A BREEFE COLLECTION CONCERNING THE LOVE of God tovvards Mankinde, & hovv for diuers causes vve are iustlie bounde to loue & serue him.

WITH PREPARATION TO Prayer, and certaine necessarie prayers and thankesgeuing to God for his bene­fites, daylie to be vsed.

Also a deuote Meditation to procure Contrition, and excite Deuotion With other vertuous prayers.


Before Prayer prepare thy Soule: & be not as a man that tempteth God


Printed at Doway, by LAVRENCE KELLAM at the signe of the holie Lambe. 1603.


BEing desirerous (good Reader) to haue published some short Collecti­on of most necessairie praiers, but hin­dred by diuers vrgēt occatiōs: I thought good, in respect of my duty to God, and necessity of the time presēt, rather vvith the poore vvidovve, to offer vnto him this simple Mite, for the increase of his honour in helping of the godly, then al­together to geue ouer my purpose. And vvheras true vertue, cōsisteth principal­lye in the loue of God: vvithout vvhieh our praiers are of no force. I haue here prepared a litle Treatise concerning that matter, and in vvhat respect vvee are bounde to serue him: In vvhich, as in a glasse vve may clerelie behold our ingra­itude, [Page] tovvardes so louing a Lord. And because manie rather of custome then true deuotion, so rashlie goe about that holie vvoorke of prayer: I haue set doūe a preparation thereunto, vvith necessarie prayers, Meditations, and thankesge­uing, to be vsed daylie. Farevvell.

A BREFE COLLECTION CON­cerning the Loue of God towards Mankin­de, & howe wee are for diuers causes bound to serue & loue him.

THE great and incomprehensible charitye of our Lorde towardes Mankinde, maye be cōsidred fower sun­drye wayes.

First in the dignitie of our Creation. Secondly in taking our coruptible natu­re. Thirdly in susteining for vs his B. passion. And fourthly in his great bene­fits and bountiful giftes, both spiritual & corporal, which may iustly kindle & inflame the hartes of al true Christians, to render to him again that which he re­quireth of vs, which is nothing else but a loueing harte, a iuste & vpright life.

In the dignitie of our Creation, hath he shewed, that he loued vs more then any other creature in the world: & that in two things. First in creating & ma­king vs acording to his owne Image & likenes: secondly in constituting vs Lords and Gouerners ouer al his other creatures.

In taking of our nature, he hath also shewed that he loued Mankind better then Angels, & that in three respectes. First in honour, because he assumpted our nature, & not the nature of Angels: Secondly in loue, in that he repayred Mankinde with his precious bloud, & not them. And thirdly in vision, because in heauen we shall possesse more ioye in Contemplation of Christes Humanitie then the Angels, in that we shal see our nature, vnited to the deuine Nature.

But in suffring his B. Passion, he hath shewed [as we may say] that he loued vs better then him selfe, geuing for our [Page 7] Saluation freely his whole Body & life. And here marke, that in this B. Passion of our Sauiour, we may learne fiue no­table thinges.

First it teacheth vs to geue him hartie thanks for the glorious fruite which we haue receiued by the same, which gratfulnes is a thing so acceptable vnto-him, as S. Aug. saith, that nothing maybe more. This B. Lambe of God which was conceiued & borne without sinne, wold thus suffer for vs, that by his pain­ful Passion, he might pul vs backe from the filthy pleasure of sinne. He suffred in all his members, that with our mēbers, we might willingly serue him. Hee offe­red for vs his precious blood the price of our Redemption, that we might offer our bodies with al the force of the same to doe him seruice.

Secondly it teacheth vs to loue him, because aboue all things, he loued vs.

Thirdly it teacheth vs how much we [Page 8] ought to detest & hate sinne, for which he susteined such a painful & dolorous Passion, yea he abhorreth it so much, that not withstanding his great desire of our Saluation: he condemneth the sin­ner for one deadly offence to perpetuall payne & tormente.

Fourthly it teacheth vs Fortitude, to withstand strongly any aduersity, paine or tribulation, for the honour & loue of him, that loued vs so much: & also for our owne Saluation, because tribu­lation in this world paciently sustained is the ready way to heauen. This blessed Passion being called to remēbrāce there is nothing so harde, as S. Isidore saith, which is not with an equal minde tolle rated. Let vs therfore as true Souldiers, diligently studye to suffer with him: & thē no doubte we shall, as S. Paule saith, be pertakers of his cōsolatiōs & Ioyes.

Fiftly it teacheth vs Humilitie, for if Christ, which was the Sonne of God, [Page 9] abased & humbled him selfe so much as to descēd from his glorious Kingdome, into this vale of misery, to take vppon him oure base Nature, & suffer such an ignominious death: with what face can man lifte vp him selfe in pride, & con­temne so louing a Redeemer? This Hu­mility is the ground & foundation of all Vertue, & without that no vertue can be acceptable in the sight of God which caused our Sauior so carefully in his ho­lye Gospell, to admonish vs of the same, saying. Learne of me, for I am meke & humble in hart. And S. Ambrose saith, that how much more abiect a man is in this life: so much the more he shalbe exalted in the world to come. Woulde thou haue al vices, saith one, destroied within thee? Learne then to be truely humble. To which agreeth S. Agust. saying. Humilitie is the Quene of ver­tues, the death of vyces, the looking glasse of virgins, & the harboure of the [Page 10] holy Trinitie. It is only humilitye, saith S. Bernard, that exalteth: & she alone le­adeth to life, because saith he, this is the way, & ther is none other. And therfore S. Gregory saith well, that whatsoeuer a man doth is lost, if it be not kepte by humility. God graunt vs to imbrace this Vertue, & to imitate that swete Lambe, which as S. Bernard saith, was borne poore, liued poore, & dyed poore.

Now touching his bountiful Giftes, it driueth me into a mase, to remember them. First how he hath made vs, as is before said, to his owne B. Image and likenes, geueing vs the noble giftes of Memorye, Reason, & Will: & hath made the Soule of man so noble, that nothing is able to fill or satisfie it, but him selfe alone. It may well be occupied, as S. Ber­narde saith, vvith all other thinges: but filled or satisfied, can it not bee.

He doth inrich vs also vvith his grace & doth visite comforte & strength vs, [Page 11] vvith his good inspirations, & motions to Vertue: And in the end, hath prepa­red such Ioyes for vs, as passeth all vn­derstanding, either of man or Angels.

And for the giftes corporall, they be also such & so many, as are maruelus to cōsider. He hath created for our behoofe the Elements, vvith the Sunne to geue vs light by day, & the Moone to illumi­nate the night. The Fyre to keepe vs frō coulde: & the Ayre to mitigate his hea­te, and preserue our health. The Water to vvashe away our filthines. The Earth vvith his variable Fruites to susteine vs, & vvith his beautiful Flowers, to recre­ate vs: Besids the great diuersity of Bea­stes, Foules, and Fishes, for our norish­ment & delight.

He hath geuen vnto vs our Wittes, & right Limmes, vvith Beauty, Strēgth & comlye shape. He hath kepte & deliuered vs from many daungers, both of fire & vvater, thunder & tempest, slanders, [Page 12] shames, & many other euels, vvith the vvhich, for our sinns, he might iustlye haue punished vs: & vvhē vve offended in deadly sinne, haue cast vs headlong into hell: & yet of his tender loue hath forborne & spared vs.

O vvhat shall vve render againe vnto God for all his Benefits? hovv infinitly are vvee bounde to loue & serue him, not only in respect of his goodnes in him selfe (vvhich is the cheefest cause indede) & of his tender loue towards vs: But also in respecte of the greate delight he taketh in our seruice, yea muche more thē he doth in the seruice of his Angels, & the reason is this because man doth not only serue God of loue as the An­gels doe: but also vvith laboure & paine, vvhich they doe not: For he laboreth more in seruing him one day, then they haue donne since the beginning of the vvorld: & therfore doth God singulerly delighte in our praiers, & other good [Page 13] vvorkes, & shal geue vs, if vve continew to the ende, a double Crowne of glorye, that is both in Bodye & Soule.

