bee bound by Obligation to the King before the Master of the Office of this Court to appeare at everie Session of the Lords untill he be discharged.
Note that the Stat. Anno 3. H. 7. cap. 1. giveth that the Chancellor, and the Lord of the privy seale, calling to them two Lords, the one spirituall the other temporall of the Kings Counsell, and the chiefe Iudges, may examine Riotts and maintenances,Maintenances. &c. And none is Iudge of this but the Chācellor, Treasuror, or Lord Privy Seale, or two of them: the other shall be Assistants and not Iudges. Ad quod concordant omnes Iusticiarij; And the same is to be said of the Statute concerning the reversing of errours in the Exchequer Chamber by the Chancellor and Treasuror, calling to them two Iudges sed in primo casu [Page 15] Iusticiarij tenent it to be an error, If the Chancellor, Treasuror, &c. doe not call the Iudges, and doe by their Iudgments, because the Stat. so limiteth, 8. H. 7. 13. Commentar. 393.
An Abbot releaseth his right in twelve Acres of Land to a Purveyor of the King for extremity done to the Abbot by taking of his goods, viz. Beeves: & consilio Regis, A release made by extremity. it was awarded that the Release was void by reason of that extremity, 28. Assises 39. appertaineth to the Common Law, Idco quaere.
Note that Knivet Iustice saith that one who had reported in the Country that there were warres beyond Sea:False reports. so that none could passe by Sea that yeare, whereupon the price of Woolfels were sold at a lesse rate. And he for that cause was constrained to come before the Kings Counsell, and fined to the King, 43. pounds Assise 38.
If any man make a suggestion to the King himselfe which is false,False-suggestion to the King. by meanes whereof any man be turned to damage or losse, he that maketh this false suggestion shall be brought with his suggestion before the Chancellor, Treasurer, and his great Counsell, and there shall find suerty to prove his suggestion. And if he that made the suggestion or cōplaint cānot prove his intention against the Defendant by process of Law; he shal be imprisoned, and shall so remaine untill hee have made gree [Page 16] to the party for the damages, and for the slander that he hath borne by that occasion, and shall afterward be fined and ransomed to the King 37. Ed. 3. cap. 18. 38. Edw. 3. cap. 9.
When men are compelled to come before the Kings Counsell by writs founded upon an untrue suggestion,Vntrue suggestion. the Chancellor after the suggestion is found untrue, shall have power to award damages at his discretion to him that is so unjustly troubled, 17. R. 2. ca. 6. And by these two stat. it seemeth that the Counsell of the King heard causes long before the stat. 3. H. 7. ca. 1. But some write that they had not authority before the Stat. to heare heynous misdemeanors, &c. But by this statute the contrarie appeareth, and by the case 43. lib. Assise 38. supra & ut: vide 13. Ed. 4. ca. 9.
An Assize was awarded for damages for the plaint: upon certificate of the Bishop that the Tenant was a Bastard; where the Parliament had sent a Writ to the Iustices of Assize to cease, and yet they proceeded ut supr. whereupon the Chancellour reversed this judgement before the Counsell, and setled it in the same plight it was in upon the Certificate, &c. and sendeth it backe to the Iustices of Assize, who proceeded and gave judgement for the plaint: because the Bishop had certified the Tenant to be a Bastard, and [Page 17] had no regard to the reversall before the Counsell, for that is no plea where judgement may be reversed. Quod nota, & sic vide, that they had no respect to the maner of 13. Ed. 3.14.
The Chancellour and Treasuror of England for the time being, and the Keeper of the Kings privy Seale, or two of them, calling to them a Bishop, and a Temporall Lord and the two Chiefe Iustices of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas, or two other Iustices in their steads, upon Bill or Information to the Chancellor for the King, or any other, against any person for unlawfull maintenance, giving of liveries, signes, or tokens, and retainers by Indenture, promises, or other writings, or otherwise for embraceries of the Kings subjects, deceitfull behaviour of Sheriffes, in making pannells or untrue returnes, for taking of money for Iurors, for great Ryots, and unlawfull assemblies, have authority to call before them by Writ, or privie Seale, the said misdoers, and to punish them according to their demerits, as if they had beene committed by the Common Law. 3. H. 7. cap. 1.
The Chancellor, Treasuror of England, and President of the Kings Counsell, attending upon his person for the time being, and the Keeper of the Kings privie Seale, or two [Page 18] of them, calling to them a Bishop and a Temporall Lord of the Kings Counsell, and the two Chiefe Iustices of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas,Misbehaviours mentioned in the Stat. an. 3. H. 7. or other two Iustices in their places, upon Bill of Information to be given to the Chancellour of England, Treasurer, President of the Counsell, or Keeper of the privie Seale, for any misdemeanour mentioned in the Statut. 3. H. 7. cap. 1. have power to call before them by a Letter under the privie Seale, such misdoers, and to examine them, and such as they shall finde defective, to punish according to the Statute, and all other Statutes made heretofore, even as if they were convict by the Common Law: 21. H. 8. cap. 20.Taking of women under the age of 16 years. they may punish the taking of women under the age of sixteene yeares from their parents against their wills, and contract mariage with them, against 4. & 5. Phil. & Mar. cap. 18.
Forgery.They may punish a forger of false Deeds, per 5. Ed. 1. ca. 14.
They may punish those that obtaine goods and chattells of any other by false tokens and messagesFalse tokens and messages. counterfeited in other mens names, by 33. H. 8. he shall bee set on the Pillory, or have other corporall punishment, other than of death, as the Court shall award where he is convict.
They may punish perjury, by 5. Ed. 1. ca. 9. [Page 19] and subornation of perjury, ibid. Perjury and subornation of perjury. Spreaders of false newes, and false messages of Noblemen upon the Stat. 2. R. 2. c. 5. is grounded Scand magnat. Fraudulent detainings. Fines upon Indictments.
They may punish spreaders of false newes, and false messages of Noblemen and other against the Statut. anno 12. R. 2. cap. 11. 2. R. 2 cap. 5. Vide Parlm. the case of the Duke of Buck, and the Lord of Daburganie.
They may and doe punish notable deceit and fraudulent detaining in this Court, and cosenages.
They may assesse a greater fine than is assessed by the Iustices of Peace upon Indictments in the County, as it fell out in the case of Sir Iohn Conway, and Lodovick Grevill, for that the said L. assaulted the said Sir Iohn; and strucke him to the ground at Temple-barre, with a cudgell called a bastinado, for which he made fine in this Court C.l. and more about the 27. of Eliz. though he were indicted in the Country for the same assault, and fined before the Iustices of Peace there, or found surety for the same fine.
