AN EPISTLE Written (dated the 30th of the 11th Month 1659,) and sent from LONDON INTO THE COUNTREY.

By a Friend to the Glorious (though at this Day despised) CAUSE OF CHRIST, in Answer to a Letter sent up to him [Dated the 16th of the same Month] Wherein the following Things are Treated of, (viz.)

  • 1. The FIFTH KINGDOM it self, which the God of Heaven sets up in the latter Dayes.
  • 2. The KINGDOM of the BEAST which is to be destroyed.
  • 3. The Instruments that are to be used in destroying the one and erecting the other; with the way or manner how they are to be used.
  • 4. The Time of the beginning of this Work.
    • First, Before Christs Personal comming.
    • Secondly, Before the Call of the Jewes.
    • Thirdly, That it is already begun, and hath taken place in this Na­tion and that Cromwel with the Army, hath Apostatized from it, and that all the Powers, or Governments that have been set up since that time, have been, and still are upon the Foundation of the Apostacy.

AS ALSO, Severall of the Particular Evills which the Army, and others abetting the Apostacy are guilty of.

Together with, Some CONSIDERATIONS tendered to the Favourers of CHRIST'S RIGHTEOUS CAUSE, wherein is laid down, their duty of Seperation from BABYLON, and from all the Parts and Branches (both in Church and State) of the forementioned Apostacy.

Psal. 145.11. They shall speak of the Glory of thy Kingdom, and talk of thy Power.

Hos. 6.3. Then shall ye know, if you follow on to know the Lord.

Rev. 18.14. Come out of her my People, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her Plagues.

LONDON, Printed for the Author, 1660.

An Epistle written dated the 30 th of the 11th Month 1659. and sent from London into the Countrey, by a Friend to the Glorious (though at this day despised) Cause of Christ, in Answer to a Letter sent up to him, dated the 16th of the same Moneth, &c.

My Dear Brother,

THine of the 16th instant, I have received, with thy earnest desires of my giving thee some account of my judgment about the matters of the Fifth Kingdom; I am glad that any of the Saints are enquiring after those glorious Truths that appertain to the exaltation of Zions King in the latter days; It is no small matter of grief, that those things which are so high in the Fathers esteem and purchased by Christ his precious blood, should be so much despised and trampled under Foot by the Professors of this Generation and that those which own, and witness for it, should be so much reproached, yea dealt with as transgressors, as it is at this day. But for my self, I have been through grace made to rejoyce, and to count it no small honour, to have my name and re­putation offered up yea buryed with the precious Cause of Christ, and am contented in the hopes of a share in the Resurrection of that Cause; But that I may come to answer thy desires, I shall lay down two things by way of en­trance.

First, That the Matters of this Fifth Kingdom are very Deep and Mysteri­ous, Mark 4.11. and the coming of it, not with observation, but as a Thief, Luke 17.20. 1 Thes. 5. 2. Luke 18.8. And the Antichristian State, (which is to be destroyed by, and so way made for this Fifth Kingdom to take place) is very Deep and Mysterious also; It is called the Mystery of iniquity, 2 Thess. 2.7. Rev. 17.5.7.

Secondly, The understanding of these Mysteries, are not attained by the hu­mane Arts, Parts or Witt of Men, no nor by any holiness or vertue of ours but is a free gift of God, effected by the Leadings and Teachings of his holy Spirit in whomsoever he pleaseth, Mark 4.11. Joh. 16.13. Math. 11, 25, 26. Rev. 17.3. Chap. 21.10. Joh. 3.8. And as to my self, I have been brought under so much sense of my ignorance and darkness in those deep Myste­ries, that I have been sometimes ashamed to appear in publick to speak of them, fearing that I might rather Eclipse then open those blessed truths, yet I dare not say that I have been left without a measure of the leadings of the Spirit in these things, but it hath been in such untrodden paths, and attended with such great difficulties both from within, and from not only the World, but many of my dear friends (whom for holiness and understanding I have preferred above many) that I have been ready to say with Joshua Chap. 7.7. Would to God I had been content, and dwelt on the other side; And with Jeremiah Chap. 15.10. Wo is me my Mo­ther, [Page 2] that thou hast borne me a Man of strife, and a man of contention to the whole earth; But I dare not allow my self in such Complaints, least I should offend the Lord.

Though my darkness and weakness would discourage me in this undertaking, yet the consideration of the many false reports and mistakes that have been, and still are among the Churches about those Principles, which both my self and divers others have been helped to own in this evil day and the consideration of the ma­ny stumbling-blocks that hath been by those reports cast in the way of several of the Lords Children and the endeavours to possess them with prejudice against the Righteous Cause of Jesus Christ, doth help me over all the discouragements to present unto thee (not only for thy self, but the rest of my dear friends with thee) in all plainness, what my understanding is;

  • First, Of the Fifth Kingdom it self.
  • Secondly, of the Kingdom of the Beast, which is to be destroyed.
  • Thirdly, Of the Instruments, with the Way or Manner of the destroying the one, and setting up of the other.
  • Fourthly, Of the Time that it is to be begun, viz.
    • First, Before Christs Personal comming.
    • Secondly, That it must be before the Call of the Jewes.
    • Thirdly, That it is already begun, and hath taken place in this Nation, and that Cromwell with the Army, have Apostatized from that Work, and all the Pow­ers that have been up in this Nation since that time, have been, and still are upon the foundation of the Apostacy.

To the first, to wit, of the fifth Kingdom it self; I shall lay down this general As­sertion, That there is an outward visible Kingdom of the Father, which is given to Christ the Son, and is to take place over the whole world. Some of the Scriptures upon which my satisfaction is grounded in this truth are, Mat. 6.10. Thy Kingdom come, which word must needs be understood of this visible Kingdom. First, from the words that are joyned to it, viz. That the Will of God might be done in Earth as it is in Heaven, which cannot so be till that Fifth Kingdom be set up over the Kingdoms of this World.

Secondly, This word Thy Kingdom come, &c. cannot be meant of Gods pro­vidential Kingdom mentioned Dan. 4.25. that having been in the world from the beginning: Neither can it be understood of the Kingdom of the Gospel of Grace, because it is a Prayer to be made even whilest that Kingdom is in being: Neither can it be restrained to the Spirituall Kingdom that is within the Saints, because those that truly pray this Prayer (being Children) do already injoy that Kingdom: Neither can it be restrained to the Kingdom of Heaven in the ulti­mat Glory, because that is not to come to the Saints, but they are to go or be taken up to it: therefore seeing it cannot be taken in either of these four sences, and there being no other Kingdom of God that I read of, but the forementioned visible Kingdom, this word must be referred to it.

The second Scripture is Luke 21.31. When you see these things come to passe, Know ye that the Kingdom of God is nigh at hand. By these things, is meant the Signs of the latter day, or of Christs second comming; and this Kingdom being [Page 3] nigh at hand, when the latter day signes are upon us, must needs be understood of this fifth Kingdom, which they have special relation to, and is known to be nigh at hand by them.

The third Scripture is Dan. 2.44. And in the dayes of those Kings, shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom, &c. This compared with Chap. 7.14. must be understood of this visible Kingdom.

The fourth Scripture is Dan. 7.27. And the greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven, shall be given to the people of the Saints of the Most High, &c. and all Dominions shall serve and obey him. This compared with Rev. 11.15. The Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord, &c. must needs re­fer to this visible Kingdom, which hath the Authority, Power, and Rule, in and over the whole World.

First, It is called the Fathers Kingdom, as it is Originally from him who is the Creator, Former, and Disposer of all things.

2ly, As he doth in a special Manner erect or set up this Kingdom, The God of Heaven shall set it up, Dan. 2.44.

3ly. As he is the Donor or Giver of it to the Son, Luke 1.32. The Lord God shall give him the Throne, &c.

This Kingdom also belongs to Christ the Son.

First, As he is the Son of God, and so the true Heir, Heb. 1.2. Psal. 2.7, 8.

Secondly, As he is, the Son of Man, the true Son of David, the seed of Abra­ham.

1. As he is the Son of Man, John 5.27. He hath Authority to execute Judg­ment, because he is the Son of Man.

2. As he is the true Son of David, Luke 1.32.69. The Lord God shall give him the Throne of his Father David. so Acts 2.30. Of the Fruit of his Loynes ac­cording to the Flesh, God hath sworn with an Oath, that he would raise up Christ to sit on his Throne.

3. As he is the Seed of Abraham, Gen. 22.17, 18. Thy Seed shall possess the Gate of his Enemies; By Seed is meant Christ, Gal. 3.16. and by possessing the Gate, is to be understood, of possessing the Government, and execution of Judg­ment, Amos Zech. 8.16.

Thirdly, It is Christs Right by Promise, Isa. 9.7. and by Covenant and Oath, Psa. 89.28, 29.34, 35, 36. Acts 2.30. and by the Anointing, Isa. 11.2. Psa. 89.27.20. And by peculiar choyse, Psa. 89.19. Isa. 42.1. compared with Matth. 12.18. And by Decree, Psa. 2.7.

Fourthly, It is Christs by the free gift of the Father, Psal. 2.8. I will give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the Earth for thy possession. Luke 1.32. The Lord God shall give unto him the Throne, &c. Dan. 7.14. There was given him Dominion, &c. Matth. 28.18. All power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth, &c.

Fifthly, It is Christs by desert and purchase upon the account of his suffering, Rev. 5.12.13. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive Power, &c. Isa. 53.12. Because he hath poured out his soul unto death, &c. The Lord will divide him a portion with the Great, and he shall divide the spoyl with the strong.

