ADVERTISEMENT, Anent Stollen Goods in the Shires under-written.
FOrasmuch as the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council have granted Commission untill the first day of January next, in the year of God, one thousand six hundred and seventy three, to Sir James Campbel of Lawers, to pursue, apprehend and bring to Justice all Theeves and broken Men, haunting and resorting within the Shires of Inverness on the south side of Ness, Nairn, Murray, Bamff, Aberdeen, Mearns, Angus, Perth, Argile, Clackmannan, Monteith, Stirling and Dumbartoun; and that the said Sir James is oblieged, when any Theft is committed within the saids Shires, either to restore the Goods, or the true prices thereof, without payment of money or composition; or otherwayes to apprehend the Theeves and bring them to Justice: Providing, that within five dayes after committing of the Theft, intimation be given to the said Sir James himself, or at the Town of Dumblane to Alexander Cheisholm Bailiff thereof; at Perth to John Stewart Merchant Burgess there; at Straphillan, to Duncan Campbel in Ochtertyre; at Castletoun in Brae of Mar to John Mackenʒie in Castletoun; and at Ruthven to Badʒenoch to Alexander Cumming Nottar there; or at the saids persons their dwelling-houses in the saids places, who are appointed to remain there to receive intimations. These are therefore to give Advertisement to all persons concerned, That when any Theft happens to be committed within the bounds above-written, they may give timeous notice thereof as aforesaid. Likeas, all Landlords, Chieftains of Clans and others his Majesties Subjects, are to concur with the said Sir James in execution of his Commission; which is granted, but prejudice or derogation in any sort from the Bonds given for securing the Peace. And it is ordered, That these presents be printed, and that the Sheriffs of the several Shires foresaid cause publish the same at the several Mercat-crosses and Paroch-churches within these Shires, that all persons concerned may have notice.