A woman great with childe,Whipping a woman with childe suspected of incontinencie. which was suspected of incontinency without cause, was commanded to be whipped in Bride-well, London, by the Masters there, and because she fell to travell before her time, &c. they were for this fined in this Court as a great summe: And by order of the Court it was awarded that they should pay a certaine sum to the said woman, about the 31 of Eliz. See [Page 20] the proceedings there concerning this matter in the yeare aforesaid, set downe more at large.
Notorious deceit in taking of beasts.A man tooke the beasts of another, but not felloniously, and held them as his owne in the deceit of the buyer: This falshood may be punished here, if it be a notorious deceit as it seemeth, for he may have an action upon the case, Br. 85. lib. Ass. 8.
Deceit in an execution of a writ of Elegit.A man hath an Elegit, and the Creditor causeth the Iury to finde that the debtor hath more land than indeed hee hath, insomuch as the Creditor hath all the Land in execution: there he hath no remedy to disanull the execution by the Common Law, because he hath the Land by Record, viz. by the verdict of the Iury: vide action upon the case, Br. 81. 27. lib. ass. 73. that he cannot have remedy of this falshood, but it seemeth that he shall bee punished in this Court of Starchamber: for this dealing is a procurement to the Iury to be forsworne, and no attaint lyeth, for it is but an Enquest of Office.
An Attourney acknowledged a Stat. in an other mans name without authority, he shall have an action upon the case, Bro. title of fines, 54. for hee hath no remedy to defeat this by the Common Law, 19. H. 6. 44. It may bee ordered here that it shall bee disanulled by the party to whom it is acknowledged if hee [Page 21] be privie to the falshood and deceit.
A fine was taken by dedimus potestat. A fine taken of a femme covert and falsly entred. in Kent of a femme covert who died before Easter Terme next following, and the fine was entred in Hillarie Terme before and the Queenes silver entred the same Terme also, this fine was held good, and yet the party, viz. the husband which caused the fine to bee so entred, was called by Bill into the Starre-chamber to answer to his deceit, but yet the fine was ingrossed by the Court Dyer fol. 220. and this was the case of Carrell the yonger of the Inner Temple. Master Fleetwood the Recorder of London was assaulted by one of the Queenes house as hee was going to Westminster, in the terme time, who gave him diverse wounds, for which hee was fined in this Court, and put out of the Queenes service.
The Earle of Arundel, viz. The Earle of Arundell was vpon the sea to passe over without licence. sonne to the Duke of Norfolke, was vpon the Sea to have passed over without licence of the Queene, & he was fined at a great summe in this Court of Starre-Chamber, circa 30. Eliz. Regin. vide stat. 5. R. 2. that none should goe over sea without licence of the King.
Note that one tooke upon him to view or survey Gentlemens Armes in the Countrey,Surveying of Gentlemens armes, and counterfeiting the Heralds seale. as if he had been an Herald, and had counterfeited a seale of the same Office. And he was fined in the Starre-Chamber, because he had [Page 22] gotten money of the Queenes subjects by his falshood, 27. Eliz. vel circa.
Taking of money to favour Lod. Grevill suspected of being accessary to murther.Divers of the County of Midlesex had taken money to favour Lod. Grevill prisoner in the Tower for suspition of being accessary to murther if they should bee returned upon his deliverance, and of this they were convicted by good proofe. And they were fined in this Court to great fines, and three of them did weare papers from the Fleet to Westminster Hall, and there also, and backe againe to the Fleet, 31. Eliz. vide fines for contempts, Fitz. lib. Assisarum 43. where one that tooke five markes for being sworne to deliver a thiefe which was committed and indicted of felony for the King.
A Iustice of Peace refusing to take the peace of one that offered suertie to him for the peaceA Iustice of Peace was put out of Commission by order of this Court, for because that he refused to take the Peace of one who came to him, and offered him suerty for the Peace, because that the Iustice which did award the warrant was not his friend, for which reason he refused to goe before him to be bound to the peace, Lamb. fol.
A forraigne plea put in upon false oath.A man put in a forraigne plea in London upon his oath which was false, for the which he was sued here in this Court, for perjury, and the case heard there, 30. Eliz.
In the Case of Draiton Basset in Staffordshire circa 22.If Iustices neglect the apprehension of Riotors. Eliz. some Iustices which dwelt neer unto the place where the Riot was, were called into this Court by proces, and fined, and it was upon the Star. of 17. R. 2. ca. 8. which is, that the Sheriffe, and others the Kings Officers, shall apprehend Riottors, which assemble themselves together in outragious manner. And note, that this Riot there, was notorious: for there were a great number that were assembled in the Manour house of Draiton Basset, and held it forcibly.
Thomas Worsley was seized in the right of his wife, of divers lands in Lancaster,Couin. Touching the acknowledging of a fine by persons under yeares. circa 16. Elizab. both of them being within age, viz. the husband within sixteene yeares, and the wife of thirteene yeares. One W. caused a Dedimus potestat. by the procurement of one B. which should have the land to be procured to Sir H.T. and others to take cognizance of the said Husband and Wife, of the said lands, both of them being within age, ut supra, as also plainly appeared to the Commissioners. And one A. K. and Sister of the said Katherine, and next heire unto her, did exhibite a Bill in this Court of Starr-Chamber in her owne name, viz. in the name of A. versus and him that was of the Covin for the purchasing, and also against [Page 24] the said Sir H. T. and the other Commissioners. And thereupon the said matter found, the said W. was fined to a great summe, and likewise B. and Sir H: T. & fuit factum hoc circa 28. Eliz. as Worsley himselfe did tell mee. And this fine was also in a Writ of Errour in the Kings Bench brought by the husband being of full age, and his wife being within age, reversed circa 30. Eliz. and adiudged to bee void, as well against the husband as against the wife: and the husband entered presently, and execution did not cease during the life of the husband: and this Worsley himselfe did tell me likewise, who was the husband. Et 32. H. 6. 31. is that if a maryed wife elope, & goe away from her husband, and lives in adultery, and leuieth a fine as a single woman, if the husband enter, the fine is defeated, or avoided; as wel against the wife as against the husband vide Carrels Case in the Common Pleas, & vide the Booke of Entries, fo. 278. that the Iudgment in a writ of Error to reverse a fine, is, Consideratum est quod pedes finium praed. a filatiis finium, extrahantur & cancellantur. Then in Worsleys Case supra, if the fine shall be cancelled against the wife, it cannot be of force against the husband.