And here vnderstand, that for diuers causes we are iustly bound to serue him.

First for our Creatiō, because vve are created only to that ende: & therfore all our members & strengthe of bodye & Soule, are to be imploied & exercysed in his holye Seruice.

Also vve are bounde to serue him in respect of his louing seruice done vnto vs, vvho saith by his Prophet Esay, Ser­uire me fecisti in peccatis tuis, that is, thou hast caused me to serue in thy sinns: As vvhen he praied, fasted & preached, vvhen he vvas vvhipped & crowned vvith thorne, vvhē he caried his Crosse, & theron suffered painfull death: & be­sides all this, in token of his great loue, he serueth vs still vvith his owne blessed Body & blood in the holy Sacramente, & therfore euery vvay are vve bound [Page 14] most louinglye to serue him againe.

Also vve are bound to serue him, in respect of our Obligatiō & Vowe, made in Baptisme: hauing ther vovved & pro­mised so to doe al the time of our life.

Likevvise for his great Benefites, as is before said, bestovved vpon vs.

And lastlye for that inestimable glory that he hath promised to al those that loue, and truly serue him to the ende.

But because no Seruice can be accep­table vnto him, which procedeth not from a cleane and pure harte: It shal not be here amisse to declare brefely, by vvhat meanes the same may be obtai­ned & gotten.

First he that vvould serue God truely in cleānes of harte & Conscience muste daily behould, and looke into his wor­kes, and diligentlye consider his whole state and conuersation, & see if there be any thing in the same reprehensible, or contrary to the vvill of God: because [Page 15] the knovvledge of our felfe, is the be­ginning of our health & Saluation.

Secondly vvhat-soeuer he findeth in him-selfe, in vvhich he hath offended God: he must hartely repent, & humbly aske mercy for the same, firmely pur­posing therof to make a cleare and per­fecte confession, so soone as he maye.

Thirdly he must vvith careful study, and deuoute prayer, continually desire of God, to kepe & defend him frō sinne: for as the holy Prophete saith, Except God kepe the city, he vvatcheth in vain that keepeth it. Therfore euery man ought to serue God in greate humilitie, & with cōtinual watche & warde ouer him selfe. The difficulty of Perseuerance in vvell doing appeareth in the fall of Lucifer from heauē, of Adam frō Para­dice, and Iudas frō the nomber of the xij Apostles: vvhat cause haue vve therfore to pray, as our Sauioure counseleth vs continually, hauing experience of our [Page 16] owne vveaknes & debility in resisting temptations: In somuch that somtimes through one only vvorde, vve are pro­uoked to anger and impacience.

Therfore it behoueth vs euer to stand in feare for offending God, and to that ende saith the Scripture. Blessed is the man that is euer fearfull. And S. Bernard saith, that feare and Religion are knit together: & that the one can not remaine vvithout the other. God geue vs grace, that vve may dailye studie to obtaine this most noble vertue, that the bles­singe vvhich Christe speaketh of in the Gospel, may light on vs: vvhere he saith Blessed be the cleane in hart▪ for they shal see God, To vvhom be all honoure for Euer-more. Amen.

A Thankesgeuing to the B. Trinitie to be Daylie vsed.

AL Honoure, thankes, and praise, be to thee o blessed Father of hea­uē which hast created & made me. Glo­ry [Page 17] be to thee, o B. Sonne of God vvhich with thy precious bloode hast redeemed me. Glory be to thee, o holy Ghoste, vvhich hast Sanctified me. Glory be to thee, o holy, B. and Indeuided Trinitie, whose vvorkes are meruailous, & passe all vnderstanding. I laude & praise thee vvith hart and mouth, and geue louing thanks vnto thee, for all thy B. Benefits Spiritual and Corporal, and singe vnto thee, the Hime of glory, Sanctus. San­ctus. Sanctus. Thou only art God, and besids thee there is none at all, vvhich vvorkest greate, meruailous and Inscru­table things, wherof ar no end. To thee belongeth al Laude and Iubilie. To thee all Angells the Heauens, & vniuersall Powers, doe sing Praises. To thee o glo­rious Trinitie be geuen all honor of eue­ry creature both in Heauen and Earthe novv and for euer more. Amen.

Soli Deo honor & gloria.

[Page 18]

An Inuocation to be vsed before Praier, for the attaining of Gods grace, the asistāce & directiō of the holye Ghost. And also to obtaine therby, Humillity, Charity, Puritie of Intētion, Cleannes & Peace of harte: for protection, & defence, against the assaultes, tēptations, & firye dartes of the Deuil: & al inuisible, & visible enemies.

VVhat is to be cōsidred before Prayer, & the manner to behaue your selfe therin, morning & eueninge, before the office of oure Ladye, or other vsuall Praiers: with certaine Benedictiōs, which you maye vse all or parte, at your Discretion.

VVhat is to be Premeditated before praier.

VVHen you intēd to offer the Sa­crifice of Prayer, & Praises, to almighty God, & prepare you to praier.

Recale your Senses, & gather to ge­ther your vvittes, & vvith an humble, attentiue, & deuoute mind, lifte vp your harte to God: Reuerently standing vp­right, vvith your handes ioyned before your breste, & lifted vpp.

Pause then a litle vvhile, & aduised [Page 19] lye consider vvith your selfe vvherefore you come, vvheraboute you goe, and vvhat busines, you novv take in hande.

Also, before vvhom you are present, the Petitions you vvill aske, and the Offerring you meane to make.

Remember you are novv, before a moste mighty & Deuine Maiesty: The Creator, and Redeemer, of your selfe & all Mankinde, vvhome Infinite Num­bers of Angels, & all the Caelestiall mul­titude doe continually adore & vvor­shipe, vvith feare & tremblinge.

And your selfe, a most wretched & vnworthey Creature, fraile vnstable, falling from him: dulle, & vn-apte to call vpon him. And yet, his mercy is so muche, & his goodnes so great, that he is euer, ready to heare, & graciously to graunte, your lawful requestes, and to receiue you when you come vnto him: & also to forgeue you al your offences, when you are hartely sorye, & aske mer­cye [Page 20] for them.

Likewise, he is one that hath, and doth, most bountefully bestow vpon you, al thinges necessary for body and soule: & hath and doth, defend & kepe, feede & nourish, you, & al creatures.

And that before his diuine Presence, you nowe presume to enter, and to pre­sent you selfe: To Intreate, beseech, & Require mercye, and forgeuenes of sin­nes, for your selfe & al others: & to of­fer the Sacrifise of Prayse, & Thankes­geuinge.

Therfore, with al humility, & reue­rence, prostrate your selfe at the feete of his mercye: & Indeuore vvith deuoti­on, to accomplish that you come for.

But before you begin your praiers, that you maye the rather, offer them vvith cleannes of harte, & geue thankes to God, not only for his Benefits, but chefely for his goodnes in him selfe; Make it fully knovven to your harte (as [Page 21] true it is vncertaine vvhether you shal liue to the ende of your Prayers or not: Indeuor therfore thay maye be such, as if it shold so happen before you had en­ded them, that so through the mercy of God, they may be acceptable vnto him, for the ful forgeuenes of your former offences & the receiuing you to his fa­uoure.

And that you may the more perfectly, beginne, continevv, and ende, al your prayers, and other good actions In the Name, & to the honoure, & glorye of God, the moste holy & blessed Trinitye: & haue in minde his greate goodnes to­vvardes you, & Benefits bestovved vpon you, & geue thankes for them, and also, that the Passion of our Lord, may take the more effecte, the benefit of it be Im­parted, the fruite ther of Inioyed: and in al spiritual Practises remembred: You may, yf it please you, begin your Pray­ers, in manner as folovveth Meekly fal­ling [Page 22] on your knees, your hart & ioyned hands, being Eleuated to God.

VVhat is first to be vsed, at the begin­ning of Prayer.

IN the Name of the Father. and of the Sonne. and of the Holy Ghost. Amē.

