The Last SPEECH AND CONFESSION OF • John Thompson, , • Richard Crook alias Hide, , • John Atkins alias Lush, , • Richard Stanley, , • Robert Wright, and , and • Thomas Birch, for Killing the two Boys. Who Were Executed at TYBOURN, On Friday the 4 th. of this Instant May, 1688.
ONE would think, that after so many Instances of Divine Justice against Malefactors, Men would at last, begin to be so Wise, as to beware of such Courses that naturally tend to such deplorable Ends. But, Alass! notwithstanding all the Exemplary Punishments which we see daily inflicted upon Criminals, too many [...]n on in their Wicked courses, and never stop, till the Justice of God lays hold upon them, and they by this means, Ruine themselves, at least as to this Life, (if not likewise as to that which is to come, since, as Divines say, Late Repentance is seldom true.) Would Men but seriously reflect upon the sad Consequences of evil Courses before they enter upon them, it cannot be supposed they would so easily give themselves over to them, but we too often find, that by Men's heedless running upon one Sin, that makes way for another, and that again for a third; and so they go on, till at last they make themselves an [Page 2] Example of Justice, as we have many times before observed, and now of late at the Execution of the following Prisoners. But I shall proceed to give you an Account of their Confessions and last Words.
John Thompson, who was Condemned for Breaking open the House of Edward Mullins, and Stealing thence a Silver Salt, three Silver Spoons and 40 l. in Money, with other Goods, Confessed that he had been a Lewd liver and had been guilty of many Crimes, and particularly, that he committed that Murther upon Dorothy Stanton, the Wife of Philip St [...]ton, otherwise called Lump's) in Fig-lane, on the 2 d. of March, 1685. For whith and all his other Crimes, he seemed very Penitent, and asked Forgiveness of the said Philip her Husband, who was present at the Execution. He was frequently heard to repeat these Words, Whither shall I go in a few Minutes? He likewise said, that it was not the bare apprehension of Death, or of losing this World, that Troubled him, but that he was amazed at the thoughts of appearing before the Tremendous Tribunal of God, having lived so profligate a Villain.
Richard Crook alias Hide, and John Atkins alias Lush, Condemned as Brethren in Iniquity, for Breaking open the House of William Hollyer, and Stealing thence two Pieces of Scarlet Cloath, both notorious Offenders, but now very Penitent. Among other things, Hide Confessed, that he Robbed my Lord Preston in Soho-Square, with a great many other Thefts and Villanies, having continued that course of Life for above these Nine or Ten Years; for though he was but a Stripling being not above 17 Years, yet he had been no Novice in Villany. He sadly regretted his being drawn away by bad Company, but above all, he lamented his Prophaning the Sabbath day, as a Sin which provoked God to withdraw his Grace from him, which laid him Naked to all the Assaults of the Devil, so that no Sin seemed so horrid but he could without any check of Conscience commit it.
Thomas Birch, Sentenced for Killing two Boys of Clerkenwell Parish, viz. Edward Bunny and Samuel Wilson, on the 4th. of April. He was likewise very Penitent, and declared that Drunkenness had brought him to his untimely end; for he said, had he not been in Drink, he might have escaped that horrid Sin of Murther he committed on those Innocent Boys; and that never till then he had been Accused of the least Misdemeanor: And therefore he advised all People to beware of that Sin, which frequently has such sad Effects attending it, it being a Sin that drowns Reason, and makes a Man more Salvage than the most rapacious Beasts, and exposes him to all manner of Sins.
Richard Stanley and Robert Wright, Condemned for Robbing of John Clarke on the High-way, and taking from him a Mare, one Guirea 16 s. in Money, a Saddle, and other Goods, were no less Penitent than the former, making ample Confession of their wicked course of Life, begging Pardon of God for all those they had Injur'd, and freely Forgiving their Prosecutors. But they utterly denied the Robbery charged on them in Hartford-shire.
The PRAYER of Richard Stanley.
MOst Holy Lord, Good and Gracious, Everlasting and blessed God, how Gracious art thou! Lord God, Thou art a great God, a Merciful God, and Thou hast done for me a Thousand times more then I deserved; I confess I have been a great Sinner, and have done those things I ought not to have done, and left undone what I ought to have done: Lord, help me, strengthen my Faith ever minute more and more, these few Minuets I have to live, that when my Soul and Body parts, my Soul may ascend up to Heaven; and that he that shed his Blood for Sinners, may make my peace with God. Let my Sins be covered, forsake me not, because of them I have been a great Sinner, I have offended against thy Holy Laws, I have humbly confest them all. Lord, for Christ Jesus sake, forgive me all my Sins; I have confest them upon my bended knees: Grant that I may be a warning to others, that they may spend the Sabbath better, walk uprightly and justly, and do nothing contrary to God's Law: Lord, bless my everlasting Soul; Jesus keep me from the torments of Hell. And now I part in peace, I have repented of all my Sins, and for Christ Jesus sake enable me with all things necessary this day, concluding this my imperfect Prayer, as Christ himself hath taught me, Our Father, &c.
In Sum, they Died all with as great sense of their Sin as most Prisoners that have been Executed these many years, shewing a great deal of fervency in their Prayers to God Almighty, earnestly requiring the Prayers of all that were present, and begging Forgiveness of all whom they had offended.
Four of them, viz. John Atkins alias Lush, Richard Stanley, Robert Wright and Thomas Birch, Died in the Communion of the Church of England; and the two others, viz. John Thompson and Richard Crook alias Hide Died in the Roman, and had two Priests attending them. The four former joined in Prayer with a Minister of the Church of England, and afterward Sung a part of a Psalm, while the other two performed their last Devotion with their Priests after their way. After which, they continued about half an hour bewailing their miserable condition, asking God Forgiveness of their Sins, and shewing all the signs of true Penitence. And we hope that God of his infinite Mercy has been Gracious to their Souls.
With Allowance.
LONDON, Printed by George Croom, at the Blue-Ballin Thames-street, near Baynard's-Castle, 1688.