Note that the Iury of London which acquited Sir Nicholas Throgmorton Knight circa primo Mariae Regina of high Treason, because that [Page 25] the matter was thought to bee proved sufficiently against him, were called in the Starre-chamber in October, 1544. and eight of them were fined there at great summes, every one of them at five hundred pounds at the least, and awarded also backe againe to prison, there to remaine untill further order were taken for their punishment, and the other foure were released of their imprisonment, because they submitted themselves and acknowledged that they had offended, not considering the truth of the matter, ut patet per Hollingshead fo: 1759 vide eleven of a Iury which did acquite one Hodye of Felony before Sir Roger Manwood Chiefe Baron in his Circuit in Somersetshire against apparent evidence: they were fined in Star-chamber, and did weare papers in Westminster hall, circa 22. Eliz. the which my selfe-saw.
Note that one G writes his Letter to a Iuror to appeare betweene L. and C. D. and to doe his conscience,One writes to a Iuror to appeare and to doe his conscience. and he was fined at twenty pounds here, because he had nothing to doe in the matter, circa 27. Eliz. Here note, that no man ought to meddle in any matter depending in suite, where hee hath nothing to doe.
One Smith of the County of Somerset Esq; was fined in the Court for slanderous words,Slanderous words against a Knight. which he had spoken of one Sir Iohn Young Kt, [Page 26] which touched his life, which the said Smith could not prove, and hee was committed and gave great damages to the Knight, vid. 38. Ed. 3. ca. 9. ut supra. And yet he may have an Action of the Case at the Common Law.
A false endeavor to proue a man to be a Traytor.One L. O. of Kent was punished in the Court for falsly going about to prove one that was his Cousin or Brother, to be a Traitor; And for this he was adjudged to ride about Westminsterhall with his face to the horse-taile, circa 27. Eliz. as I heard.
A false procurement, of a man to be indited of Murder.Note that one S. of the County of Lancaster for falsly procuring one to be indited for the death of another, was fined in this Court to a great summe, circa 31. Eliz.
Divers were set on Pillory in Cheapside in Lond. circa 36. H. 8. for cutting out the tōgues of certaine liuing beastes, and for barking of certaine fruit trees and burning of a Farme malitiously of one Greshams, et vide the stat. of 37. H. 8. ca. now that hee shall pay vnto the party treble Damages and shall forfeite ten pound to the King for fine in the said cases, sauing that the burning of a Farme malitiously was made fellony 37.Certaine procured themselues to be carried into an house of a Iustice, to be examined of Fellony vpon purpose to serue a Writ. H. 8. but this was repealed. 1. E. 6. ca. 12.
One had an Attachment out of the Chancery against a Iustice of Peace, because hee would not stand to an order made there viz. because he wold not yeeld the possession of a [Page 27] house to him which purchased the writ: and it was devised (as a meane, the sooner to come to the possession of the said house) that certaine persons should have a warrant speciall from the Sherife to execute the same writte, and should come to the said house vnder colour to be examined upon suspition, & when they came there with the Constable and diuers others attending upon them to bring them before the Iustice of Peace to be examined, ut supra.
The Constable who was privie to this device as the Iustice thought, knockt at the doore, and presently the said persons rusht into the house suddenly with force, against the will of the servant, having no weapon about them, but their daggers under their cloakes: and when they were in the house, they kept it with force two dayes. Whereupon the Iustice exhibited his Bil in this Court against the said persons, and against others that were supposed to be advisors or privie unto it, and after some of them put in their Answers there, the party did agree to the suite of the Defendant.
For by such a device a man may be murdered and robbed in his owne house, as if men should come in the night to search for a Felon upon a false Hue and Cry: and therefore this device is very dangerous, and it seemeth by [Page 28] such an atachment he cannot breake the house because it was the suite of the party: and againe if he might enter forcibly, yet notwithstanding hee ought not to abide there, & keep it forcibly, and therefore it was wrong from the beginning.
Lords of Parliament.If a Lord of the Parliament be sued in this Court, the Chancellor shall write unto him, giving him notice of the same suite, and requiring him at a certaine day to answer to the said Bill. At which day if he appeare not, yet notwithstanding no Atachment shall go forth as there shall against other Subiects under their estate. Quare Quaere. if hee shall make his Answer upon his Honour, as they doe in the tryall of a Peere of the Realme of Treason or Felony, or upon his oath.
If a Duchesse, or Countesse, or Wife of any Lord of the Parliament, bee maryed to a Knight,Noble women; disparaging themselues by Mariage. and be sued in this Court, a common Subpoena shall goe forth against him and his wife, by the name of A. B. and B. his wife, without naming her in the Writ by the name of Honor which she had before; for she hath lost this name by the Law, Quod vide nomen dignitatis. Br. 31. 69. Witnes Lady Dame Powers, who maryed Mr. Haward, and the Duchesse of Suffolke, that maryed Adrian Stokes. Dyer 79.
If a Duchesse, or Countesse, or Wife of [Page 29] any Lord of the Parliament after the death of her husband be impleaded in this Court,Noble mens Widowes. or in the Chancery, the Plaintiffe cannot sue a Subpoena against her, but the Chancellor shall write unto her as the use is unto their husbands. Quaere hoc, & vide 35. H. 6. Subp. fo. 20 Subpoena against a Lord which the Sheriffe durst not arest upon a Supplicavit of Peace. Noble women in case of Treason and how to be tryed.
Vpon an Arraignment of Treason or Felonie of the said Noblewomen as well maryed as single, they shall be tryed by Peeres of the Realme. 20. H. 6. ca. 9, & Stanf. 153. And before the Statute aforesaid it was doubted in this case how they should be tryed.
If a man speake slanderous words of Noblemen,Slanderous words of noblewomen, which stat. [...]. 2. R. ca. 5. Quaere if hee shall haue an Action upon the Stat. de Scandal. Magnat. but the Defendant shall be punished in this Court.
A Knight of the County of Northumberland was fined in a great summe in the Starr-Chamber,Suffering a seditious books to be printed in his house. because hee permitted a seditious Booke called Martin Marprelate to be printed in his house, 32. Eliz.
One writes to a Iustice of the Peace to send him his warrant with a blanke,Iustice sendeth his Warrant with a blanck. to put in one that hee would atach upon suspition of Felonie, [Page 30] and so the Iustice did, and because hee sent his warrant with a Blanke to put in the name of one hee knew not, neyther the matter, before the making of his Warrant, hee was fined in this Court circa 30. Eliz. and it was one Sir I. R.
The forme of a Writ or Commission of REBELLION, where the party after Proclamation to yeeld himselfe sub poena legiantiae si non comparaverit coram Consilio, &c. est ut sequitur.
