A SVMMARY OF THE BIBLE: VVherein the gene­rall heads of the seuerall Bookes thereof are so metho­dically set downe, as may be a helpe to the vnskilfull Reader. By Robert Bruen, Minister of Gods Word.

Reuel. 1. 3. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that heare the words of this Prophesie, and keepe those things that are written therein.

LONDON, Printed by G. P. for John Budge, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Greene Dragon in Pauls Church-yard. 1623.

TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE, and most vertuous Lady, the Lady Lucy Coun­tesse of Bedford.

RIght Honora­ble: At what time the Ta­bernacle, an outward re­presentation of GODS presence among his an­cient people of Israel, was erected in the wildernes, [Page] euery hand was busied and heart addicted to­ward it. And so great was the zeale of the peo­ple of that time therein that Moses was moued to bid them forbeare to bring any more offerings ere they would desist. As was then the Tabernacle, so is the Word of God vnto vs now. Happines or misery befalleth ei­ther where it is planted or wanting. And there­fore euery one of an abi­lity should be ymployed one way or other to pro­mote the welfare there­of, either by learned ex­positions [Page] of the more dif­ficult and mystical parts, or in familiar manner set­ting downe, for the capa­city of the weaker sort, such things therein as concerne faith and good life; or by painfull and powerfull preaching so carue the Word, as euery soule that commeth with hungry and prepared af­fections, may haue it por­tion. And happy he that either so teaching it, or taught by it, is found walking in the light and rule thereof; and shall be sure to heare Christ pro­nounce vnto him in the [Page] great day of Retributi­on, Well done, good ser­uant and faithfull. And therefore although the argument of this little booke (great for the mat­ter) had deserued a farre better and more skilfull Pen-man thenmy selfe: Yet as one who desireth the general benefit of all, and vnwilling that any vacuum should be in that remainder of time which God shall giue; I haue endeauoured (though in much weakenesse) to set downe the briefe of such things, as are at large scattered and diffused [Page] through-out the body of the sacred Scriptures. A worke which (if effectu­ally and elaborately per­formed) would bee wor­thy the view and reuiew of all such as desired to reade the SCRIPTVRE with profit, and would profit by reading. And because when wee haue done the best wee can, yet detraction will fol­low the penne, euen as the Crowes doe the sower, or the Fowles that fell vpon Abrahams sacri­fice; in which regard, as there is need of Patro­nage to shelter writing [Page] from Calumny: So for my owne part, I haue humbly submitted these my poore and weake en­deuors, vnder the wings of your Ladiships Honora­ble protection, partly out of my opinion, That the fruits of the Gospell should first bee offered to such (your Ladiship a principall one) as are the Patrons or patronesses of the Gospell. And se­condly, in lieu of my true and vnfained affecti­on, and in remembrance of that Honorable Saint now with GOD, in her life time the subiect of [Page] many excellencies, and patterne of true Nobili­ty, namely, your Lady mother: By whose boun­tie I haue fared the bet­ter: So not knowing whither to direct my thoughts better, then by way of thankfulnesse, I haue reflected them vpon your Ladiship, as the proper obiect, and heire of her possessions & ver­tues. If your Ladiship shall please to accept these my small endeuors in good worth, I haue my desire, and shall day­ly pray the Lord to esta­blish your Noble heart [Page] more and more in the truth of that profession, which maketh you graci­ous with God, and those that truely loue & feare him. From my house at West Markham, the fift of May.

Your Honors in the Lord, euer to bee commanded, ROBERT BRVEN.

To the Christian READER.

COurteous Rea­der, thou hast here in a nar­row roome set before thee some helpes (as I conceiue) for thy better and more ea­sie vnderstanding in some poynts, the Contents of the sacred Bible. It is the Booke of bookes, and so sweete to all that conceiue the myste­rie [Page] of godlines, that Saint Iohn is said to eate it. And Dauid a King, to prize it aboue al riches, and to spend the day and night in the meditation of it. And S. Paul professeth himselfe to estimate it, and the fulfil­ling of his course therein a­boue his life. Here is the wel from whence the waters of life doe plenteously flow: which who so drinketh shal neuer be more athirst. Here he that is spiritually sicke, may be recouered, according to the power of God that worketh thereby: here the simple may haue vnder­standing aboue the learned [Page] Scribe, & such as by a sin­gular proprietie, may make him wise vnto saluation. The treasure thē being dis­couered and knowne where­in to consist, the next thing worthy of our search, should bee how to attaine it; to which we should endeuour, as we do in matters of farre lesse importance. The Car­pēter hath his Rule, the Phisitian his preparatiues. In Arts there are bookes dire­ctiue for the attainment of them. And therefore as we commonly lanch forth into the main Ocean, beginning at the Riuers that run ther­unto: And Children are [Page] led by the hand, before they get the vse of their feete: Euen so, although the Spi­rit of God, by which the Scriptures were written, be the inward and Master-teacher, yet as oftentimes we take the benefit of the staffe to walke with, to helpe the body; so is it in the study of good things, Me­thod being as the mindes-waggoner, and that order best, when by generall heads (as markes in the way) we may bee kept the better from erring. Which thing is the ayme of this small ensuing tract, where­in the Reader may see in a [Page] generall manner, what eue­ry seuerall Booke of the sa­cred Scripture principally intendeth, set downe in methodical manner, for the more easie vnderstanding and better retaining of the same in the Readers me­mory.

And although all Scrip­ture be giuen by inspiration from God, and euery part of it be of vse for the heauen­ly building: yet as some roomes are of different sort in the materiall edifice, so is it in the sacred Story, wherein some parcels are recommended vnto vs, not onely as excellent in [Page] themselues; but as seruice­able, and keyes to vnlocke other places of Scriptures, and make them more fa­miliar to the godly di­sposed Reader. Such as are the Bookes of MOSES, to all those that come af­ter; the Bookes of Samuel, to the Psalmes of DAVID; those of the Kings, to the Prophets: The Acts of the Apostles, to their E­pistles. And according to this direction I haue been purposely more prolix and large in setting downe some things in all or most of the forenamed Bookes. As concerning the particu­ler [Page] parts of euery Chapter, (although in some places I haue not been wanting that way) because the same in sundry learned Commen­taries of some, & abbreuia­tions of others is set down, I haue forborne to labour therein. If thou hast better helpes in this kind, in the feare of GOD vse them to the improuement of sauing knowledge. If these of mine may any thing auaile thee, here thou hast them before thee: And the Lord blesse them vnto thee, and thee vnto himselfe.

Thine in, and for the Lord, ROBERT BRVEN.


ALTHOVGH GOD, who is goodnesse and fulnesse it selfe, nee­ded not to create any thing, yet hath vouchsa­fed to make man, and out of the masse of mankind [Page 2] reserued a peculiar peo­ple vnto himselfe, called the Church.

The Church is but one, though consisting of many members, and in diuers times and places of the world produced and made visible, euen as the water running tho­row many Countries, is but one Sea in respect of the Element, but hath diuers appellations ac­cording to the places it passeth by.

The Church of God is considerable according to the institution and or­dering thereof, and ope­ration [Page 3] of it so ordered.

The Institution of the Church consisteth in it framing and inspiring.

In respect of the frame, it is called a Body; Ephes. 4. 4. of which Christ is the head, and the Word the immortal seed wher­by it is begotten.

The inspiring of it, is by the Spirit which crea­teth the instrument of faith, and knitteth the beleeuer inseparably to Christ.

The operation of it ap­peareth in seuerall instan­ces shewed heereafter in the Children of the [Page 4] Church in the seuerall ages of the world.

The Ages of the world are in number eight, in the account of some.

The first Age. The first age is recko­ned from Adam to Noah, containing yeeres, 1656. and the History thereof is set down from the first Chapter of Genesis to the seuenth, wherein are to be considered of persons and actions by them per­formed.

The persons are consi­dered generally or par­ticularly.

Of the first, are all the Patriarkes or chiefe Fa­thers [Page 5] that were before the Flood, as Adam, Sheth, Enosh, Kenan, Me­halaleel, Iered, Henoch, Methuselah, Lamech, & Noah.

The persons among these of especiall note for the building of the Church of God were:

1 Adam, as the roote of the Church.

2 Habel, the first fi­gure of the Church, Ge­nesis 4.

3 Sheth, the third son of Adam, the second per­son for building of the Church in Abels roome.

4. Henoch, the first fi­gure [Page 6] of the Church ta­ken vp body and soule into heauen, the sonne of Iared, chap. 5. 18. and not of Cain, chap. 4. 17.

5 Noah, the second fi­gure of the Church pre­serued in the Arke.

So that although Religi­on decayed in the dayes of Enosh, yet God would not haue his Church vt­terly ruined: without which the world would not stand; and therefore Christ descended as well of the Fathers before the flood, as of those that came after.

The persons thus na­med, [Page 7] the Religious acti­ons or operations doe follow by them perfor­med; shewed, 1. in their Inuocation of GODS Name, Chap. 4. 26. Se­condly, by sacrificing vnto GOD, which is knowne to bee a Religi­ous act, Rom. 2. 15. and by Gods acceptation of the thing done, Gen. 8. Verse 20.

The 2. Age. The Second Age follow­eth from Noah to A­braham, containing y. 363. & 10. d. in the Patriarches after the Flood, which were, Shē, [Page 8] Arpachshad, Shelah, Eber, Peleg, Reu, Se­rug, Nahor, Terah & Abraham: set downe from the 6. of Genesis, to the 12. Chapter.

CONCERNING these persons, little is ob­serued of great note, saue of Sem, the second sonne of Noah, in whose Line the true Church remai­ned, and Abraham, but rather, of the sinnes of those times, and punish­ments accordingly.

The sinnes by them committed, were either before the Flood, as of [Page 9] Crueltie and prophane marriages, Chap. 6. for which God brought the Deluge, Chap. 7. or after the Flood.

The sinnes most no­ted after the Flood, were of Noah sinning of infir­mitie, and of Cham, his yongest sonne mocking his Father, Chap. 9. so that as before the Flood, Cains posteritie was cal­led by name, The Sonnes of men, sauouring more of them then of God; so after the Flood, Cham, of Cain, was the first Au­thor of Irreligion.

The punishment of [Page 10] Cham, is noted in a wic­ked Seede, and malig­nant Church, which should afterward molest the people of God, Cha. 10. verse 6. to 21. and the effects that succeeded in the world; namely, af­fectation of Monarchie, Chap. 10. and confusion of Languages, Chap. 11. verse 7, 8, 9.

Languages are consi­dered, either in the vse or abuse of them.

Their vse, by obser­uing what they were at first; the abuse, as they became afterwards.

The World at first was [Page 11] all of one Language, but afterwards was diuided into many; some thinke, 72. but the Hebrew was preserued in the Familie of Heber the sonne of Shelah, Chap. 11. 14. of whom came the He­brewes.

The vse of Languages aright considered, is ei­ther in respect of the Teacher or Learner.

The Teacher best in­structeth by his know­ledge of the Tongues, in which the 2. Testaments were written, the old in Hebrew, the new in Greek the Mother-tongue, [Page 12] to a great part of the world, spred ouer the same by Alexanders Conquest: which bles­sing befell in Iaphets po­steritie, for couering his Fathers nakednesse.

The Learner is best taught in the language hee best vnderstandeth, 1. Cor. 14. So that the gifts of tongues are now necessary to deale with all persons in their owne languages, holding in the diuersity of tongues the vnity of faith. And that as many were diuided by the multiplying of tongues, so now by the [Page 13] gift thereof many by Christ are vnited into one body.

The abuse of langua­ges followeth, and that principally by the Ro­manists, in a twofold re­gard.

1 In that of long time they were carelesse of a­ny translation, teaching that ignorance was the mother of deuotion.

2. When they were ashamed of that position they dimmed the Word with a barbarous transla­tion of the Latine; which vulgar translation was made so authenticall by [Page 14] the Councell of Trent, that none might presume to reiect it. Whereas there was no Latine Ser­uice in England, within the first 600. yeeres af­ter CHRIST.

The 3. Age. The third Age followeth, containing yeeres 430. from the departure of Abraham from Vr in Caldea, vnto the de­parture of Israel from Aegypt, set downe, Gen. 11. to 14. of Ex­odus.

HEre wee are to in­treat of the famous [Page 15] Patriarches to whom GOD made promises; and these persons are ei­ther generally, or more particularly to bee con­sidered.

1 Of Abraham, the Father of the faithull, to whom the promise was first made, from the 11. Chapter of Genesis to the 25. Chapter.

2 Of Isaac, in whom the promise was made, Chapter 25. to 28. saue of his age, and death, no­ted Chapter 35. vers. 28, 29.

Thirdly, Of Iacob, of whose seede consisted [Page 16] the greatest visibility of the Church both for multitude and potencie of Iewes, & Gentiles con­uerted to the faith that came of him: the histo­ry of him from his birth to the history of Ioseph, from Chapter 25. to 37.

4 Of Ioseph, from chap­ter 37. to 49. and from thence to the end of the booke, of Iacobs Prophe­cie.

The particular consi­deration of these follow­eth.

1 Of Abraham and of Gods proceeding to­wards him, and that by [Page 17] obseruing both the pro­mises made to him of God, the time when, and the confirmation of the things promised.

The promises were concerning persons and possessions.

1 Of a blessed seede in Isaack by Sarah, of whom came al the faith­full Iewes and Gentiles, Rom. 4. 6. or of outward greatnes, and multitude in the posterity of Ismael of Hagar an Egyptian Woman, Chapter 25. vers. 12. to 19. and like­wise of his posterity by Keturah, of whom came [Page 18] the Midianites, and the Persian Magi, &c.

2 The time that these promises were made vn­to him. 1. either iust before that Lot and hee were seuered, Chapter 12. Secondly, but prin­cipally after their se­paration, Chapter 13. vers. 14, 15. That nei­ther Lot nor his posteri­ty should make claime to any of the promises, which God had made in peculiar to Abraham.

3 The possession pro­mised, was Canaā, which was assured to Abraham, Chapter 12. 7. and 17. [Page 19] 4, 8. And to Isaak, chap. 26. 4. and to Iacob, and his seede, Chap. 28. 13.

The confirmation fol­loweth of the things promised, and that first, by exchange of Name from Abram a man worldly eminent, to A­braham a Father of mul­titudes, yea, of all belee­uers. Secondly, by Co­uenant of Circumcision; wherein the distinction of Iewes and Gentiles be­gan. Thirdly, by visible signe of a heifer diuided, Chapter 15.

Concerning Isaak, we Isaac. are to obserue somewhat [Page 20] touching the breuitie vsed by Moses in pen­ning the history, and of the history it selfe.

The breuity thereof in a twofold respect; 1. be­cause the visibility of the Church was most in Ia­cob. Secondly, Iacob had more troubles then his Father, and therefore had need to be more large in setting them downe.

The history it selfe, in respect of his troubles or infirmities: his troubles either personall, as to be scoffed by Ismael, Chap. 21. to bee sacrificed in Mount Moriah, Chap. [Page 21] 22. to bee childlesse 20. yeeres after he was mar­ried, Chap. 25. To so­iourne into Gerar, tho­rough famine, and there his life to be indangered through his wife, Chap. 26. 2. reall, as to haue his wels stopped.

2 His infirmities, first to lye to saue his life; Chap. 26. Secondly his desire to blesse Esau whō the LORD would not choose, and who would haue sold it as he did his birth-right, or haue con­temned it, and so haue brought a curse vpon the world; in which regard, [Page 22] it was a speciall proui­dence of God that Isaac wanted the sence of see­ing, Chap. 27.

In Iacob, the Church Iacob. is cleerly represented, ei­ther in the visibility of it, or in the troubles that befall it.