In the Name, and Honoure of our Lord IESVS Christ, Emanuel, Crucifi­ed, for our Redemption, and Saluation.

In the Honoure of God, the moste holy, Blessed, Glorious, and Indeuided, Trinitye: and Eternal Maiestie.

In the Honoure of our Lorde Iesus Christes Humanity: and In memory of his greate Charitye, towardes me, and all Mankinde.

In the vvorshippe of oure Blessed Ladye, the holye Virgin S. Marye: and In minde of her Humilitye.

In the Name, and Honoure, of God the moste holye Trinitye In Vnitie, & Vnitie In Trinitye, To whom be al glory.

And In the Honoure, and Memory, of our Lorde Iesus Christes humble In­carnation, his Chaste Natiuitie, his life & Conuersation, Charitable Death, & Bitter Passion: His glorious Resurre­ction, & Asscension: & the Comming of the Holye Ghoste.

In the Honoure, and Memorye of all the Laboures, & Vertues, of our Lorde Iesus Christe, & of his holy Lyfe & Con­uersation.

In the Honoure, and Memorye, of the bitter Agonie, Blooddye Svvete, and Painfull Prayer, that our Lorde Ie­sus Christe, made in the Mounte of Oli­uet: Before his taking & B. Passion.

And In Honour, & Memory of al the Partes, & Paynes, of his moste Blessed, bitter, & Paynfull Passion.

In the Honoure, and Memorye of the fiue Woundes, that vvere persed in our Lord Iesus Christes Blessed Bodye and Handes, & Feete, his Side, & Harte.

And that I may vvith all Humillitie, & Reuerēce, haue in Minde, & vvorship aright as I ought, al the Precious drop­pes of Blood, that our Lord Iesus Christ shed for my sake & all Mankinde.

And likevvise, that I may euer haue in minde, & obtaine the Promised laste Revvard, of Saluation, Glorification, & Perpetual Fruition of the Deyitie: & es­chevve the Punishmēt, & Payne, of eter­nal damnation: I offer thes my praiers.

O God moste holy o A Donay, in thy Name, & to thy honoure & glorye: I Be­gin, Continue, & end, these my prayers: & I offer this my dutie and laboure, vn­to thy moste Sacred Diuinitye.

O Good Lorde Iesus Christe, I offer vnto thee my harte, & Soule, and I offer my selfe Bodye and Soule, vvith all the partes, povvers & vvorkes therof, & all my thoughts, vvordes and deeds, all my Intentions, and Actions, and all the La­boures of my hands: To doe thy vvyll in [Page 25] al, & accōplish all to thy honore & glo­ry, novv, & all the time of my life.

And I beseeche thee, O God Holye Ghoste, geue me grace, and strength, to doe thy vvill in all thinges: to obay, ser­ue, & loue thee aright, & to offer these my Prayers, vvith cleannes of harte, pu­rity of Intention, vprightnes of Action, & vvith Attention, & Deuotion, In per­fect charity, vvith true humility, & in the Vnitye of thy true Church, & Faith Catholike, that they maye, ascend into thy sight, & be acceptable vnto thee, as a swete Sacrifice of Insence.

O Blessed & Indeuided Trinity, I of­fer vnto thy deuine Omnipotēcie, these my Prayers, dutie, & laboures, for my health, helpe, & parfect vveale, & for al things necessary, for my body & soule & for the right direction of my vvhole Life, as it may be best pleasing, and moste acceptable vnto thee.

And likewise, I offer vnto thy Omni­potent [Page 26] Maiesty, o Holy and Glorious Trinitie, these my Prayers, dutie & la­bours, for the health, & helpe of soule and body, of al other persons, that thy B. vvil and pleasure is to haue praied for Quicke & deade, vvithin the Church & vvithout, in special & general, those in special, that I am most behoulding to and bounde to Praye for, by Inioyned penance, blood or kinred, promise debt, or any other benefit receiued.

And for all other in generall, that thy blessed vvill & pleasure is to haue praied for: And for vvhom, and vvhat soeuer else, thy Wysdome knoweth necessarye & my frailtie can not acke.

That it may please thee to graūt vnto vs, Pacience in all temptations, & tribu­lations, ghostly & bodelye: Protection & defence, against all enemies visible, & inuisible: Constancie & perseuerance in vertue & al goodnes, helpe & releefe, in all needes & necessities: Ease & deli­uerie, [Page 27] out of al troubles & affictions that vvee are in, or may any vvaye happen vnto vs. And to liue & dye, in the Vnitie of the true Catholike Faith & Church, and come to blisse.

O moste Blessed; Glorious, & Indeui­ded Trinitie, I humbly here prostrate my selfe, before the Feete of thy Deuine Maiestie, and mesurlesse mertie: Besee­ching thee of mercy, & forgeuenes of sinnes, for my selfe, and all others: and mittigation of thy Iustice towardes vs, nowe, & in the howre of our Death, & at our Iudgement, perticuler, & genarall. Grant this Lord Iesus Amen.

Deuoute Praiers, & Blessings, to be vsed at the beginning of Praier, for obtaining Grace, & assistance of the Holy Ghoste.

IN the name of God. Amen.

In the name of the Father, & of the Sonne & of the Holye Ghoste. Amen.

By the signe of the holye Crosse, and vertue of oure Lordes Passion: from our [Page 28] enemies, visible, & inuisible, deliuer vs o Lorde our God.

The Grace of the Holy Ghost, lighten our hartes, and Sensces: and be vvith vs. Amen.

Come Holy Ghoste, & fill the hartes or all faithful people, & kindle in them the fyre, of thy deuine Loue.

O God be our helper, in vvhose Na­me & by vvhose vvorde all things are done: Who hath made heauen and earth.

O Lord, in thy Name, shal I lift vp my handes and harte, that my Prayers may ascend, & be acceptale vnto thee as an Euening Sacrifice.

In thy Name o Lorde, shal I receiue helthe, & helpe, & in thy Name, & by thy Power, shal I be made safe. And in thy Vertue, thou shall Iudge me.

The triumphant Crosse, & victorious Passion of our Lord, and the glorious Name IESVS, honored in heauen and [Page 29] earth, be our defence & safety, sheeld & protection, & he blesse & kepe vs novv, & euer. Amen.

IESVS vvho is the vvisdome of the Father, geue vs health of Body & Soule. Amen.

God Almighty, blesse & directe me, & be vvith me nowe, & euer, in my be­ginning, proceeding, & ending. Amen.

GOd be in my head, & in my being.

God be in my mind, & vnderstan­ding God be in my eyes, & in my Seeing.

God be in my Eares, & in my hearing.

God be in my mouth, & in my speaking.

God be in my harte, & in my thinking.

God keepe me from al euel in my vvor­king touching, smelling, & al my other sences God be at my ending, and my departing.

Blesse me o God the Father, vvho hath made me, and Created me.

Blesse me o God the Sonne, vvho Suffered for me, and Redeemed me.

Blesse me o God the Holye Ghoste, who in Baptisme, hath Sanctified me, & since, hath called, defended, & norished me.

O Holye Trinitie, of thy Incompre­hensible goodnes, lighten my harte, & sences, my minde, & vnderstanding, my soule & bodie, vvith the light of thy grace, & be vvith me now & euer. Amē.

The Manner to offer your selfe & Prayers to God, first, & last.

O My moste swete Lord Iesus Christ in the Vnitie, and Vnion, of loue, that thou did praise, & pray, to thy Fa­ther, & take great paine & laboure for vs sinners, duringe thy life-time here on earth: I offer vnto thee this Prayer, and Prayse, this Laude, and labour, and my selfe bodye & soule, vvith all the partes powers & actions therof: To doe all to the honoure & glorie of thy holie name. the weale of the true Catholike Church the furtherance and increase of Vertue, [Page 31] & helping of souls to euerlasting blisse.

O moste deare Lorde Iesus Christe. In the Vnitie, & Vnion, of Loue, that moued thee to be Incarnate, & become Man: and dye for vs sinners.

