PROCLAMATION Anent the Stenting Unfree-Traders.

WILLIAM by the Grace of GOD, King of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith: To [...] Macers of Our privy Council, Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting:

Forasmuch, as in lieu of the Acts of Parliament against Unfree-Taders, and to prevent the Pains that they either had, or might have incurred, First, the Royal Burrows, and then the Estates of Parliament, did Offer a free Communication of Trade to the Burghs of Barony, Regality, and others, they paying the Compositions that should be Agreed to betwixt them and Mr. John Buchan, who stands Engaged to Relieve the saids Burghs Royal of Ten Pounds of the Hundred Pounds of their Taxt-Roll, which being only the Tenth Part of the Burden of the saids Royal Burghs, would be very inconsiderable amongst the whole Burghs of Barony and Regality, and other Unfree-Traders of the Kingdom: Notwithstanding whereof, many of the Unfree-Burghs and Traders, pretending, that the Proportions laid on them are Unequal, have not payed in the same; For Remedy whereof, the said Mr. John Buchan being desirous that these Proportions may be laid on with all possible Equality, and that the saids Unfree-Traders may be Relieved of the Pains of Law, either already Incurred, or which they might Incur, hath Applyed to the Lords of Our privy Council, that due Intimation may be made to all concerned of the Ease, that he is willing to grant to all Unfree-Traders: And We Considering, that the making the said Project effectual, will likewise tend to the Promoting of Trade in general throughout the King­dom; Therefore, We with Advice of the Lords of our privy Council, have thought fit that a Proclamation be Emitted in Our Name and Au­thority, Intimating to the haill Shires of the Kingdom the foresaid Benefit now Offered, and for Ordaining the respective Commissioners of Supply and Excise within the saids Shires, to Meet at their Head-Burghs, at the Days after-mentioned, to hear and consider the said Mr. John Buchan's Offers, and to Agree to the same, as they shall see cause for Liberty of Trade, and Relief of their Unfree-Traders; and if they shall Agree, to accept his Offers, to divide the saids respective Quota's of the foresaid Ten Pounds, upon the Burghs of Barony and Regality, and other Unfree-Traders within their Bounds, to the effect that the saids Burghs of Barony and Regality, and other Unfree-Traders may freely accept of, and acquiesce to the said Division, and agree to make Payment accordingly, as they shall think fit, with this Certification allanerly, that if the saids Offers shall not take effect in the Method here propsed, the saids haill Unfree-Traders who have not already Agreed with the said Mr. John Buchan, shall be proceeded against, conform to the Acts of Parliament against Unfree-Traders, and the Pains thereof exacted upon them with all rigour. Our Will is herefore, and We Charge you strictly, and Command, that incontinent these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and remanent Mercat-Crosses of the haill Head-Burghs within this Kingdom, and there in Our Name and Authority, make Intimation of the Premisses; and als that ye in Our Name and Authority, Command and Charge the foresaids Commissioners of Supply and Excise, to Meet at their respective Head-Burghs: These upon the South-side of the Water of Tay, upon the First Day of April; and these upon the North-side of Tay, upon the Twentieth Day of the famine Month, to consider and hear the said Mr. John Buchan his Offers, and to Agree to the same, as they shall see cause for Liberty of Trade, and Relief of their Unfree-Traders; and if they shall Agree to accept his Offers, to divide the saids respective Quota's of the foresaid Ten Pounds, upon the Burghs of Barony and Regality, and other Unfree-Traders within their Bounds, to the effect that the saids Burghs of Barony and Regality, and other Unfree-Traders, may freely accept of and acquiesce to the said Division, and Agree to make Payment accordingly, as they shall think fit; with this Certification, that if the saids Offers shall not take effect in the Method here proposed, the saids haill Unfree-Traders who have not already Agreed with the said Mr. John Buchan, shall be proceeded against, conform to the Acts of Parliament against Unfree-Traders, and the Pains thereof exacted upon them with all rigour. Likeas, We hereby Require and peremptorly Command, all inferior Magistrats within the Kingdom, that they administrat Justice speedily and impartially to the said Mr. John Buchan, against the haill foresaids Unfree-Traders, who shall refuse to accept of the Offer hereby made to them, as they will be Answerable on their highest peril. And Ordains these Presents to be Printed.

Per Actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii. GILB. ELIOT, Cls. Sti. Concilii.

God save the King.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1697.

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