Qu [...]a G. F. & I. R. quibus per publicas Proclamationes per Vice-com' Comitatus nostri Derb: in diversis locis ejusdem Comitatus virtute Brevis nostri eodem Vic' directi ex parte fact' praeceptum fuit quod ijdem G. F. & I. R. sub poena legiant' suarū coram Nobis & Consilio nostro apud Westm. ad cert [...]diem dicto Brevi nostro content' personaliter compara [...]': Mandat [...] nostro in ea parte parere manifeste contempserunt. Ideo vobis tribus, d [...]obus, vel [...] vestrum mandamus, quod praefat' G. F. & I. R. ubitun{que} inventi fuerint infra regnum nostram Angl [...] tanquam rebelles & legis nostri contemptores at achiatis, vel atachiari faciatis, ita quod e [...]t habeat is vel haberi faciatis coram [Page 32] Nobis & dicto Consilio nostro apud Westm. in Crastino Animarum pr [...]x. futur ad respondend super his qua sibi objicientur, tunc ibidem & ad faciend alterius & recipiend quod per Nos & dictum Consilium nostru consideratum fuerit in hac parte, & hoc nullatenus omittatis, Damus enim vobis & singulis Majoribus, Vice-Com, Ballivis, Constabulatiis, & aliis Officiartis, Ministris, & subditis nostris quibuscund [...]c tam infra libertat quam extra tenere praesent firmiter in mandat quod vobic & cuilibet vestrum in executionem praemissorum sint intend & assistent in omnibus diligent prout decet.
In cujus rei testimoni [...]m has Literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes.
Teste Me-ipso apud West [...] 23. die Maij, Anno Regni nostri, &c.
A false returne of a Knight of the Shire.
Brunker Sherife of Wilts was sued by an information of perjury in this Court at the suit of the Queene for a false returne made of Sir. I. T. to be a Knight of the Parliament for the said County, whereas indeed one P. [Page 33] was chosen by the greater number of free tenants in the said County, in deceipt of the County and of all the Realme, and it appeared by examination that Brunker was not sworne to execute his office, notwithstanding that, a Dedimus potestatem was directed to one Lord to giue him his oath, who disswaded him from it, for the difficulty of the Articles; And this matter by graue resolution and honourable and great assembly of the Noblemen was ordered against Brunker, viz. for contempt of the ancient Law, scilicet, That euery Sherife in the beginning of his office shall sweare, which the said B. did not, wherefore he shall pay vnto the King 100 pound beside inprisonment for fiue weekes, and moreouer 100 pound adiudged to the King according to the stat. 8. H. 6. ca. 7. for the false returne, and also a yeares imprisonment without bayle or main-prize. And Hide the Cōmissioner appointed to receiue the oath, was fined at twenty markes, besides a fortnights imprisonment, and also B. and P. were bound by recognizance to stand to the arbiterment of foure Noble-men, for the hundred pounds due vnto P. But Sir I. S. was bound in 300. pounds to Brun. for to save him harmless for his returne, Dyer 168.
Suing in a Bishops Court for things belonging to the Kings Court (ant alibi) is interpreted by the common Lawyers to signifie the Bishops court, but it ought to be taken for the place where the Pope resideth as Auignion in France or such other place of his abode.The Statute of 16. R. 2. cap. 5. gives, that if any sue in the Court of Rome, or any where else where it is taken to be the Bishops Court or other Court, 47. Old Nat. Brev. 147, for any thing which appertaines to the Kings Court, he shal incurre the penaltie of the said Statute, and the partie grieved may sue the Offender before the King and his Counsell, by Atachment, or by Writ of Premunire against the party, or may sue against him In Custodia Mariscalli in Banco Regis, by Bill. 36. H. 6. 5. Action upon the Statute, Br. 372. Ri. 3. 17. But a man may sue in the Kings Court as many matters as he will without perill.
If a Ryot cannot be found afore Iustices &c.If a Riot bee found before Iustices of the Peace upon inquisition made, then the Iustices of Peace and the Sherife or under. Sherife shall certifie before the King and his Counsell all the acts and circumstances of the Ryot, which shall be of the same force that the presentment by twelue men should have beene, and those which are convicted shall be punished, according to the discretion of the King, and his Counsell. 13. H. 4. ca. 7. and notwithstanding, this matter may be certified in the Kings bench aswell as before the King, and his Counsell, as Iustice Southcot said, and note that the certificate ought to be certaine in all points,The King and his Counsell. because that it is in the nature of an Inditement.
If one speake slanderous words of an Archbishop or Bishop,Slanderous word of an Archbishop or Bishop. hee may sue in the Starre-Chamber to haue him punished, or hee may have an Action upon the Statute de Scandalo magnatum, An. 2. R. ca. 5. & 1 [...]. ejusdem ca. 11. as appeared in Sands his Case Bishop of Yorke, in the Starre-chamber betweene him and one Stapleton Knight.
One spoke of my Lord Dyer Chiefe Iustice of the Common Pleas that he was a corrupt Iudge,If one say of the Kings Iustice, that hee is corrupt. for which he was convicted in this Court, and adjudged to stand upon the Pillorie, vide Statut. de scandal. magnatum, in the which the Iudges of the Law are mentioned, and surely this man was a very grave, reverend and upright Iudge by the generall report of all men, and by this report greatly abused.
One had cast abroad slanderous Libells of one that was Bishop of C. circa 20. Regina. Slanderous Libels of a Bishop. and was punished in this Court.
The King himselfe is by intendment alwaies present here in person,The Prince is alwaies intended to bee present in the Court of Starre-chamber. for the Subpoena that goes out to warne any to appeare in this Court is Coram nobis & Consilio nostro. And although the King come not thither, yet being that his Counsell is there, it is intended that the King himselfe is there, And that which his Counsell doth here is adjudged in Law as the Kings deed himselfe, for they speake with his mouth.
Question of the Constable.If strife or debate be whether a suit to bee tryed by battell shall be before the Constable, or Marshall, or by the Common Law the said Constable and Marshall commanding them to surcease untill it bee decided by the Kings Counsell,The kings counsell the Iudge between Iurisdictions. which of them shall have cognizance of the matter, 13. H. 2. cap. 2.
Note where the Statute de scandal. magnatum, in print, speaketh of false messages, the Record of the Tower is, false Messengers, viz. false lyes, and this also appeareth by the Writ which is founded upon the Statute.