I offer vnto thee this prayse, this praier, this vvorke & labour, & my selfe bodie and soule, to doe thy vvil in all thinges, now, and alwayes. Amen.

O Good Lord Iesus Christ, I offer vn to thy Father, for the Remission of my sinnes (and all others) the paines, bitter Passion, and Death, that thou did suffer for me, and all Mankinde.

Forget good Lord, and cleerly remit, the sinnes, & offences, of vs & our pa­rents, and be not reuēged on our deme­rits, but spare, & forgeue vs, thy people penitentes, vvith thy Bloode precious, from sinne, & from tormentes boughte, & Redeemed. And euer let mercy, tem­per thy vvrath, against vs, & our follye.

As our hope is in thee our trust & af­fiance, [Page 32] Amē to this say vve with hart & true cōsciēce. Graunt these my praiers, most B. Lord Iesus. To vvhom be al praise & glory, now & euer blessed.

Certaine necessarie praiers, to be daily vsed, mor­ning & euening: with others. And first. A thankesgeuing to God, at your vprisinge.

I Geue thee thankes, laude, and praise, o most holie & blessed Trinitie, one omnipotent, and eternal Maiestie, who haste this night preserued, defended, & visited, me thy vnworthie seruant, N. and hast caused me thus, to come to the beginning of this daie, and for all thy o­ther benefites, which of thy onlie good­nes thou haste bestowed on me.

O Father most merciful, I besech thee of mercie and forgeuenes, how soeuer I haue this night offended thy diuine Ma­ieste, and graunte me grace so to spend this day, in thy holie seruice, faith feare, and loue: that vvith all humilitie, chari­tie, diserction, deuotion, & obedeence, [Page 33] I may be able to doe all my deedes and seruices due, as they may be best plea­singe and most acceptable vnto thee, In all my thoughtes, vvordes, and workes. and graunt me by thy grace, alvvayes to liue according to thy holie vvill. And all the dayes and time of my life, I com­mend vnto thee, my soule & bodie, my faith, my life, and my death: to be pre­serued, protected, and directed, by thee novve, and for euer. Amen.

An other thenkesgening, to be vsed euery night with a Confession also of our sinnes.

OMnipotent Father, & most wor­thy of all adoration, who bearest a louing and fatherly care tovvards vs, thy vnvvorthy children: I render vnto thee most harty thanks, for keping & preser­uing me this day past, and for other thy great giftes & benefits, spiritual & cor­poral, bestowed on me vnkind vvretch, deseruing rather to haue bene sharply [Page 34] punished for my greeuous sinne and in­gratitude: and also for my deliuery from diuers & sundry perils, bodely & ghost­lye, into the vvhich many haue fallen.

I Confesse vnto thee, o most louing father with sorowful hart, that this day I haue offended thy diuine Maiesty, in wicked thoughtes, wordes, & workes: and especially in this maner, place and time (here let him examine his cōscience and be sorovvful for his sinnes commit­ted) o moste louing & peetiful father, I hūbly beseech thee, by the immaculate life, and painful Passion, of thy deare Sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ, of mercie and forgeuenes hovvsoeuer I haue of­fended this day, ether of frailtie, igno­rance, or malice: against thee, my neigh­bore, or my selfe. Amen.

Blessed Father and God of al mercy I humblie beseech thee, to geue me the grace of true contrition, & penance that I maye vvith a sorovvful hart bevvaile [Page 35] my sinnes committed, and with firme purpose forsake and detest them, & from hence forvvard, vvalke in newnes of li­fe, agreable to thy vvill & my vocation. Create in me o Lord a clane harte, & ge­ue me chastitie of bodie & soule. Graunt that thy holy Angell maye keepe vs, and this house in peace, that so vve maye passe the night vvithout sinne, to thine honoure, & oure saluation. Amen.

I commend vnto thee O Lord my bo­die & soule, friends & enemies, sicke & vvhole: & all Catholikes quicke & dead vvith the vniuersal Church, that thy blessinge may be vpon vs, and remaine vvith vs, now & for euer-more. Amen.

The omnipotente & blessed Trinitie, the Father, Sonne, & holy Ghost: blesse & keepe vs, & graunte vnto vs a quiete nighte, and perfecte ende. Amen.

A confession of Faithe, & deuout praier to the holy Trinitie, daylie to be vsed.

O Blessed Trinitie, Father, Sonne, and holy Ghost: three Persons & one God, I Beleeue with my hart, and Confesse with my mouth, al that the holy Catholike Church beleeueth and houldeth of thee: and asmuch as a good Catholike and Christian man ought, to feele & beleeue of thee. And I here pro­test before thy diuiue Maiesty, that I wil (with thy gracions assistance) con­tinue al my life, in this Faith, and dye in the same. And I acknowledge thee my God and Father, maker of al the world, and I thy poore creature, subiecte, and seruant, make to thee fealtie, & homa­ge, both of my bodie and soule, which I houlde of thee nobly, as of my soueraig­ne Lord & God: with al the goods na­tural, spiritual, & temporal that I haue, that euer I had & that I intende to haue of thee, here in this world, or in the world to come, and with al my hart I thanke thee. And in signe of recognisan­ce, [Page 37] & knowledge thereof, I paye vnto thee this litle tribute, morning and eue­ning: That is I adore & worshipe thee, with my hart & mouth, in Faith, Hope and Charitie: with this litle Oraison or Praier, which al only appertaineth to thy B. Maiestie, Signiorie and Diuinitie: & hūbly I require thee of three things.

The first is, mercy and forgenues, of as manny euils, sinnes, & offences, as I haue done in time paste, against thy blessed wil.

The second, that it vvil please thee, to geue me graee, that I may serue thee, & accomplishe thy Commandements, & not to runne or fal into deadly sinne.

The thirde is, that at my death, and great neede, thou wilt succour me, and geue me grace that I may haue remem­brance of thy Blessed Passion, and true contrition for my sinnes: & that I may liue and dye, in the Faith and Vnitie, of holye Churche: and finally come to thy [Page 38] glory eternal, With al saincts Amen.

An other Deuote prayer, or Protestation.

O Lord God Almightie, which seest and knowest al things, in whom is al profound wisdome, and Sapience: I wretched sinner, being now in good health & perfect memory (for which, as I am in dutie bounde, I thanke thee most hartelye) doe heare this daye (in disspite of al my ghostly enemies) make protestation, that if ether by enticeing, frailtie, tēptation, or deceit, of the deuil or other aduersities comming by sorow paine sicknes, feeblenes of body or by other occations whatsoeuer it be, I de­cline or falle in perille of my Soule, or preiudice of my healthe, or in error of the holye Faithe Catholike in which I was regenerate in the holy Fonte of Baptisme: I do vtterly disclame in it, re­nounce it, & withe meeke acknowled­ging my faulte, doe in moste humble manner craue pardon for it. In token [Page 39] whereof, I doe now sincerly professe, to liue & dye in the Faith of thy louing Spouse, our holy mother the Catholike Church. And in witnes of this Con­fession, and protestation: I offer to thee the Creede in which al veritie & truth is contained. And to thee I commend my Soule & Bodye, my Faith, my Lyfe, and Death. Amen. I Bleeue in God &c.

A Prayer or Salutation, to our Lady.

HAile Mary the hand-mayde of the holy Trinitie most humble. Haile Mary chosen to be the most high daughter of God. Haile Mary spouse of the ho­ly Ghost best beloued. Haile Mary the Mother of our Lord IESVS Christ most noble. Haile Mary the sister of Angels most sweete. Haile Mary promise of Prophets most desireable. Haile Mary Queene & daughter of Patriarkes most glorious. Haile Mary mistresse of Euan­gelists most faithful. Haile Mary teacher of the Apostles most wise. Haile Mary [Page 40] the comforter of Martirs most valiant. Haile Mary holines, fountaine, & ful­nes of Confessors moste benigne. Haile Mary honour & Crowne of chastity of Virgins most pure. Haile Mary the cōso latrice of quicke & dead most readie. Be thou with me in al tribulatiō & anguish of thy motherly pitie: & in the houre of my deth, receiue my soule & offer it to thy sweete Sonne Iesus (I beseech thee) with all those that haue comitted them selues to my praiers. Amen.

