We have been Banter'd & Bubbl'd & Cheated & Banter'd & Bubbld A SONG


Your melanchollys all a folly,
the Peace I'm sure is Sign'd
y e French are fort so
is our Court, and the Dutch must be inclin'd,
what is't to us who's King of Spain,
so we are masters of the main,
our Fleet must always the Trade maintain if we are
not Banter'd and Bubbl'd and Cheated and Banter'd and Bubbl'd.
We very well know when Marlborough.
Did take the Towns in Flanders.
'Twas English men did pay for them.
Tho' they put in Dutch Commanders.
So that while we were humbling France.
Hollands power we did advance,
And made 'em great at our expence,
And so we were banter'd &c.
We must Suppose the Whiggs are foes.
When Treatys they will Sign a,
To give the Dutch so plaugy much,
And call it the Barrier Line a,
For how can we great Europe sway,
Or keep the Ballance every way,
I fear we shall pay fort another day,
For we have been banter'd &c.
For Liberty and Property,
Twas once we us'd to fight,
Gainst Popery and Slavery,
We did it with our might
But now the Taxes makes us poor.
The Emperour may Swear and roar,
We neither can nor will do more.
For we have been banter'd &c.
Fanatichs then are now the men,
Who Kingly power divide.
Their Villany to Monarchy,
Tis makes 'em France deride.
If Hollanders wou'd choose a King.
As much as now their praises sing.
They then wou'd Curse and Dam and fling
And cry they were banter'd &c.
I swear ad [...]nigs the Canting Whigs.
Ha [...]y van their K [...]avish race.
The Church and Queen are flourishing.
Now they are in disgrace.
Great Harly he has set us right.
And France will banish Perkenite,
S [...] were no more the Holland bite.
Nor will we be banter'd and bubbl'd
And Cheated and banter'd and bubbl'd.

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