Prophane, Professors, Beleivers,
1. ARe many to Professors, To Beleivers, The fewest of all,
2. Rest on forms at best, Are but Formalists, Rest not on formalities,
3. Hate profession, Profese only, Profess and do,
4. Are ignorant of the Scri­ptures, Of the truth of the Scrip­tures, Are acquainted with both,
5. Will learn nothing, Are ever learning, Increase in knowledge,
6. Tread Christs blood under foot. Know not its worth, Acknowledge its ex­cellency,
7. Are led about by Satan, By their own lusts, Only by the Spirit,
8. Are weary of good duties, Grow weaker in them, Renew their strength,
9. Grow daily more vile, Wax worse, and worse, Are best at last,
10. Say they beleive, yet be­leive not. Say they desire to be­leive, Beleive, yet desire more faith,
11. Use no means but by con­straint, Use means and rest there, Use means, yet rest on none,
12. Think they may use too much means, Limit themselves, Use means most of all,
13. Think they may be too holy. Are never truly holy, Have perfect holiness in Christ,
14. Cannot endure to be que­stioned about Religion, Are full of questions, Desire to be throughly tryed,
15. Change Religion with the times, Are easily changed, Not by death or tor­ture,
16. Will not suffer for Reli­gion, Not much, Suffer joyfully,
17. Say they are more then they seem, Seem more then they are, Are more then they seem,
18. Hate all shew of Religion, All power, Have both,
19. Are Key-cold, Luke-warm, Truly hot,
20. Are devout, the Sacrament neer, The Sacrament day. Truly devout alwaies,
21. Are glad when the Sab­bath's over, When it comes they say, Rejoyce most in that day,
22. Care not for duties, Know not how to do them, Look for help from Christ,
23. Say they are Sinners, but think not so, Think they are Sinners, but not sin it self, Know that they are nothing else but sin,
24. Talk of Christ occasionaly, Speak of him purposely, Delight only in him,
25. Call for Gospel, Gospel, For Law; Law, For both,
26. Cry down terrible preach­ing, Comfortable preaching, Take pleasure in both,
27. Are not humbled by the Law, Not comforted by the Gospel, Are by both,
28. Account the Law rayling, The Gospel Daubing, Know the use of both,
29. Abuse the Gospel to loos­ness, The Law to despair, Use both aright,
30. Place Religion in good meaning, In good doing, In faith in Christ,
31. Are strangers to all Righ­teousness, To Evangelicall Righte­ousness, Know Christs Righte­ousness,
32. Put all on Christ, and do nothing, Do all and leave Christ nothing, Do most, yet find ful­ness in Christ,
33. Zealous at Common-prayer. At Sermons or Fasts, Alwaies,
34. Talk little of Religion. Will talk much, Know how to be silent,
35. Know no assurance of Sal­vation, Are never assured, Strive for, and may be infallibly certain,
36. Brag of any good they do, Are boasters but craftily, Deny themselves.
37. Post off Repentance till last. Are repenting, yet repent not, Repent, yet rest only on faith in Christ,
38. Would be Professors at death, Beleivers at death, Live by faith in life and death,
39. Glory in sin, In sinfull duties, In Christs Cross,
40. Cavell most at Profession, At beleiving, Profess and beleive,
41. Raise slanders of Professors, Of Beleivers, Of none,
42. Shun Professors company, Beleivers fellowship, Imbrace Beleivers in love,
43. Joyne with Atheists ra­ther then Professors, With prophane then beleivers, Love their like,
44. Watch for Professors hal­ting, Beleivers tripping, Are grieved at both,
45. Publish Professors faults, Beleivers infirmities, Cover all in love,
46. Mock Professors, Gird at beleivers, Bear all for Christ,
47. Hate Reprovers, Bear rebukes hardly, Love such above all,
48. Are implacable to Profes­sors, Are so to Beleivers, Are easily appeased,
49. Take revenge on Profes­sors, On Beleivers, Leave all to God,
50. Deride the brother-hood, Hold fraternity in time of peace, Part not with it to death,
51. Are terrified by troubles, Ever Cast down, Glory in Tribulation,
52. Love not tidings of death, Loath to dye, Long for Christs com­ing,
53. Love the praise of men, Affect applause, Give all glory to God,
54. Are all for the world, Are much intangled therewith, Are Heavenly minded,
55. Are hard hearted, Close fisted, Liberall minded,
56. Nourish base Lusts, Have their beloved sins, Hate all sin truly,
57. Are sad in Professors com­pany, In Beleivers fellowship, Joy in such Society,
58. Nickname Professors, Beleivers, Are nick-named of all,
59. Are high-minded, Much exalted, Are meek and lowly,
60. Love none heartily, Love in word, Love Believers til death,
61. Requite good with evill, Evill with evill, Evill with good,
62. Hate their Enemies, Love their friends, Love their Enemies,
63. Are apt for Law-Suits, Will go to Law for lit­tle, Are hardly provoked,
64. Glory in their Wealth, Are highly exalted thereby, Are content in all E­states,
65. Are all for mirth, Will be wantonly mer­ry, Rejoyce not in sin at all,
66. Will venture Soule for gain, Will hazard much that way, Love not filthy lucre,
67. Are all for their belly, Great belly Gods, Hunger more for Christ,
68. Would have States put down all shew of godliness, All truth and power, To maintain both,
69. Are careless of Salvation, Carefull only for that, To walk as the saved,
70. By sinning grow more ex­pert, More wary, More weakned to it,
71. Keep others from Profes­sion, Think it enough to pro­fess themselves, Labour the conversion of others,
72. Are not Professors, nor will be, Are not beleivers, yet seem to be, Are both,
73. Heare but keep nothing, Heare and repeat, Heare, repeat, and re­tain,
74. Are open enemys to Christs Cross, Secret Adversaries, Are hearty lovers of the Cross of Christ,
75. Know not Christ at all, Love him not, Love him unfainedly,
76. Are Devils in black, Devils in white, Glorious Saints,

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