The visibilitie of the Church set foorth in Ia­cob, is in the exchange of his name, and number of his troubles.

His name was chan­ged from Iacob his natu­rall name, as Father of a familie, to Israel, which was giuen him by grace, Chap. 32. 28. and 35. 10. [Page 23] Secondly, his Children were eitherby his wiues, or his wiues seruants.

His wiues were Leah, and Rachel.

By Leah he had Ruben, Simeon, Leui, Iudah, Chap. 29. Issachar, Ze­bulon, and Dinah, Chap­ter 30.

By Rachel he had Io­seph, Chap. 30. and Ben­iamin, Chap. 35.

By Billah Rachels maid he had Dan, Chapter 30. vers. 6. and Napthalie, vers. 8.

By Zilpah Leahs maid he had Gad, vers. 11. and Asher, vers. 13. And [Page 24] of these came the twelue Tribes which were,

Ruben, Simeon, Iudah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Gad, Asher, Nepthali, Beniamin, Ephraim, & Manasses.

So that of Iacobs Sons of whom were the Tribes, some were ex­cepted, and others inser­ted. The persons ex­cepted, were either in this place, namely, Leui, and Ioseph; Leui for his crueltie, and Ioseph for his double portion: and the persons inserted in [Page 25] their roome, were E­phraim and Manasses. Secondly, or in other places of Scripture, and so Simeon is left out by Moses in numbring the Tribes, Deut. 33. because hee was without repen­tance; and Dan by Saint Iohn, Reuel. 7. 7. because that Tribe caused the first Idolatry when the Children of Israel came into the land of Canaan, Iudg. 18. 30. Whence also wee may conclude the Booke of Iudith A­pocrypha, because she is said to come of that Tribe, which in Iacobs [Page 26] Will hath a curse: and yet Leui is inserted in the Reuelation, because that of Israel, in relation to CHRIST, were made Priests vnto God.

The representation of the Churches troubles in Iacob doth follow.

The troubles of Iacob were in his Iourneyes:

1 Into Mesopotamia to serue his vnkle Laban, where he had his wiues, Chap. 29. and his riches, Chap. 30.

2 Into Canaan, where he was troubled with his brother Esau, Chap. 32. and 33. and in his owne [Page 27] children during his life, Chapters 37, 38, 42.

3 Into Egypt, where of the troubles befalling his posterity after his death, with the cause thereof, namely, the sel­ling of Ioseph to the Is­maelites, Chap. 37. 28.

In Ioseph, consider his Joseph. occultation in Egipt, and manifestation.

His occultation, for the space of 22. yeeres before hee was made knowne.

His manifestation, ei­ther in respect of Iacob, or of God.

Of Iacob, his necessity [Page 28] vrging him to send into Egypt twice to buy corn, Chap. 42. 2. and 43. 2.

Of God, the declara­tion of his prouidence to prouide for Iacob and his familie, Chapter 45. 7, 8. and for discouery of their sin against their brother, Chap. 42. 21, 22. And lastly, to mani­fest Ioseph a liuely type of Christ, sold of his Bre­thren, and afterwards aduanced: and setteth foorth the estate of the Church in it depression in this world by afflicti­on, and exaltation by glory, sometime in this [Page 29] life, but most assuredly in the Life to come.


Hitherto of the Church in the dayes of the Patriarkes: now of it, they being dead, and she left in Egipt, the house of Bōdage.

WHere we haue to consider of their inlarge­ment, and the meanes thereof.

1 Their inlargement noted in the different number of the Israelites at their going out into Egypt, namely, but 70. and at their going forth, sixe hundred thousand, beside Children, Exod. 12. 37.

Secondly, the meanes, & manner of their com­ming out, are personally and instrumentally to be considered.

The persons or Com­missioners for that of­fice principally appoin­ted, were two brethren, Moses (the Pen-man of these 5. Bookes) and [Page 31] Aaron the sons of two Leuites, Amram, and Io­chabed, Chap. 2. and 6. Their commission was to let Pharaoh know what God would haue him doe, namely, to let his people goe out of E­gypt, with their substance two dayes iourney into the wildernesse to serue him, Chapters 3. and 8. or what to suffer for not doing it.

The instrument or signe that was appointed for the effecting of Gods iudgement herein, was by a rod, sometime in the hand of Moses, other­while [Page 32] in the hand of Aa­ron, Chapter 7. vers. 9, 10, 19, 20. and 10. vers. 3, 13, 21, 22. and 8. 5, 16. but principally in Aarons hand, being the minister of the iudgement.

The Commission be­ing shewed, the effects and issue doe follow, and they are either partiall or finall.

1 Partiall, of the wa­ters turned into blood, Chap. 7. 22. Pharaoh promised to let them goe at the second plague of the frogges, Chap. 8. 22. promised absolutely at the thunder and haile, [Page 33] Chap. 9. 28. at the gras­hoppers confesseth his sinne, Chap. 10. vers. 16, 17. At the darknesse all should goe but sheepe & cattell, verse 24. at the tenth plague, to wit, the death of the first borne all must goe, and were thrust out, Chap. 12. 31, 32, 33.

2 The totall & finall iudgement followeth, where consider, the acti­ons of the Egyptians that parted with their Iewels, Chap. 11. of God, who in iustice ouerthrewe them in the Sea, Chap. 14. Of the Israelites in [Page 34] their thanksgiuing for their deliuerance, Chap­ter 15.

The fourth Age followeth.

Hitherto of the Church in Egypt: now of it in the The 4. Age. Wildernesse, and of the fourth Age, from the departure of the Chil­dren of Israel foorth of Egypt, till the first building of the Tem­ple, containing yeeres 480. The History whereof is from this place, to the latter end of the first booke of the Kings.

IN the narration of the people of Israel in the wildernesse, their nou­rishment there, and nur­ture is to be considered, in respect of their bodies and soules.

For their bodies, God in miraculous manner prouided Manna for their bread, Quailes for their meate, Chap. 16. & water by striking a rock, Chap. 17.

1 Their nurture by the benefite of good Lawes; and they either Morall & eternal, which God pronounced with his owne mouth, giuen [Page 36] the 50th. day after their going out of Egypt, writ­ten first in the hearts of our first Parents, after­wards in stone, Chap. 20. seruing to explaine the law of nature.

2 Ceremoniall, Chap­ters 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. for the outward seruice of GOD, pe­culiar to that people: all which rites had respect to the heart and mind, whereby God would be worshipped, Esay 58. Deut. 10. 12. and they ended in Christ. 3. Iudi­ciallr, especting ciuill go­uernment, Chapters, 21, [Page 37] 22, 23, to vphold a right performance of the two former, by inflicting pu­nishments on the trans­gressors: and both the Ceremoniall and Iudici­all lawes were written by Moses.

Hitherto concerning the Lawes: now followeth to shew what MOSES was commaunded to make.

THE things so com­manded, were nine: The Tabernacle, Arke, Mercy-seate, Table of shew-bread, Candlestick, [Page 38] Chapters 25. 27. Altar of burnt-offering. Chap. 27. 1. Altar for perfume, Chap. 30. 1. Brazen La­uer, Chap. 38. and the Priests garments, Chap­ter 39.

1 The Tabernacle or Tents were certaine moueable Habitations, appointed by GOD in the wildernesse; That as great persons haue faire houses for their reputati­on; so God the Taberna­cle for his worship, whi­ther his people must re­sort to him, Leuit. 17. 4, 5. Deut. 12. 5, 6.

In this, the matter, mi­stery, [Page 39] and approbation of it, erected, is considera­ble.

The matter was of such things as the people had & freely offered. 2. The mystery was to repre­sent Gods presence a­mong his people, and co­uenant to them made, Act. 7. 44. in vse till the Temple was erected, and then it was set there with the Arke and holy vessels, 1. King. 8. 6. Secondly to set forth the Church militant, and the flitting estate thereof, Psal. 15. 1. as the Tem­ple did the Church try­umphant. [Page 40] Thirdly, the approbation of it, and that was by God, after it was erected, and all things performed ac­cording as was com­manded, Chap. 40.

2 The Arke was the principall part of the Ta­bernacle, which was in the most holy place of al wherein were put the Tables of stone; and a certaine place for the Is­raelites where to offer their sacrifices: for al­though they might offer, 1. before the Arke seue­red from the Tabernacle 1. Sam. 6. 15, 17. 2. or [Page 41] before the Tabernacle when the Ark was away, Leuit. 17. 3. and ex­traordinarily in other places by Diuine dispen­sation, as did Samuel, 1. Sam. 7. 9. and Dauid, 2. Sam. 24. 25. and Elias, 1. King. 18. yet princi­pally they sacrificed when the Tabernacle & Arke were both toge­ther.

3 Mercy-seate, as Gods place of audience, from which the Lord spake vnto Moses, Numb. 7. 89.

4 Table of Shrew bread, which for the matter was of Shittim, and dura­ble [Page 42] wood, couered ouer with pure gold, whereon was set face bread be­fore the Lord continual­ly, whereof the Priests onely might eate.

5 Candlesticke, which was set in the holy place of the Sanctuary, whose lampes were dayly dres­sed, and oyle supplyed by Aaron, or by his sonnes the Priests at his appointment.

6 Altar of burnt-of­fring, which was but one made of brasse, and set in the Court of the Sanctu­ary onely, hauing a bra­zen grate; whereon the [Page 43] fire was put for sacrifice.

7 Altar for perfume, of Shittim wood ouerlayd with gold, whereupon onely the incense was to be offred, which was made of diuers spices beaten, and afterwards offered vp by the Priest in the holy place.

8 Brazen Lauer, which was for the priests to wash their hands and feete when they mini­stred before the Lord, and entred into the holy place, in their cleane gar­ments.

9 The Priests gar­ments, both for Aaron [Page 44] and his sons, Chap. 39. Aarons most remarkable garments were the E­phod, Exod. 28. 12, 21. The brest-plate of iudg­ment, vers. 15, 22. Vrim and Thummim, vers. 30. and a plate on his fore­head, wherein was en­grauen, Holinesse to the Lord, vers. 36.


THE manner of performing reli­gious seruice fol­loweth, wherein of the [Page 45] Commander, or things commanded.

1 The Commander is God, who in this book commādeth such things as were done in the first moneth of the second yeere after their com­ming foorth of Egypt, at Mount Sinai.

2 The Commande­ment is touching actions and actors.

Actions are such sa­crifices as were appoin­ted by the Lord to Mo­ses, wherein the seuerall sorts, matter and myste­ry of them is seuerally to be considered.

The sorts of sacrifices were either,

1 Burnt offrings, cha. 1. so called, because all was offered and consu­med therein by fire that came from God; the skin onely was the Priests.

2 Meate offerings, Chap. 2. for acknow­ledgement that they did hold their meat and food of God: and because part therof went as meat vnto the Priest who of­fered it.

3 Peace offerings, Chap. 3. whereof one part was burnt, the other was the Priests, and the [Page 47] third part the offerers, & this was also called the sacrifice of prayse, or free-will offering for the obtainment of any bles­sing, Chap. 7.

4 Sin-offering, Chap. 4. for Ignorance, whe­ther in the Priest, Con­gregation, Prince, or pri­uate person, with the se­uerall oblations for each.

5. Trespasse offering, Chap. 5. for things done amisse, and afterward knowne and acknow­ledged.

The matter of the Sa­crifices followeth.

  • 1 Of things hauing life, Chap. 1.
  • 2 Of things without life, Chap. 2.

The mystery of these Sacrifices.

1 To note our pollu­tion, and that wee like beasts had deserued to dye. 2. To assure vs of the remission of our sins in Christs death, the va­riety of Sacrifices, shew­ing the aboundance of grace redounding vnto vs by the Sacrifice of Christ.

The persons sacrificing doe follow, and they were either publike or [Page 49] priuate. Publike, Chap­ters 8, 9, 10. Priuate, from the 11. to the end.

1 Publike and extra­ordinary, and so was on­ly Aaron the high Priest.

2 Ordinary, and so all the Priests of the Tribe of Leui, whereof there were great num­bers in the Iewish Church, 1. Chron. 23. 3. and the continuance vnder the Law, to the cleere mani­festation of Christ vnder the Gospell. And as the High Priest typified Christ himselfe, so the other, the Pastors of the Christian Church, and Christians.

The manner of sacrificing followeth, either in spe­ciall relation to the Priests alone, or in com­mon obseruation of some things belonging both to the Priests and people together.

1 The duties belong­ing to the Priest, are par­ticularly expressed, chap­ters 8. 9. and the mani­festation of Gods bles­sing, & approuall of that which was done by thē, according to his com­mandement, Chap. 9. vers. 23, 24. and Chap. 26. Secondly, his iudge­ments executed vpon the [Page 51] transgressors, Nadab and Abihu, Chap. 10. and Chap. 26.

2 That which belon­ged to the Priest & peo­ple, were sanctification, and this either Ceremo­niall or morall.

Ceremoniall, of pri­uate and particular per­sons, in the vse of some meats, & abstinence frō other, and likewise from some persons.

1 Of meats, Chap. 11. All were accounted cleane, from the fall to Moses time, but then cer­taine of them were pro­nounced vncleane: not [Page 52] that these things were faulty in themselues, be­ing in that estate wherin God created them, who made thē all very good; but were appointed by Moses Law to distinguish the Iew and the Gentile, and forbiddeth grosse behauiours in men that oftentimes become sen­suall like beasts.

2 Personall pollution, in regard whereof Ce­remoniall sanctification was necessary. 1. Tou­ching women in Child­bearing, Chap. 12. Se­condly, Leprous persons or houses, Chapters 13, [Page 53] 14. Thirdly, or by flux, Chap. 15.

Common sanctificati­on followeth, which was both in respect of the Priest and people, Chap­ters 16, 17. where, of annuall rites concerning Aarons comming into the Sanctuary, his obla­tion, ornament, and time of purification for sinne.

Morall Sanctification followeth, and that ei­ther personall or reall.

1. Concerning our selues, Chap. 18. for marriage, which ought not to be in persons neer vnto vs in blood; nor [Page 54] with women in their dis­ease.

2 Respecting God & our neighbours in nega­tiue precepts, Chapters 19, 20.

3 Speciall institution concerning the Priests, Chap. 21.


Of abuse in eating and offering.

And concerning times of certaine festiuities e­uery yeer, & these either partly in their vnsettled estate in the wildernesse, Chap. 23. or after that they were stated in Ca­naan, euery seuenth yeer, [Page 55] and euery fiftieth yeere, Chap. 25.

Voluntary, concer­ning vowes, Chap. 27. and Numb. 30. but with this difference, that in this booke they are set downe, onely as they were to bee performed: but in Numbers, as they were to bee performed or redeemed.

The obsignation of all, by a diuers effect. 1. of blessednesse in a right performāce of the things commanded; or 2. of cursing, in the contrary, Chap. 26.


THE Booke of Numbers hath it name of num­bring, and either of per­sons or places that were numbred, by Moses and Aaron, and the Princes of the Tribes. The Hi­story contayneth Acts done, and Lawes made from the beginning of the second moneth after their going forth of E­gypt, to the beginning of the 11. moneth of the fortieth yeere.

Concerning persons [Page 57] that were numbred, they are considered generally or specially.

The totall of all the people that came into Canaan, were six hundred and three thousand fiue hundred & fiftie, Chap. 1. 46. Leui exempted, vers. 47.

2 Persons in speciall are diuersly ranked and disposed.

Ciuill, as the chiefe of the seuerall Tribes, Cha. 2. and 7. and the Priests and Leuites who were numbred onely once, Chap. 3.

The disposing of these [Page 58] and the rest was by order Ciuill, sutable to warre, or sacred.

