SCHEMA SACRUM: VEL, Forma Ʋniformitatis Formosissima: ARGUMENTS for Order: or, CONFORMITY Confirm'd. For an Uniform Resorting, to each ones Parochial Church; to perform their Duty, of an Entire Service, upon the Lords Day.
THe Kingdome of England, divided into Parishes; was, and is, for this four-fold end and purpose.
- 1. That the better Government:
- 2. That the Publick Peace:
- 3. That true Propriety: and,
- 4. That the Publick Good,
Might the better be Established and Enjoyed, both in the Church and State.
And therefore every Person, is conscionably obliged, to make his Repair to his Parish Church; and that more particularly, for these Nine following Reasons.
- I. BEcause, every Minister having lawful Institution and Induction, into a Pastoral Charge; he hath from God and Man; the Charge of those Souls, over which he is OVERSEER.
- II. Because, every Person leaving his own Parish Church, usually and purposely; to Repair and Resort unto any other; is a publick Trespasser against the known Laws of the Land.
- III. Because, Non-Conformity begins Disorder, which begets Division: and it begets Disobedience, which begins Rebellion. Now, the end of Division, is Destruction: and the end of Rebellion, is Damnation.
- IV. Because, such as wilfully refuse, to Resort to their Parish Church, do Discomfort, Discourage, and Discredit, their own lawful Minister: bringing a Scandal upon HIM; As if he were unworthy, unable, and unprofitable, in the Sacred Function of his delegated Ministry.
- V. Because, they bring a Scandal upon the whole Parish; as if it were a Place of Libertinism; very Disorderly and Irreligious: without all fear, of either God or the King; as to Order, and Devotion.
- VI. Because, they bring a Scandal upon Themselves; as if they were Scismatical in Opinion; wavering in the Faith; Despisers of Others; and endeavoured the Disturbance of the publick Peace.
- VII. Because, such as wilfully refuse to Resort unto their Parish Church, can never have any true Comfort, by resorting unto any other: for, To do evil, that good may come, is the Tenet of a Sectarist; and To Reform by Rebellion, is the Position of a Traytor; and To think to Edifie the poor Soul by a mis-zealous Disobedience, is the Errour of Fanaticks; and the Pantrap of a Non-Conformist.
- VIII. Because, such as wilfully refuse to Resort unto their Parish Church; and yet Gad up and down to other Places; they openly Disown, and notoriously Disdain, the Form of the Kings Government: they declare to the World a most Unchristian Dis-affection to their proper Pastor: they make an unhappy Difference in the whole Parish: and a continual Contention, between the Minister and his People.
- IX. And lastly, Because, such as wilfully refuse to Resort unto their Parish Church, to Resort unto any other; they do (in a desperate presumption) manifestly sin against Gods own Word: for, it is written, in the thirteenth Cap. to the Hebrews, Verse the seventeenth;—Obey them which have the Rule over you, and submit your selves; for, they watch for your souls: as They that must give Account; that they may do it with joy, and not with Grief; for, that is Ʋnprofitable for You.
Thus, whilst the Non-Conformist, Disobeys God: Dishonours the King: Disturbs the Peace: Discredits his Ministers: and Disowns Government: He Discovers his Folly, and Destroys Himself.
Because he is,
- Neither a good Man:
- Nor good Christian:
- Nor good Subject:
- Nor good Parishioner.
Because, Against
- GOD his Word:
- The KING his Laws:
- The CHURCH Her Constitutions.
He is,
- Wilfully-wofully-wicked:
- Wilful for his Humour;
- Wicked for his Opinion; and,
- Woful for his Practise.
In principio Operis sui, Deus nihil prius, quàm Disciplinam fecit.
Quid autem, non erit tenebrosum? quid non incompositum? quid non haberetur absurdum? nisi constitutis Legibus, cuncta starent Elementa.
Omnia profectò, insipiens natura confunderet; nisi MƲNDƲM, Disciplinae ratio Gubernaret.
Nisi constitutus esset Ordo vivendi, nunquam profectò finem poneret natura Peccandi.
Omnia sub metu DISCIPLINAE Jacent Vitia.
Contra Scripturas, nemo Christianus;
Contra Ecclesiam, nemo Pacificus
Senserit. S. Aug. de Tri. cap. 4. lib. 6.
No Bishop, no King. No Minister, no Bishop. No Government, no Minister. No Order, No Government. And no safety to Any, if not Order in All. Therefore,