[Page 4]Sixthly, It is Christs in answer to the Great end of Creation Col. 1.16. All things were created for him. so Psal. 8.6. Compare Heb. 2.5, 6, 7, 8, The World to come is put in subjection to Christ as may appear from Verse the 5th. This World to come, must needs be understood of the Fifth Kingdom, which belongs unto, and is put under Christ the Son, Eph. 1.21, 22. This world to come can­not be understood of the Ultimate Glory in Heaven, because that State is not to be put under Christ as the Son, but, as Son, he himself must become subject in it, 1 Cor. 15.28. But this World to come, is noted in an especiall manner to be un­der Christs Feet, and this is that State, or World to come, in which there shall be forgiveness, or blotting out of sin, as is clearly implyed from Matth. 12.32. which compared with Acts 3.19. That your sins may be blotted out when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord, and he shall send Jesus, &c. doth clearly demonstrate the World to come, to be this fifth Kingdom.

Lastly, It is and shall be Christs by Conquest, Rev. 17.14. The Lamb shall overcome them, &c. Comp. Chap. 6.2. and upon these grounds, this fifth King­dom being Christs he is called King of Nations, Jer. 10.7. Prince of Peace, Isa. 9.6. And the Prince of the Kings of the Earth, Rev. 1.5. And King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, Rev. 17.14. Chap. 19.16. The blessed and only Potentate, 1 Tim. 6.15. with divers such like Titles, which in the Scriptures of truth are given to him.

The next thing that I would speak to is, That this fifth Kingdom is outward and visible, as well as glorious and spiritual.

First, From the time and manner of its rising, mentioned Dan. 2.34. Thou sawest till that a Stone was cut out, &c. If it were only spiritual, it might have been seen as well before the Image was, as after, but the Stone, or Kingdom doth not appear till after the Image is seen, and then appears as visible as the Image, which Image holdeth forth the four great Kingdoms, or Monarchies of the World which have been and are visible in their times. Now the Stone, being as visible as the Image, and not seen till some time after the Image was seen, it must needs be a visible Kingdom and not the spiritual and invisible Kingdom, which was in being long before the Image appeared.

Secondly, It must be outward and visible if we consider the work that this Kingdom is to do, it smites and breaks the Image, Dan. 2.34.44. which com­pared with other Scriptures will appear to be an outward visible breaking, as Dan. 7.18.26. Rev. 17.14, The ten Hornes, or ten Toes makes war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them. Now, if the Work be an outward and visible smiting, the Stone or Kingdom must needs be visible also.

Thirdly, The Rule or Dominion of this Kingdom is taken from & filleth up the room of the fourth Kingdom, Dan. 2.35. The Stone became a great Mountain, and filled the whole Earth, so Dan. 7.17, 18. The four Beasts are four Kings, which are the four great Monarchies, but the Saints shall take the Kingdom, See verse 26. they shall take away his Dominion, & in verse 27. The Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall be given to the Saints, &c. Now the fourth Kingdom being visible, this fifth Kingdom that fills up the room of the fourth must needs be visi­ble also.

[Page 5]Fourthly, The Throne of this Kingdom is the Throne of David, Luke 1.32. which is an outward visible Throne; and in Rev. 3.21. there are two Thrones mentioned, one is called, the Fathers Throne, being rhe Throne where Christ now is, the other Christ calls his own Throne, which is the Throne of his Father Da­vid, wherefore the Throne being visible, the Kingdom must likewise be visible.

Fifthly, The Lawes, Government, and Governours under Christ, are outward and visible, and take place upon the Bodies, Lives, Liberties and Estates of men, Ezra 7.26. the Scriptures which are outward and visible, are the Lawes, which God the only Law-giver (Isa. 33.22. James 4.12.) hath left, Exod. 18.16. Neh. 9.13. Esther 3.8. Psal. 119.9. Deut. 4.5, 6, 7, 8. 2. Tim. 3.16, 17. Deut. 2 Kings 11.12. The visible Saints are to be the visible Gover­nours under Christ the King, Psa. 45.16. 1 Cor. 6.2. Isa. 14.2. Chap. 32. 1. Psa. 49.14. Dan. 2 Tim. 2.12. Rev. 2.26.27. Chap. 3.21. Chap. 5.10. Chap. 20.4.6. Jer. 30.21. These things being visible the Kingdom must needs be visible also; and thus much to the first particular of the fifth Kingdom it self.

The Second thing which I propounded to speak to, is the Kingdom of the Beast, and in the entering upon that, Consider in the first place the Image spoken of in Dan. 2.31, 32. which Image doth comprehend and hold forth the four great Monarchies, which were to take place and have their time in the world, and they are described in Dan. 7.3. by four great Beasts, and the three last of these four Monarchies are described in Dan. 8. the first by a Ram, the Second by a Hee-Goate, the last, which is the fourth Monarchy, by a little Horn, which are also spoken of Dan. 11.

The first of these four Monarchies was that of the Chaldees, Dan. 2.38. He was that Head of Gold, and had his beginning as a part of the Image about the year 3362 from the Creation, and continued till about the year 3422, in all about 60 years.

The second Monarchy was that of the Medes and Persians, which Dan. 2.32. is the Breast and Arms of Silver, and took place of the Chaldees, Dan. 5.30, 31. and continued till about the year 3620, in all about 198 years.

The third Monarchy was that of the Graecians, which Dan. 2.32. is set forth by the Belly and Thighs of Brasse, and in Dan, 8 21. by the rough Goate, which is there called, the King of Graecia, and succeeds the Medes and Persians, which is set forth by the Ram with two Horns, verse 20. This Monarchy of the Graecians, continued till about the year 3902 in all about 282 years.

The fourth Monarchy was that of the Romans, which in Dan. 2.33. is set forth by the Leggs of Iron, and Feet part of Iron and part of Clay; and by the little Horn, (in Dan. which takes away the daily sacrifice, and casts down the truth, And by the vild person in Dan. 11.21. which in verse 31. takes away the daily sacrifice, and sets up the abomination that maketh desolate; This Monarchy took place as part of the Image in Dan. 2. about forty two years before the Birth of Christ and was divided into two parts, which I understand to be held forth by the two Leggs of the Image, and continued in its Pagan or Hea­thenish State till about 360 years after Christ before it was interrupted by and mixed with the Man of Sin, or Antichristian State.

[Page 6]To the first three Monarchies and the first part of the fourth I shall say little, but specially insist upon the Latter part of the fourth or Roman Monarchy it being the last part of the Image, and the onely part which doth at this day remain in the world.

First it is evident that the Roman Monarchy is of two sorts, the first is held forth by the Leggs of Iron; The second by the feet, and toes of Iron and clay, Daniel 2.33. and in Daniel 7. The first part of it is held forth by the fourth Beast with the ten Horns and the other by the little Horn; In Revel. 12, 3. The first part of the Monarchy is held forth by the Red Dragon with seven heads and ten Horns, and seven Crownes upon his heads; The second part in Revel. 13.1. is held forth by a Beast that riseth out of the Sea. with seven Heads and ten Horns, and upon his Horns ten Crownes and as in verse the fifth, is to continue forty and two Moneths. By the ten Horns I un­derstand the ten Kings or Kingdoms in Europe which had their dependance upon the Roman Empire, and are called in Dan. 7.24. Ten Kings and so in Rev. 17.12. And by the seven Heads I understand the seven Provinces that had their de­pendance upon the Roman Empire, and before the rise of the Antichristian state, the Crowns or the Power and Glory of the Government were upon the seven Heads or Provinces; And the Horns were as servants under the Emperour that had received no Kingdom till the Antichristian Beast came up Revel. 17.12. but at his coming up they receive power as Kings one hour with him, and then the Crowns are upon the Horns, and answers to Revel. 13.1. distinguished from Revel. 12.3.

The first part of this Romane state was a lawful Power and to be obeyed as an Ordinance of God and the Lord Christ Mat. 17.27. payes Tribute to them, and Chap. 22.21. commands to render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, &c. And the Apostle saith Rom. 13.1. the Powers that are, speaking of them that were then in being are ordained of God, and giveth special charge to the Saints to obey them, Titus 3.1. And the Spirit of the Lord in the Apostles foreseeing that the Man of sin would get up to the Throne, by speaking evil of Dignities and despising Dominion as Pet. 2.10. Compare Jude 8. Rebelling against, yea casting down the Civil Powers that so himself might obtain the Throne to Reign both over Church and State, which he did at length accomplish, the Spirit (I say) foresee­ing this, doth forewarn the Saints and charge them to be obedient to Magistrates with many cautions and Exhortations which stand in force to all true Magistrates to the end of the world.

The second part of this Roman State is from Sathan, and riseth out of of the Bottomlesse Pit, as Rev. 13.2. Chap. 17.8. and is Antichristian, and there­fore it is a great sin to own it as the Ordinance of God, it being wicked and sinful not onely in its Reign or exercise of Power, but in its very Rise and Foundation, and to own it as Gods Ordinance, would be to charge him as the Author of sin, and to set up the Man of sin, and Mystery of iniquity as Gods Ordinance, and those that so do may be found equally guilty with those that at this day cry up the Ministry of Antichrist as the Ordinance and Ministry of Christ, and all that will not allow them this and therein fall down to them are charged as being [Page 7] against Ministry, but many will now grant that the Antichristian Ministry are sinful, and Antichristian both in their Rise and Foundation, and to own them as the Ministry of Christ would be a very great evil, and why not the same in the Antichristian Magistracy.