Slanderous words against the king.One O. which had spoken slanderous and horrible words against Queene Mary, was indited, for the words of the inditement being that he had spoken them against the forme of of divers Statutes without mentioning of any in particular, and without saying, unde scandalum in Regno inter Reg. & magnat. vel populum suum oriri poterit: and hee was convicted of these words upon his arraignment, and had Iudgement to be imprisoned, and to be fined at the Kings pleasure untill hee had found his author, according to the Statute of Westminster the 1. Ca. 34. for hee could not have punishment according to the first and second of Queene Mary, because that the time was past, and that is that he shall bee imprisoned untill he produce him unto the Court, who was the first Author of the words, and not according [Page 37] to the advise or arbiterment of the Counsell; for it is when the slander toucheth the Noble men, and great Officers mentioned in the Statute of 2. & 12. R. 2. and not the King, for he is an exempt person, and not implyed within the words (les haults & grands homes ou nobles) &c. Dyer. 155. And it seemeth that the offence might have bin examined in the Starre-chamber, and punished there aswell as any where else.
One brings an Action of forging of false deeds against a Lord,An action of Forgery brought against a Lord. no Action will lye against him for it, while the suit is depending vpon the Statute de scandal. magnatum. For it rests in doubt, whether the defendant be guilty or not, Dyer, fol. 285. And by the the same reason he cannot sue the plaintiffe, in the Starre-chamber depending the suit in this matter.
Iames Tavernor being a Copiholder of the Lord Cromwells of his Mannor of Northelton in Norfolke made a customary in Latin of the said Manor in Parchment,The making of a false customary of a Mannor. with eleven Labels and Seales, of his owne and other Tenants of the Mannor, inserting into it divers very false Customes tending apparantly to the disinheriting of the said Lord, and pretending by the said tytle of the Customary to bee collected, renued and set by the consent of all the freeholders of the said Mannor being in number [Page 38] 100, at the least, and allowed and permitted by the Lord of the Mannor, & jure, conclusion, in cujus rei testimonium, the 11 whose names were subscribed, had put their seales the day and yeare abovesaid, but no day nor yeare appeared in the title, and no consent of all the Tenants, nor allowance of the Lord had indeed, and the seales were very strange, for upon every seale, there was a great square seale ingraven about with Northelton. And the particular seale lesse within that, by the which as it seemeth the intent was to prove the consent or allowance of the Lord, with the consent & agreement of al the tenants, & this was proved to be done wittingly, subtilly, falsly, and to the intent, and by Taverner. If this be a Forgery punishable by the Statute de An. quinto Reginae Eliz. this being done in Anno 9, Regina Eliz. it was doubted and referred by the Lo: to the consideration of all the Iudges quorum opiniones pro majore parte were reported by the two Chiefe Iustices, that it was a Forgery or counterfetting, punishable by the open and shamefull penance contained in the Statute which speaketh expresly of a writing sealed, as this was, and to the intent to benefit themselves and to dis-inherite the Lord, and accordingly Iudgement and decree was pronounced that terme in solemne presence the Lord Keeper being absent by reason hee [Page 39] was not well; And for the execution of double costs and damages recovered by the taxation of the Court, it was doubted what manner and forme of proces should be made, and after conference had upon it betweene all the Iustices of both Benches, and the chiefe Baron, it was agreed, That an English Writt should be made and directed to the Sheriffe of Norfolke, rehearsing the conviction, and the Statute for the leavying of the said costs, and of the goods, chattels and profits of the sayd Land of the said T. and to bring in the mony into the Star-chamber, the writt to be sealed with the great Seale, and the Teste or Witnes to the Queene her selfe as is usuall in the like writs as goe out of the Chancery.
After this Conference and judgement in the Star-chamber, the Queene pardoneth the execution of the corporall punishment, whether this bee good without obtaining release of the party. Also quae intention. stat. 5. Regin. Eliz. ca. 14. Note the preamble vehemently penned for the increasing of the punishment for Forgery, and also the body of the Statute, That is to say, that the party grieved shall recover double costs and damages, and that the offender shall suffer upon the Pillory the corporall penance; and also shall forfeit to the King the profits of his land, but the plaintife to be first satisfied, &c.
Also if the offender hath once satisfied the corporall punishment, hee shall not bee eftsoones impeached.
Also if the offendor bee once convict, the plaintife cannot release nor discontinue the punishment, &c. but onely costs and damages &c. Et postea scilicet termino Mich. prox. it was holden by Wray chiefe Iustice, Sanders chiefe Baron, Harper and Manwood Iustices, Barham, and Gerrard Attorney, that the Queene might pardon the corporall punishment, which trencht to the common example, but Dyer, Mounson, and Southcot held the contrarie, Dyer 322.
Strangers robbed on the Sea.A Merchant stranger that is robbed upon the Sea by English men, may complaine by bill in the Starrechamber for it, if so bee that the King whom the Merchant is subject unto, be in amity with the King of England, vide stat. 37. Eliz. 3. statute staple, ca. 13. that he that sueth before the King, and his Counsell ought to prove that he which tooke him, and robbed him, fuit etiam sub obedientia Regis, vel de amicitia Dom. Regis sive Principis quarent. tempore spoliationis, & non inimicus Regis sive principis quarentis quia si fuerit inimicus quum coepit bona, tunc nōiest spoliatio nec depredatio sed legalis captio pront quil. inimicus capit super unum & alterum. Et haec fuit opinio Iusticiar' in Camera Scaccar' ad hoc per Cancellarium Angl. vocat. 2. R. 3. Note [Page 41] that the said Statute doth not speake that they shall be examined before the Counsell, and yet the same booke is ut supr. vide 31. H. 6. cap. 4. that this matter may bee examined in the Chancery.
Vide if an enemy take a ship from an Englishman,An enemy taketh a ship from an Englishman, and another Englishman taketh it againe from the enemy. and another Englishman taketh it from him againe, the first from which it was taken, hath no remedy if he cannot ante occasum of the same day as it was adiudged as Vauisor said Bar. Fits. but hee that tooke it from the enemie shall retaine it as a thing gotten by battell, and neither the King nor the Admirall shall have share. ibid.
Vide the Satut. 27. Eliz. ca. 4. the authority of the Court of Starchamber serveth against them which make frandulent convaiancesFrandulent conveyances. to defraud purchasers &c. By the which it appeareth that this Court shall punish such an offence aswell as it may be punished by the said Statute in another Court, And such a Clause is in 5. Eliz. ca. 10. concerning pujury.