According to the for­mer, the people marched according to their Tribes euery one vnder their chiefe Captaine, Chap­ters, 2. 10. The Priests office was to beare the Arke, when it remoued, on their shoulders, and to blowe the Trum­pets, Chap. 10. The Leuites were to serue the Priests in the Taberna­cle, but not to come neere the Sanctuary. 2. to helpe to carry the Tabernacle, when it was [Page 59] to be borne.

In their march, note the places from whence they went, the places whither, the manner how, and the effects.

The place where they were first numbred was at Mount Sinai in the wildernesse, Chap. 1. The second time at the time at the plaine of Mo­ab, Chap. 26.

2 The number of their iourneyes or places of their remooue were 42. particularly layd downe, Chap 33.

3. The manner, or di­rection was by a cloud, [Page 60] Chap. 10. 34. and a set forme of prayer vsed by Moses, as they went or rested, vers. 35, 36.

4 The successe (as of all warre) was diuers, good or euill, so that al­though they might haue come into Canaan with­in a few dayes, in regard of distance of places, yet were they many yeeres in performing it, & that

1 In respect of Gods prouidence, that would thereby exercise and try them.

2 In regard of opposi­tion made against them;

1 By others.

1 As Edom, Chap. 20. 14. and Sehon King of the Amorites, that deny­ed Israel passage. And by Arad King of Canaan, and Og King of Bashan, Chap. 21.

2 By Magicke Art, and subornation of Balack to haue Balaam curse Is­rael, Chapters 22, 23, 24.

2 By their owne sins, as of Murmuring.

1 For the tediousnesse of the way in the wilder­nes of Paran, hauing trauelled 3. dayes, for which fire came out a­gainst them, Chap. 11. 1.

2 For want of flesh at [Page 62] Kibroth-Hattauah; for which the plague came among them, Chap. 11. vers. 33.

3 At Hazaroth, Aaron and Miriam murmur a­gainst Moses, for which she became Leprous, ch. 12. 10.

4 At Rithma in Paran the spies were sent forth, Chap. 13. and their des­peration, murmuring & impatience is punished, in that the Elders dyed in the wildernesse, their posterity wandered a­long time therein; and the spies were sodainely consumed, Chap. 14.

5 The earth opened and swallowed vp Corah and his Complices that rebelled against Moses and Aaron, and all their goods, Chap. 16. 31, 32.

6 And the people that would not acknowledge Moses the Lords Magi­strate, and Aaron his Priest, were punished with death, to the num­ber of foureteene thou­sand and seuen hundred, vers. 49.

7 At Kadesh, Moses, Aaron and the people murmur for want of wa­ter, for which they are denyed entrance into the [Page 64] land of Canaan, Ch. 20.

8 For murmuring through tediousnesse of the way from mount Hor to Punon in Zalmona, they were stung with fi­ery Serpents, Chap. 21.

Hitherto of their Mur­muring, and the punish­ment thereof. 2. Of their Idolatry and For­nication at the plaine of Moab; where, of the manner & punishment, accordingly.

First, the manner by the wicked Counsell of Balaam, giuen, Chap. 24. 14. and embraced, Cha. 25.

2 The punishment fol­lowing thereupon, was executed vpō the actors and authors, both of Is­rael and their enemies.

1 Of Israel for this sin, there dyed of the plague 2400. and all the heads of the people hanged vp, and Zimri thrust tho­row, Chap. 25.

2. Of Midian was slaine Cozbi, Chap. 25. and Balak, and the fiue Kings of Midian. Balaam was controlled by his Asse, and afterwards slaine; and so likewise were al the males of Mi­dian, and the women [Page 66] who had lyen by man, Chap. 31. Insomuch that of all them who were numbred at Mount Si­nai, not any came into Canaan, but Caleb & Io­shua, Chap. 26. 64.

Hitherto of the ill suc­cesse that Israel had; that which fell out more prospe­rously after that God was appeased by the zeale of Phineas, followeth; where­in we haue to note, touching persons and possessions.

1 Persons were either such as deuided Canaan; or those to whom the di­uision was made.

The deuiders were E­leazur, [Page 67] Ioshua, and one select person out of the seuerall Tribes, Chap. 34. whose charge it was to see, that no more were deuided then was right, nor any left out which appertained to them.

They whom this diui­sion concerned.

1 None but such as could deriue their discēt from Iacob.

2 Of Ciuill persons, the inheritance was to passe to the males, but in case of defect thereof, the daughters were ca­pable, as in the example of Zelophehads Daugh­ters [Page 68] of the Tribe of Ma­nasseh, Chap. 27. who were to match within the familie of the Tribe of their Fathers, Cha. 36.

Of sacred persons were the Leuites, who had for themselues 48. Cities & their suburbes.

2 Possession, was ei­ther on this side Iordan, as of the Tribe of Ruben, Gad, and halfe Tribe of Manasseh, Chap. 32. or beyond Iordan, as of the other nine Tribes & half Tribe of Manasseh, all which were deuided by Lot.


THIS Booke of Deuteronomy con­taineth a repetiti­on of some things, & ex­plication of other.

It was necessary that some things should bee explained, because they were obscure, and not obserued of the people, as of iourneying from Mount Horeb at GODS Comandement, and lea­ding to the mountain of the Amorites. 2. Con­cerning the institution of Magistrates, and narrati­on [Page 70] of things done at se­uerall times, Chap. 1. Of warre and peace, & with whom, Chap. 2. and 3. This History then is of those things which were done from their being at Mount Horeb, and in the plaine of Moab, where (as is thought) this book was written by Moses.

The repetition is of the Law of God, Moral, Ceremoniall, and Iudi­ciall.

The Morall, enioyning constāt obedience to the Law of God, without ad­dition or detraction; by many arguments, Ch. 4. [Page 71] Of blessing and cursing, Ch. 5. From their pro­mise to obey it, Chap. 6. Continuall practice that should bee of the Law, Chap. 7. Of resolution, not to partake with Ido­laters, Chap. 8. From Gods trayning them so long in the wildernes to fit them for Canaan, Ch. 9. Of Gods meere mer­cy to estate them there, Chap. 11. As of the for­mer, and of the stablenes of Gods goodnesse to­wards them, Chap. 12. For caution, by reason of Idolaters among them, Chap. 13. From the se­ueritie [Page 72] to be vsed against seducers.

The Ceremoniall Law followeth:

Chap. 14. Against Heathenish customes, & legall pollution by eat­ing.

Chap. 15. Of set times reserued for the benefit of the poore seruants and others.

Chap. 16. Of festiual times such as were,

1 Of Easter, in remem­brance of their deliuery out of Egypt, Exod. 12. held in the first moneth, the foureteenth day of the moneth.

2 Of Pentecost, Exo. 19. Leuit. 23. & Numb. 28. In remembrance of the Law of God giuen on the fiftieth day after their comming forth of Egypt.

3 Of Tabernacles, to put them in minde how their Fathers dwelled in Boothes in the Wilder­nesse, the space of 40. yeeres. This Feast was kept on the 15. day of the seuenth moneth.

The Iudiciall Lawes follow:

1 Generall, concer­ning all.

Chap. 17. Of the pu­nishment [Page 74] of offences by legall course.

2 Singuler,

Chap. 18. Constitu­tions for the Leuites maintenance, and against false Prophets. Chap. 19. The people are di­rected in Law cases, by due proceeding. Chap. 20. Rules for warre ei­ther within the Land of Promise, or out of it. Cha. 21. By other mens suffering for euill, to be­ware of doing euill.

Chap. 22. to 26. Of charity, which ought to be shewed in all our acti­ons. Chap. 24. and 25. [Page 75] Of Matrimony. Chap. 26. Of iustice in the pay­ment of first fruits and Tythes.

Confirmation of all these Lawes.

Chap. 27. By Signes and threatnings. Chap. 28. By blessings and imprecations; the like whereunto Leuit, 26. but here with inlargement. Chap. 29. A renewing of the Couenant with Israel, which had beene made with thē at Mount Horeb, where the Law was giuen, shewing what they should expect vpon breach of the couenant. [Page 76] Chap. 30. That their sins were pardonable on condition of repentāce, and not otherwise. Ch. 31. Teaching publike persons to leaue things well settled after their death, Chap. 32. In ef­fect as the former, with a Prophecy of the Iewish people, and of their fall, punishment & restitutiō. Chap. 33. Moses fare­well, and blessing by name of all the Tribes, Leui especially, Simeon onely excepted, whether for his sinne in selling Ioseph; or for cruelty, to the Sichemites, or being [Page 77] cause of Irreligion, &c. Chap. 34. Of Moses death and commendati­on; Which part (as some thinke) was set downe by Ioshua his successor.


HItherto of the Law, the Ante­riour Prophets, now come in, so called because they wrote Hi­stories, such as are con­tained in the Bookes of Ioshua, Iudges, Samuel, & the Kings.

The memorable acts done by Ioshua, and ex­pressed in this booke, are of yeeres 18. or therea­bouts, wherein is shewed the estate of the Childrē of Israel in Canaan, accor­ding to Gods promise with Ioshua their Cap­taine; where, of the Countrey of Canaan, & then of their settling therein.

The Countrey which Gods people inhabited, was diuersly styled in many respects.

1 Of the Gentiles, Ca­naan the Son of Cham, the Northerly part, Pa­lestina, [Page 79] being deuided in­to three parts, Galile, Sa­maria, Iudea; Galile most northerly, Phaenicia We­sterly, Caelosyria on the East, and Samaria with Arabia inclosing it Sou­therly; Iordan parteth it in the middest. Galile is called, of the Gentiles, Mat. 4. 15. because it was neere to Tyre and Sydon. Samaria is seated betweene Galile & Iudea, and much lesse then ei­ther of them.

2 After Ioshuas con­quering of this Coūtry, it was called the land of Israel. After the renting [Page 80] of it in Rehoboams time, one part was called Isra­el, and the other, Iudah.

3 After the Captiuity, it was properly called Iu­daea, & the people Iewes.

4 Of Christians, it was called the holy land, and for the ancient fruit­fulnesse thereof, sayd to flow with milk & hony.

In the establishing of this Countrey, obserue, the planter, and manner of the plantation.

The planter was Io­shua, of Iosephs house, who giueth the pleasant soyle to Iudah, which Moses had so bequea­thed [Page 81] by Prophecie, and Samuel by anoynting Dauid of that Tribe King. If Iudah had di­uided it, the Heathen would haue thought it great partiality, but Io­seph doth it, planting Iu­dah in the best soyle.

2 Their plantation first by the remouing of their enemies, and settling in their places afterwards.

The places and Kings that were subdued, are noted, Chap. 12. the manner of their supplan­ting, either by weake meanes, as of Iericho, Chap. 1. without means, [Page 82] by astonishment, Cha. 2. 11. by miraculous means as staying the course of the waters, Chapt. 3. 16. and standing of the sunne & moone, Ch. 10.

2 Of the plantation in Canaan of all the Tribes, saue of Ruben, Gad, and halfe Tribe of Manasseh that were plan­ted beyond Iordan, Cha. 13. and 14, &c.


HItherto of the Is­raelits in vnsettled estate, and in war; [Page 83] now of them in peace, Ioshua their Captaine be­ing dead, and they vnder the gouernment of Iudges (wherof this Booke hath it name penned by Sa­muel;) where, of their vocation and office.

The Iudges were per­sons extraordinarily stir­red vp by God, and fit­ted as warriours for that time; not made by electi­on, as the first Kings, nor by succession, as the lat­ter, but by Gods imme­diate raising of them vp. Their office is implyed in their names, Iudges of iudging, and of persons iudged.

The names and time of gouernement of most of these Iudges were,

1 Othniel of Iudah, Chap. 3. vers. 9, 10, 11. that gouerned 40. y. and deliuered thē out of the hands of the Aramites.

2 Ehud of Beniamin, vers. 15.

3 Shamgar, who ruled 80. yeeres, vers. 30. & de­liuered them from the Moabites, and also from the Philistims, v. 31

4 Debora of Ephraim, deliuered them from the Canaanites, Chapter 5. with Barak of Nepthali, vers. 10.

5 Gideon, 40. yeeres, & deliuered them from the Midianites, Chapters 6, 7, 8.

Abimelech of Ephra­im, 3. yeeres, Chap. 9. Thola 23. yeeres of Issa­char. Iair, of Manasses, yeeres 22. Chapter 10. Iepthe of Ephraim, yeeres 6. Ihsan of Bethlem in the Tribe of Iudah. Elon of Zabulon, yeeres 10. Cha. 10. Abdon of Ephraim, 8. yeeres, Chapter 12. Samson of Dan, yeeres 20. & deliuerd them from the Philistims, Chap. 16. Eli, and Samuel who was of Leui, recouereth the [Page 86] Ark to Iuda, both which are recorded in the 1. of Samuel, and iudged Isra­el 20. yeeres.

Concerning these, some had the preemi­nence for multitude, o­ther for dignity.

1 Was Iosephs house, for which they despised Iudah, 1. Kings 12. 16. 2. Sam. 20. 1. which was the cause of his ouer­throw.

2 For dignity, and so was Iuda, because Christ came of that Tribe.

Hitherto of the Iudges; the persons iudged were their enemies; and they [Page 87] occasioned by their sins. Their fals were many, first, before their possessi­on of Canaan. Secondly, and so after their refor­mation; and hauing ma­ny sinnes, had necessarily many enemies accor­dingly; who their ene­mies were, may appeare in the reading of this Booke.


THe Gentiles crums let fall from the Iewes Table, as [Page 88] appeareth in this Booke (made in the dayes of the Iudges) in the exam­ple of Ruth, of whom obserue what she was by birth, and new birth.

1 By the first, she was a Gentile of Moab. 2. By the second, she is honou­red in the old and new Testament, ingrafted in­to the holy pedegree in the Tribe of Iuda, & married to Booz, of whom Christ came, Math. 1. So that Christ came a light to the Gentiles, wherof Rebeccaes womb was a token, out of which came two Nations.

The Gentiles of hono­rable note in Scripture, are, as Ruth here, so Iob in the land of Hus, Naaman in Syria, Rahab in Iericho of Chams house, the wo­man of Canaan. Naamah descended of Moab and Ammon, the incestuous sons of Lot, and great e­nemies to the Church, and yet from her came the Royall blood of the Kings of Iudah, 2. Chron. 12. 13. and Christ came of Thamar, Gen. 38. 14. neither were some others excluded that came of Ismael, Esay 66.

An Introduction followeth to the Bookes of the KINGS.

Hitherto of Gods proui­dence in the preseruation of his people by Patriarkes, Captaines, & Iudges: Now of Kings, which are (or should be) nursing Fathers of the Church; where first, what they were, & of their Ordination.

KIngs are the Or­dinance of God, set ouer people and Kingdomes for the gouernment thereof in [Page 91] wealth, peace and godli­nesse, by good lawes fra­med according to the Lawes of God.

Of Kings, some were very ancient among the Heathen, Gen. 36. 31. and others more lately.

The Kings of the Na­tions had Crownes gi­uen them by the people; God putting it into their heads, to acknowledge them for their King.

Kings among Gods people, were immediate­ly chosen by God him­selfe, & the people only gaue obedience there­unto.

People therefore beeing precipitate in their courses, vnlesse that Lawes (the rule of good life, and restraint of euill) bee held in the hands of the supreame Magistrate (who is the keeper of both tables) sheweth the calling of Kings very expedient.

It was necessary that the estate of KINGS shold now come in, & o­ther kinds of gouernmēt cease, to fulfill the Word and the worke of God.