The Assertion that I shall lay down in this particular about the Kingdom of the Beast, is, That there is an Antichristian Beast, or a wicked Power that riseth out of the Bottomless pit, and is permitted by the Lord to take place in the world in the latter part of the Image Government.

1. This Beast, is described Dan. 7.5. by a Little Horn, and in verse the 11. it is called the Beast, This Horn or Beast is the last part of the Image Govern­ment, and that which is to be taken away and destroyed by the Saints, after the judgement sits as in verse 26; and in verse 24. another shall arise after the ten Horns in the first or Pagan State withour the Crowns as Revel. 12.3. And al­though there are but three of the Horns or Kings subdued or brought down by the force and Power of this Little Horn, yet by the fair words, flattery and great proffers made by him to the rest of them (to wit) that he would Crown and make them free states if they will stand by him, they all at last fall in and re­ceive Power as Kings one hour with him, Revel. 17.12. and so this Horn or last Beast comes to have the ten Horns upon him with the Crowns upon them.

2. This last part of the Roman State, mentioned Rev. 17.8. & chap. 11.7. is de­scribed by a Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit, and is the same with the Little Horn before mentioned, and is distinguished from the first part of the Roman State, First in its Rise, it comes from the Bottomless pit; Secondly by his carrying the Whore or Antichristian Church, Rev. 17.3.7. Thirdly by the time of his Reign which is forty and two Moneths, and agrees with the time of the witnesses prophe­sying in sackcloth, Revel. 11.3. and with the time of the Woman or Churches be­ing in the wilderness, Rev. 12.6; Fourthly, by the Crowns being upon his Horns, which in the First State were upon the Heads compare Revel. 13.1. with Rev. 12.3. Fifthly by his Horns making War with the Lamb and being overcome by him, Revel. 17.14. Lastly by his going into perdition, Revel. 17.14.8.

That this Beast which Ascends from the bottomless pit is the same with the Little Horn in Dan. 7. consider, First, this Beast is the last part of the Image Government and so is the Horn; Secondly this Beast sets himself against God in great words and blasphemy, so doth the Horn, Revel. 13.6. Compare with Dan.. 20.25. Thirdly this Beast hath Power to make War with the Saints and for a time to overcome them, so hath the Horn, Revel. 13.7. Compare with Dan. 7.21.25. Fourthly this Beast and his Horns are overcome and have their Power taken away by the Lamb and they that are on his side, which must be the Lamb by his Spirit in the Saints (for it cannot be thought that if the ten Horns should be in being when Christ comes in person, they should be able to begin or make War with him) the Saints do also take away to destroy and consume, the Power of the Little Horn, Revel. 17.14. Compare Dan. 7.26.3. Fifthly this Beast goeth into perditon, or to Hell, So the Horn is given to the burning flame, Rev. 17.8. Compare with Dan. 7.11.

Thirdly this Beast or Horn before mentioned, is described in Dan. 2.41. by the Feet and Toes of the Image which appears to be the same with the Beast, or [Page 8] Horn, First as it is the last part of the Image Government; Secondly the Toes agrees with the Horns of this Beast in Revel. 17.12. Thirdly the Beast or Horn, is destroyed by the Saints or by Christ in them; The feet and toes of the Image are smitten and broken by the stone, Dan. 2.34. which stone must either be the world or Christ in person, or Christ by his Spirit in his Saints; It cannot be meant of the world, first, because it is the Kingdom, that in a peculiar manner is set up by the God of Heaven as in verse 44. Secondly because it breaks down the worldly Government and fills the whole Earth, 3ly. Because it is cut out without hands, (to wit) without worldly Powers, or the might of Man; In the next place, it cannot be Christ in Person, First because Christ is not cut out of the mountain, whether the mountain be understood of the Church or world, for it must be one of them; Secondly the Stone doth the work gradually, but Christs coming will be on a suddain as the Lightning that will effect his work at once; Thirdly Christ is no where called a Kingdom, But this stone is so called vers. 44. Fourthly this stone is not cut out or seen till the last part of the Image Govern­ment appears, thou sawest till that a stone was cut out verse 34. But if Christ in Person were cut out of the mountain, it must be long before the feet of the Image was in being, now seeing this stone cannot be understood of the world, or of Christ in Person, it must needs be Christ by his Spirit in the Saints which Zech. 12.3. are called a Burthensome stone, and so is the same with the Saints that destroy the Beast and the Little Horn.

Fourthly, This Horn, Beast, or feet of the Image, is the same with that Man of sin, Son of perdition, Mystery of iniquity, and that Wicked mentioned 2 Thes. First this man of sin agrees with Antichrist or the Beast in its rise, the Beast riseth through the change of the Roman Empire from its Pagan State or rather through the ruine of it as Rev. 13.2. The Dragon gave him his Power, &c. By the Dragon I understand the Devil, who Reigned by his Spirit in the wicked Pagan Emperours, who though their Authority was an Ordinance of God, as Rom. 13.1.2. yet they were swayed by the Devil to abuse their Power and turn it against the Lord and his faithful followers; a Cloud of witnesses to this, we have from the ten first Persecutions carryed on by the Pagan Emperours, in which the Devil did appear like a Dragon, but when Antichrist comes up, the Devil or Dragon quits his hold of the Pagan State, having a more subtile way to carry on his work under a pretence of Christianity by this last Beast, he readily gives to this Beast his Power, Seat, and great Authority, and upon this the Pagan State falls, and therein him that did let, 2 Thes. 2.7. was removed out of the way, and so the wicked comes to be revealed or made visible to be the Antichrist.

Secondly, the Beast and the wicked, or Man of sin agrees in their Reign, or ex­ercise of Power, both setting themselves against God, appearing with Power, Signes, and Lying Wonders, 2 Thes. comp. Rev. 13.5, 6.13.14. also with Dan. 7.25.

Thirdly, this Man of Sin is the last Power upon Earth that precedes the coming, and Kingdom of Christ, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his comming, 2 Thes. 2.8. By the Spirit of his Mouth, I understand the Anointing, which being given down thorough the word of the Lord upon the Saints, is called, the Spirit of his Mouth, by which the [Page 9] Antichristian Power is to be consumed, and so agrees with the breaking work of the Stone in Dan. 2. and with the Saints taking away and consuming the Power of the little Horn in Dan. 7. and that the Feet of the Image, the little Horn, and the Beast that comes from the Bottomless Pit are the last part of the Image Govern­ment and stands next to Christs Kingdom, hath been already cleared.

Fourthly, They agree in their ruine or destruction, as to Time, Instruments, and the Place into which they are Cast; this man of sin, is called the Son of Perditi­on, which doth not only denote his hellish Rise, and Reign, but also that he must go into Perdition or Hell, the Beast also goeth into Perdition, or Hell, The man of sin or Little Horn is also given to the burning flame, 2 Thes. 2.3. Comp. with Rev. 17.8. and Dan. 7.11. That they agree as to time and Instruments hath been already shewed, in these and several other particulars (which for brevity sake I shall not insist upon) Thus the feet and toes of the Image Dan. 2. The Little Horn, Dan. 7. The Beast, Rev. 17. The Man of sin, 2 The [...]. 2. do agree and ap­pear to be one and the same though given under various Names, and Titles, and the comparing of them may through the blessing of the Lord help to a very full and clear description of the Antichrist that was to come and take place in the world in the latter day; onely this is to be noted, that the Spirit in describing Antichrist in the four forementioned places, doth sometimes insist chiefly upon the Civil or Beastly Power, and sometime doth take in and insist upon both the Civil, and Ecclesiastical or false Church part as they are twisted together; As in the feet of Iron, and Clay, and the Man of Sin revealed, when he who did let should be taken out of the way, but I shall speak more to that in the next par­ticular.

The next thing I shall lay down and endeavour to clear is, That the Antichrist, or last part of the Image Government doth consist, or is made up of two sorts, to wit, Civil and Ecclesiasticall, both twisted or mixed together, the Magisterial, or Civil Government being united to and involved in the Ecclesiastical or false Church State.

This appears, First, From the Feet, and Toes of the Image that are of Iron mixed with Clay, Dan. 2.41. by the Iron I understand the Civil State as Verse 33. The Roman Power in its Civil Sate, is set forth by Iron Leggs; and by Clay, I understand the earthy false Church, which is set forth by a Beast coming up out of the Earth, Rev. 13.11. The Civil Power espousing and joyning in affinity with the Whore, she being not of God but brought forth by Man, or rather by the Devil in man, is called the seed of Men, Dan. 2.43. This Espousal, or joyning in affinity, I understand to be the mingling with the seed of Men, and by this ming­ling the Imperial Power was not strengthned, but indeed weakened, as Verse 42. The false Church may also upon several other accounts, be fitly set forth by Clay, as in its Rise, Brittleness, Foulness, and its Nature of cleaving or sticking to other things that comes nigh unto it.

This may appear, Secondly, From the revealing of the wicked, by removing of him that did let (which was as I understand the Roman Emperour) out of the way, 2 Thes. 2.7.8. Him that did let, must either be God, or the Devil, or Man, It could not be God, because, him that did let, was to be removed out of the way, [Page 10] which would be blasphemy in any to refer to God. Secondly, It could not be the Devil, for he that did let, appears to stand in the way to hinder the Devils King­dom taking place, which would be Satan against Satan, or a Kingdom divided against it self, Mark and if it can be neither God nor Satan, then it must be Man, and can be referred to no other Man but the Roman Emperour who in the exercise of his Civil or Heathenish Power, did for some hundreds of years after Pauls dayes hinder the Mystery of iniquity appearing in the false Church from coming to his desired Throne; The Bishops of Rome grew very high and sought long to get the Seat of Civil Judicatory over the State, as they had over the Church, but they could not obtain the Throne, till the Emperour was brought down to their foot and (as to his Imperial Power) was taken out of the way, and when this was effected Antichrist assumed the Throne, and so the wicked came to be revealed; who though he had the Ecclesiastical Seat before, yet was not so revealed to be that wicked mentioned 2 Thes. 2.8. till he got the Civil Seat also, and this doth further clear, that the wicked Antichrist in his Throne must be made up of Civil, and Ecclesiastical Power.