Note by Catlin Chiefe Iustice of England in the Starchamber before all the Queenes Counsell,A fine levied by an Infant or maried wife. that if an Infant or maried wife or other, levy a fine upon a grant and render in tayle or for life, the hu [...]band dies, the wife nor the Infant shall have a Writ of errour during the nonage because that he is the Tenant of the land himselfe, and againe he cannot [Page 42] have a Writte against himselfe, and so in this case the Infant is without remedy quod nota, great mischiefe. H. Anno. 15.
Perjury voluntarily committed in the kings Bench.If perjury be voluntarily committed in the Kings Bench by any witnesse or proofe upon a suggestion for a prohibition there to be granted, against an Eccesiasticall Iudge, according to the statut of 2. et. 3. Eliz. 6. cap. 13. where the party is stayed of his Writ of consultation, whether it might be examined and punished in the Starchamber was a great questiō, and upon this all the Iustices were assembled together at Sergeants Inn & perused the stat. of 3. H. 7. ca. 20. et 11. H. 7. ca. 25. and the prouiso for the Star-chamber, in the end of the Act of 5. Eliz. ca. 9. and it seemed unto them that the said perjury was not examinable nor to be punished in this Court of Starchamber, for. 3. H. 7. ca. 1. doth not provide any punishment for perjury no more then it doth for murder, and before 5. Eliz. there was no punishment for perjury by common Law but an attaynt, Dyer. 242.
Vide my booke of Iustice of Peace amongst the Articles touching matters Ecclesiasticall, for perjuryPerjury. diuers cases which are printed there.
Perjury in Chancery.A man committeth perjury in the Chancery and thereupon a bill is exhibited and concluded contraformam statuti. 5. Eliz. And it was [Page 43] doubted whether that the defendant should plead not guilty or not, and whether he should be sworne to his plea, and also answer to interrogatories as in the Starchamber, & it was held that he shold not, by Catlin, Dyer, Sanders, and Whiddon, except that the Chancellor have absolute authority, and hath used to examine perjuries before. 5. Eliz. ca. 9. For then it is reserved by the prouiso of the said Statute aswell as for the Star-chamber, and if the Chancellour will examine perjury committed there, vt potest by the said Statute, this shall bee done by Latine Bill and pleaded in Latine, and issue shall be ioyned and tryed in the Kings bench, ut solet, in the like cases 288. Dyer.
Memorandum, Forgery of a Will. that in the great case of Forgery, touching the Will of Sir I. it was moved for a doubt, viz. that if one that writeth the Will of a man that lyeth mortally sicke, insert a clause or article in the Will, when the Testator is speechlesse, and without memory, nor did command him afore to put in this article or clause, whether this shall be a forging of a Will, and punishable by the Statute, 5. Eliz. cap. 9. or no. And it was agreed and resolved upon the better opinion there, that it was not the meaning of the makers of the said Law, Dier. 288. Note that the forging of a Testament by the which any Lease for [Page 44] yeares is conceived, shall bee punished by 5. Eliz. cap. 14. by this word writing, onely. And yet no mention is made of any Testament: but of a Will concerning Frank tenement or inheritance. And it was doubted whether perjury committed in an Ecclesiasticall Court circa probationem test, may be punished in the Starchamber, by reason of the proviso in the Starchamber there. 302.
A man having a Lease for 20 yeares writeth 30 in the Indenture.A man hath a Lease for twenty yeares, and maketh this in the Indenture thirty yeares, this is no forgery of the said Lease, because that it was a good Deed, and not forged at the beginning. And yet notwithstanding the said Lease is now voyd: the first Case is so taken in the Starchamber: and for the other case see my Lord Dier 26. that striking out, and maculation,Maculation or blotting of words. and blotting of words, although it bee not in a materiall place, as in the substance of words contained in the Indenture, defeats or disanulls the Indenture. And this was in the case of the Lease made by Indenture by A. Quaere.
Protection against Purveyors.Note, Fitz. nat. br. 30. that it appeareth by the Register 289. that all persons spirituall may sue out a protection for themselves and their goods, and their Farmors of their lands, and for their goods there that they shall not be taken by the Kings promooters, nor their cariages or cattells taken by any of the Kings [Page 45] Servants: and it appeareth by the same protection, that King Edward in the 14 yeare of his reigne, by especiall Statute granted this priviledge to the Clergy, that he tooke them into his protection, and their goods and cariages: And they may have a speciall Commission directed to certaine persons, to arrest such Purveyors or servants, to bring them before the Kings Counsell, there to answer their misfesance in this Case.
If a Iurie doe forsweare themselves in Court Baron amongst the free Tenants,Iurors forswearing themselves in a Court Baron. upon a bill put into the court, they shalbe punished here, for no attaint will lye in a base Court: But if error be committed in such a Court, the party shall have a Writ of false judgment. But the Copiholder of a Mannour (if false judgement bee given against him) shall not have a Writ of false judgement, but shall sue unto the Lord of the Mannour by petition. Nat. Br. for a false verdict given against such a Copiholder, he may sue in the Starchamber.
A man may sue a Bill (as it seemeth) in the Starchamber upon the Statute of buying of Titles, 32. H. 8. cap. 9.Buying titl [...] for the King to have the forfeiture of the said Statute, and although the Statute aforesaid giveth the forfeiture of the one moity to the King, and the other to the party, yet notwithstanding if the King first commence his suit for all, everie [Page 46] one is barred as in other penall Statutes, which give the moity to the King, and the other moity to any other that will sue for it, ut patet 3. H. 7. for the last vide Brunkers Case, ut supra.
A man found [...] Ideot before the [...]scheators.Although a man bee found to be an Ideot before the Escheators or Sheriffe by inquisition, yet notwithstanding hee may come by himselfe, or by his friends before the Kings Counsell, and pray to bee examined before them whether he be an Ideot; or he may fue a Writ of the Chancery directed to certaine persons, to bring him before the Kings Counsell to be examined. And if he bee found no Ideot before them, then that which is found before the Escheators or Sherife availeth not.
Vnlawfull maintenance.Note that 3. H. 7. cap. 1. saith that the Lords in this Court shall heare and determine unlawfull maintenances, &c. Et ideo, what shall be said Maintenance, and what not, vide my booke of Iustice of Peace, eodem titulo.
If a man take upon him to maintaine, and yet doe not.If a man take upon him to maintaine and, yet doe not maintaine in deed, he is punishable, Li. ass. 30. Dier 95. A man tooke mony to give a verdict, although he gave no verdict yet notwithstanding he shall be fined Dier 95. Fitz. nat. br. 171. 21. H. 6. 2.
Maintenance.If I grant to B. that if my Tenant for life die in my life time, that B. shall have the land for twenty yeares: In this case B. may maintaine, [Page 47] 9. H. 6. 64. and yet this is but a possibility by Strange, and there is a Case vouched to this purpose. Commentar. fo.