A Blessing to be vsed before you goe forth.

The Imperial Maiestie of God blesse me The Regall Diuinitie protecte me. The Euerlastinge Deytie keepe me. The Glorious Vnitie comforte me. The In­cōprehensible Trinitie defend me. The Inestimable Goodnes direct me. The Power of the Father Gouerne me. The Wisedome of the Sonne quicken me. The Vertue of the Holy Ghost, Illumi­nate me and be vvith me. Amen.

Alpha & Omega, God & Man: Let this Blessing be vnto me all health & safetie of body & soule, against all my enemies, visible & inuisible: now & for euer.


A most vertuous praier for all Estates.

O Moste benigne Father, O Father most vvorthy to be praied vnto, I most miserable vvretch, doe offer vnto thee, for al my sinns (which I confesse are many and vile) and for the sinns of the whole vvorld, the bitter Passion & death of thy only Sonne, our Lord and Sauioure Iesus Christ: I offer his la­bours, his fastings: his vvearines, his vvatchings, his prayers, his teares, his humilitie,, his bountifulnes, his pacien­ce, and his Charitie: I offer his vexati­ons & troubles of minde, his anguishes his contumelies, his paines his vvhip­pings, and his vvoundes: I offer al the drops of his most precious blood: I offer the merites of thy most svveete mother [Page 42] and Virgin S. Mary, and of al thy holy Saincts.

O Most blessed Iesus my Redeemer I geue thee humble thanks for thy innu­merable, benefits which thou hast gran­ted and geuen vnto me, being most vn­worthy & doest daily bestow vpon me. For thy most sacred Incarnation. chast Natiuitie, thy holy Life & conuersation thy most bitter Passion, & the effusion of thy most blessed blood: and for thy death which was most Ignominious. Make me, I beseech thee pertaker of al thy merits and graunt that through the diligent immitation & folowing of thy vertues, I may be found a liuely branche in thee, who arte the true Vine.

O Holy Ghost my comforter, I com­mend to thee my Soule and Body the be ginning and ende of my life, graunt me a good entrance & beginning: Geue me grace to doe true Penance, that I maye be hartely sory for my sinnes, and from [Page 43] them (by vertue of thy holy name) I maye be perfectlye purifyed before I deparre hence from this mortal bodye. I that am corupte and blinde in my affe­ctions and desires. & in my owne iudg­ment, am easily ouercome, easily I do erre, and am easily seduced and illuded: wherfore to thee (O Lord) I whollye commit, and offer my selfe. Defende & kepe me thy vnworthy seruant from al euil, teach and illuminate my minde, gouerne me both within and without, strengthen my weake spirite against in­ordinate pusillanimitie, and superfluous scruples of Conscience, and humble it that it fal not into presumption. Geue me right Faith, vnmoueable Hope, sin­cere & perfect Charity, that I may sweet lie delight in thee, I may loue thee har­telie, and euery vvhere I may fulfill thy holy vvill and pleasure.

O Holy & blessed Trinitie, God om­nipotet, I comment vnto thee al my [Page 44] bussines both spiritual and corporal. I cōmend vnto thee my benefactours, my neyghbours my friends, my familiars, & al for whom I ought to pray, al those which haue desired, or doe desire my prayers. I cōmend vnto thee, the whole Catholike Church, renew in it I besee­che thee, purity of life, graunt that ech one may corect him selfe: norish & kepe amog them that are members of the sa­me Church mutual charitie, and con­tinually to loue thee. Such as doe erre call backe into the way of Saluation extinguish al heresies, & conuert those to the knowledge of thy Faith, which as yet doe not know thee. Comfort and lift vp al that are trubled in mind and conscience & such as are opressed with temptations and calamities.

All Hayle o holy Virgin Marye, the white Lillie of the B Trinitie, of whom the king of Heauen Iesus Christ the bri­ghtnes of his Fathers glory, wolde be [Page 45] borne: and with they sweet milke be fedde and norished. O blessed mother assist my weaknes in al temptations, and necessities in al peril of sinne, and in the howre of my death, that thou helping and protecting me, I may be safe in our Lord.

O Blessed Spirits Angellical pray for me, and espicially thou holy Angel, the keper of my soule and body, haue thou faithful care ouer me. O al ye holy Sain­ctes of God, which haue passed ouer the troubles and vexations of his exile, and haue atained most happily to come to the porte of the celestial countrie, I most humbly cal you vnto my protections: helpe with your metites and praiers, both now & in the howre of my death.


A Praier to be vsed at the begining of worke.

O Most glorious and indeuided Tri­nitie the Father, Sonne, and holie Ghost, vvho art the onlie and euer la­sting [Page 46] goodnes, & vvithout vvhom no­thing may be parfecte: I besech thee by thy almighty povver, confirme & streng then my memory, by thy vvisdome, li­ghten mine vnderstanding, and by thy goodnes reforme and make perfect my vvill, that this vvorke vvhich I now goe about, may begin & ende, to thine honor & glory, to the help and confort of my neighbour, and saluation of my soule: the vvhich vvorke, & my selfe al­so body & soule, I humbly offer to thee. Conuert me to thee, o heauēly Artificer driue away the olde man with al his vi­cious inclinations, and make me anew. Create in me o Lord a cleane harte, & an vpright intention in this & all other my vvorkes: that both in me and them, thy holy name may be glorified, and thy B. vvil fulfilled.

An other to be vsed at the ende of worke.

TO thee o God be al praise, which hast permitted me to acōplish this [Page 47] vvorke. Graūt O Lord, it may be to thee acceptable to me healthfull, and to o­thers profitable. Not vnto vs o Lord, not vnto vs but vnto thy holy name, geue golrye. Amen.

A Deuoute Meditation, to procure Contrition and kindle the fyre of Douotion and feruore in Prayer: VVritten, by the Reuerent and Deuout Richard Roule Eremite at Hampoole.

VVHen thou preparest thy selfe to Praier, & desirest to haue therein Deuotion: Seeke some conne­nient place, free from noise and trouble that thou maiest haue ther some time of quiet vvithout disturbāce: sit or kneele, as thou thinkest moste conuenient.

Then be thou Emproure, Kinge, or Prince, Lorde, or Ladye, or any other persone of vvhat state soeuer: Consider vvell there is a God, that hathe made thee of nothing, to his ovvne Image and likenes, and hath bestovved on thee my righte vvittes and Sences, my limes, & [Page 48] all other features of bodye, with manye greate giftes & grace spiritual & corpo­ral: As memory, vnderstanding, & wil, also strengthe, bewtye, & comlye shape, with worldly ease & pleasures, that di­uers others vvant, vvhich liue in great distresse, and much anguishe of bodie & minde: All vvhich, thou maiest daily see, and behoulde before thee.

Thinke also, hovv frayle and sinfull thou arte, and vvithout the keeping of that good Lorde, thou sholdest fall into al kind of sinne and iniquity, through thine ovvne vvretchednes and frailtye.

And further thou maiest thinke as of thy selfe, there is no more sinfull a crea­ture then thou art, and if thou haue any grace of good lyfe, in liuing more vp­rightly then some others: Consider it commeth of God, & not of thy selfe, & by him that grace is freely geuen thee.

Call also to mind, how longe God hath suffered thee in thy sinns, and how [Page 49] often he might haue punished thee with perpetual payne, vvhere-as by offending him thou deseruedst it, yet of his great mercie and goodnes, hath he spared thee, for the amendment of thy lyfe, that thou myghtest aske mercye, and loueinglie hath he abiden thee, vntil thou vvoldst come vnto him, leaue thy sinne, and returne vnto good life: For lothe he vvere to forsake or lose, that by death he bought ful deere, vvith bittter paynes, and the price of his most precious Blood.