Thirdly, This may further appear by the two Beasts mentioned, Revel. 13. the first comes out of the Sea, verse 1. which I understand to be the Civil Roman Power in its last State that riseth by the Rebellions, and Sea-like rageing tumults of the people, being encouraged and promoted by Sathan in the false Church, (though not yet mounted upon the Beast;) By these tumults, the Roman Power, in its Pagan or Heathenish and first State (that was very glorious before) comes to be wasted and at last destroyed, and so the Power brought under the Beast that comes out of the Sea, and the Devil or Dragon, being very willing to make a change of the Power from the Pagan State, that he might Mount the Whore readily gives his Power, Seat, and great Authority to this Beast. The Second Beast is mentioned in verse the 11. of this 13. Chapter and described as coming up out of the Earth, and in verse 12. is said to exercise all the Power of the First Beast (to wit the Beast that comes out of the Sea) and vers. 13.14. doth great Wonders, and worketh Miracles before him, &c. and is called the false Prophet, Revel. 19.20. This Beast must be understood of the false Church which cometh not from Heaven as doth the true Church, but from Earth or Hell, and in his first appearance his Horns or Power, are like a Lamb verse 11. or like Christ, for so this false Church would be accounted, but his words are like the devil, he spake as a Dragon verse 11; and this false Church joyning her self to, and riding upon the Beast comes to sway or exercise the Civil Power, and so is said vers. 12. to exercise all the Power of the first Beast, not that the first Beast is destroyed, for this Whore causeth him to be worshipped and doth great things before him v. 12. 14. Since the false Church hath been mixed with, and mounted upon the civil Power, (for her own ends,) she cryes up this wicked Beast, as the Ordinance of God, though in truth it comes from the Devil, yea and she can bring Scripture (though abused and wrested) as the Devil did to Christ, and cryes up obedience to it, condemning all that will not fall down to the Beast, as being those that dis­obey Magistrates, despise Dominion, and speak evil of dignities, which Scriptures indeed were spoken of, and much fulfilled by this false Church till this Beast on which she rides came up.

Fourthly, The mixture of this Antichristian State may further appear by the Beast, and the VVhore mentioned, Rev. 17. The Beast that was and is not and yet is, verse 8. holds forth the Civil Power in its two fold State; First, In its Pagan State, before the visible rise of Antichrist. Secondly, In its Antichristian State, when it carries the VVhore; The Beast that was, which word was, respects him in the glory of the Pagan State, in which he was a Beast, and like a Beast rather then like a Man, he carried it in the ten first Persecutions, and this word, Is not, respects him in his Antichristian State as carrying the VVhore, which was not in being in Johns daies who was the Penman of this word; And this word, and yet is, respects the Pagan State which was in being in Johns day; And this word shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, respects his Antichristian State which comes from Hell, and in this State, I understand he is called the eighth Head, ver. 11; The other Seven Heads being brought down for, and their Power divolved upon this Beast, he is called the eighth, and yet is said to be of the Seventh, and the ten Horns ver. 12. receive Power as Kings one hour with him, being all thereby fitted for, and engaged to Mount the VVhore; The VVhore, ver. 1. holds forth the false Church, that would be counted the spouse of Christ, but commits whoredom with Idolls, and fornication with the Kings of the earth, and is not built upon Christ as the foundation, But verse 15. sitteth upon peoples, and multitudes, and Nations, and Tongues, that being the strength of the false Church, who by her sorceries and VVhoredoms as the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth, obtains the Power and Reigneth over the Kings of the earth. ver. 18.

Fithly, This mixt State of the Antichrist in the Civil and Ecclesiastical Power, is further held forth, by the Beast and false Prophet. Rev. 19.20, 21. which place speaks of them in the last and finall stroke that comes upon them, for though the fifth Viall, Rev. 16.10. is poured out upon the Seat of the Beast, and the Judgment and fall of the Whore is set forth in Chap. [...]8. and begining of the 19th yet some Reliques of both the Beast, and Whore remaining till very near or unto the personal Coming of Christ, the Devil having but a short time to reign, gathers up all his forces and engageth the Kings of the Earth to come up with him against Christ and his Saints, and then the last Viall comes upon them at Christs personal appearing and compleats their ruin and so both these parts of Antichrist by this stroke are destroyed together, compare Rev. 19.20, 21. with Chap. 16. Ver. 13, 14, 16, 17. Having spoken of this Beast and false Prophet held forth by the two Beasts in Chap. 13. I shall speak no more of them in this place.

Lastly, If we consult the Histories and also what we have seen of the Antichri­an State in our day, it hath been made up of these two parts, viz. Civil and Ec­clesiastical, which like Twins, have gone together in all their wickedness, one cry­ing up the other and calling for obedience; The false Church and her Ministe­ry, being propped up by the false Magistracy, calls for and preaches up obedience to it as Gods ordinance, and they must be killed that will not worship the Beast, Rev. 13.15. The false Magistracy doth the like for the false Church and her Ministery, crying them up as the true Church and Ministry of Christ, and all that will not fall down to this VVhore in paying of Tythes, Church-Rates, following her Assemblies, and such like abominations must be imprisoned, banished [Page 12] or killed, and thus the Beast bears, yea is said to carry the VVhore, Rev. 17.7. and is the Whores drudge or slave to do her wicked service; these two have been in conjunction in and are guilty of the blood of the Saints, and the several persecutions, since Antichrist came to the Throne, have been on this wise carryed on, the Ecclesiastical Power have adjudged and condemned and so delivered over to the Civil Power, who have executed and killed them with much rage and greediness, and after a most cruel manner, and although the Civil Power would at this day when the Lord is comming to make inquisition for blood, slip out their Necks and excuse themselves as if they were free and had done no wrong to, nor shed the blood of the Saints and may have many Advocates pleading at a high rate on their behalf, and saying that Judgment shall not fall upon them and further to evince this, do give them the title of Christian Magistrates, and that many of them are good men, yet all this will not excuse them from the stroke, when the Lord according to Rev. 16.5, 6. comes to avenge the blood of his Saints and Prophets, and Psal. 9.16. shall be known by the judgment which he executeth, for no doubt the guilt of much blood will be found in the skirts of the Civil Power and their sin will find them out, and though good men be in the place of Power, it will not save from the Judgement, for Gods controversie is not so much with the Persons as with the Beastly Powers, and the title of Christian Magistrates will not excuse, but rather condemne them as the Antichristian Power, and the Fountaines and Rivers of waters, upon which the third Viall comes, Rev. 16.4. doth not exclude but include this Civil Power; Having thus laid down my under­standing of the fifth Kingdom, or Kingdom of Christ, which should be erected or set up in the latter day, & of the Kingdom of the Beast, which is to be destroyed; I shall now come to speak to the third thing which is the great question at this day.

How shall these things be brought forth? by what Instruments and in what way?

In Answer to this Question, First, this VVork belongs to God who hath pro­mised to accomplish it. As first, the destroying the Kingdom of the Beast, the beating down of Christs foes before him, making them his footstool, clothing them with shame, and avenging the blood of the Saints upon Antichrist, Psal. 89.23. Psa. 110.1. & 132.18. Rev. 6.10. Chap. 19.2. Secondly, the setting up of the fifth Kingdom also belongs to God, Dan. 2.44. Psal. 89, 27.

Secondly, Though God be the main Agent in this VVork yet he doth it by In­struments, and the Instruments are his Saints, whom he will call to and anoint for this VVork, and so God is said to do it because it is done by his Spirit in the Saints whom he shall choose.