1 His Word of Pro­mise to Abraham, that Kings should come of [Page 93] him, Gen. 17. 6. the in­taile thereof vpon Isaaks posterity, and Iacobs Pro­phecie, Gen. 49. 10.

That the Scepter should not depart from Iudah. And therefore though Saul were King, yet because he was not of Iudah, but of Beniamin the Lord crossed him, & the Machabees of Leui vsurping the Kingdome, were punished of God.

2 The worke of God, for building the glorious Temple of SALOMON; where commeth in the Fift Age containing 419 The 5. Age. yeeres, continuing vnto [Page 94] the Captiuity of Babylon, expressed in the second of Kings, Chap. 24. 25.

Salomons Temple could not conueniently bee builded by the Iudges, nor by Saul or Dauid: not by the Iudges, be­cause of their weaknesse and pouerty, and their change of gouernment; nor by Saul or Dauid, because they had many troubles: therefore the worke was accomplished in the daies of Salomon, that were full of peace and plenty.

In the treaty of Kings, the bookes are to be con­sidered [Page 95] where they are recorded, and the diffe­rent manner of setting downe the history of them.

The bookes intreating of Kings, are considered according to their num­ber and appellation.

In most Bibles there are sixe distinct bookes, that do principally make mention of KINGS: Whereof two are enti­tuled of Samuel, two of the Kings, and likewise two of Chronicles; but the Hebrewes doe al­waies style the foure for­mer bookes onely, by [Page 96] the name of Kings, and doe make the two Books of Chronicles but one, which the Grecians, be­cause of the length, di­uide into two.

The two former haue the name of Samuel, be­cause they doe intreate of him and the 2. Kings that he anoynted, Saul, and Dauid.


COncerning Samu­el, his birth & acts are considerable.

1 Was borne in Rama, where also he was buri­ed, Chap. 25. 1. and 28. 3. the sonne of godly Parents, Elkanah, and Hanna, Chap. 1.

2 His acts, as they stand in relation to God, Eli, Saul, Dauid, and the peo­ple of Israel in generall.

1 Towards God, bee­ing attentiue to his call, Chap. 3. and obedient thereunto in the execu­tion of his place.

2 Declareth to Eli Gods decree concerning his house, and Israel, Ch. 3. The effects whereof doe follow, Chapters 4, [Page 98] 5, 6, 7, &c.

3 The calling of Saul is foretold by Samuel, and confirmations of it, Chapters 9, 10, 11. after that, hee was desired of the people for their King, to their ruine, Chap. 8. The sinnes of Saul were many. He v­surped the Priests office, Chap. 13. spared Agag, Chap. 15. Iustified his sin, ibid. Slew the Lords Priests, Chap. 22. Con­sulted with witches. Ch. 28. And touching Da­uid, hee enuied his ver­tues, and good successe; would haue murthered [Page 99] and betrayed him, chap­ters 18, 19. And would haue slaine his owne son for louing him, Chap­ter 20.

4 To Dauid, who was thrice anoynted King, first, by Samuel in Beth­lem, 1. Samuel 16. 4, 13. afterwards by the Tribe of Iudah in Hebron, 2. Sam. 2. 4. by all the El­ders of Israel in Hebron, 2. Sam. 5. 3. of whose persecution, and death of his persecutor to the end of this Booke.

5 To the people of Is­rael, for which he praied, and aduised, Ch. 12, 23.


HItherto of Dauids troubles in the daies of Saul, now of them afterwards, and they outward or inward; partly in the posterity of Saul, and afterwards in his owne Children, and others, & of Gods iustice and mercy to Dauid in them all, set forth by the metaphor of Gods rod and staffe, Psal. 23. 4.

1 The enemie of Da­uid of the race of Saul, was Ishbosheth his Sonne, competitor for the King­dome, [Page 101] Chapters 1, 2. Se­condly, Gods staffe by the death of Ishbosheth, Chap. 4. the loue of his chiefe subiects, that an­oynted him their King. His Marriages and con­quest of his enemies, as of the Philistims twice, Chap. 5. and of them, & other enemies, Chap. 8. and of the Ammonites, and Aramites in the case of Hanun, Chap. 10. and by bringing backe the Arke, Chap. 6.

2 The more inward troubles of Dauid were occasioned by his owne sinnes.

1 Of Adultery and murther, Chap. 11.

Gods rod; the death of his childe, Chap. 12. The Conspiracy of Ab­salom, Chap. 15. the in­cest of Amnon, Cha. 13. The rayling & reuiling of Shemei, Chap. 16. the rebellion of Sheba, Cha. 20. Gods staffe; his childe was receiued to mercy, Chap. 12. Ab­salom is ouerthrowne, Chap. 18. Dauid is roy­ally attended to Ierusa­lem, Cha. 19. The head of Sheba is cut off, Chap. 20. and afterwards the Philistims, that waged [Page 103] warre so often against him, are conquered, Ch. 21.

2 The same more im­mediate before Dauids death, was his pride to number the people, Ch. 24.

Gods rod, in the death of 70. thousand. His staffe; the plague ceased: and afterward, Dauid di­eth in peace.


OF Kings by ele­ction, as 1. Sam. or by succession, [Page 104] as 2. Samuel, hath beene already spoken. Now of the estate of Monarchie set foorth in the King­dome of Israel, and that either in the increase, or decrease thereof.

1 In the dayes of Sa­lomon, before it was di­uided, (as afterwards it was.) 2. In the decrease thereof either in Salo­mons time, or in those Kings that came after him.

In the increase, the per­son of Salomon is to bee considered as touching his Coronation & acti­ons as they were perfor­med, [Page 105] to Chapter 11.

1 His Coronation is set forth by the oppositi­on of Adoniah his elder brother, the son of Dauid by Haggith, and frustra­tion thereof, in that Sa­lomon is made King, c. 1.

2 Salomons actions do follow in relation to God or man.

To God, whom hee petitioneth, first, for wis­dome to gouerne Gods people, Chap. 3. Se­condly, for a blessing vp­on Gods house, Chap. 8. which he had builded in most sumptuous man­ner, Chapters 5, 6, 7. & [Page 106] the gracious answer that hee had from GOD in both, and aboue that hee desired.

To man, the improue­ment of his wisedome, in the execution of iu­stice, according to Gods Law, and his Fathers Testament, on malefa­ctors, Chap. 2. and by decision of matters in controuersie, and ap­plause of the people therein, Chap. 3.

The decrease of the Kingdome either in the dayes of Salomon, or in those Kings that succee­ded him of Iudah or Isra­el.

The Kings of Iudah and of Israel, are first na­med, and then sorted, ei­ther as they were condi­tioned, or as they and o­ther heathen Kings were in time together.

1 The Kings of Iudah were

Salomon, Rehoboam, A­biam, Asa, Iehosaphat, Ie­horam, Ahaziah, Atha­liah, Ioash, Amasiah, Aza­riah, Iotham, Ahaz, He­zekiah, Manasses, Amon, Iosiah, Iehoahaz, Iehoia­kim, Iehoiachin, Zedekiah.

2 The Kings of Israel were

Ieroboam, Nadab, Ba­asha, [Page 108] Elah, Zimri, Tibni, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Ie­horam, Iehu, Iehoahaz, Io­ash, Ieroboam, Zacharia, Shallum, Menahem, Peka­hiah, Pekah, Hoshea.

3 The Kings of Iudah, Israel, and other that then liued in time toge­ther, were,

Rehoboam King of Iudah, and Ieroboam King of Israel, 1. King. 12. 20. and Shishak King of E­gypt, Chap. 14. 25.

Abiam and Ieroboam, 1. King. 15. 1.

Asa & Ieroboam, vers. 9. Nadab vers. 25. Baasha, 28. Elah, Chap. 16. vers. [Page 109] 8. Zimri, 10. Omri 16. and Ahab 28. all Kings of Israel.

Iehosaphat & Ahab 1. King. 22. 4. 41. and A­haziah, 49. Iehoram 2. King. 3. 1. and Benha­dad King of Aram, 1. King. 20. 12.

Iehoram King of Iudah, and Iehoram King of Is­rael, 2. King. 1. 17. Me­sha King of Moab, Chap. 3. vers. 4. and King of Edom 9. and Benhadad, Chap. 6. 24.

Ahaziah King of Iudah, 2. King. 8. 24. Ioram son of Ahab 28. & Iehu that conspired against Ioram Ch. 9.

Athaliah and Iehu 2. King. 11.

Ioash King of Iudah and Athaliah, 2. King. 11. Iehu, Chap. 12. 1. Iehoa­haz his son, Chap. 13. 1, 10. and Hazael King of Aram, Chap. 12. 18. who now vexed Israel, Chap. 13. 22.

Amaziah & Iehoash king of Israel, 2. King. 14. 1. & Ieroboam 23.

Azariah and Ieroboam 2. King. 15. 1. Zachari­ah his son, 8. Shallum, 10. Menachem, 14, 17. Pe­kahiah, 23. Pekah, 27. Pul King of Ashur, 19. Tig­lath Pileser likewise king [Page 111] of Ashur, 29.

Iotham and Pekah, 2. King. 32. and Rezin the King of Aram, 37. Ahaz and Pekah and Rezin, 2. King. 16. and Hoshea, Ch. 17. 1.

Hezekiah and Hoshea, 2. King. 18. 1. Salmane­ser King of Ashur, 11. Sennacherib. 13.

Manasses, carried away Captiue by the Cap­taines of the host of the King of Ashur, 2. Chron. 33. 11.


Iosiah & Pharaoh Neco king of Egypt, 2. King. 23. 29.

Iehoiakim, and Pharoah Necho, 2. King. 23, 34. Nebuchadnezzar, Chap. 24. 2.

Iehoiachim, and Nebu­chadnezzar, 2. King. 24. 8.

Zedekiah, & Nebuchad­nezzar, 2. King. 24. 25

4 Of the forenamed, some are set downe in the first, and others in the second bookes of the Kings. In the former, is the story of fiue Kings of Iudah, from Salomon to Iehosaphat, with the suc­cession of Iehoram, his sonne, Chap. 22. 50. and of eight Kings of Is­rael, from Ieroboam to [Page 113] Achab; and namely, of Ahaziah his son, that succeeded him in his Kingdome, verse 40.

1 Salomon, (peaceable) called also Iedidiah, of the loue of God to him. Of whose posteritie a­fore; now, of the decli­ning estate of the King­dome in his time, consi­dered in the cause and effect. The cause, his Ido­latry by strange wiues. The effects are, the exe­cution of Gods Iustice thereupon, either more immediately during his life, by enemies that came vp against him; as [Page 114] Adad the Edomite, Re­zon King of Damascus, and Ieroboam his ser­uant, 2. King. 11. Se­condly, after his death, in his posterity from Re­hoboam his sonne, to Ie­coniah, in whom the na­turall line of Salomon endeth.

2 Rehoboam, (large a­mong the people) 1. in possessions in the opini­on of his father Salomon: but the contrary fell out; by the iustice of God, punishing the sinne of Salomon for his owne sinnes: and likewise hee being an Idolater, and [Page 115] improuident, by negle­cting the aduice of his sage Counsellours, and listening to young men: the effects wherof were,

The losse of tenne Tribes, and commande­ment from God not to fight to bring them back againe, 2. Chron. 11. 4. his enemies spoile his treasures, the Citie, and the Temple, Chap. 12. he raigned 18. yeeres.

3 Abiah, his sonne, 1. King. 14. & 2. Chron. 12. (My Father is Ieho­uah) or Abiam, (my fa­ther is the Sea) proud tytles, and the latter (as [Page 116] is most probable) as­sumed after his great vi­ctorie obtained against Ieroboam, 2. Chron. 14. 17. but yet did neuer, neither could vnite the Kingdomes vnder one gouernment.

He was religious in shew, but without soūd­nes, 2. Chron. 13. hee raigned 3. yeeres.

4 Asa, the sonne of Abiam, 1. King. 15. 8. 2. Chron. 16. (Destructi­on) whether of Idolatry, or outward enemies of his peace, or of both; which he did in part: for 1. he expelled the Sodo­mites. [Page 117] 2. deposed his I­dolatrous mother. 3. & purged his Countrey of Idolatry. 4. fortifies his Territories.

But vnanswerable to his name afterwards.

1 Was strangely dis­couraged by Baasha King of Israel, that warred a­gainst him. 2. Couenan­teth with Benhadad, who therevpon brake the League with Baasha. 3. Being reprooued for the same from the Lord; persecuteth the Prophet, and oppresseth his peo­ple. and 4. in his disease, preferres a Phisician be­fore God.

He raigned 41. yeeres.

5. Iehosaphat, 1. King. 15. & 2. Chron. Chap. 19, 20. (The Lord iudg­eth) to assure him of Gods protection & de­fence, relying vpon him: which he had experiēce of,

Abolishing Idolatry, building Cities, conque­ring enemies: But shew­ed his infirmities, by his affinitie with Ahab, war­ring with him, and ioy­ning with Ahaziah the sonne of Ahab, to the losse of his name, 1. Kin. Chap. 22. hee raigned 25. yeeres.

Hitherto of the Kings of Iudah, in this Booke: the Kings of Israel doe followe.

1 IEroboam, 1. King. Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14. the sonne of Ne­bat, a branch come out of Aegypt, of the house of Ioseph, by his marri­age with an Aegyptian woman; a scourge to the people of God, and the wracke of Religion many hundred yeeres af­ter. The vtter enemy of Iudah, by raising vp Shyshak against it. 2. by erecting two golden [Page 120] Calues for worship, and so prouoking GOD Da­gainst them. He raig­ned 22. yeeres.

2. Nadab. 1. King. 15. an Idolater, slaine by Baasha. Raigned 2. yeers

3. Baasha, the sonne of Ahijah of the house of Issachar, 1. King. 15. 27. an Idolater. Raigned 24. yeeres.

4. Elah, the sonne of Baasha, 1. King. 16. 6. a prophane person, drū­ken, and murthered in his drunkennes by Zim­rj his seruant; He raig­ned yeeres 2.

5 Zimri succeedeth in [Page 121] the place of Elah, his Master, 1. King. 16. slay­eth all the house of Ba­asha, a murtherer of him­selfe, by fyring his owne Palace: hee raigned se­uen dayes.

6 Tibni, Chap. 16. slaine in opposition with Omri.

7 Omri, Chap. 16. 25. the worst of all before him, he raigned 12. yeres

8 Ahab, Chap. 16. vers. 30. 33. The worst of all before him, which appeareth in many parti­culars; first, in that hee was a notable Idolater himselfe. 2. In his mar­riage [Page 122] with Iesabel, the patronesse of Idolaters, and they both cruell per­secutors and oppressors.

The persons persecu­ted by them, of speciall note, were Eliah, of whō from Chap. 17. to 21. & Michaiah, Chap 22. 27. the party oppressed was Naboth for his Vine­yard, Chap. 21.

Eliah is set forth to be a Prophet of God, by that which God did for him, and against his per­secutors; the former is manifest,

First, by miraculous preseruation of his life in [Page 123] the time of drought and famine, by the meanes of Rauens, Chap. 17. & by Angels, Cha. 19. Se­condly, is secured against Ahab when he met him, Chap. 18. and obtaineth raine, ibid.

2 By that which at Eli­ahs appointment was ex­ecuted vpō Baals Priests, Chap. 18. or that which by his prediction God would doe vpon the au­thors of Idolatry & mur­ther, Chap. 21. vers. 21. &c. and the execution thereof vpon Ahab, Ch. 22. 38. and on Iezabel, 2. King. Chap. 9. and [Page 124] the euill that came vpon good Iehoshaphat for ouermuch familiaritie with him, 1. King. c. 22. He raigned 22. yeeres.


