PROCLAMATION, Anent the making use of Forreign Salt.

CHARLES, By the Grace of GOD, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith; To [...] Macers or Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and seve­rally, specially constitute, Greeting.

Forasmuch, as upon divers im­portant considerations, by Our Proclamation of the fifteenth of June, one thousand six hundred and sixty five, We did impose twelve pounds Scots upon each Water-boll of Forreign Salt, which should be imported into this Our Kingdom of Scotland, excepting such Salt as was to be employed for making and curing of Fishes: And by another Proclamation of the ninth of March, one thousand six hundred and seventy one, We did prohibit the importation of all Salt into this Kingdom, without Licence of the Commissioners of Our Thesaury, under the pain of confiscation thereof, and of the Ships and Vessels in which the same should be imported. Notwithstanding whereof, many of Our Subjects do employ and consume considerable quantities of Forreign Salt, upon domestick and ordinary uses, albeit the Salt made in this Kingdom be abundantly sufficient for the same; and that the Commissioners appointed for managing of the Salt, are willing and ready to furnish and provide Our Sub­jects in all parts of the Kingdom, with competent quantities of that Salt at reasonable rates. And seing the intent of the foresaids Acts and Proclamations is like to be altogether frustrate, and the profitable Manufactory of Salt in this Kingdom will be exceedingly damnified, if the foresaid practice be not restrained for the future. Therefore We, with advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, do hereby prohibite and discharge all Our Subjects of this Kingdom, after the first day of January next, in the year one thousand six hundred and seventy three, to imploy or consume for domestick uses of any sort, any Forreign Salt, under the pain of twelve pounds Scots, to be applyed to Our behoove, for every Boll of Forreign Salt, and proportionally for any lesser quantity which shall be made use of by them, in manner foresaid, and this but prejudice of the penalties provided by the foresaids Proclamations, against the Importers of Forreign Salt. And ordains these presents to be printed, and published at the Mercat-cross of Edinburgh, and other places needfull, that none pretend ignorance.

Al. Gibson, Cl. Sti. Concilii.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed by His Majesties Printers, 1672.

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