That the Saints shall be the Instruments in destroying the Kingdom of the Beast, and so in setting up the fifth Kingdom which doth immediatly Succeed, Take the place, and Fill up the room of the fourth, consider the following Scrip­tures, Dan. 2.34. the Stone (which is the Saints, anointed for and called to the Work as I have before shewed) smites the Image on his feet, (which hath also been shewed to be the Antichristian State) and breaks them in pieces, So Dan. 7.18. The Saints shall take the Kingdom; Now though the Kingdom is given to them by promise, and obtained for them by the Power of God, yet they are said to take it, which must be understood of their being used as Instruments in taking [Page 13] the Power, Rule and Government from the Image, or that part of it which stands next before Christs Kingdom, which must be done by destroying, or breaking in pieces that part of the Image which is in being when this Fifth Kingdom comes to take place Dan. 7.26. They (that is the Saints whom he wears out verse 25.) shall take away his, (that is the Little Horn vers. 8. and 24. which have been already shewed to be the Antichristian State) Dominion (that is his Power, Rule, or Government) to consume, and to destroy it unto the end. In Dan. 11.31. The Angel is speaking of the Roman or Fourth Kingdom, which took away, the dayly sacrifice, and vers. 32. saith, But the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits; The people that do know their God, are the Saints, and by their being strong and doing exploits, I understand to be the service that the Saints shall do in the destroying this Fourth Kingdom, also Num. 24.14. I will advertise thee what this people shall do to thy people in the lat­ter dayes, and Isai. 14.2. They shall take them captives, &c. So Isai. 41.14.15. Fear not thou worm Jacob (to wit the Saints in a low condition) I will make thee a new sharp threshing Instrument, &c. thou shalt thresh, (that is break in pieces or destroy) the mountains, (to wit the great worldly Powers Isai. 2.2.) and beat them small, and shall make the Hills, (which also intends the worldly Powers) as Chaff, &c. Isai. 52.2. Shake thy self from the dust loose thy self from the bonds of thy neck O captive Daughter of Zion; by the bonds of thy neck, and the dust, I understand the Government, and wicked Tyranny, that Babylon hath had and exercised over Zion, and by shaking and loosing her self, must needs be understood to be the breaking off, or destroying that Power and Government of Antichrist, and this must be done by Zion her self, to wit, the People of God, Cha. 51.16. Jeremiah Cha. 50.45. Speaking of Babylon, saith, surely the least of the flock shall draw them out, by the Flock, is meant the People of God, Acts 20.28. and by draw them out, I understand the rewarding and destroying of Babylon, and this Scripture must be applyed to spiritual Babylon, because it was not the Saints but the Medes that drew out litteral Babylon, as the same Chapter com­pared with Dan. 5. doth manifest; In Micha. 4.13. Zion (to wit the Lords Peo­ple) is fitted for and called to arise and thresh the Nations. Isa. 13.3, Mal. 4.2.3. Job. 17.8. Zech. 2.7. So Zech. 9.13. Zion must deliver her self, and her sons must be raised up against the sons of Greece; Rev. 18.4.6. the peculiar People of God are commanded to reward Babylon, Rev. 15.6. and 16.1. the An­gels with the Viols comes out of the Temple; the Vials, do contain the seven last plagues, or the judgements of God that are to accomplish the destruction of Antichrist, and avenging the blood of the Saints; the Temple is the Church, or the Saints of God, 2 Cor. 6.16. and by the Angels, I understand those Saints, that are chosen, and called of God as Ministers or servants employed in that honourable work to execute his judgements; these with many other Scri­ptures do make it very evident, that the Saints or people of God, must be used by him in this great and glorious work; and the Fifth Kingdom taking place, and filling up the roome of the Fourth; Dan. 2.35. The Stone, or King­dom became a great mountain and filled the whole Earth. the like in Dan. 7.27. it will appear from the Scriptures before mentioned that the Saints must be used both in the destroying, and building work.

[Page 14]But I know it is further queried, How shall the Saints be used in this work, and by what meanes shall they accomplish it?

In answer to which, I shall lay down these particulars;

First, That they which shall be used in the work, must be such whom the Lord shall choose, and call in to it. The Lambs Army are call'd and chosen, Rev. 17.14. It is not whom Man will choose, but whom the Lord shall choose: Samuel would have chosen Eliab, but he must not stand, because God had refused him, and it was David that was Gods chosen. 1 Sam. 16.7. This hath been the evil of many in our dayes, to presume to put themselves and others upon the Lords VVork, Some because they are men of great wit and parts; Others, because they are men of great estates and high in the World; Others, because they are tryed Souldiers, Men of valour and courage; yea, and many like Samuel, have been crying such up as the Lords annointed, and have not first made diligent search, whether the Lord had chosen them, and this hath proved like Uzzahs touching the Ark, they have stumbled, fallen, and come to nothing.

Secondly, That the Instruments must not only be such as are called and chosen, but such as have received the annointing for the work: by which annointing, they are not only made faithful, but do obtain light in, and love unto it, with wisdom, faith and courage for the managing of it. This work, though done by the Saints, must not be by their, or the might or power of men, but by this annointing, Zech. 4.6. Isa. 10.27. and Chap. 59.19. Haggai, 2.5. Isa. 28.6. Being thus called, chosen, and annointed, they shall be used; First, by faith and prayer, with praises, as Joshua, Gideon, and divers others were in the Typical part of this work and how much more in the Anti-type, which doth farr exceed it in spirituality, shall the Instruments be so used; Psal. 2.8. Ask of me, and I will give thee. &c. which must respect Christ as King in his members, Heb. 11.30, 32, 33. Who through faith subdued Kingdomes, &c. Psal. 72.15. and Psal. 149.6. Let the high prai­ses of God be in their mouths, &c. Rev. 6.10. Chap. Secondly, by the word of their Testimony, which they bear for Christ against Antichrist, Rev. 12.11, 17. Lastly, by Material weapons, in a military way, Christ being the Captain General, and chief leader of this Army, Rev. 17. The Lamb shall overcome them, and they that are on his side, are called, chosen and faithful. Psal. 110.3. In the day of the assembling of thy Army, (for so some read the words) Thy people (speaking to Christ) shall be willing. This Psalm doth in an especial manner relate to the work of the later day. Rev. 19.14. The Armies followed Christ, which Armies must respect the Saints, as being them that are arrayed in fine linnen, Vers. 8. That the Saints shall be used with material weapons, consider,

First, That the War cannot be restrained to that spiritual War, mentioned 2 Cor. 10.4. Eph. 6.12. which war required spiritual weapons only, but this is an outward visible war, as smiting, and breaking the visible Image Government, taking away the visible Power of the last Beast, Dan. 2. and Chapter the 7th. and a visible overcoming, and breaking the Horns, or visible Power of the Ten Kingdoms, that received their Power with the Beast; which Hornes do begin a visible War with Christ and his Cause, as it is owned, and carried on by his Saints, who are the Members of his Body, Rev. 17.

[Page 15]Secondly, That they shall be used with Material Weapons, may appear from Joel, 3.10. Beat your Plow-shares into swords, and your pruning-hooks into spears, let the weak say I am strong. In which Scripture, I would note three things, First, That it is a prophecy of the latter day work, when Multitudes shall appear in the valley of decision, which hath never yet been fulfilled, as is most evident, if the scope of the Prophesie be consulted. Secondly, This 10th. Verse is spoken to the Saints, or people of God, the scope of the words leads to the Saints, and the 11th. verse is a Call to the Heathen, for God will gather the Heathen as well as his own people, to the valley of decision, according to Zeph. 3.8. and this word of encouragement, Let the weak say I am strong, is not spoken to the enemies of God, but is a blessed word for his own people, and by it the whole verse ap­pears to be directed to them. Lastly, the swords and spears are not spiritual, but material weapons, because they are made of plow-shares and pruning-hooks, and are to be used in the Lords great Controversie with the Heathen, and the enemies of his Church. This Truth may further appear, from Psal. 149.6, 7, 8. Let a two-edged sword be in their hands, to execute vengeance, &c. This Psalm must also respect the latter day, when the meek shallbe beautified with salvation, ver. 4. and this prophesie hath never been fulfilled since this Psalme was penned, but must be fulfilled in the execution of the judgement that is to come upon the World in this latter day; This must be a material sword. First, because the work that the Saints are to do with it, is outward, visible work, viz. to bind Kings and Nobles, and to execute the judgment written, vers. 8.9. 2dly. This sword is to be in their hands, and therefore must be a material sword; if it were spiritual, it would be in their hearts, or in their mouths and included in the joy and praises before spo­ken of; this may further appear from Luke 22.36. He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. That this Sword relates to the latter day, must needs be granted, because it is spoken in the latter day; for the whole day from Christs coming into the flesh, to the end of the world, is called the latter dayes or time, Acts 2.17. Heb. 1.2. 1 John 2.18. This latter day, or last times, must be considered under a two-fold dispensation, the one of Suffering, the other of Action. In the first, the Saints must be bound with chains, & killed, and countted as sheep for the slaughter, Rom. 8.36. comp. Luke 21.12, 16. And in the second, the Saints shall bind with chaines, and take them captives, whose captives they were, Isa. 14.2 comp. Psal. 149. In the first, the Beast or Little Horn shall wear out the Saints; In the second, the Saints shall take away his Dominion, Dan. 7. In the first, the Saints must Suffer in Babylon, under yokes and bonds, and so be hang­ing down the head; In the second, Zion (or the Saints) must deliver her self, and put on her Beautifull Garments, and lift up her head, and loose her self from the bands of her neck, or the Government of Antichrist that is upon her, and shake her self from the dust. In the first, Babylon is exercising Cruelty, and Ty­ranny over the Saints, and they are patiently to bear it, and if they be smitten on the one cheek, they must turn the other, and if any man will sue them at the Law, and take away their coat, (which must be whilest the wicked Antichristian, Law is in force) they must let him have their Cloak also: But in the Second, the Saints must render to Babylon double. Compare these following Scriptures Dan. [Page 16] 7.25. with vers. 26. Rev. 13.7. with Chap. 17.14. Isa. 52.1.2. Zech. 2.7. Luke 21.28. Matth. 5.39.40. Rev. 18.6. This Scripture Luke 22.36. doth clearly hold forth this two-fold dispensation, for it cannot be applyed to the day when Christ and his Apostles were upon the Earth, which was a day of suffering, wherein they were not to resist, as Math. 5.39. with many other Scri­ptures to this purpose, both in the Evangelists and the Epistles; and Christ tells them at the same time, that two swords were enough, vers. 38. and therefore could not be the time in which he that had no sword, must sell his garment and buy one, but holds forth another dispensation, in which the Saints must be called to Action for Christ, in the setting up of his Kingdom; and though the words were spoken to the disciples that were then with Christ in the suffering day, yet he delivers it to them as they represented the whole body of Gospel Believers, that were, or should come over to faith in him to the end of the world; and so the Ordinances, Rules, and Work that the Saints were to observe and do till Christs Second coming, are delivered unto, and received by the disciples that were with him in that day; Christ in the opening the extent of his prayer, John. 17.20. cleares this, and also in his general exhortation, Math. 13.37. What I say unto you, I say unto all, &c. and so the disciples received from Christ the work that is to be done by the Saints in this last part of the latter dayes. Much more might be urged to clear this matter, if it were expedient in this place; by all which it may appear, that there is a two-fold Dispensation in the Gospel-day, and that this word of buying a sword, must referre to the latter; this cannot be a Spiritual sword, it being to be bought by selling of a garment; It was the errour of Sym [...]n, in Acts the 8th. to think that the Gifts of the Spirit might be bought: and further, this must needs referre to a time when the Saints must use a Material sword, because they must rather want their garments (though very needful and useful) then want a sword. The next Sc ipture that doth imply this truth is John 18.36. If my King­dome were of this world, or from hence, Then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jewes. This must needs be meant a fighting with material weapons, which should rescue Christ from the Jewes; and Christ speaking of that time, saith, Now is my Kingdome not from hence; which words do imply, that there is a time when his Kingdome shall be from hence, and though it be a Hea­venly and Glorious Kingdom, yet it shall be set up, in, and over the world, Dan. 7.27. The dominion under the whole heaven shall be given &c. Rev. 11.15. The Kingdomes of this world are become, &c. and so the Kingdome of Christ may be said to be from hence, and when so it shall be, His servants will fight. The next Scripture that may clear this, is Jer. 48.10. Cursed be he that withholdeth his sword from blood. This word relates to a time when Gods judgments are to be executed upon his Enemies, and is spoken to the Instruments whom he will use, (as in the beginning of the verse.) Now the Instruments that God will use in the Execu­tion of his Judgements in the latter day, I understand to be his Saints, as I have already shewed, and so this word is spoken to them, and proves that they must be imployed with material weapons; I shall not cite more scriptures to this, but speak to some principal objections that are made against this truth of the Saints being used (with material weapons) in the destruction of Antichrist.