WHEREIN is intreated of the decrease of both the said King­domes, and the degrees thereof in the raigne of seuerall Kings, vntill the vtter desolation of Israel and Iudah.

In this booke obserue, [Page 125] concerning the remark­able actions of some Prophets and Kings.

The principall Pro­phets herein mentioned, are Eliah and Elisha, and of them ioyntly and se­uerally.

First, of them together before Eliah was taken vp, & therein of Elishaes loue vnto him, and re­quest made, and obtay­ned, Chap. 2.

2 Seuered, in the ma­nifestation of Elisha to be a rare Prophet, Chap. 2. and by foretelling the successe of warre at Ieho­shaphats request against [Page 126] the King of Moab, Ch. 3. And by many mira­cles wrought by him, Chapters 4, 5, 6 by pre­diction of wonderfull plenty in the time of ex­treme famine, Chap. 7. and also of 7. yeeres fa­mine in the time of plen­ty, Chap. 8.

Of Benhadads death, and Hazaels raigne, and of the destruction of cer­tain Kings of Israel fore­told, Chap. 9. vers. 7. or executed, first, in part vp­on Iehoram, vers. 24. A­haziah, 27. Iezabel, 33. Second, totally, Chap. 10. vpon all the seede of [Page 127] Ahab his familiars, and Priests by the hand of Iehu; and the reason of all: To fulfill the Word of the Lord by Eliah, vers. 10. And lastly, by a dead man reuiuing, that was cast into the sepul­cher of Elisha, ch. 13. 21.

Hitherto of the Pro­phets, the Kings doe fol­low.

Where, of their num­bers and places where they are recorded.

1 The totall of the Kings intreated of in this booke, are 28. of which 12. are of Israel, and of Iud,ah 16.

2 The sorting of these, is either seuerally or a­part, as of Ahaziah, Cha. 1. and of Iehoram the son of Ahab, Chap. 3. and of other Kings of Israel, to Chap. 14. from thence to the 18. of the misera­ble estate of both King­domes, with their mutu­all contentions, and the subuersion of Israel first, and of Iudah afterwards, by other Nations.

The Kings of Israel af­ter Ahab, were,

9. Ahaziah, 1. King. 22. 8. 2. King. 1. an Ido­later, Moab rebelleth a­gainst him: hee consul­teth [Page 129] with an Idol for the cure of his malady: sen­deth in fury for Elishah, that telleth his doome: but the messengers were consumed with fire from God. Hee raigned 2. yeeres.

10. Iehoram, brother to Ahaziah, and sonne of Ahab, 2. King. 1. 17. & 8. 16. &c. An Idolater, & married Ahabs daugh­ter; but was better than his father or mother, ch. 3. 2. was slaine by Iehu, Chapt. 9. 24. raigned 8. yeeres.

11. Iehu, the sonne of Nimshi. 2. King. Chap­ters [Page 130] 9. 10. whereof be­fore, in the tract of Eli­sha: but of his conditi­on further; either euill, or good, and the Re­ward of God for that he did well.

1 was an Idolater. 2. was the rod of God to pu­nish the sinnes of Ahab, according as Baasha was to Ieroboam, 1. King. 15. 29. 3. His seruice thus performed according to Gods Command, was rewarded with establi­shing his posteritie vpon the Throne of Israel to the fourth generation, Chap. 10. ver. 30. He [Page 131] raigned 28. yeeres.

12 Iehoahaz, sonne of Iehu, 2. King. Chapters 10, 13. an Idolater: the Syrians preuaile against him, but he is restored. Reigneth 17. yeeres.

13. Ioash, the sonne of Iehoahaz, 2. King. chap­ters 13. 14. an Idolater; warred with Amaziah. Raigned 16. yeeres.

14 Ieroboam, the son of Ioash, 2. King. 14. an Idolater, restoreth the Coasts of Israel. Reig­ned yeeres 41.

15 Zachariah, Chap­ters 14. 15. an Idolater, slaine by Shallum, ha­uing [Page 132] raigned 6. months.

16 Shallum, the son of Iabesh, Chapt. 15. 15. slaine by Menahem, ha­uing raigned one mo­neth.

17 Menahem, Chap. 15. 14. Idolatrous and cruell, raised a great sūme of money of his people to giue to the King of Ashur to depart from him, raigned ten yeeres.

18 Pekahiah, the Son of Menahem, Cha. 15. an Idolater, slaine by his Captaine Pekah the son of Remaliah, after hee had raigned 2. yeeres.

19 Pekah, Chap. 15. 27. [Page 133] an Idolater, in his time the King of Ashur carri­eth some of Israel cap­tiue. Hoshea slayeth Pe­kah, after that hee had raigned twenty yeeres.

20 Hoshea the son of Elah, Chapters 15. 17. an Idolater, is treache­rous to Salmaneser, who carryed him Captiue in the 9. yeere of his raigne: after that, Israel feared o­ther gods; vsed heathe­nish fashions, and of wicked Kings before him, erected places of I­dolatry, and performed seruice therein, and reie­cted the Prophets.

Hitherto of all the Kings of Israel with their names and condition, till the Captiuitie. The Kings of Iudah do fol­low in like manner, frō Iehoshaphat, to Zede­kiah, according as they are set downe in this booke, and in the Chro­nicles.

6 Iehoram or Ioram (the Lord is high and migh­ty,) to argue the feare of God which his good fa­ther Iehosaphat would haue imprinted in him, 2. Ki. 8, 16. & 2. Chro. 21. but his actions were vn­answerable to his name; [Page 135] for, 1. he married Atha­liah. Secondly, he was bloody (for hee slew all his brethren, and the Princes of Israel) Third­ly, and idolatrous; and liued without being de­sired. But the Lord was mighty and exalted a­gainst him; for hee made the Edomites, Philistims, and Arabians powerfull against him, his wife and children were all slaine, saue onely Iehoahaz his yongest son: yet being sencelesse stil of the hand of God, hee sent him a sore disease in his bo­wels, which afterwards [Page 136] fell out, after hee had raigned 8. yeeres.

7 Ahaziah the yon­gest sonne of Iehoram, o­therwise called Ochosias, 2. King. Chapters 8, 9, 10. and 2. Chro. 22. an Idolater, corrupted by Athaliah his wicked mo­ther, and her friends; go­eth to warre with Ioram the son of Ahab against Hazael, Iehoram beeing wounded, Ahaziah go­eth to see him, and war­red with him against Ie­hu, to the destruction of himselfe, and all that ap­pertained to him, and raigned one yeere.

8 Athaliah the mo­ther of Ahaziah, and daughter of Omri, 2. Chr. Chapters 22, 23. and 2. King. 11. an idolatrous woman, and a vsurper of the Crowne of Iudah, who when Ahaziah was slaine, killed all the kings seed, saue only Ioash that was reserued by Iehosha­beath his Aunt, sister to Ahaziah, and was kept 6. y. in the house of the Lord, & by the directi­on of Iehoiada the priest was made King, and A­thaliah slaine, after shee had raigned 7. yeeres.

9 Ioash, son of Ahazi­ah, [Page 138] 2. Chron. 24. and 2. King. 12. whose actions are distinguished either good or bad, according to seuerall times.

First, good, so long as Iehoiada a faithful Priest and prudent counsellour liued, when as there was commandement for the repayring of the Temple that was broken downe by Athaliah, and instru­mēts for seruice of God prouided therein, colle­cted by the Leuits at the charge of the people.

Secondly, euill, after the death of Iehoiada, when with the Princes [Page 139] he left the care of Gods house, and respect of the Prophets, worshipped I­dols, and gaue comman­dement to kill Zachari­ah the sonne of Iehoiada, whose death the Lord required (according to his prayer) by sending the Aramites vpon those Princes, and his owne seruants that slew Ioash their King.

10 Amaziah, the son of Ioash, 2. King. 14. and 2. Chron. 25. vpright, but not perfect, numbreth many thousands of Iu­dah, & hired many of Is­rael, but these were dis­missed [Page 140] by him at the in­stance of a man of God. Vpon the victory he had ouer the Edomites, hee worshipped the strange gods hee found among them. Ioash out-braueth him in termes, and after­wards brought him to Ierusalem, whose wals he brake down, and ransac­ked the Temple, and the Kings house; and was afterwards slaine, hauing raigned 29. yeeres.

Here note, that these 4. last named, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Ioash, and Amaziah, are not na­med by Saint Mathew, [Page 141] Chap. 1. in CHRISTS Genealogie.

11 Azariah (God hath helped me) or Vz­zia, (the LORD is my strength) called also Ho­zia, and Ozia, the sonne of Amaziah, Cha. 15. & 2. Chron. 26. by all the said appellations wished his son the assistance of God: where, of the acts of him performed, and effects answerable there­unto.

First, of his well-doing in the dayes of Zachari­ah; the effect, he prospe­red in estate, was victori­ous in warres against the [Page 142] Philistims; grew famous in the world, was strong in munition, and had ma­ny valiant Souldiers.

2 Was proud in great­nesse, & tooke vpon him the Priests office; & was in conclusion a Leper, & cut off from the house of GOD, and raigned 52. yeeres.

12 Iotham, Chap. 15. and 2. Chron. 27. (The Lord is vpright and per­fect.) In lieu of thankful­nesse to God for his Fa­thers victories, and for his encouragement to serue him, yet the high places stood. The ef­fects [Page 143] of his seruice of God were, he preuailed against the Ammonits; he built much, and amongst other things, the gate of the Temple, called beau­tifull, and raigned 16. yeeres.

13 Ahaz, the son of Iotham, 2. Chron. 28. and 2. King. 16. (apprehen­ding or possessing) to wit of such possessions as he had left him: but the is­sue was not answerable to his name, and that be­cause of his sinnes: his sins were first, Idolatry, second, hardnes of heart, which was a great sinne [Page 144] in him, and likewise a punishment of his for­mer sinne; the more hea­uy the hand of God was vpon him, the worse he euer shewed himselfe. The iudgements accom­panying his sin, were multitudes of enemies; Ara­mites, Israelites, Edomites, Philistims; and the Kings of Ashur in whom hee trusted, playd false with him, he raigned 16 yeers.

14 Hezekiah, 2. King. Chap. 18, 19, 20. and 2. Chr. 29. & 30, 31, 32. (yy strength is the Lord.) The father praying for his sonnes better successe [Page 145] against his enemies then he had himselfe; and the successe was in three re­spects according to his name, in that God gaue him strength.

First, to set open the Temple of God which before was shut, and to purge out the corruption in religion, and to insti­tute the Passeouer.

Secondly, to giue the proud insulting Assyri­ans the ouerthrow.

Thirdly, to recouer of his disease, and to pro­long his life 15. yeeres, the same confirmed by the Sunne retrogradate, [Page 146] or going backe tenne de­grees in Ahaz his Sun-Diall. Hee raigned 29. yeeres. In stead of thāks­giuing to God, he glory­ed in his wealth.

15 Manasses, 2. King. 21. & 2. Chron. 33. (For­getfull) because his fa­ther had forgotten his troubles after he was de­liuered from his great sicknesse. The like, Gen. 41. 51. Secondly, to teach his son to forget the superstition of his fore-fathers: but con­trarywise, hee establish­ed it in the highest na­ture: the sequell where­of [Page 147] was either in Iudge­ment or in mercy.

First for his sinne, hee was the first King of Iu­dah that was carried Captiue out of his owne Land.

2 Vpon his his humi­liation and acknowledg­ment of his sinne, he was released, and sent backe into his owne Country, and was zealous for God and his truth. Hee raig­ned 55. yeeres.

16 Amon, 2. King. 21. & 2. Chron. 33. (Nur­sed) In Idolatry, by the appointment of Manas­ses his father, sinned like [Page 148] him, but did not repent as he did; hee was slaine by his owne seruants in his owne house, after he had raigned 2. yeeres.

17 Iosias, 2. King. 22. and 23. and 2. Chron. Chapters 34, 35. (The Lord is a fire:) but not as his father thought that God should assist his sonne, if he persiisted in Idolatry like his father; but the fire of Gods Spi­rit was in him, indeede the manifestation there­of. First; by pulling downe superstition and Idolatry and Idolatrous places. Secondly, in the [Page 149] defence of true Religiō, by repayring the Tem­ple, causing the Law of God to be read, and or­daining the Passeouer.

The most noted sin of Iosias, was rashnesse in warring against Pharaoh Necho, in fauour of the Assyrians that had been kinde to his grandfather Manasses, as is most pro­bable. Hee raigned 31. yeeres.

18 Iehoahaz or Iohanan, 2. King. 23. and 2. Chro. 36. the sonne of Iosias, displaced by the King of Egypt, after he had raig­ned 3. moneths, wicked [Page 150] as his fathers.

19 Eliakim, so called by Iosias, (My strong God will raise vp) called afterwards by Pharaoh Necho, Iehoiakim, (The Lord will raise vp) writ­ten somtimes Iakim. Of him, reade Ieremie, chap­ters 22, 26, 36. where his sinnes and punishments are recorded. Hee raig­ned 11. yeeres.

20. Iehoiachin, or Ieco­niah, or Coniah, 2. King. 24. & 2. Chron. 36. in sig­nification, (The Lord wil make ready) viz. to Cap­tiuitie, although they beleeued it not at the [Page 151] preaching of Ieremie. He deliuered himselfe into the hāds of Nebuchadnez­zar, & afterwards, both hee and his wiues; Prin­ces, and men of actiuity, together with Ezekiel & Daniel, were carried in­to Babel, after hee had raigned three moneths and ten daies.

21. Zedekiah, or Matat­niah, Captiuity. so called by the King of Babel, hee is called Ieconiahs brother 2. Chr. 36. 10. but 1. Chr. 3. 16. he is called Ieconi­ahs son; which is not le­gally to bee vnderstood, for Zedekiah was not his [Page 152] sonne naturally but his Vncle, 2. King. 24. 17. his sinnes and punish­ments are to bee consi­dered.

  • 1. An Idolater, as were his fore-fathers.
  • 2. Of obdurate heart and incorrigible.
  • 3. Falsified his Oath made to Nebuchadnez­zar.

His punishment.

1. The chiefe Priests and the people were bad like himselfe, and they both mocked and abu­sed the Messengers and Prophets of God sent to admonish them.

2. The incursion of cruell and implacable e­nemies, that put out the eyes of the King, after they had slaine his sons before his eyes, bound him in chaines, and car­ried him to Babel; the particulars of that Histo­rie, 2. Kings 25. He reig­ned eleuen yeeres.

Hitherto at large of the Kings of Iudah and Is­rael ioyntly and seueral­ly; hereafter briefely of their seuerall captiui­ties, and degrees of the same.

The Captiuitie of this [Page 154] people, is noted in a three-fold consideration of time, either

1. Past, when they were in Egypt, Exodus the first, to the fourteenth Chapter.

2. Then to come by the Romanes, the grea­test persecutors, both by ciuill gouernment of their Emperours, and hierarchy of Popes.

3. Present, when the Iewes were captiues to the Babylonians, by Ne­buchadnezzar, of Nim­rod, of Chams house; and the same either fore­warned by Moses, Deut. [Page 155] 28. 64. &c. and by most of the Prophets, or now executed vpon Israel and Iudah, and that either partially in the decli­ning Estate of

1. Israel, in the dayes of Pekah, 2. King. 15. 25. of Iehoahaz, 2. Kin. 13. 3. In the hand of Hazael and Benhadad Kings of Aram.

2. Totally.

In the dayes of Hoshea, that was carried captiue into Ashur, in the sixt yere of Hezekiah, 2. Kin. 18. 10, 11.