Also thou mayest yet further consid­der, that because he vvold not lose thee, he became Man, and vvas borne of a Virgin, he liued here in pouertie, an­guishe, and tribulation, al his life: and after that, death he vvold suffer to saue thee by his mercye, and bye thee againe that vvas loste by sinne and folie. In this manner, or the like, thou mayest consi­der of his great goodnes and benefites.

And for obtayning of more grace and [Page 50] deuotion in thy Prayers, and to get thee compunction: Behoulde here vvith the ghostlie Eye of thy Soule Christs pitious paynful Passion.

FIrste, Imagin in thy harte, that thou seest thy Lord taken of his enemies vvith many reproofs & dispites, brought before a Iudge, falsly there accused of manie vvicked men, and answered right nought, but meekly sufred their wicked and reprochful wordes. They were de­sirous to haue him deade, but first to suf­fer paynes.

Behould then that good Lord chiue­ring & quaking, al his bodie naked boūd to a piller, and aboute him standing wic­ked men voyde of al reason, sore scour­ging his moste blessed bodie vvith out anie pitye.

See now, how they sease not from theire furious strokes, though they see him stande in his owne blood, From the toppe of his head, to the sole [Page 51] of his foote, hole skin they leue none: his fleshe they rese to the bone, & for weri­nes of them slues, they leue, him almoste for dead.

Looke then aside, vpon his blessed Mother, see vvhat sorowe she maketh for her deere Sonne, & haue compassion of her paine, vvhich lyeth there in a swoone. Turne then again to thy Lord and see hovv rudelie they vnbynde him, hovv hastely they draw him forth, to heape vpon his tēder bodye, more painye and tormentes.

A Garlande of sharpe thornes they thruste vvith violence on his B. head, til the blood ran downe into his eyes, nose, mouth, & eares. They kneele then downe vvith scornes, and rise with re­proofes and spitte in his blessed face. Se thē how that B. Ladye beateth her brest, and vvringeth her hands: & I trow thou vvilte vveepe for that doleful sighte.

Looke yet again to thy Lord, and see how spitefullie they hale him forth to an high hil, there to naile him hand and foote, to the Rood Tree. See there first how fearsely they pul of his clothes, how meekly he goeth then to the Crosse, and spreadeth his armes abroad, and how with cordes, those pitieles Tormentors dravve them forth, til his B. senewes & Ioyntes al to bruste. Then vvith greate boysterous Nayles, they make faste to the Crosse his precious handes. In the same maner thou may see how greeuosly they drawe his blessed legges, and nayle his feete, downe to the Tree. Se then how they proffer him to drinke bitter galle and isel, and knele again before him vvith manie despites.

Then harken to that good Lord how meekly he taketh his leaue of his gra­cious Mother, and of his deare Apostle, & betaketh them ether to other, as deare Mother and Sonne: & after vvith a lowd [Page 53] voyce he commendeth his Spirite, to his Father in Heauen, hanging downe his B. head vpon his breaste. Se also how soone after, they pearce his harte vvith a Speare, in great fury, and how bloode and vvater gusheth forth of his B. side.

Then maiest thou haue ful great pity behoulding that good Ladye, how for sorow she shrinketh down in her sisters armes. Take heede to the heuy chere of his Apostle S Iohn: To the teares of Mag­delein, and of his other friends: & I hope among al these thou shalt haue com­punction. Then is it time to speake for thine owne neede, and for al others aliue and dead that trust to thy prayers. Caste downe thy bodie to the ground, & lifte vppe thy harte vvith doliful chere: and make thy prayer in maner as foloweth.

O Lord God Almightie, blessed may thou boughtest me, thy sufferance is great in me. Thou vvouldest not condemne me [Page 54] hauing often times iustly deserued it: But thou hast kepte and saued me, til I vvould forsake sinne, and turne wholy to thee. Now Lord, with sorowful harte I acknowledge to thy Goodnes, that I haue misspente vvithout profite, al my vvittes, powers, and vertues, that thou haste geuen me, to the helpe of my soule

Al the time of my life, haue I vvasted in diuers vanities, al the līmes of my bo­die, in sinne and superfluities: The grace of my Christendome, in pride and other vvretchednes: and trulie Lord, manie o­ther things haue I loued, better then thee, and not vvithstanding my great vn­kindnes euer thou haste norished me, & tenderly kepte me. Of thy great suffrāce I had ful litle knowledge, & of thy great rightuosnes I had but litle dreed. I tooke no hede to thāke thee for thy great good­nes, but in al my life from daye to daye, great matter of vvrath, haue I heaped vppe through mine owne vvickednes. [Page 55] Therfore sweete Lord, vvhat I shal say to thee I knovv not: But only this vvorde in vvhich I trust. God of thy great mer­cie, haue mercie vpō me. I acknowledge o Lord, al that I haue, commeth onlie of thee, I knowe wel vvithout thee nothing may be, but sinne and vvretchednes, vvhich commeth of me. Wherfore Lord vvith meke hart I beseche thy goodnes doe not to me as I haue deserued, but af­ter thy great mercy, & send me the grace of the holie Ghost to lighten my hart, to comfort my spirite, to establish me in the right vvay, and to performe thy wil, that I may haue perseuerance, in that I haue begun, and neuer hereafter be se­perated from thee, by my vnstablenes, ne by temptations to my enemie: I am vvorthy o Lord, to be chastised for my vvicked liuing, vvith vvhat rod it plea­seth thee: vvelcome be it Pacience good Lord send me, gladlie to suffer thy cor­rection, comfort me among of thy grace [Page 56] & vvhen thy vvil is, vvithdraw thy rod & take me to thy mercie. Ful bitter be the temptations & ful greuous to suffer, but though they be dreedful, I knovv they shal hereafter to my soule be meedful. O Lord thou knowest my hart is right feble much is my vnstablenes & my knowledg ful litle: Therfore good Lord, strengthen me, establish me, and teach me: and as thou made and bought me; so keepe and defend me. Bodie and Soule, I commit to thee, not as I vvil, but as thou wilt Lord so be it.

And novv good Iesu Gods Sonne, that knowest al things, helpe me in al vvic­ked thoughts that I displese thee not in liking or consenting. Ful oft I haue offen­ded thee in diuers thoughtes against thy vvil, & much to my liking: therfore it is thy rightuousnes, that I be trubled with other thoughts at thy pleasure that be greuos to me. But swete Iesus vvhen thy vvil is put them from me, and take me to [Page 57] mercie. O Lord Iesus Christ Gods Sonne, keep my mind, that I dilight not in vaine thoughts. Iesus Christ Gods Sonne, vvhich stood stil before a Iudge, nothing, to him answering: vvith draw my ton­gue til I consider hovv and vvhat I shal speake that may be to thy vvoorshippe.

Iesus Christ Gods Sonne, vvhose hands vvere bound ful sore for my loue: guide & gouerne my hands & al my other mem­bers, that my vvorkes may euer beginne to thy vvorship, and graciously end, to thy moste honoure. Arise o Lorde, and helpe vs: And for thy holie names-sake, saue & deliuer vs. O Lord Iesus Christ, cause me to haue in thy loue a meane vvithout mesure, an afection vvithout meane, a longing without order: & a burning desire vvithout ceassing.

O Lord I beseche thee of mercie also for al thos that doe desire my prayers & though I be a most vvretched sinner. vn­vvorthy to be hard, haue regard to their [Page 58] humilitie and deuotion, and vvhat they desire to thy vvorship, graunt thē for thy goodnes. Graunt them and me, & to al o­ther that I am behoulding to, or bound to pray for, grace to loue vvhat is moste to thy liking, thee to loue aboue al thinges, nothing to desire that should thee dis­plese. Al temptations mightily to with­stand, al other vanities o Lord for thy loue to dispise. Thee good Lord euer to haue in minde: and in thy seruice to a­bide to our liues ende, and if thou graunt vs anie thing to doe that shal be to vs meedful: graūt part o Lord to the Soules departed, abidig thy mercie in the paynes of Purgatorye. Amen.