[Page 17] Obj. 1st. The Ten Hornes must hate the Whore, and burn her flesh with fire, Rev. 17.16.

Answ, That the Ten Hornes shall be imployed in this work, none can deny that own the Authority of Scripture, but that the Ten Hornes do first make War with the Lambe, and are overcome by Him before they do this Work upon the Whore, is also clear from ver. 14. It may not be supposed, that while the ten Horns do remain upon the Beast that carryeth the Whore, as they appear in verse 7. should do this Work, for that would be Satan against himself; The ten Horns do hold forth the Power or Dominion of the ten Kingdoms or Nations in Europe, which had dependence upon the Roman Empire, and they are first seen upon the Dragon (Rev. 12.) without Crowns, which do hold forth (as hath been shewed) the Roman Empire in its Civil, Pagan, or Heathenish State. Secondly, The ten Horns are seen in the Roman Antichristian State, upon the Beast that carryeth the Whore, and that continues fourty and two Months, and in that State they have the Crowns upon them, having received Power as Kings one hour with the Beast, Rev. 13. 1. Chap. 17.12. In this State they make war with the Lamb, and being by him and those that are on his side, overcome and so broken off from the Beast, the ten Horns viz. the Power and Dominion of those Nations is given to the Saints upon the account of Christ, and so is divolved into the Kingdom of the Stone that broke them off from the Image, and so are brought to their true station to be un­der the King of Nations, who hath on his Vesture, and on his Thigh a name writ­ten, KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS; and in this State I un­derstand the ten Horns, viz. the Power of those Nations in the hands of the Saints is set against the Whore (or false Church) to execute the vengeance for the blood of the Prophets, and Saints that is found in her, thereby to accomplish his destructi­on; and this I understand by the ten Horns hating the Whore, and burning her flesh with fire, Rev. 17.16.

Object. 2. That the destroying of Babylon is not work fit for Saints to be im­ployed in, being ravishing of Women, dashing children against the Walls, &c. Isa. 13.16.

Answ. First, This is spoken of litterall Babylon, the Glory of the Chaldees, ver. 19. which was to be destroyed by the Medes, ver. 17. And if we may credit Hi­stories, they tell us, that such things were fulfilled by the Medes upon Babylon of the Chaldees, who had done the like upon Jerusalem, which Jeremiah complains of in the Book of Lamentations, And though this Babylon did Type out spirituall Babylon, yet it may not be expected that every circumstance should be accompli­shed and that litterally upon spiritual Babylon: For if it should be kept to, as a Rule, that every circumstance must litterally be fulfilled in the Antitype, We should run upon many mistakes about Christ, and his Work in Gospel dayes; Also Ravishing of Women, and dashing of Children, may agree with other Scriptures to be applyed spiritually; upon the whole it may not be gathered, that there is any Work to be done in the rewarding of Mystical Babylon, which may not become Gods sanctified Ones, especially considering that it is the Lords controversie, and the execution of his Righteous Judgment, and vengeance upon her.

Object. 3. That because the Medes destroyed litterall Babylon, the like may be expected for the Nations to destroy Spiritual Babylon, and that the Earth shall help the Woman, Rev. 12.16. And the Saints being engaged by their Faith and Prayers, the Work is sometimes attributed to them.

Answ. First, It is clear from Scripture, that there is a Babylon which the Saints must destroy, (as hath been already shewed) and it was not litteral Babylon, for the Medes destroyed that, Therefore it must be the Babylon in the New Testament day. Secondly, Though the Earth helps the Woman, whilst in her suffering State to prevent the Devils destroying her; yet it is not said, neither will it follow, that the Earth must reward Babylon. And thirdly, (as hath been already shewed, the Saints shall be used by Faith and Prayer, and also in a Hostile way with mate­rial weapons; and therefore I shall add no more to this Objection.

There are several other Objections that I meet with at this day, As that the VVork must be done by the Spirit only, and God needeth not to use Instruments; And that this is a bloody work not meet for Gospel Saints; And that this was the Munster Principle; And those that are of this mind are carnal and neglect Soul work; and leave the wayes of God; And neglect the Conversion of sinners, and the building up such as are converted; And that they are such as are against Magistra­cy, &c. But it would be too large to speak to all these things, and to shew, how in the building of the First and Second Temple, and many other things which God did by his Spirit, yet conferred that honour upon his Servants to use them as In­struments in his hand, though he had no need of them, but as in the Creation might do all by the word of his Power. He had no need of Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Da­vid, and many others, he could have done his work alone, yet it was and is his pleasure to use them. And as for the High Charges that are brought against this Truth and the Professors of it, I shall not undertake to vindicate and plead for all that go under the name of owners of these things. I know there was a Judas amongst the twelve Disciples, yea and Peter who was very eminent did miscarry, and the best of Saints here do stand by Faith, yet this I may say that the Principles teach no such things, but 2 Pet. 3. if we look for such things, we are from thence instructed to be holy in all manner of conversation. But I hope as I have not received these things either with respect to Persons or things, but as it might appear to be the mind of the Lord, so I would not re­ject, or entertain hard thoughts of any of the Truths of Christ, because many of the Professors thereof walk unsuitable to their profession; And to what is falsly charged upon the Persons, or Principles, is no more then hath been upon other truths of Christ, and upon his followers in former ages; Caleb, and Joshua, because they were faithful, and declared the truth, the whole Congregation of pro­fessing Israel bade stone them with stones. Num. 14. Jeremiah for declaring the truth was not onely reproached by false reports, but cast into the Dungeon for his faithfulness, by the very Princes of Israel, and he received more favour from the Heathens, then he did from the Professors, as from Ebedmelech, the Black­more, and from the King of Babylon Jer. 15.10. chap. 20.10. chap. Chap. 39.11.12. and to our Lord Christ himself his friends said he was beside him­self, Mark 3.21. The strict sort of the Jewes did contemn him, and his follow­ers, [Page 19] and said he was a Samaritane and had a Devil. Yea that Sect was every where spoken against Acts 28.22. & Paul was charged to be a pestilent fellow, and that he Preached that men should do evil that good might come; Considering this cloud of witnesses and how much Satan is engaged against the Righteous Cause of Christ, and how truth in all ages hath been first branded for error, and then op­posed and persecuted, and the Professors thereof Imprisoned, Banished, and kil­led, I am (through Grace) helped with comfort and cheerfulnesse to bear these sore reproaches as a part of Christs, and Truths livery, and leave it till the day of Decision when the Lord will shew who was for Christ and his Truth and who were the opposers of them. And as to that part of the charge that we are against Magi­stracy, the Lord in his own time will clear his despised Remnant of that with other false charges, and will make it manifest, that through rich Grace, we do own, Reve­rence, and witness for, the true Magistracy which is according to the Word of God, in opposition to the false Magistracy of Antichrist, and of the Apostacy at this day; and if to be for the House, and Kingdom of David, against wicked Saul, as was the House of Judah and divers others, 2 Sam. 2.10. cha. 3.2. or for David against Absalom as 2 Sam. 15. or for Solomon against Adonijah as was Nathan and o­thers see 1 King. 1. or with Ehud against Eglou as Judg. 3.14. or for Joash against Athaliah as was Jehoiada and others see 2 Kin. 11. or to be for the Lord and his Truth against Amaziah when he turned from following the Lord; in a word, if to be for Christ and his Kingdom, against the Devil, Antichrist, and the Apostacy, be to be Vile and to be Transgressors, we are such, and I desire the Lord may keep us so to the end; But if these things be justifiable by Scripture and owned by the Lord, let those that reproach us take heed least they become fighters against God.