2. Of Iudah, 1. partially in the raigne of Amasiah, [Page 156] when Ioash entred Ierusa­lem, 2. Chron 25. 23. of Manasses, as in the tytle of Manasses. Of Iehoia­kim, seruant to Nebu­chadnezzar, 2. King. 24. 2. Totally, in the dayes of Iekoniah and Zedekiah, as is before noted.

1. Chronicles.

CHronicles, or words of Dayes, or of Time wherein the memorable Acts were performed in the Common-wealth of Gods people:

Or, PARALIPOMEN, of things omitted in the books of the Kings writ­ten by Esdras, returned to Ierusalem after the Captiuitie of Babylon.

1. Chronicles intrea­teth of the Kingdome of Israel, deriuing it from particular persons and heads, mediate or imme­diate. 1. From Adam, so as Christ came, & is de­riued as wel from the Fa­thers before the Floud, as after; and so hath euer beene the teacher of the Church, from the begin­ning to the end of the [Page 158] world. Secondly, from Iacob, in their 12. Tribes, and that vnder the Go­uernment of Saul, Chap. 9, 10. And Dauid, from the eleuenth to the end. The Totall of all which, is about the number of two thousand, nine hun­dred, eightie and fiue yeeres.

2. Chronicles.

OF the increase of the Kingdome vn­der Salomon, to the tenth Chapter, and the decrease therof in Kings [Page 159] succeeding, particularly laid down before, to the yeere of the Returne frō Captiuitie, mentioned in the Conclusion of this book, containing yeeres 472.

Hitherto of the fift Age, The sixt Age. The sixt followeth, from the Captiuitie of Baby­lon, to the re-edifying of the Temple and Ie­rusalem, (after which all prophecying fayled) containing yeeres 143.


SO as the estate of the Iewes is hereafter to be considered, either in Babylon, or in their re­turne. The former, in the booke of Ester, and the latter in the books more immediately following, which are generally cal­led by the first and se­cond of Esdras, but of others Ezra, and Nehe­miah, in which wee are [Page 161] to obserue, concerning persons and actions.

Persons, are either such as returned from Capti­uitie; or that procured the same.

Persons returning, are considered generally and in grosse, or specially.

The totall, were two and forty thousand, be­sides their seruants and Maids, Ezra 2. 65. Of whom some are set downe in his booke of Ezra, the rest in the bookes following.

The parties among them of speciall note were,

First, Zorobabel their Prince or Gouernour, (because there were none called Kings of Iudah after the Captiuitie) hee was descended from Na­than, the sonne of Salo­mon.

Ieshua the Priest.

Ezra a Scribe, prompt in the Law of Moses, Chap. 7. 6. descended of Aaron; in great fauour with Cyrus K. of Persia, with the people of the Iewes, and with Gods: of him the booke hath it name, because of his carefulnesse to further the worke of God.

Nehemiah, highly fa­uoured of Darius, the Vnkle of Cyrus.

Daniel a Prophet, and so esteemed so long as that Common-wealth lasted.

Mordecai a Iew, car­ried captiue with Ieco­niah, Hest. 2. 6.

Hester, in high esteeme with Ahasuerosh, Hest. 2. 9.

Persons by whom they were returned, were

Cyrus King of Persia, of the house of Sem, in the first yeere of his Raigne, answering to the 70. yeere of the Captiuitie, [Page 164] according to Ieremies Prophecie, Chap. 25.

Darius, of the Medes de­scended of Iaphet, Neh. 2. by whom the house of God was commanded to be finished in the se­cond yeere of his Raigne though the Israelites that were in Samaria with­stood it.

The matter in both these Bookes contained, is consi­dered in the seuerall acti­ons and imployments of the said persons; & the ef­fects that God gaue by thē.

Zorobabel, to build the Temple. Ezra, to plant Religion, Chapters 3, 4, [Page 165] 5, 6. and for the commō­wealth, Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10. Nehemiah, to build their wals, Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. and to pro­uide the Law of God to bee put in execution a­mong them, from thence to the end of Nehemiah.

The effect, in that the businesse was furthered by the goodnes of God.

First, mouing Cyrus to set forwards this worke, Chap. 1. by giuing them leaue to go to Ierusalem, commanding others to relieue them, and by re­storing what Nebuchad­nezzar had carryed a­way, [Page 166] and by a decree for the effecting of the same, Chap. 6.

Secondly, By stirring vp Darius, who granted his Letters to Nehemiah, for prouision to build the Palace and the wals, Nehem. 2.

Thirdly, Inclyning the heart of the Prince, Pro­phets and people to fur­ther the work, & by dis­appointing the enemies, Ezra Chapters 4, 5. and Nehem. Chapters 4, 5, 6. so that this Temple had more spirituall ornamēts then the first, because all nations of the earth came [Page 167] vnto it, and CHRIST taught therein. And here endeth the glory of the Babylonians: & now Iaphet is perswaded to dwell in the Tents of Sem.


THis Booke hath it name of her, and she standeth in re­lation either to Assuerus, or to her kindred and people.

1. To Ahashuerosh, that was called Artaxerxes, [Page 168] which was the common name of al Kings of Per­sia; or Darius that raig­ned twelue yeeres after Cyrus, and in the third yeere of his raigne, the story of Ester began, who was married to E­ster in the seuenth yeere of his gouernment.

Secondly, to her kin­dred and people of the Iewes, for whose good, first, shee aduentured her life, Chap. 4. endange­red, Chap. 3. & 4. Se­condly, procured their welfare; first, by pulling downe their enemies, principally as Haman, & [Page 169] his Complices, Chap­ters 7, 9. Secondly, by aduancing her friends, and they either princi­pal, as Mordechai, Chap­ters 2, 6, 8 10. the suppo­sed author of this booke.

Or genrally, as all the Iewes; so as this booke containeth things done vnder Ahashuerosh, the Iewes in exile vnder the Persians, Medes, Assyri­ans, Chaldeans.

Hitherto of the An­terior Prophets; the Hagriographa or sa­cred writings doe fol­low.


IN this booke, we may obserue the time wher­in Iob liued, and the manner of his life.

1 He liued (as most do coniecture) in the time of the Israelites being in Aegypt, as the names of his friends doe import, conferring them with Gen. 22. 21. and there­fore this Historie is most proper to the third Age.

2. In the course of his life, note his humiliatiō [Page 171] and exaltation.

1 That beeing a very godly man, and rich, was notwithstanding af­terwards afflicted both in body and minde; in­dured the losse of goods, seruants, and children, Chap. 1. was tempted by his Wife, Chap. 2. disquieted in his minde by Satan, Chap. 6. ar­gued by his friends of hypocrisie generally throughout the whole Booke.

2. His exaltation, wherein, of the manner precedent & consequēt.

1. In Iobs Confession [Page 172] of his error to GOD, Chapters 39. 42.

2. By God himselfe, who 1. pleadeth his cause, Chap. 42.

2 Restoreth him riches double to that hee had; so as this Story is Comi­call: Sorrowes Ioy.

Marke the iust man, the end of him is Peace.


A Psalme is properly taken for a Song or Hymne that is deliuered on a tunable Instrumēt; wherein are to bee con­sidered, The Dittie, Tune, and the Singers.

1. The Dittie or mat­ter [Page 173] of the Psalmes, con­sisteth for the most part, of Prayer and Thanks­giuing; fitting euery ones occasion and con­dition.

2. Secondly, the tune or manner of setting it downe; full of delecta­tion by musicall notes, wherewith mans nature is much delighted, as the seuerall Titles do shewe; & there are some called Songs of degrees, as Psal. 120. to 134. in num­ber 15. which name they had, in likelihood, because they were sung at their going vp the [Page 174] Staires of the Temple, whereof there were fif­teene steppes.

3 The Singers are principall, or subordi­nate; first, Dauid, called by a certaine excellency, The sweet Singer of Isra­el, 1. Sam. 23. 1. Se­condly, other godly men, as they are entitu­led of Ethan, Psal. 89. of Salomon, Psal. 71. of Moses, Psal. 90. and so of other; and of all that haue Dauids spirit, the duty commanded, Ephes. 5. 19. and practised by the godly in seuerall lan­guages in ancient time, [Page 175] and shall be the exercise of the Saints in heauen, Reuel. 19.


A Prouerbe is an e­legant manner of speech, compre­hending much matter in small roome.

In these Prouerbs ob­serue, who wrote them, the time whē they were written; and the subiect matter of the writing.

First & principall was Salomon the Son of Da­uid, [Page 176] whereof they haue the name: then other worthy men, the followers of that good King Hezekiah, as appeareth in the inscription of the 25. Chapter, and of Agur, Chap. 30.

Secondly, not long be­fore his death; after his fall, and vpon his repen­tance.

Thirdly, concerning God or man; of GOD, touching such things as wee ought to embrace, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9. what we must beware of Chapters 5, 7. the secōd part is morall, and di­recteth [Page 177] in seuerall duties of piety and humanity to be performed towards man in the course of life.

Ecclesiastes, or the PREACHER.

WHEREIN wee may see, that after all our carke & care where­in we spend our time in this troublesome world, nothing remaineth in the reckoning, but vani­ty and vexation of spirit, instanced in the enume­ration [Page 178] of particulars, of such things as the vaine world thinketh felicity to consist in, whereof Salomon had experience in the fruitiō of the best, Chapters 1, 2. and con­cludeth from his obser­uation of other mens be­hauiours, the misery of all, Chapters 3. to the 10. And therefore de­termineth the point; That he is the only hap­py man, that feareth God, and keepeth his Commandements.

Canticles, or Song of Salomon.


  • 1. Of whom it was made.
  • 2. The matter where­of it consisteth.
  • 3 Of mutuall affection of the parties.
  • And 4 Of the happy consummation of all.

1 The parties interes­sed herein, are Christ the head of the Church, and euery faithfull soule.

2 The matter, is of ho­ly communion and so­cietie betweene them [Page 180] both set forth vnder the figure of a marriage, in which Christ is compa­red to the bridegroome, and the Church (which is but one) to the bride.

3 This league is made vp, and set forth in the mutuall affection either to other, made knowne by seuerall comparisons, first, of Christ and the Church ioyntly, Chap. 1. Of the Church and Christ, Chap. 2. he to a Tree, she to a Lillie and Rose, in many compari­sons of Christ made to the Church, Chap. 4. & the Church to him, c. 5.

4 The making vp the match and conclusion of the same: that, in this life; this, in the life to come: and the same confirmed by certaine pawnes and pledges, gi­uen & receiued as loue-tokens betweene them both.

That which Christ hath giuen, is his Spirit within vs, which he hath sent vnto vs, and the Looking glasses of his Word and Sacraments left among vs.

The pledge or earnest that he hath taken of vs, is our nature, assumed [Page 182] into the person of the Godhead, and hath car­ried it vp with him into heauen: and vvhen the Roomes and Mansions there are prepared, hee will come againe glori­ously for his Spouse.

Hitherto of the Hagio­grapha: the latter Pro­phets doe follow to bee intreated of.

An Introduction to the reading of the PROPHETS.

PRophets, were persons called of God to pub­lish [Page 183] and expound vnto men the will of GOD, concerning things either present or to come.

1. Of Prophets, some were only in act, but not in Office, and so Dauid & some other that pen­ned the sacred hymnes by the motion of Gods Spirit, without any no­ted change in the out­ward gesture. 2. In act and Office, as were the Reuelations, manifested to the holy Prophets, Pen-men of a great part of the Scriptures; such as Esay, Ieremy, and the rest, either in dreames, or [Page 184] wake, but in extasie; in which manner we are to vnderstand all, or most of them, that are here­after mentioned.

The doctrine of the Prophets serueth to in­struct, reprehend and to comfort; which order is generally obserued by all, or most of them.

Touching these, ob­serue the manner how their doctrine came first to be published; & then of the Prophets, and sub­stance of their seuerall prophecies.

The summe of their doctrine was first set vpō [Page 185] the Temple doore for certaine dayes, and the Priests tooke it downe, and reserued it among the Registers, Isay 8. 1. 2. and Habakkuk 2. 2.

As for the time wherein all of them pro­phecied, is hard to bee gathered, but for di­stinction, so farre as is ap­parant, or probable, wee say, that some of them were onely before the Captiuitie; some in the Captiuitie, and others after that the same was expired; the particulars wherof hereafter follow in their seuerall places

Those that do follow, are called the posteriour Prophets, because they prophecied of many things that should come to passe to the comming of Christ; and of some things afterwards, as in Daniel.

And of these, some are called the greater Pro­phets; as Isay, Ieremie, Ezekiel, Daniel; and o­ther the lesser, as all that came after them. In the setting downe whereof, all or most of these cir­cumstances, are briefely deliuered.

1. What they were. [Page 187] 2. When they vvere. 3. Vnder what Kings raigne. 4. What was the effect of their seuerall prophecies. 5. What followed therevpon.


THe sonne of Amos, an Euangelicall Pro­phet setting forth many things of Christ, and by him interpreted, Luke 4. and by others, as by Phi­lip, Act. 8.

2. Prophecied as is coniectured in the yeere of the world, 3198. and continued a Prophet a­bout 64. yeeres.

3. Prophesied in the dayes of Vzziah, Iotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. So as hee was before the Captiuitie.

4. His message was directed to Iudah princi­pally; the Tenour wher­of is a Denunciation, and Consolation. The De­nunciation, first against Gods people, from the 1. chap. to the 11. 2. A­gainst their enemies, frō the 13. chap. to 24. The Consolation, is in regard of a Temporall or Spiri­tuall deliuerance. 1. By Cyrus, c. 45. 1. Secondly, To the Gentiles, by the [Page 189] cōming of Christ, cha. 9.

5. The effect, in respect of himself, was to be put to death by Manasses.


FIrst, the sonne of Hil­kiah, born in Anathoth a Citie within 3. miles of Ierusalem; began to prophecie in Ierusalem, about the yeere of the Creation, 3316. and pro­phecied about 40. yeres.

2. Prophecied in the daies of Iosiah, beginning in the 13. yeere of his raigne, and in the dayes of Iehoiakim, & Zedekiah; so as he was in the Cap­tiuitie [Page 190] of Babylon.

3. His prophecie con­taineth a fearefull pre­diction of Gods Iudge­ment by the Captiuitie, with the Reasons & sins procuring it, as in seueral Chapters may be seene: his message was princi­pally directed to the Iewes, in Iudea, vnder se­uerall Kings thereof, to Chap. 42; Or in Egypt, with the destruction of their enemies fore-told.

Secondly, addeth con­solation, in assuring them in diuers places of their returne from Captiuitie; From chap. 29.

4. He is cast into pri­son for prophecying the truth, and is basely vsed, Chapters 32. 37, 38.


FOr the destruction of their Kingdome, fore­told by Moses, Deut. 28. 64. &c. and now exe­cuted.

EZEKIEL. Chap. 1.

THe sonne of Buzi in Caldaea, where hee prophecied the same things that Ieremy did in Iudaea.

2. Began his prophe­cie, about the yeere of [Page 192] the creation, 3350. in the fift yeere of Iehoiachins captiuitie.

3. Intreateth of the sinnes of the Iewes, as of Idolatry, murdering of the Prophets, oppressing the Stranger, prophana­tion of the Sabbath, Dis­sension, Incest, Briberie, Vsury and Extortion, from chap. 20. to 37. for which they were carried captiue: and of their re­turne, Chap. 37. He pro­phecied likewise against other Nations, for de­lighting in the misery of the Iewes. From chap. 25. to 33.

4. Disobedience of the people to the admo­nition, chap. 3.


FIrst, a captiue Iew car­ried away into Babel, in the third yeere of Ie­hoiakim King of Iudah, with Ezekiel about the yeere 3340.