In such maner thou maiest pray in the begin­ning, and vvhen thou art entred in deuotion, thou shalt percas haue better feeling in praier and holy meditations, then I can shew. Good brother or sister pray then forme vvrit by the teching of Almighty God, haue vvhich thee these few vvordes, for the helpe of thy Soule, whome God [Page 59] of his endles mercie gouerne, to his good pleasure, and thy saluation. Amen.

Verie Deuout and Godlye Prayers on the Passion of Christ. Gre. Mag.

O Lord Iesus Christ, I adore & wor­ship thee hanging on the Crosse, bearing on thy head a Crown of Thorne, I pray thee, that thy holie Crosse and death, be my defence and sheeld; and I beseche thee deliuer me from the Angel smiting. Amen. Pater noster. Aue Maria.

O Lord Iesus Christ, I adore and wor­ship thee vvounded vpon the Crosse: and there drinking Gaul and Eisel: I require thee that thy vvoundes, may euer be comfort to my Soule, and remission of my sinnes. Amen. Pater noster. Aue Maria.

O Lord Iesus Christ, I honour thee, for those moste bitter paines, vvhich on the Crosse, thou didst suffer forme: spe­cially in that howre, vvhen thy most holye Soule departed from thy blessed bodie: I beseche thee haue mercie on my [Page 60] Soule, vvhen it shal departe out of my bodye, and bring it to euerlasting blisse: and Ioye in Heauen. Amen. Pater. Aue▪

O Lord Iesus Christ, I adore & wor­ship thee, layde in the Sepulcher, anoyn­ted vvith Mirre and Inscence: I beseche thee that thy deathe, may be my lyfe, and lighte Euerlasting. Amen. Pater. Aue.

O Lord Iesus Christ, I adore & wor­ship thee, descending into Hel, and from thence deliuering those that vvere Cap­tiue: I beseche thee, that thou suffer not me thither to descend. Amen. P. Aue.

O Lord Iesus Christ, I adore & wor­ship thee, Rising from death, Ascending into Heauen, and sitting at the right hand of thy Father: I beseche thee, that thither I may folovv thee, and that I may deserue to be presented before thee. Amen. P. A.

O Lord Iesus Christ, the good Shep­heard, cōserue and keepe the Iuste, Iusti­fie the Sinner, haue pitie vpon al faithful People, & be merciful to me a greeuous [Page 61] Sinner. Amen. Pater. Aue. Credo.

I Beseche thee o Lord Iesus Christ, that thy Deathe, be my Lyfe, and strength, vvith the vvhich, I may be Armed, pro­tected, and directed. Thy Woundes be vnto me, continual foode, vvherwith I may be refreshed and delighted. The Shedding of thy moste precious blood, be the washing away of all my sinns. Thy passion, and Resurrection: be vnto me Eternal Life and Glory. In these thinges, be all my delihgt, and desire, my refection, and reioycing, my health, and strength, my Ioye and studdies: and the whole desire, of my hart minde, and body: now and euer. Amen.

Reasons inducing vs to be gratful vnto God for his Benefites.

HOw much vve are bound continu­ally to laude and praise God, cheifly for his goodnes in him selfe, and also to be thankful to him for his B. Benefites: we may learne of the holy Prophet Da­uid, [Page 62] which in that respect said, the praise of God vvas in his mouth: For vve ought vvithout cessing as S. Bernard saith to geue thanks vnto him, vvhich neuer ceasseth to bestow his benefites vpon vs.

And how dangerous it is to be ingrat­ful, it apeareth vvel in one of the holy Fathers saying, that there is nothing vvhich so much prouoketh the indigna­tion of God against vs, as ingratitude. Therfore seing vve vvere created to ser­ue God: Let vs begin to learne here in Earth, as S. Bernard coūsaileth vs, praises vve shal yeld to him in heauen.

A Moste Godly and Deuoute prayse, and Thankes-geuing to God, for his blessed Benefites Spiritual and Corporal: Of al true Christians, daily to be vsed.

O Moste holy B. glorious and Inde­uided Trinitie, the Father the Son­ne and Holye Gstost, Three Persons and one Almightie God: my Lord and God [Page 63] my maker and redeemer, my norisher, my defender, my sweetnes, my mercy my refuge, my strength, my victorye, my Sauiour, my Ioy, and glory Eternal.

I Laude thee, I glorifie thee, I honor and worship thee, O Blessed Trinitie, for that thou art in thy selfe: for thou art the highest God, from whom floweth al goodnes. Thou art gracious Eternity, thou art eternall Felicitie, thou art the depth of all Wisdome and Sapience: Thou art only God, and ther is none without thee.

I Laude and honor thee o B. Trinitie, that mightilye haste made of nothing Heauen and Earth, Sunne and Moone, and al other creaturs, and for that thou conseruest and gouernest al things in this Worlde All worship, Laude, glory, and thanks, be euer geuen to thee for al thy works, and of al thy creaturs, now and euer. Amen.

Also I Laude, thanke, and praise thee, [Page 46] for that it pleased thee to make the ix. glorious Orders of Angels, to laud & honor thee eternally, and some of them to asist vs faithfully, in this exile, and vale of misary with houable & necessary councels and helpings: and also to declare thine Ineffable goodnes. And thou madest al these thinges for man: But man, thou madest with thy proper hands, to thin owne glorious Image and liknes. Thou formed in him Vnderstanding, and adorned, & enabled him with free wil. I Laude and glorify thee, for that great gifte, in that thou set him in Paradise flowing with delights that he might haue high things in fruition, inferior things in gouernment, and to possest al things to thine honour, and to worship Laude and praise thee euerlastingly.

Yet thou made not thes noble crea­turs, Angel and man, for any necessity thou had to thē, for truly al things were sufficient in thee, to thine eternal glory: [Page 55] But of the feruor of charity, thou wast moued to create them, that such noble creatures should be pertakers of thine inexpressable Ioye and glorye.

Thankes geuing to God for our Creation and other benefites spiritual and corporal.

ANd furthermore, I Laude honour and worship thee O Lord, for that it hath pleased thee among al thy B. wor­kes to make me a reasonnable man: For gracious, Lord thou mightest, if it had pleased thee, haue made me a clod of earth, a stone, a mine of metal, or any such dead creature: Or else good Lord thou mightest haue made me an hearbe a plante, or a tree, bringing forth blossons and fruit, which hath life vegetiue to fructify: Or yet a more worthy creature then any of these, as a beast, bird, or fishe, hauing sence, feeling, and local mouing: But thou o Lord, hast made me none of al these creatures, but to my vse, health, and helpe, hast thou made them [Page 46] [...] [Page 55] [...] [Page 46] [...] [Page 55] [...] [Page 66] al, to be my subiectes, and I to be their Soueraigne.

And to me. whom thou hast made a creature reasonable, thou hast geuen power, Wisdome, Reason, Vnderstāding, and free will, and hast formed me with al my right līms and featur of body: and thou o Lord hast bestowed on me, the perfection of al the forsaid creatures, hauing geuen me being, with stons and metales: life, with Trees and hearbes: Sence, feling, & moueing, with beastes: and Vnderstanding with Angels: Hauing also indued me, with many other good giftes, spirituall, and Corporall, As the giftes of grace, giftes of nature, and the gifts of Fortune.

The giftes of Grace, as Memory, Vn­derstanding, and wil, Minde, Reason, Imagination, and Capacity, which are calleed the mightes of the Soule invvard.

The gifts of Nature, as beauty, comly [Page 67] shape, strength, agility, and svviftnes: My v. wits, & corporal limms, and menbers, as hands, feete, mouth, nose, eyes, and eares, vvhich be the mightes of the Bodye outvvard.

And vvith these also the gifts of for­tune, as meate, drinke and cloth, vvorldly riches, and al other things necessary for Body & Soule: vvhich many a good crea­ture that hath serued thee better then I haue wante: Al honour and praise be to thee, for al these thy louing kindnes, that thou o Lord hast shewd to me, and I not withstanding, haue bene so vnkind to the in mispending these thy giftes, litle concidering thy aboundant goodnes: I humbly aske mercy o Lor, for thes my trespasses: and loueingly I thāke thee, for thy greate Grace, and goodnes.