The Fourth general head that I propounded to speak to, is the Time of this works taking place in the world, (to wit) of the Setting up the fifth and the de­stroying of the Fourth Kingdom. As for the day or year, the Lord in wisdom hath reserved to himself, and what is written of it in the Scriptures, may through our ignorance admit of many doubts and various apprehensions; I do Judge it hath been the failing of some, (whom I have much honoured in the Lord) to fix the day and year, and I have desired to be alwayes waiting for it, but not so fix the time, onely in general, That this Kingdom of Christ shall be set up in the world before his Personal Coming, though it shall not come to its perfect Glory and Beauty till he comes with his glorified Saints.

The First Argument to clear this is Dan. 2.44. In the dayes of these Kings shall the God of heaven set up a Kingdom. first that this Kingdom is the Fifth King­dom hath been already shewed. Secondly, by these Kings I understand the Toes of the Image which in Revel. 17. are called Horns, and explained to be Kings; Now it must be granted by all, that those Kings do either refer to those Kings, menti­oned Dan. 7.17. which are (as hath been shewed) the four Monarchies of the world and are held forth by the several parts of the Image, Dan. 2. or to the ten Horns (or Kings) before mentioned. First it cannot be the four Monarchies, for then the Fifth Kingdom must take place in the world betwixt the time of Is­raels going into the 70. years Captivity in Babylon, and their return to Jerusalem [Page 20] for the Chaldean Monarchy (viz.) the Head of Gold (which was the first of the four Kings) had not its beginning as part of the Image, till about the time of their going into the captivity, and was taken away or destroyed several years before the return of the captives as may appear. Dan. 5. Therefore if it were in the dayes of those Kings it must begin while the Chaldean Monarchy was in be­ing; But it is without doubt that the Kingdom of Christ did not begin in that time, but either long before, or long after; Secondly if it should be true (as some affirm) that this Fifth Kingdom began either at Christs coming in the flesh, or at his Resurrection, or Ascention, or at the pouring out of the Spirit, Acts 2. Yet it cannot be the dayes of the four Kings; For three of these four were come and gone many years before Christ, and it is evident from Scripture that the Roman or Fourth Kingdom by which the daily sacrifice was taken away, was in its glory in Christs day and had the world under his Dominion. Luke 2.1. Lastly it cannot be the four Kings, but must be the Toes (or) Horns, because the Cutting out of the Stone, or setting up the Kingdom is not seen till sometime after the Image in all its parts did appear; Thou sawest till that a Stone was cut out &c. vers. 34. so that the very Toes viz. the Antichristian Kings (that receive Power as Kings one hour with the Beast) are up sometime before the Stone, and are them that the Stone smites or falls upon. vers. 34. and the Stone must smite Imediately upon its cutting out, because it breaks its way through the last part of the Image Government and fills up the roome of it. And therefore these Kings must be the Antichristian Kings which are in being when the God of Heaven sets up the Kingdom; Secondly by the dayes of these Kings, I understand the time of their Government, or while their Kingdoms and Power is up in the world, and in the time that God hath permitted them to reign; now Christs Personal coming shall not be in their dayes, but in his own day, when their dayes are ended, and there is ground to judge that their dayes must be ended sometime before Christs coming in Person, for we read, Revel. 17. that these Kings make War with the Lamb and are overcome, and there appears to be the end of the ten Antichristian Kings, which must be before Christs Personall coming, for at that coming it may not be supposed that the ten Horns shall make War with him, but the War is with the Lamb in his Saints, and in his Cause; Now if the King­dom must be set up, or the Stone cut out in the dayes of the ten Antichristian Kings, then it could not be set up before, nor at the Ascention of Christ; For those Kings in that State, were not then in being, the last Beast that comes from Hell was not up, therefore it must be before Christs Personal coming from Hea­ven because their dayes are ended before or at that coming.

The Second ground to clear this truth is from Ps. 110.1. The Lord (that is God the Father) said unto my Lord (that is Christ) set thou at my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool. By Christs enemies, I unde stand, not onely the Antichristian State, but it includes the whole world, who through the Instiga­tion of the Devil are against Christ and would not have him to Reign Psal. Rev. 11.17.18. Secondly by the enemies, being made his footstool I understand not a Total destruction of their persons, but a taking away and destroying of their Government, and Power, and bringing them to the foot of Christ to be as the [Page 21] Stool for his Government to take place upon, or to bring them under and in sub­jection to it. Thirdly, by Christs sitting at the Right hand of the Father, I un­derstand his Personal being in Heaven as our Advocate where he is said to be at the right hand of the Majesty on high, Col. 3.1. Heb. 1.3. cha. 8.1. that so if Christs enemies must be brought down, and his Government take place whilest he sits at the Right hand of God, Then the Kingdom of Christ must be set up before his Personal coming.

The third ground is taken from the time of Babylons destruction, which must be before Christs Personal coming; And Babylon being to be destroyed by the Saints, Stone, or Kingdom, this work must take place before the Personal com­ing; That Babylons fall by the Plagues must be before Christs Personal coming, consider Rev. 18.4. come out of her my people that ye pertake not of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues. God here speaks to those that were not so much his people by visible profe [...]ion for they were in Babylon, but such as by special Grace (as the fruit of Electing love) he calls his people, and these are such as shall be caught up, 1 Thes. 4.17. to meet Christ at his Personal coming, and Phil. 3.21. 1 Joh. 3.2. Have their vile bodies changed, and fashioned like unto his Glorious body and so must be out of the reach of such temporal plagues as must come up­on Babylon, but Babylons plagues must come in a time when Gods own peculiar people may through sin come to pertake of them, and therefore the destruction of Babylon must needs be before Christs personal coming; that word, Dan 7.26. speaking of the little Horn, saith they shall take away his Dominion to consume and destroy it unto the end, which end, must be the end of the fourth Monarchy or of this old world, when Christ shall come in person and the world to come, (spoken of Heb. 2.5.) take place, so that Antichrist must be a destroying and consuming as a gradual work till the end of the fourth Monarchy; The Stone, Dan. 2. that de­stroye [...] the Antichristian State must do it before Christ comes in person; it doth it not at once as it would be [...]f it were to be done at Christs Personal coming who comes as the lightning: but is done gradually as may appear by the scope of the words.

The fourth Ground is taken from the Way and Instruments that shall be used in the work, and they (as it hath been proved) must be the Saints with Material, weapons in a Military way, and I suppose I need not take up time to shew that it is inconsistent with a glorified Saint to do this work with Material weapons in the way that it is to be done, for I never met with any of that perswasion, to wit, that Glorified Saints might so use Material weapons, and that the Saints shall be all changed and have glorified bodies is clear from, 1 Cor. 15.51, 52. Phil. 3.21. 1 John 3.2. So then if the Saints must be the Instruments, and the work not con­sistent with their glorified State, the work must needs take place before the Per­sonal coming of Christ.

The fifth Ground is taken from the Sitting of the Judgment menc. Dan. 7.26. by the Ju gment cannot be understood the last judgment spoken of Rev. 20. but must be the Judgement of Antichrist menc. Rev. 17.1. which is the judging, and passing the sentence against Antichrist, & for the righteous cause of Christ and this doth Imediately precede the vengeance mentioned, Rev. 6, 10. Dan. 7, 26. they shall take [Page 22] away his Dominion. Now this Judgment sits before Christs Personal coming, yea and the vengeance executed according to this Judgment is before that coming; For first, he saith, the Judgment shall sit, and then they shall take away his Domini­on to consume it unto the end. Now the sitting of the Judgment and the executing of the vengance, being the same with the God of Heaven's setting up the Kingdom, and all this being before Christs Personall comming, doth further clear this Truth.

The Sixth Ground is taken from the pouring out of the Vialls, Rev. 16. The Vi­alls do containe and are called the seven last Plagues, that must accomplish the destruction of the Anti hristian world, and do much agree with the VVork of the Stone in Daniel 2. Now these Vialls or six of them, must be poured out before Christs personal comming. First, because they do the VVork gradually, and therefore are seven Vialls, otherwise one Viall (if it were at Christs coming) would do all the Work. Secondly, They do the destroying Work, which (as hath been proved) must be done before Christs Personal coming, and if the Vialls do the same Work with the Stone or Kingdom, and six, if not all, must be poured forth before Christs Personal coming, then the Work must take place before that coming. As against all Truths there are several Objections, so against this.

First, it is objected, and alleadged That the Saints must be in a Suffering state till Christ comes.

Answ. There is a Twofold Suffering; the one by the Antichristian bondage, and slavery, the other by corruption and inward temptations; From the first, the Saints shall be delivered before Christs coming, (as hath been shewed) the other may remain till Christ at his coming binds Satan, and changeth our vile bodies. Also there is a twofold coming of Christ in the latter day, the one a comming by his Spirit in his Saints-to the Work of executing vengeance, and so Christ is the Stone; and so he overcomes the ten Hornes; and so he comes at midnight when the Virgins sleep; and so he comes as a Thief; and this is the Coming spoken of Luke 18.7, 8. And shall not God avenge his own Elect? Neverthelesse when the Son of man cometh, shall he find Faith on the Earth? Till this coming the Saints were to be in a suffering State upon both the former & the latter Accounts. The second is, his Personal coming with all his Saints, and all the holy Angels, when every eye shall see him; This shall not only be a coming in Power, but also with great Glory; before this coming the Saints shall be in the Posession of the Government upon the account of Christ who is the rightful King, and the Vi­alls or Six of them shall be poured forth, by which much of the vengeance that is to be executed shall be accomplished upon the Earth; But although the Saints shall be in the Government of the Nations, under and on the behalf of Christ the King, yet the Devil being not bound, shall go forth full of Rage, because the time of his binding is near, and immediatly before the Personal coming of Christ shall stir up the Nations to rebell against Christ in his Saints, and the Nations shall raise War against the Saints, and shall take the City of Jerusalem, and it shall be a time of great trouble, and then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those Nations as when he fought in the day of Battel, and then the Seventh Viall shall be poured forth into the air, which holds forth the making a full and perfect end of [Page 23] the VVork: my apprehensions in this matter are grounded upon Eze. 39. Zech. 14.1.2, 3, 4. Revel. 16.16. chap. and several other Scriptures which re­late unto, and must have their fulfilling in this time; In the understanding of the weighty matters which relate to the latter day, I would commend two things to consideration, which may through the blessing of God be very helpful and useful to prevent mistakes.