2. Hee liued in the dayes of Nebuchadnez­zar, Belshazzar, Darius, and Cyrus.

3. Prophecyeth of the succeeding estate of the world to the end there­of, in the change of gouernment, considered [Page 194] in foure Monarchies, and resemblances thereof, in the opinion of some: 1. the Babylonians to gold; Chap. 2. 32. the Persian, to Siluer; the Grecian, to Brasse; the Romane, as some vnderstand, Chap. 2. 40. to Iron and Clay: which others interpret of the declining Monar­chy of Alexander of Ia­phets kindred, and the miserable estate of the Iewes in that decaying Empire by the Syrians, and Egyptians: Insomuch as they called their chil­dren by such names as shewed the desires of [Page 195] their hearts for a tempo­rall Sauiour, that might defend them. And in this sence the Apostles might aske Christ the question, Act. 1. 6. Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the Kingdome to Israel?

4. For his constancie in seruing God, and for­saking Idolatry, he is cast into a denne of Lyons, Chap. 6. 16.


FIrst, the son of Beeri,

2. Concerning the time, it was before the Captiuitie, like as the Prophet Isay, in the daies [Page 196] of Vzziah, Iotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah Kings of Iudah, and in the dayes of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioosh King of Israel: with this difference, that Esays prophecy concernd Iuda principally; and Hoseas, Israel in the top of their prosperitie, when they thought themselues in Gods fauour.

3. To tell them of their sinnes, as of Idola­try, Chap. 1. Want of knowledge, (the cause of all manner of other sinnes) chap. 4. 6. surfet­ting in the King, chap. 7. flatterie in the people. [Page 197] For which, and other of their sinnes, they are threatened to haue their Kingdome taken from them by the Assyrians, Chap. 11. vsing conso­lation afterwards, if they did amend.

4. Continuance in their sins to their after-destruction: notwith­standing that Hoseah had beene their Prophet 70. yeeres.


FIrst, the sonne of Pe­thuel, most likely to be about the time of Ie­roboam.

2. Hee prophecied to Iuda.

3 His exhortation is to repentance, and that for their sinnes of drunken­nesse and surfetting, or else, that they were to expect, First, extreme plague of famine. 2. If they repented not there­vpon, to looke for the sword of the King of Ashur.


FIrst, The sonne of a poore Heards-man, borne in Tecoa, a Towne of Iudah.

2 He prophesieth; first, [Page 199] against the Gentiles, cha. 1. then against the Iewes and Israelites. His argu­ment is drawn from the lesse to the greater. If God punished those that had little or no know­ledge, then, much more those that sinned vpon knowledge. The sinnes are taxed from the 2. Chapter to the 9. The sinnes are, Cruelty, Pre­sumption, Securitie, lacke of pittie, hoording vp of Corne, and Coue­tousnesse.


THere is little obser­uation of his time or Kindred: but by com­paring of places, Ieremie 49. & Ezek. 25. it is most like, he liued in the time of both their Prophesies.

2 The Contents, hee comforteth the Israelites now in great miserie, a­gainst their brethren, the Idumeans, who came of Esau, that were great enemies vnto them, and reioyced in the spoyles.


FIrst, The sonne of A­mittaj, borne in Gath [Page 201] Heper, a Towne in Zabu­lon, he liued in or about the time of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash.

2 He prefigureth the sal­uation of the Gentiles, sent for the conuersion of Niniueh, the chiefe Citie of the Assyrians, by 3. daies preaching; to conuince Israel, to which hee had preached many yeeres. 3. In con­clusion, the Citie was spared, and the Prophet complaineth.


BOrne in a Towne that appertayned to [Page 202] Beniamin, but was origi­nally of Gath.

2 Hee prophecieth a­gainst Iudah in the daies of Iotham, Ahaz, & He­zekiah, and so of Israel, Chap. 1. 1. for the space of 30. yeeres or therea­bout.

3 The parties reproo­ued, are Princes, Chap. 3. Rich Merchants, cha. 6. corrupt Iudges, chap. 7.


THe parentage of this Prophet is not cer­taine, nor the time of his prophecie, but con­iectured [Page 203] to bee in the dayes of Iotham.

2 The argument, hee teacheth them of Iudah to be ware of reuolting from God, by the exam­ple of the Niniuits, that were afterwards for the same cause destroyed by the Caldeans, about 115. yeeres after the former Prophecie.


IT is most like that hee liued about the end of Iosiahs raigne, or after.

2 Hee preacheth a­gainst the pride and ty­ranny of the Chaldeans, [Page 204] puft vp with their spoils, who were afterwards destroyed by the Medes and Persians.


THE sonne of Cushi, in the dayes of Iosi­ah King of Iudah, hee foretelleth the Captiui­ty, and comforteth the godly.


HE and the two Pro­phets following, were after the Captiui­ty; Haggaj comforteth the people, and encou­rageth them to build the [Page 205] Temple, wherein some were slacke, but forward to build their owne house: he prophesied in the second yeere, and sixt moneth of King Da­rius.


HE prophesieth in the eight month of the second yeere of King Darius. Hee instructeth the people to auoyd the sinnes of their fathers, & to comfort the people in respect of CHRISTS comming, the manner whereof is described, Chap. 9.


REproueth abuses and corruptions, now that the Temple was re­edifyed, and Gods wor­ship restored.

Hitherto of the Prophets and rebuilding of Ieru­salem, and the second Temple, from whence the sacred Scriptures for story do cease. And frō which time, as some doe reckon; vnto the comming of CHRIST, are yeeres 483. which is the time of the se­uenth age.
Hitherto of the Old Testa­ment. The New follow­eth.


BOTH the Testa­ments are but one in substāce, though different in name.

The substance of them both, is Christ, who as he is Alpha & Omega, the first and the last, and the same for euer; so the ex­tent and merit of his suf­ferings are not bounden within the time of his Incarnation: but the [Page 208] Testaments are distin­guished in the Letter & manner of Reuelation.

1 The former, called Old, in regard of the pro­mises of Christ to come; the other New, wherein the same were fulfilled by Christ exhibited.

2 That whereas the Old was deliuered in Types, Shaddowes, and Ceremonies; in this, Christ is plainely & ap­parantly made knowne: otherwise, as the faces of the Cherubims were one towards another, and both towards the Mercy-seate: so both [Page 209] these Testaments beare witnesse one to another, and both looke vpon Christ.

In the old Testament there is the occultation of the New; and in the New Testament, is the manifestation of the old.

In the New Testa­ment obserue, how the matter therein is sorted, and how Christ is pro­pounded.

The matter, is either Legall, as of the foure Euangelists: or Histori­call, as the Acts of the Apostles; doctrinall, as the Epistles: or Prophe­ticall, [Page 210] as the Apocalypse.

The manner of Christ propounded therein, is set down diuersly; wher­in obserue how the E­uangelists doe varie, and wherein they agree.

1 The former: In that some of them principally intended to set downe the Manhood of Christ, others the Life of Christ, others his Diuinity.

The humanity of Christ is most cleerely expressed by Mathew, Chap. 1. 1. The Booke of the generation of Ie­sus Christ the Sonne of Abraham; and by Luke, [Page 211] Chap. 3. 23. with this note of difference, that Luke deriueth Christ vp­wards to Adam, vers. 38. but Mathew downe­ward from Abraham: Luke followeth his natu­rall line without menti­on of any of them in Mathew, besides Sala­thiel and Zerubabbel, ver. 27. Mathew bringeth Christ to be the heire of Dauids throne, by a Le­gall succession from Sa­lomon.

2 Marke setteth down the life of Christ, begin­ning with Iohn Baptist.

3 S. Iohn intreateth of [Page 212] his Diuinity, Chap. 1. vers. 1, 2, 3. &c. and that especially, because the same was opposed by some heretikes of that time.

Secondly, the agree­ment of them all in some particulers, or in the ge­nerall.

1 The former, as first, in the preparation that was made to his manife­station, Mat. 3. and 4. Mar. 1. Luk. 3. and 4. Ioh. 1.

2 The manifestation it selfe, by preaching and Miracles in Galilee, Mat. 4. to 19. Mark. 1. vnto [Page 213] the 10. Chap. Luk. part of the 3. and 4. Chapter, to the 17.

3. Of his comming in­to Iurie towards his pas­sion, Math. 19. 20. Mark. 10. Luk. 17. vnto the 19. S. Iohn, is most copious in setting down his Acts it Iurie, and hath of the same in Galilee about the third Passouer, and after, Chap. 6. to the 12.

4. Of his Passion at Ierusalem, Mat. 21. Mar. 11. Luk. 19. &c. Ioh. 11.

2. The generall here briefly propounded in these words: CHRIST IESVS OVR LORD: [Page 214] which are heereafter ex­pounded, and is the sub­stance of both Testa­ments, old and new.

Wherein, first briefly and generally obserue the extent of the names of Iesus Christ.

Secondly, of the parti­cular vnfolding of the same and the rest, to make the Testaments compleate.

First, the names of Christ Iesus are of seue­rall Languages, Greeke and Hebrew, and do im­ply him to bee Sauiour both of Iewes and Gen­tiles, Rom. 1. 16.

So as neither Iew nor Gentile haue cause to complaine.

Not the Iew, because that Christ was borne a­mong them, and sent vn­to them; nor the Gentile, because Christ was light to them. And Dauid the Father of Christ accor­ding to the flesh, had much blood from the Gentiles, Mat. 1. In a word, Christ took blood of both, and shed it for both.

Secondly, the particu­lar vnfoulding of Christ consisteth in the signifi­cation of his names, and [Page 216] diuine application of the same.

First, Christ is a name taken from oyling or an­oynting, according to a threefold estate of men of ancient time, Kings, Priests and Prophets.

In oyle are considered, fragrancy and agility; the former in relation to sanctification, the latter, to ability in a ready and cheerefull performance of euery Christian and holy duty towards God, or his Image that is in man.

First, Christ is anoyn­ted our King.

By the grace of voca­tion, out of the estate of nature; of Sanctification into the life of grace; of glorification, by raysing vp our bodies out of the dust in the resurrection, and by knitting soules & bodies together, and ab­soluing them from sin, and estating vs in perfect glory; which none but this King can doe. And hereto may be referred, whatsoeuer examples are recorded in the sacred Scriptures of this nature.

2 CHRIST is our Prophet;

And this is deriued [Page 218] from his Kingly office, and so hath hee manife­sted himselfe by teach­ing, the manner where­of is diuers, and that ei­ther more mediately, or of latter times.

The ancient manner of Christs teaching was, first, by his owne voyce from heauen. Secondly, by Angels. Thirdly, by Prophets, in whom his Spirit was long before he came into the world: or, fourthly, by himselfe.

The teaching of Christ is either personally, or instrumentally to bee considered.

1. Personally, when hee was vpon the earth, and in different manner, according to the condi­tion of his Hearers, to some in Parables; That some might not vnder­stand; and that others might more diligently enquire, or better carry away the things taught, and to his preaching, he added Miracles.

A Miracle is that which surpasseth the power and efficacie of any created nature, but is wrought by God against nature, and the common order of se­cond causes.

Concerning these, ob­serue how they are diffe­renced in the Old and New Testament. In the former, they were for the most part destructiue. In the New Testament o­therwise, saue of the Gadarens, to punish their ingratitude.

The Miracles of Christ were,

1. Hee turned Water into Wine; Io. 2. 2. Fed 5000. with fiue loaues, Math. 14. and 4000. with seuen loaues, Math. 15.

3. He gaue hearing to the Deafe, and speech to the dumbe, Mat. 7. 32.

4. He gaue to the blind their sight, Mar. 8. as he went out of Ierusalem; to two blind men as hee went to Iericho, Mat. 20. 29. to one that was born so at Ierusalem, Ioh. 9. 1.

5. He restored the wi­thered hand, Mat. 12. 10.

6. He healed the man that was lame 38. yeeres, Ioh. 5. 5.

7. He healed the Le­prosie, Math. 8.

8. The Palsie, Math. 9. 1. Mar. 2. 11.

9. The Feuer, Mar. 1. 31.

10. The bloudy Issue, Mat. 9. 20. The Drop­sie, Luke 14. 2.

11. Hee calmed the Seas, beeing in the Ship, Math. 8. 29. Walked on the waters, Math. 14. 25.

12. He raised from the dead the Rulers Daugh­ter, Mark. 9. the Wid­dowes sonne, Luk. 7. 14. Lazarus, Ioh. 11. 12.

13. He deliuered from the possessiō of the diuel, at Capernaum, Lu. 35. 4.

The reason of all these, for the Confirmation of his doctrine, which be­ing sufficiently confir­med, Miracles haue cea­sed; so as it is miracu­lous, that men should [Page 223] not now beleeue with­out them.

Of Christs personall teaching hitherto; now of his teaching by o­thers, but in different manner. 1. The Heathen in secular knowledge of Arts & Sciences, which are of God, but of infe­riour nature. 2. Of his people, but in different manner of dispensation thereof, and that either in extraordinarie or or­dinarie manner.

1. Of Prophets as be­fore, and of Apostles, whereof there were in number twelue, Mat. 10. [Page 224] 2, 3. of which Mathew, (otherwise called Leui) of a Publican was made a Disciple, then after­wards an Apostle, and made an Euangelist, and none but S. Iohn and hee had both those Titles.

2. Ordinarie, as Euan­gelists to write; Doctors to teach in some certaine Churches; Pastors to ex­hort, and administer the Sacraments; Elders to rule; Deacons to distri­bute.

3. IESVS Christ is our Priest:

Yea our Priest and sa­crifice, Heb. 9. 9. and our [Page 225] Passeouer, 1. Cor. 5. 7. who in the fourth Passe­ouer, after he tooke vpon him the ministeriall Of­fice, suffered death vpon the Crosse for vs.

Wherein first of his Hu­miliation, and then of his Exaltation.

1. His Humiliation made knowne by his suf­ferings, in body or in soule, and then in his birth, life and death.

1. Borne in Bethlem, Math. 2. 1. which place was onely honoured by the birth of Christ and Dauid. The time of his birth generally declared. [Page 226] When the fulnes of time was come, Gal. 4. 4. and about the yeere after the Creation, 3963. noted by Moses, Gen. 49. 10. Whē the Scepter should depart from Iudah, ac­complished in Herod, complished in Herod, who being an Idumean of the kindred of Esau, had now wrested the Scepter out of Iudahs hand, set ouer the Iewes by Augu­stus Caesar, put downe the Sanedrim or 70. Elders of Iudaea, and was aduan­ced King of the Iewes.

Christs sufferings were either assumed, or im­posed.

1. Of Christ himselfe, as of GOD to become man, to take the infirmi­ties incident to our na­ture that were not sinful. Of wearinesse and thirst, Ioh. 4. 6, 7. Of hunger and temptation, Math. 4. Of feare, Luke 22. 42.

2. Imposed by the ma­lice of some; and infir­mitie of others.

Of the former were Herod the King, the high Priest, Pilate the Iudge, the Rulers; and their As­sistants, the Scribes, Pha­rises and the people; and Iudas the Traytor.

Of the second sort, [Page 228] were Peter, and the rest of the Disciples that went off in his sufferings.

Of Herods there were three.

1. Herod Ascolonita, An­tipaters sonne, whose hand was lifted vp a­gainst Christ at his birth, and martyred the chil­dren at Bethlehem.

2. Herod Antipas his sonne, confederate with Pilate in Christs death, Luk. 23. and killed Iohn the Baptist.

3. Herod Agrippa, that killed Iames, and impri­soned Peter, Act. 12.

The malice of the [Page 229] Iewes towards Christ appeareth in these cir­cumstances.

