
  • Sir Robert Willughby, Knight of the Garter, summon'd to Parliament by the Title of Lord Broke, 7 H. 7. dyed 18 H. 7.= Blanch, Daughter and Coheir of John Champernon, Esq;
    • Sir Robert Willughby, Knight, the Second Lord Broke, Son and Heir, dyed anno 13. Hen. 8.= Elizabeth, Daughter and Coheir of Sir Richard Beauchamp, Knight, Lord Beauchamp of Powick.
      • Edward Willughby, Esquire, eldest Son, dyed in the Life-time of his Father.= Elizabeth, Daughter of Richard Nevill, Lord Latimer. 2.
        • 1 Elizabeth, sole surviving Heir to her Grand­father, Married to Sir Foulk Grevile, Knight; she dyed anno 6 Eliz. 3.
          • Sir Foulk Grevile, Knight, Son and Heir of Elizabeth, dyed anno 4 Jac. 1.= Anne, Daughter of Ralph Nevill Earl of Westmerland. 4.
            • Sir Foulk Grevile, Knight, Son and Heir, created Lord Brook of Beauchamps-Court, by Patent, 18 Jac. 1. with Remainder to Robert Grevile, his Cousin, and to his Heirs Male. The said Sir Foulk dyed unmarried, 4 Car. 1.
              ✚ ✚ ✚
            • Margaret, only Sister and Heir, married to Sir Rich. Verney, Kt. she dyed 6 Car. 1. 5.
              • Sir Grevile Verney, Knight, Son and Heir of Marga­ret, dyed anno 1642.= Cath. Daughter of Sir Robert Southwell, Kt. 6.
                • 1 Grevile Verney, Esquire, Son and Heir, dyed anno 1648.= Elizabeth, Daughter of Thomas Vicount Wenman.
                  • Sir Grevile Verney, Kt. of the Bath, only Child, died anno 1668.=Lady Diana, eldest Daughter of Will. Earl of Bedford.
                    • William Verney, Esquire, only Child, dyed un­married, Aug. 23. 1683.
                      ✚ ✚ ✚
                • 2 Sir Richard Verney, Knight, second Son, now living, anno 1694.
        • 2 Anne dyed an Infant, and without Issue.
          ✚ ✚ ✚
        • 3 Blanch, Wife of Sir Francis Dawtrey, Knight; she dyed without Issue.
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Observations on the foregoing Pedigree.

1. THE Barony of Broke is a Barony in Fee, taking its original by Writ of Summons, anno 7 H. 7. The first Person summoned being Sir Robert Willughby, Knight of the Garter; to whom succeeded Sir Robert Willughby, Knight, his Son and Heir, the second Lord Broke, who was summoned to Parliament by the same Title, tempore, H. 8. and sate accordingly: By reason whereof the said Honour or Barony of Broke is descend­able to the Heirs General, and consequently to Sir Richard Verney, Knight, now living.

2. Elizabeth Lady Grevile, Wife of Sir Foulk Grevile, Knight, was (after the death of her Sisters Anne and Blanch without Issue) the sole surviving Heir to her Grandfather, Sir Robert Willughby, Knight, the second Lord Broke, viz. eldest Daughter and Coheir to Edward Willughby, Esquire, her Father, who being Son and Heir apparent to the said Sir Robert Willughby, Knight, the second Lord Broke, dyed in his Father's Life-time without Issue-Male.

3. Sir Foulk Grevile, Knight, Son and Heir of the said Elizabeth Lady Grevile, was, after the Death of his Mo­ther, the Right Lineal Heir to the said Barony of Broke.

4. Sir Foulk Grevile, Knight, Son and Heir of the said Sir Foulk (and Grandson and Heir to the first-mentioned Sir Foulk Grevile and Elizabeth his Wife) was, after the death of his Father, the right lineal Heir to the said Barony, but dyed unmarried, anno 4 Car. 1.

5. Sir Grevile Vern [...]y, Knight, Son and Heir of Sir Richard Verney, Knight, and Dame Margaret his Wife, sole Sister and Heir to the last-mentioned Sir Foulk Grevile, Knight, was (after the Death of his Mother) the right Lineal Heir to the said Barony.

6. The Issue of Grevile Verney, Esquire, Son and Heir of the said Sir Grevile, being extinct, Sir Richard Verney, Knight, now living, second Son of the said Sir Grevile, is thereby become the Right Lineal Heir to the said Barony of Broke.

But whereas Sir Foulk Grevile, Knight, who dyed unmarried, anno 4 Car. 1. was created Lord BROOK, Baron of Beauchamps-Court, to him and the Heirs-Male of his Body, with Remainder to his Cousin Robert Grevile, Esq; and the Heirs-Male of his Body, by Patent, 18 Jac. 1. in Favour to the Surname and Family of Grevile, yet was he truly and rightfully also entituled to the foresaid Barony of BROKE, in Fee; By reason whereof, as the said Title and Dignity of Lord Brook, Baron of Beauchamps-Court came to the said Robert Grevile, Esquire, and as a distinct Title now resteth in the present Lord Brook, Son of the said Robert Grevile, by virtue of the said Remainder. So the foresaid Barony of BROKE, in Fee, descended to the forementioned Margaret Lady Verney, Sister and sole Heir to the said Foulk Lord Brook, and now resteth in Sir Richard Verney, Knight, her Grandson, as being the True Lineal and only Rightful Heir to the first-mentioned Sir Robert Willughby, Knight, Lord BROKE.

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