PROPOSALS For the Carrying on an Actual Survey of All the Counties in the Kingdom of ENGLAND and Principallity of WALES, in Order to the Compleating a New Book in Large Folio, to be Intituled Atlas Anglicanus.
WHEREAS our former PROPOSALS hath been gratefully Accepted by several of the Nobility and Gentry of this Kingdom: And we having consulted all Mapps already Extant, and finding so great a Deficiency therein, we thereupon thought our selves obliged to undertake this Great and Elaborate Work of an Actual Survey; wherein shall be truly laid down the Scituation of all the Cities, Market Towns, Parish Churches, Villages, and the Residencies of all the Nobility and Gentry, with particular Distinctions, and other Places of Note; with all the Principal Roads, truly Delineated therein: Wherein you may find the Latitude of any Town or Place in any of the said Mapps. And also an Exact Rule is given for the ready finding out any place at the first fixing your Eye upon the said Mapps, and the Distances of one Place from another, without the trouble of Measuring.
To the Mapp of each County shall be annexed a Description of the Air, Soil, Commodities, and Manufactures thereof; with other useful Remarques.
The whole shall be printed with a fair Character on Royal Paper: For the better performing the same, we will improve our utmost Care and Diligence, that nothing may be omitted in so Noble a Design; for the rendering the said Mapps more compleat and perfect; and not only larger, but much more Ornamental, and far more useful than any hitherto published.
We do proceed herein with all convenient speed, hoping to have the whole compleated by Michaelmass Term 1681, if not before.
This being so Publick and Laborious an Undertaking (and was never yet effectually performed) by any; and in regard it requires so great an Expence in the Surveying, Engraving, and Printing thereof, we therefore, for the more Expeditious Carrying it on, do make these following
- 1. Those that will be pleased to subscribe and pay unto any of the aforesaid Undertakers, or their Assigns, the Sum of Fifty Shillings; Twenty whereof to be paid at the time of Subscription; for which shall be given a Receipt under the Hand and Seal of any of the said Undertakers; Thirty Shillings more to be paid at the Delivery of the said Book in Quires, when compleated.
- 2. Any Gentlemen that are desirous to have a nearer Relation to the said Work, paying the Charges thereof, may have their Coat of Arms curiously Engraven, as Benefactors to the same.
- 3. Such Persons of Honour and Quality, as shall be pleased to grace this Worthy Design with a more nearer Relation, may have the Mapp of any County they desire, dedicated to them: for which some convenient Incouragement is expected.
- 4. Those that will be more Curious in their Books, may have them printed on Imperial Paper, with the Mapps and Coats of Arms Illustrated in their proper Colours; for which Fifty Shillings more is to be paid at the Delivery of the said Book.
- 5. Whosoever shall procure Subscriptions for Twelve of the said Books (upon the performance thereof) shall have One of the said Books presented them gratis.
For the satisfaction of all Gentlemen that are Encouragers of this Design, none of the said Books shall be sold to any Person whatsoever, except to the Subscribers, under Three Pounds ten Shillings a piece; neither shall any Book be delivered to any Person before the Subscribers have theirs.
And for the better satisfaction to all Gentlemen of the Reality of this Design, there is to be seen at the House of John Seller at the Hermitage in Wapping, and John Oliver at the Eagle and Child on Ludgate-Hill; the Successive Progress of the Survey of each County, with a Specimen of our Work, being Mapps of one or more Counties; which is to be a Model to the rest: And all to be performed in the same Manner and Exactness.
FOR the Advancement of the Work above-mentioned, I will take and receive of John Seller, John Oliver, and Richard Palmer, or any of their Assigns, [...] of the said Books, and pay the Money expressed, according to the [...] Proposal.