1. Against the Law, to take away life of an in­nocent person by false testimony, and by parti­all iudgement, Luk. 23.

2. Against mercy, to deny time of prepared death to him, whom they condemned as a Male­factor, Ioh. 19. 16.

3. Against ciuilitie, to scoffe at him in his suffe­rings, Mar. 15, 29. 36. He calleth for Elias, and to giue him Vineger calling for drinke, Ioh. 19. 29.

4. Against mercy and [Page 230] iustice, to adde more to his sufferings, then the Law commanded, which was onely to bee cruci­fied, Math. 27. 29. &c.

Christ suffered in Soule

Combating with his Fathers wrath, feeling the withdrawing of his helpe, and want of the Diuinitie for a while to comfort his humanitie, Luk. 22. 39. to ver. 47.

And thus the bloud of so many Birds & Beasts shead in the old Law in their seuerall sacrifices, is fulfilled in Christ, who by this means is become ous Iesus, our Physicion, [Page 231] and our Physicke, sauing vs from the euill of Sin, and of Punishment.

1. Of sinne, by remit­ting it of himselfe per­fectly; or destroying it, in part, by sanctification in this life; wholly, by glory in the life to come.

2. Of punishment, by taking away the sting and venome of it, and by confirming grace and glory.


In his powerfull rising as a King from death, with the conquest of all his enemies. 2. By [Page 232] his Ascension: Thirdly, Intercession, and fourth­ly, in that hee shall come the second time in glo­rious manner to iudge the world.

1 The Resurrection, be­ing a maine Article of Faith, had neede to bee proued, and his abode vpon earth for the space of fortie daies, was very necessary for vs.

The Resurrection is prooued by al the Euan­gelists, in the conclusion of all their Gospels, and likewise by many wit­nesses of those that saw him after his Resurrecti­on.

The persons that saw Christ risen, were, Mary Magdalen, Mark. 16. 9. both the Maries, Mat. 28. 9. two Disciples, Luk. 29. 13. Peter alone, 1. Cor. 15. 5. all the Disciples together, ex­cept Thomas, Ioh. 20. 19. all the Disciples, Mat. 28. 16. Iames, 1. Cor. 15 his Disciples a fishing, Iohn 21. 1. the Disciples in the Mount of Oliues, Act. 1. Paul, 1. Cor. 15.

The abode of Christ vpon earth being risen, was necessarie; as to confirme the truth of his Resurrection, so to teach [Page 234] them in all poynts of Christian Doctrine, and those things that belong to the gouernment of his Church, Act. 1. 3.

2 Ascension, Act. 1. the manner, in a Cloud: so that we are not now to seeke to know further what is become of him, but must content our selues with that which GOD hath reuea­led in his Word, Act. 1. 9.

3 Intercession, which is not meant of any Pray­ers proceeding in some manner of gesture from him on our behalfe, but [Page 235] the price of his Redēp­tion, whereon the Fa­ther looking, is wel plea­sed in him, and with vs in him, Math. 3.

4 His second most glo­rious comming from Heauen in Maiestie with all his holy Angels, whē as he wil reunite the bo­dies and soules of his Saints, that they may for euer liue with him in glory, Acts 1. vers. 11.

CHRIST is (Our) LORD by faith, if we beleeue in him: which faith, the Word begetteth, the Sa­craments doe confirme, [Page 236] Hope sustaineth, and Heauen crowneth, 1. Pet. 1. 9.

The Acts of the Apostles doe follow.


THis Booke is called The Acts of the A­postles, beeing a Chroni­cle of the first Church vnder the New Testa­ment, set down by Luke, containing yeeres, about 31. In which, consider vnder what Romane Emperours, the princi­pall things were done, spoken of either in this Booke, or in other places [Page 237] of the New Tastament: and then of the Apostles & their Assistants, as are recorded in this booke.

1 The Romane Em­perours, in whose times the sacred Story of the New Testament was written, were, 1. Au­gustus Caesar, in whose raigne Christ was born, 2. Tyberius, vnder whom he was manifested, Luk. 3. and dyed, & persecu­tions grew hot, Act. 7. & 8. 3. Claudius, vnder whom the Church had some rest, but that Herod the deputy King was cruell, Acts 11. & 12. [Page 238] 4. Nero, vnder whom there was cruell persecu­tion, in which, S. Paul and Saint Peter suffered Martyrdome: and 5. Domitian, by whom S. Iohn was banisht into Patmos, Reu. 1.

2 The number of them is set downe, either ge­nerally, as Act. 1. 13. with mentiō afterwards of Mathias, & of the ad­mirable calling of Paul, Gal. 1. 1. and the man­ner, 2. Cor. 12. 1. &c.

2 Particularly, of such Apostles and their com­panions, as are expressed in this booke; as of Iohn, [Page 239] Chap. 4. Steuen, Chap­ters 6. 7. Philip, Chap. 8. Saul, afterward called Paul, Chap. 9. &c. Bar­nabas, Chap. 13. Silas, Chapters 15. & 16, Iames, Chapters 12. 15.

All which, are to bee cōsidered, either as they were together before their separation, or after­wards.

1 of them all in gene­rall at Ierusalem, where they were to stay by Christs appointment, Chap. 1. 4. or particu­larly, as of Peter, Iohn, and others, Chapters, 3, 4, 5. Secondly, after their [Page 240] separation, and so there is speciall mention of Paul. First, with Barna­bas, Chapters 13, 14. Secondly, with Silas, Chapters 15, 16.

The occasion of their separation was two­fold. First, in regard of the persecution of Ste­uen, and so the Church became scattered, Chap. 8. 1. Secondly, by rea­son of the dissension betweene Paul and Bar­nabas, touching Iohn, Marke, which was the Euangelist, Chap. 15. 39.

In the separation note the Coūtries into which [Page 241] the Apostles in seuerall were disperst (as writers report,) and of those as they are set down in this booke.

The parts in which the Apostles were dis­persed, are said to be, An­drew in Achaia, Iohn in Asia, Philip in Phrygia, Iames in Iurie, Bartholo­mew in Scythia, Thomas in India, Mathew in Aethiopia, Simon in Per­sia, Thaddaeus in Meso­potamia, the other Iames in Spaine, Matthias in Palestine.

In the Acts there is mention of Philip, Peter, [Page 240] Iohn and Paul, especial­ly.

1. Of Peter, who plan­ted the Gospell in Lyd­da, Chap. 9. 32. and con­uerted Cornelius a Gentile, Chap. 10. 1.

2 Of Philip who plan­ted the same in Samaria, which was by him con­uerted, Cha. 8. vers. 5, 6. and of Peter & Iohn, who confirmed the plantati­on in Samaria, ver. 14. 17

3 Of Paul, whose tra­uels, troubles, cures and miracles are set downe from the 13. Chapter to the end of the booke; of whom wee may here say [Page 241] lesse, because there is so much of him in the ma­ny Epistles hee wrote to seuerall Churches, as hereafter followeth.


AN Epistle is a fa­miliar manner of deliuering & sig­nifying our minds to persons absent: which were necessary in the time of the New Testament, be­cause the Gospell was preached to all, but the law was cooped vp with­in [Page 244] the wals of Iurie. Se­condly, many persecuti­ons were vnder the Gospell, and not vnder the Law; and therefore was the holy Ghost cal­led the Comforter ther­in.

Of these Epistles, some were called Canonicall, or Catholicke, others not.

Epistles are called Ca­tholique, either as writ­ten to the whole church, as the second Epistle of S. Peter, and that of S. Iude; or else, in respect of doctrine necessary, to all Christians, and so the [Page 245] 1. Epistle of S. Peter, & that of S. Iames is called Catholike. The other Epistles are directed to one Church or person, which the other are not, but Iohns two latter.

It was necessary the Apostles should write E­pistles, because their li­bertie was oftentimes re­strained, that they could not bee present in per­son.

It was expedient that S. Paul should write ma­ny Epistles.

First, because hee had done much hurt with his penne, and therefore [Page 144] should now labour to do good therewith.

Secondly, as hee had an admirable gift in wri­ting, so hee imployeth the same to the glory of God, and benefit of his Church; in that hee suf­fered more then the rest of the Apostles, and wrote more. 1. Cor. 15. he is called the Apostle of the Gentiles.

The number of Epi­stles written by S. Paul, were 14.

1 To the Romanes, by them sometimes were vnderstood a great part of the world, otherwhile [Page 247] for whole Italy, whereof Rome is the chiefe Citie; and in this place (per­haps) for the Citizens thereof, who were great boasters of Righteous­nesse by the Law.

To the Corinthians, a rich and famous Citie in Achaia, hauing it name from a man so called; the Inhabitants in the for­mer Epistle are noted for certaine vices, and in the second for obstinacy, & incorrigeblenesse.

4 To the Galatians, or Inhabitants of Galatia, part of Phrygia, in Asia the Lesse, that intermix­ed [Page 248] S. Pauls doctrine with false doctrine.

5 To the Ephesians, rec­koned amōg the famous Cities of Asia, famous for Dianaes Temple, and for S. Pauls teaching in that Citie; the argument thereof is, To confirme them in the Doctrine that he had taught them.

6 To the Philippians, a City of Thracia, bearing name of that famous King of Macedon that built it; this people were ioyfull for the benefit of the Gospel by the Plan­tation of S. Paul.

7 To the Colossians, a [Page 249] Town of Phrygia, where Archippus was Pastor: the argumēt, for the esta­blishment of their faith against corrupt teachers.

8 To the Thessalonians, a famous Citie of Ma­cedonia: The Citizens in the former Epistle are cōmended for their faith and obedience, 9 and in the second, for their valor in suffering for the same. 10

To Timothie, an Euan­gelist, descended of reli­gious Parents, his father a Greeke, his mother a Iewesse, and hee him­selfe left as a Bishop at 11 Ephesus by S. Paul. In [Page 250] the former Epistle, Ti­mothie is incited and di­rected to bring forth the fruits of good professi­on, and in the second, to constancy in suffering.

12 To Titus, left at Creta as a Bishop by S. Paul, the argument, for the ac­complishment of works well begun.

13 To Philemon, a person very rich and highly ac­counted of, perswading him to mercy towards Onesimus a fugitiue ser­uant.

14 To the Hebrewes, or Iewes, which were borne in Iurie, and for the most [Page 251] part dwelled there also, yet wrote in Greeke, be­cause that tongue was well knowne vnto them; The Argument, To di­stinguish the Priesthood of Christ, from the Le­uiticall.


HE that would bee a Citizen of Heauen, may be assured of the de­cree of God, predestina­ting him thereunto, by the effects of his iustifi­cation by faith, and san­ctification of the Spirit, moouing him to liue a godly and charitable life towards his brethren; [Page 252] without boasting of any thing in our selues, nor suffering our selues to be seduced by erroneous teachers; to which effect this Epistle directeth.


HEE that would re­proue faction in the Church, and vnnecessa­ry contentions in Law, vncleannesse of body, or would bee rightly in­formed touching the Sa­crament and resurrecti­on, is directed in this E­pistle; where, by the re­proof of things amisse in others, he that sinneth of [Page 253] ignorance or infirmitie may be infamous and re­formed, and seducers confuted.


WHerein wee may see, what godly persons (Ministers especially) do reape at the hands of the wicked, false Teachers, and others, for their loue to dragge their soules out of the puddle of sin, and snares of Satan.


WHere wee may see the priori­tie of faith a­boue workes in the Act of Iustification; which precedēcy granted, faith and workes are hand-fasted, and doe necessari­ly concur in the practice of Christianitie, against such false Apostles as taught Circumcision, and Iustification by the workes of the Law.


INtreating of the grace of God, in making of the Iewes and Gentiles one Church, Chapters 1, 2, 3. and shewing how Christians are differen­ced from that they were by nature; and also dire­cted in their generall and particular Callings, and prepared for the spiritu­all combate in the Chap­ters following.


IN which EPISTLE wee may plainely see, what good they doe [Page 256] get in spirituall things, that minister of their Temporals to the neces­sities of Gods afflicted seruants, Ministers espe­cially, by their prayers, praise, and good aduice; and that none should be offended at the Crosse, but bee emboldened by seeing their constancy in their sufferings, conside­ring the benefit that commeth thereby.


FRom the Contents of this Epistle, a Christi­an may learne his pro­gresse in Christianity, in [Page 257] faith and knowledge of God, practice of good workes, & thanksgiuing; so as heauen must be still his ayme, & his thoughts raised vp thither.


IF wee would be com­forted against the temptations of persecu­tion, or would know how commendable it is for a Christian to suffer euill for good by per­sons neere vnto vs, wee are directed therein, Chapters 1, 2, 3. or would bee comforted in the death of our friends de­ceased, [Page 258] the latter part of this Epistle sheweth it.


THAT persecutions and afflictions are the touchstone of the faith of Gods elect, be­cause that many shall fall away in the last time by the means of Antichrist, where, of him, and his pride and fall.

Hitherto of the Epistles directed to particular Churches: now of them to particular persons; such as were Timo­thy, Titus, Phile­mon.


IN the first Chapter, is as it were a Beacon of mercy, set vp for all Re­pentant sinners, in the example of Paul, to auoid despaire; and teaching them afterwards how to spend their time in god­ly liuing, Ministers espe­cially, & that by reading the Word, and wisely rebuking sinne, chap. 5. and admonishing al sorts and sexes of their duties, Chap. 2. 3. 6.


COntaining an exhor­tation to stedfastnes [Page 260] in grace, by fore-telling of back-sliding, and wic­kednes of the last times Necessary now for eue­ry Christian to learne, that hee may know how to beare afflictions and wrongs patiently, by the directions of Gods Word, with the benefits that will come thereby.


A Direction for per­sons of either sexe, how to behaue thēselues accordingly, whether in priuate or publike place, and of the Minister espe­cially, that hee may bee [Page 261] so qualified by Gods Word, as to bee able to direct others therby, and conuince the Refractory


BY example of Paul so earnest for Onesimus a Conuert, we ought to shew mercy, where God hath done it.


WHEREIH wee may see the dig­nity of the Gospel aboue Moses Law, with the Mediator between God and Man. Iesus Christ, according to his three­fold [Page 262] Office, of King, Priest, and Prophet; and then of exhortations to the whole Church, to the end of the Epistle.


VVHerein all per­sons are instru­cted how to ioyne good life, with good professi­on, faith & good works; and to beware of euill language, and partiality, in preferring the wicked rich, aboue the godly poore.


IN this Epistle is set forth the Royalty of Christians, and that their liues ought to be sutable therevnto, in their loue to Christ and his mem­bers; and then of their duties in their particular Callings.


WHerein we are perswaded to maintaine the faith we haue, and to in­crease therein, and other graces, against Heretikes, Hypocrites, & Atheists, [Page 264] which swarme in the last dayes.

1. IOHN.

VVHerein, after that the Apostle hath shewed the nature of cor­rupt and worldly loue, he sheweth the loue of Charitie that should bee in Christians: who as they confesse one Christ for their Sauiour; so should they manifest their loue to him, in his Image, that is, in our neighbour.

2. IOHN.

VVHerein, they that are graced with outward Titles of ho­nour, should striue to de­serue it, by louing the Truth, and repressing Seducers.

3. IOHN.

FIrst, wherein all men may know to what re­giment they belong, by their loue or hatred to good or euill.


VVHerein wee haue the satanical Impe vncased, who vnder the Maske of Religion, pre­tence of Christian Li­berty, would foyle Ma­gistracie, and make way to his own sensuality and auarice.


OR the discouerie of things present, con­cerning the seuerall Churches that were in Asia the lesse; and fu­ture, [Page 267] concerning the Church, and the opposi­tion made against it by Satan, the Romane Em­perours, and the man of sinne: and the Churches victory ouer them; part­ly in this life, and to­tally in the life to come.



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