Praises to God for his gracious visitation Inspiration and Preseruation.

AL honour and Prayse be to thee o Lord for thy manifolde mercies in [Page 58] hauing so often visyted my harte, vvith thy Graces, spiritual motions and good Inspirations: And also hast kepte defen­ded, and deliuered me, this day & night, and al the daies and times of my life vnto this howre, from many perils and dan­gers of body and soule, As from fire and vvater, lightning, thunder, and tempeste from slanders, shames, and rebukes of this vvorld and many other mischiefes, into vvhich for my sinnes, I might iustly haue fallen, thou o Lord, hauinge suffred many a vvorthier person then I, both in strength, beauty, & cunning, sodainly to be punished for their defaultes: But merciful Lord, me thou hast spared and forborne, & hast suffred me in al my great and greuos trespasses, vvhich I haue don against thee, more then they, paciently abiding alway for my conuersion and amēdment, vvhen rightfully thou might haue slaine me and damned me also per­petuallye.

Others Lord, thou hast punished by great troubles many vvaies, as by impri­sonment, hunger, thirst, could and heate, blindnes, and madnes, by bakbiting and open infamy: and me vnkinde vvretch thou caledst by friendly chastisings, as by bodily sicknes, by death of frendes, or losse of vvorldly goods: And somtime thou admonished me, calling me againe vvith ful benigne and tender loue, by exāple of others, that haue ben drowned, slaine, or dead sodainly in my company: and I spared and saued, vvhich if I had then finished my life as they did, I had ben vnready to thee, & dyed in my sinne.

Thus then hast thou saued me, both soule and body, from many perils and dangers diuersly for the which I geue thee most harty and louing thankes. For the multitude of al these thy mercies: forgeue me I beseeche thee o Lord my great offences, and remember not my sinnes and Iniquities, but of thy goodnes [Page 58] [...] [Page 59] [...] [Page 58] [...] [Page 59] [...] [Page 70] pardone me, & geue me grace cōtinuallye, to yelde acceptable thankes vnto thee for al thy B. Benefites.

Laude & Praise for our Sanctification & Voca­tion, to the Vnitie of the Catholike Churche.

ABoue al these thy mercies, hast thou o Lorde, of thy especial grace and goodnes, knit me to thee, by calling me to the knowledge of thy selfe, and making me a member of thy Church ca­tholike: wheras many thousand Iewes, Turkes, & Infidels, that haue bene borne since I was, haue died in their iniquities, and many hundred thousand also, since the beginning of the world vntil this time, more worthy and noble then I: & if it had plesed thee o Lord, thou mightest haue made me one of them, and so to haue liued and died as they did: But of thy especial mercy and tender loue, hast thou chosen me, among so many thou­sāds, to be one of thy darlings, borne now in the time of grace, among Christian [Page 71] people, and vnder the Keyes & suffrages of holy Church, for the which, al honour be to thee for euermore. Amen.

Thankes and praise to our Sauiour Iesus for the Benefices of Redemption, Glorification, and fruition.

O Blessed Iesus, I Laude and honoure thee vvhich for my sake vvas borne of the B. Virgin, and suffred here, for the space of xxxiij. yeres, hunger, thirst, cold and heate: and after al, dispite, and painfull death. And by that thy death, and bitter Passion, thou bought vs out of the thraldome of the fiende, the third daye, thy Soule and body, being knit again together, by thy glorious Resurrection. And in thy Ascention, hast thou abled be, to be a Prince, or Princes, in the high Blisse of Heauen, not ten or xx. yeares, as earthly Princes liue here in this life, But euer to liue, vvorld vvithout end, in al Ioye, Blisse, & endles Felicitye.

Great is the revvarde o Lord, thou [Page 62] hast prepared for me if I leue my sinne, & continue in thy seruice to my liues end That is three dovvries in my soule, and fiue in my bodye.

The three of my soule be these, perfect loue and Charity in thy Diuine Maiestie. Clere Inspection, of thy B. Godhead. And true knitting, and perpetual vnion to thee, vvithout dissolution, or departing from thee.

And the bodie, shalbe indued vvith v. special giftes, As brightnes, svviftnes, & subtilnes, able to pearse euery thing as the Sunne pearseth the Glasse: impas­sibilitie, neuer to suffer paine of hunger, or thirst, could, or heate, sorovv, ne sick­nes, trouble or heauines: and Imortality euer to liue in, Ioy, and al felicitie, and neuer die.

Al vvhich, vvhen I concider & perceiue and that thou o Lord might haue made me a stone, stub, or anie other deade creature, and haste not so done: But of [Page] thy especial great mercye, hast aduanced me so worthilye, hauing made and abled me, to be an heyre, and to Inherite the high blisse of heauen, in the companies of Angels and al Sainctes, there with them thee to praise, thee to loue, and in thee to Ioye, world without end: I can­not but with sorowful harte, lament my great Ingratitude towards thee. O merci­ful Lord, for thy great mercye, forgeue me al my sinnes I beseech thee: & accor­ding to the multitude of thy compassions take pitie vppon me: And geue me grace daile to goe forward, in thy holy seruice, Faith, Feare, and Lone: and in the same to continue, to my liues end.

A Praier for mercy and forgeuenes of sinnes and for Grace to geue God thankes for his Benefites.

HAue mercy on me o God and of thy especial Grace, graūt me that I may with al my wits, bodily & ghostly thanke thee entirly for al thy benefits, calling [Page 62] [...] [Page] [...] [Page 62] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] to my helpe, our Blessed Ladie, with al the number of Electe, to Praye and be­seche thee Lord of thy great goodnes to graunt the same, and to haue mercie on me, and forgeue me my sinnes: That we together may thanke praise, & laud, thee, nowe and euerlasting. Amen.

O Lord, for the gifts of Fortune we Laude and praise thee, saying Laudamus te: And for the giftes of Nature, wee Blesse thee, saying Benedicimus te: For thy gif­tes of Grace, we Adore and worship thee, saying Adoramus te: And for thy mer­ciful keeping, guiding, and gouerning vs in this life, we glorify thee sayinge. Glorificamus te: And for thy great mercy, and metit, of our last reward: Gratias agi­mus tibi propter Magnam gloriam tuam. Amen.

Praise to God for his long suffrance, and cal­ling, and receauing, sinners, to his Mercy.

O Lord God almighty, I Laud & glori­fie thee, for al thy mercies, which thou hast alwaies shewed to sinners, paci­ently [Page] abiding for them, mercifully Cal­ling them, benignely Receiuing them, aboundantly geuing grace to them, and to such familiarity admitting them, as though they had neuer sinned. O merci­ful Lord, and pacient God, what shal I say to thee, for al these thy benefits? What lauds and thankings, shal I yeld to thee? For if al my sinnes were auoided from me, yet were I not worthy for the least of them to geue condigne thankes vnto thee, but as a wretched sinner may, with al my harte I Laude, thee, I Thanke thee, I Honoure and worshippe thee: And al Laude and Prayse be euer geuen vnto thee, worlde without ende. Amen.

The Conclusion.

O Holy Trinitie in Vnitie, & Vnitie, in Trinite, three in one, and one in Three: merciful and pitiful in al thy wor­kes, gracious in thy giftes, and God of al bounty: vouchsafe to heare benignely me thy wretched and sinful seruant, and [Page] with me, al the Sainctes of thy Heauen­lye Courte, beseeching thee of mercye and forgeunes for my great ingratitude towards thee. This Praise and thankes geuing o Lord, which I presume to offer and yelde vnto thy Diuine Maistie: Be it, through the merits of our Sauiour Ie­sus Christ the prayers and, of al thy Elect, accepted and alowed, in the Eares of thy mercy and pitie. Raise me vp o Lord, and mercifully releeue me. Graunt pardon of al my sinnes paste, forgeue my gilte pre­sent: & defend me from al to come. Amen. Pater Aue. Credo Te deum.

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