SEASONABLE And SOBER ADVICE TO THE Respective COUNTIES and CORPORATIONS in whose Good or Bad Choice of Members to serve in this next ensuing PARLAMENT (In this present juncture of Time) Consisteth the probable WEALE or WOE of these Three Nations, and the SAFETY or HAZARD of our Dear-bought LIBERTIES and Reformation begun.

Pray for the Peace of Ierusalem, they shall prosper that Love Thee.
The Lord blesse thee O Habitation of Iustice, and Mountain of Holinesse.

IT cannot lie unobserved to any pious or prudent Heart with what an out-stretched hand (by signes & wonders, the Lord hath brought his people of these Nations, out of that darknesse in their Minds, and bondage in their Con­sciences that hath been only felt in former times, and whereinto we cannot but fear our fatall return, should we make us Captaines to lead us back to Egypt.

Neither is it lesse obvious how oft we have seemed near a Canaan of Rest and Settlement for our selves and Gods Ark in the midst of us, and yet as often have the passions and private interests of some, and the sins of us All, brought us back again into the Wildernesse. Parlaments have been in travail but have not brought forth any salvation; God hath looked for Grapes from us, and behold wild Grapes; And we have looked for healing, but behold a Cry!

How beit although we have been emptyed from Vessels to Vessels, we are not as yet spilt upon the ground; This is the Lords doing and it is deservable marvellous in our eye [...]. The power, the plenty, the purity of the Gospel of Salvation which we yet enjoy, is more then most others have; and our Peace (in this juncture of time) more then what most of our selves could have

The Civil Government is peacefully devolved into that Hand (wherewith the Heart of these Nations, by the many affectionate Addresses, both of Cities, Counties and Townes-Corporate, appeares to be combined) which seemeth every day more strength­ned for the holding of that interest (which must be the Pillar of our Civil Weal) the interest of our Lord Iesus Christ.

And now that a generall Addresse is to be publickly made throughout these three Nations to the Throne of grace for a blessing upon the appointed Parlament; may it be as much our CARE as it is our CONCERNMENT (as near as we can) to choose whom the Lord hath chosen, and to send thither by our Votes such onely as we can most comfortably follow with our Hopes and Prayers. That is to say, Men of Wisedome and Knowledge in the Great Things both of true Religion and righteous Government, under­standing the Times, and what Israell ought to doe.

Men (like Moses) of a zealous, yet a peaceable and healing spirit, (willing to stand in our Breaches, and to endeavour the cemen­ting our differences) that our wound (if the Lord please) may be bound up and bleed no longer.

Men Free and willing to reform all grievances in the Administration of Law, till Righteousness be as a River amongst us, the streams whereof may make glad the Citie of our God.

May our Elections have respect to these few qualifications, and what ever else may truly commend men before the Lord, may it re­commend them to our choice for that high trust wherein the great Name of our God, and what ever is deare to all that love and feare him, is so much interested. And may it be laid seriously to heart what a dreadfull Account wee shall give to God, (THOSE especi­ally who not onely as being members of COUNTIES have power in choosing Knights in common with others, BUT also as being Members of CORPORATIONS of choosing for themselves Burgesses who are not the least considerable number in Parlament) If through either a supine Carelessness or other Carnall respects, we should betray into unfaithfull hands those great Talents wherewith the Lord hath graciously entrusted us, not onely for our selves, but for succeeding generations.

'Tis easily foreseen how slender an entertainment such a short Paper-messenger may find with many, but the Case it selfe speaketh though we should hold our peace. And assuredly should we herein prove unfaithfull, Salvation would come some other way (for if we slumber, yet God will watch over his own Cause) but we and our Families shall be troden under foot as unsavoury salt.

And who knowes but he who chooseth the weake things of this world, and the things that are despised, may direct so plain a word to the awakening and provoking of some, to the carefull discharge of so great a Duty, that the Children that shall be borne, may call us blessed.

PSAL. 137.5.6.‘If I forget thee Oh Ierusalem, then let my right hand forget her cunning. If I doe not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I preferre not Ierusalem above my chiefe Ioy.’

LONDON, Printed by R. D. for John Clarke, at the lower end of Cheapside, entring into Mercers Chappel, 1659.

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