THE First Volume is Britannia Antiqua Illustrata, or the Antiquities of Ancient Britain, Derived from the Phoenicians; wherein the Original Trade of this Island is discovered, the names of Places, Offices, Dignities, as likewise the Idolatry, Language, and Customes, of the Primitive Inhabitants are clearly de­monstrated from that Nation, many old Monuments illustrated, and the com­merce with that People, as well as the Greeks, plainly set forth: Collected out of approved Greek and Latin Authors. Together with a Chronological History of this Kingdom, from the first Traditional beginning untill the year of our Lord 800 when the name of Britain was changed into England. Faithfully Collected out of the best Authors, and disposed in a better Method than hitherto hath been done, with the Antiquities of the Saxons as well as Phoenicians, Greeks, and Ro­mans.

This First Volume is published and is ready to be delivered to all those that are pleased to subscribe to the two next Volumes intended to be published.

The Second Volume is Anglia, being a Continuation of the History from the year 800. to the end of Queen Elizabeths Reign; wherein shall be shewn the First establishment of Monarchy by the Saxons, their good Government evid [...]n [...]d by their own Records, with the Revolutions of State by the Danes and Normans. Moreover shall be added in its proper place, an Account of that part of the Holy War in which England was concerned; with many other things of great use and benefit, that have hitherto been Omitted in all our English Chronicles.

The Third Volume is Britannia Magna, beginning at the Reign of King James and ending at the time of the most happy Restauration of his present Majesty King Charles the Second.

THE performance of this work cannot be effected without great Labour and Charge, therefore the Author Aylett Sammes of Christs Colledge in Cambridg, since of the Inner-Temple, doth hereby request the Assistance of all such Gentle­men as are lovers of History, and desire to have the Mistakes of our late Chroni­cles Rectified to Subscribe to the same; and to receive the First Volume (upon their Subscribing to the other two) at 14 s. bound, and to pay 16 s. a piece for the other two Volumes unbound, when they shall be ready to be delivered.

Whosoever procureth six subscribers that will Receive the parts as they shall be publish't and pay the prices above mentioned for them, shall have a book of each Volume in quiers presented him gratis.

VVee whose names are here underwritten doe promise to receive the first part at 14 s. bound and doe hereby Subscribe for the other two parts at the prices a­bove mentioned if wee approve of them when wee see them printed

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