Every one which hath interest in the reversion or remainder, may maintaine,Maint [...] and that with his owne money, Maint. Er. 53. 136. And so may he that hath an use in Law or in conscience. As if an obligation bee made to my use, I may maintaine, & vide the Case 15. H. 7. 2. where one was indebted to mee, and others indebted to him, and he assigned his bond to me in satisfaction of my debt, and I in this case may spend of my owne money in this suit, as appeareth there, 37. H. 6. 13. where one buyeth an Obligation made unto another, and it was held void in Law, and also in the Chancery, because the party had not quid pro quo, for it is a thing in action, and therefore if he bring an action upon this bond in the Obligees name, this seemeth maintenance, because he hath no interest.
The Statute aforesaid of 3. H. 7. cap. 1. speaketh moreover of the giving of Liveries, that if a man take a Livery, and doe not use it, yet he shall be punished for it, 5. H: 7. 18. per Hussey, & 6. H. 7. per Wood accordingly quare the Statute aforesaid speaketh of Retainers by Deed to promise without Deed, for Retainers vide 8. Ed. 4. fol. 2.
Item, the said Statute speaketh of Embracers,Embra [...] [Page 48] who shall be said an Embracet, vide my Booke of Iustice of Peace, titulo, Maintenance, Embracery,Embra [...]ry. Champertie, &c.
Note that a Decies tantum will not lye against an Embracer, if he embrace and doth not take money, for he must take money and embrace. Also where this action is maintainable, Fitz. Nat. Br. 171. Issue 10 [...]. 37. H. 6. 31.
If a man take mony, or buyeth lands for lesse than it is worth, for to embrace or to give a verdict, it is all one, &c. Decies tantum Fitz. nat. 9. 41. E. 3.
Iurors tooke money after they had given their verdict, without any covenant aforehand, whereof they were convicted by verdict, and every one was fined at a noble. This Case is out of the Statute of Decies tantum, 39. lib. ass. 19. and so it shall be punished in this Court, because that they have power to punish Iurors which take money, as it appeareth by the Statute of 3. H. 7. cap. 1. supr.
A Lawyer which taketh money to embrace Iurors shall bee punished by the Statute of 6. Ed. 4. 5. Decies tantum. Fitz. nat. br. 171. and yet notwithstanding for taking of money to give in evidence, shall not bee punished. It seemeth that embracers shall bee punished which take money, and labour the Iurors to passe the one way, or the other, although the [Page 49] Iurors give up their verdict as they should doe.
Note that Iurors which take money,Iurors which take money. and are attainted shall not be put in Assize, Iuries or Enquests, but shall be sent to prison, and moreover punished at the Kings pleasure, 5. Edw. 3. ca. 5. Note that this Statute was made long time before the statute of Decies tantum which was made in 34. Ed. 3. ca. 8. And this statute of 34. Ed. 3. giveth no imprisonment, but where a Iuror or Embracer hath not sufficient to make recompence.
The said Statute of 3. H. 7.Vntrue returnes of Sheriffes. speaketh also of the untrue demeanour of Sheriffes in impanelling of Iuries, and in untrue returnes: concerning false returnes, see Bronkers case supra in this title, & vide the Statute of 23. H. 6. ca. 10. for Sheriffe, for extortion, and taking of mony; And vide the title of Sheriffes in my Iustice of Peace.
Item, the said Statute speaketh of Ryotts,Ryots, &c. and see the title of Ryots and Routs in my Iustice of Peace.
Item, by the said Statute of 3. H. 7.Taking of money in Iurors. Embraceries. it appeareth, the Lords shall punish taking of money in Iurors or Imbracers, although the partie might have beene punished by Statutes that have beene made.
If a man maintaine another whilest the plea is depending pro parte Reg. hee shall bee punishedMaintenance. [Page 50] in the Starre-chamber. For every Champarty implyeth a maintenance, vide 32. H. 8. ca.
If a man exhibite a Bill against 2, and pray to have proces against them, but the plaintife serveth but one of them: If the defendant have a commission to take their answer, and the Commissioners take their answer, and the plaintife doth not joyne in the Commission, here hee shall loose the benefit of examining the defendant upon interrogatories, and therfore see that is good, that the plaintife joyne in the commissions to the intent that hee may exhibite interrogatories. Vigilantibus & non dormientibus subveniunt leges.
Entring into a house and carying away of writings.Trespasse for entring into his house, and carying away of writings, and the defendant pleads not guilty, the enquest saith that the defendant came into the house of the plaintife when the plaintife was not there, and said unto the plaintifes wife, that hee bad that shee should deliver the said writings unto him, which she did, whereupon Higham awarded that the defendant should be imprisoned, and that he should not bee released untill hee had redelivered the said writings unto him; And damages were assessed because he came with a false message, Trespas-ship 240. 34. Ed. 1. vide the statute of 33. H. 8. ca. 1. how one should be punished there for getting of money, [Page 51] or by a false message, or counterfeit Letters or tokens. See Worsley his case codem titulo, vide 1. R. 2. ca. 4. How Lords or Noblemen shall bee punished that maintaine quarrels in the Country or any where else.
A Merchant Stranger which came into England by the Kings safe conduct did deliver certaine Merchandize to one of the Kings subjects at South. to cary,A Carier opening packs committed to him not to be opened. who opened the packet, and took things out, whereupon the Forreiner exhibited a Bill in the Starre-chamber before the Kings Counsell there, whether this were Felony or no. It was referred to the Iustices, and held to be felony, and so the Iustices certified the Chancellor, and the Kings Counsell. And it seemeth by the booke that a Merchant shall not loose the Mercandizes, because hee comes hither with the Kings safe conduct, ut supra, 13. Ed. 4. 9.Safe conduct to Merchant strangers. And it is said there that it was adjudged that notwithstanding the statute which giveth that the safe conduct shall be enrolled, and the number of the Marryners, and the name of the ship, That where safe conduct is, and hath not his due circumstances according to this, yet it shall be allowed, for Aliens say that they are not bound to know our statutes for they come by reason of the Kings privy Seale upon his safe conduct: And if that should not be sufficient then should they bee deceived; and yet notwithstanding [Page 52] some say that the statute made for forfeiture of Merchandize bindeth Merchant strangers aswell as Denizens. vide Fogassa his case, Coment fol. 1. It is held by the Chancellor in the first case, that a Merchant stranger which comes by safe conduct is not bound to sue by the Law of the Land, to try a thing by twelve men, but that it shall bee determined according to the Law of nature, in the Chancery: And by this it appeareth that the Court of Star-chamber was before 5. H. 7. ca. 1.
Collusion upon bond to save a [...]uer [...]y harmelesse.Note that one Grevile was bound with one Halc, and for the debt of the said H. in an hundred pound to one Dawby a Merchant for the payment of 50. pound, at a certaine day, and H. was bound to Grevile by obligation to save him harmlesse against D. H. payeth the money, 50 pound at the day or within three dayes after, and his bond given him, in the which G. and H. were bound to D. G. being neither sued nor damnified by this debt practised with one P. that G should bring an action upon the said obligation against the said H: and then it was agreed, that P should appeare as H. his Attourney, and confesse the action without any ordinary rule of the Court to answer: The plaintifes Attourney pleadeth unto him, non sum informatus, and upon this G had H. in execution, and H sheweth [Page 53] this matter to the Court, whereupon a vacat was made of the Iudgement, and H enlarged, and P committed to the Fleet, and to stand upon the Pillory. And G was bound to the Queene in a Recognizance of two hundred pounds to appeare in the Common Pleas. And this devise and lewd practise was made and devised betwixt G and P to stoppe or discharge a debt, in the which the said G was bound unto the said H. Dyer fo. 331. Note that this order that P should stand upon the Pillory was ordered by the Court of Starre-Chamber as it seemeth.
Note, Dyer fol. 249.A Prisoner in execution for debt must be straitly kept. saith that an order and decree was made in the Star-Chamber, 2. H. 4. 8. by the devise of divers Iustices there being, viz. both the Chiefe Iustices of both the Benches, Fitzherb. and Spillins Iustices, that by the Law such a prisoner as is in execution in the Fleet for debt shall not have his liberty within the prison, nor without with the Keeper, but shall bee kept very straitly in Ward, and an Injunction of this was sent to all the Keepers of the prisons in London to observe the said Order and Decree upon paine of an hundred pound, and so see the authority of the Court that by good discretion it may order things, although they be not mentioned in the statute of 3. H. 7. ca. 1.
R. A. was attainted of disseisin with force whereupon an exigent went out,An Item for Sheriffes. which Writ the Sheriffe returneth: And that the King sent unto him the Writ under his seale, that he had pardoned the trespasse and imprisonment, and commanded that hee should not be endamaged for this cause: so that hee had nothing by reason of this commandement, and returneth the Kings Writ; And because this Writ should have beene sent to the Iustices, and they ought to have commanded the Sheriffe to surcease (for a Sheriffe cannot surcease by reason of any Writ in the Law, but by warrant out of the place from whence hee had his commandement) The Sheriffe was amerced, and a new exigent awarded, 14. E. 3. titulo of Vicount Fits 89. As touching that the said privy seale ought to have beene sent to the Iustices, vide 4. E. 4. 14.
A Sheriffe having a Writ of Atachment Coram Domina Regina & consilio in Camera stellata apud Westm. 15. Pasche ad respondend. dict. Domina Regina & consilio suo de quodam contemptu, & ad faciend. & recipiend. ulterius, &c. arrested the party, and tooke bond of him, indorsed with this condition, viz. that if hee shall personally appeare before the Queenes Majestie, and her Counsell at Westminster 15. Pasche, and then and there shall answer [Page 55] a contempt by him made against the Queene and her Counsell; then if these words, viz. (and then and there shall answer) seem to be an addition more thē is in the statute, 23. H. 6. ca. 10. garr. Ideo vide, whether it be void or not. It was demurred upon in Law, and by the opinion of Dyer and Windham, the obligation is good enough, for it amounteth to as much as to say (then and there to answer to a contempt, &c.) which had been good, and by this obligation no profit accreweth to the Sheriffe or to any other person but onely to answer to the King, &c. which was the intent of the Statute of 23. H. 6. sed Mede contra, and iudgement was given, Mich. 22. & 23. Eliz. per Dyer 364.
Memorandum, quod patet 34. H. 6. rotulo 37.Men that being in prison for debt fraudulently procure themselves to be indited. in banco Regis, That one Vernay which was in execution in the Fleet for debt unto the King and another procured themselves fraudulently to be indited of fellony, to the intent to defraud their creditors of their debts, and procured themselves to be removed out of the Fleet by a Corpus cum causa, &c. directed to the Warden of the Fleet to be committed to the Marshaisey; and these executions were returned into the Kings Bench, whereupon the King being informed of this intent of the prisoners, and of divers of their such fraudulent practices to deceive their creditors by [Page 56] this procurement to bee indited of fellony, and to be arraigned upon it, and to confesse the fellony, and to betake themselves to their Clergy, to the intent to be out of the power of Temporall Lawes, and afterwards by meanes to make their purgation, and bee discharged: The King by his Privy Seale directed unto the Iustices of the Kings Bench, commanded them to surcease the arraignement of him untill they had heard further commandement from him and his Counsell, Dier 245. vide 1. H. 7. 7. One was arrested in London upon a plaint which was not at the Common Law, afterwards the defendant was indited in the Kings Bench of trespasse, and was removed thither by habeas corpus out of London, and because he could not appeare by Atturney in the Kings Bench, but in proper person, he was not sent backe, which was held cleerly suspitious; and yet hee was dismissed out of London, for he acknowledged the trespasse, and was committed to the Marshalsey, and afterwards hee found surety for fine to the King, and was discharged, 14. H. 7. 7. printed by Covin shall not be allowed, 6. Ed. 4. 4. One was in execution for the partie for damages, recouered in redisseisin, and afterwards attainted by outlawry of fellony, and pardoned for it, who was againe in execution for the party, and yet notwithstanding [Page 57] once he was in some sort discharged, because that when the Kings interest and of a common person concurre together in an entire thing as in the body, &c. the King shall be preferred; but if he had beene found guiltie, and had his Clergy, he should be delivered into his former estate, I. Illingworth and Markham: And the reason is, because that in this case hee is out of the Court, and discharged of this; but in the case of redisseisin ut supra, he abideth alwayes in the keeping of the Court, 6. E. 4. vide 24. E. 3. 12. & 6. H. 4. 8. vide 4. E. 4. 9.
A man having neither priviledge nor custome to make Proclamation.If a man make a proclamation without priviledge or custome, he shall be fined and committed, and so was Sir I. K. of North. which caused proclamations to be made in divers Townes, that every one to whom I. S. was indebted should come unto him to the which I. S. was executour, and that they should be paid, and he was committed for this, and fined, Proclamation Brooks 10. 22. H. 8. and this matter shall bee examined in this Court.