First, To wait upon God for his Spirit in the search of the Scriptures, for a right distinction of the several Times, and Seasons: as First, the Time of Christs suffering State: the Time of Antichrists Reign: the Time of Christs coming by his Spirit, in the Saints to execute the vengeance: the Time of his Personal coming: the Time of the thousand years Reign: The end of the thousand years: and the last Judgement, when he shall deliver up the Kingdom to the Father; And as these times should be distinctly considered, without misplacing them, or causing the one to clash against the other: so, The Second thing to be considered, is through the spirit diligently to search the Promises, Prophesies, and Types of this Latter day work contained in the holy Scriptures, and before we passe judgement upon any of them, to wait upon the Lord for a right understanding of the respective Times unto which the Promise, Prophesie or Type doth relate: for if we go to open then and not First understand what Time they relate unto, we are in danger of very great mistakes: and this, I judge, is much of the cause of the great differences that are among even those of the People of God, that Wait for the Kingdom at this day, and through this mistake the poor Jews stumbled and fell, misplacing those Pro­mises, Prophesies, and Types that did relate to Christ in that day; if these two things be diligently observed, it would save much labour in answering several Objections: some of which not yet spoken to are as followeth.

Object. That Christ must be first in the possession of this Glory, he being the Captain that was first made perfect through suffering, and therefore the Kingdom must not be set up till his Personal coming.

Ans. This ariseth mostly from a mistake: for though the Saints shall take and possesse the Kingdom before Christs Personal appearing: yet Christ shall be first in the Glory of it, Dan. 7.14. It is given to Christ: and the opening of it in verse the 18. saith, that the Saints shall take the Kingdom: though all this while Christ in his person is in heaven; for first, Christ must have the preheminence, to be first in the Glory, as the Saints by his Spirit, do obtain it. Secondly, They do not onely obtain it by the Spirit of Christ, but also upon the Ground of his Authority as he is King of Kings, &c. Thirdly, They do it by his Command (all which may ap­pear by the foregoing discourse, upon the Saints being the Instruments in the work) and so the Glory of the Conquest is to the Lamb Rev. 17.14. The Lamb shall overcome them, &c. Revel. 4.10. The Crowns are cast before him, and the Saints do take and exercise the Government, for, and on the behalf of Christ up­on whom ( Psal. 132.18.) his Crown shall flourish; It is further objected.

Object. 2 Tim. 4.1. His appearing is joyned with, yea put before his Kingdom; even when he shall judge both the quick and the dead, therefore his Kingdom shall not take place before his appearing.

Answ. Though his Appearing be here joyned with, and placed before his Kingdom, yet the Scripture doth not say, neither by the order of words can it be [Page 24] safely gathered, that his Kingdom shall not begin till his appearing: and those that consider the Spirits Method in the Scripture, may know, that ofttimes, those things that are to be performed Last, are placed First; and sometimes words do respect a thing in its beginning, and sometimes in its perfection, as 2 Pet. 1.10. Make your calling, and Election, &c. those that own Election according to Scri­pture: will grant that it takes place before Calling: and yet Calling is here placed before it. So Acts 3.19. where the Apostle applies the blotting out of sin, to the time of Christs Personal coming: when according to other Scriptures the blot­ting out, or forgiveness of sin, takes place long before, as Ephes. 1.7. Col. 2.13. so that this word must respect the perfecting of it. In Luke 21.28. you have the like word applied to Redemptions taking place, at the coming of Christ: the like in Ephes. 4.13. though by other Scriptures, Redemption hath its beginning long be­fore as Ephes. 1.7. Gal. 3.13. and if these things be considered: it may appear that either the Kingdom in this place of 2 Tim. 4.1. must respect the perfection of its Glory, which shall not be till Christs Personal coming: though as hath been shewed it must have its beginning before: or if it should respect its first taking place, we may not build so much upon the order of the words as to make them clash against, yea to exclude the scope of many Scriptures which do clearly hold forth the Kingdoms taking place before the Personal appearing of Christ.

The Second thing that I shall lay down with respect to the Time of this King­doms taking place, is. That it must begin, or take place amongst the Gentile Saints before the Call of the Nation of the Jewes (to wit) the Natural Seed of Abra­ham.

The First Ground of this: I gather from the Work, Time, and Order of the Vials, Rev. 16. Six of them are to be poured forth before the Kings of the East (which I understand to be the Natural Seed of Abraham) have their way prepared. The Sixth Vial Rev. 16.12. must be poured out upon the great River Euphrates, that the way of the Kings of the East might be prepared; By the River Euphrates, I understand, not the Material River, for the ships of Tarshish must bring them over greater Rivers then that: and that River cannot block up their way, but it is the Power of that people (to wit the Turks) that have their Scituation about that River. By Rivers, and waters is elsewhere to be understood of Earthly Powers, as in Revel. 16.4. compare with vers. 6. and Revel. 17.15. and also at this day the Turks do possesse the Land of Judea, and it must be the breaking of their Power that prepares the way for the Kings of the East; Now the Vials, doing the same work with the Stone, or Kingdom, (to wit the destroying of Antichrist) and they doing the work or most of it, before the Call of the Jews: the Kingdom must needs take place also before their Call; I have not heard of any that denyes that the Kings of the East, are to be under­stood of Abrahams Natural Seed, and therefore shall speak no further to this Ground.

The Second Ground, from whence I gather that the Kingdom must take place before the Jews Call, is this; The Stone or Kingdom smites the Image upon the Feet, (to wit the Babylonish State) and this smiting must be done by those of the People of God that were under Babylons yoke, Rev. 18.4.6. Zech. 2.7. They [Page 25] that are under Babylons yoke in this New Testament day, are not the Jews, but the Gentile Saints, therefore the work must first take place amongst them: The Kingdom strikes the first stroke upon the Antichristian State, Dan. 2.44.

The Third Ground of this Assertion is, That the Kingdom or Stone must break and make way for the Jewes before their coming in, therefore it must take place or be in being, before it breaks the way; The Gentile Saints, must be used as the Instruments in breaking the way for, and bringing in the Jewes, Isa. 49.22. and Chap. 66.20.

Object. That many of the Scriptures which referr to the Work of the King­dom, do speak to the People of God, who are to be used in it, under those Names, and Titles, that properly relate to the natural Seed of Abraham, as Jacob, Zion, Jerusalem, Judah, and Israel. &c.

Answ. That although in the Old Covenant day (in which the being one of Abrahams natural Seed did intitle to Church-Membership) the visible Church was distinguished by those Names, and Titles: yet it may not be alwaies restrained or applyed to them in Gospel dayes, when their Typical Church State comes to cease; and as their Church State was Typical: so was the Titles that God gave to them: and the names of Jacob, Zion, and Jerusalem, &c. do truly and spiritu­ally relate to the Gospel or New Covenant Church, in which, neither Jew nor Gentile, have any right by natural Generation, but by Faith in Christ, who is all and in all, Col. 3.11. and so in him (2 Cor. 1.20.) we come to have a right to all the Promises that are held forth to Jacob, or Zion, &c. So Psal. 102.13.16. in which Scripture Zion must respect the Gospel Church, which the Lord shall build when he appears in his glory. It is the Gospel Church that ( Zech. 2.7.) dwells with the Daughter of Babylon, Gal. 4.26. Chap. 3.29. Eph. 2.14. which with many other Scriptures doth clearly demonstrate, these Titles are most truly to be apply­ed to the Gospel Church, and those that deny this, must exclude the Gospel Church from the benefit of the greatest part of the Promises in Scripture; and though this may seem to cut off the Jewes from their Priviledges: yet it will rather and more truly invest them therein upon a more Noble account, when they shall come to embrace the Messias; and thus much to this Objection.

I shall now come to speak of Two Scriptures, that are specially insisted upon, by those who expect the Work to begin among the Jewes: the one in Micha 4.8. Unto thee O Tower of the Flock, shall come the first Dominion, &c. If this should be referred to the Naturall Seed of Abraham: it can only respect the two Tribes, to wit, Judah and Benjamin: and all that may be gathered in this matter from it, is, that the Kingdom shall come to the two Tribes, before the Ten, which will much agree with other Scriptures; but it will not follow from the Scope of the Spirit in the words, that the Kingdom shall not take place, and be in being among the Gentile Saints before its Dominion comes to the two Tribes, because they must have the first Dominion, before the other ten Tribes. The other Scripture is Zech. 12.7. The Lord shall save the Tents of Judah, first, that the glory of the House of David, and the glory of the Inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnifie themselves against Judah. By Judah or the Tents of Judah, I understand the two Tribes: and by the glory of the House of David, and the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, [Page 26] the Ten Tribes; For the Glory was, to have the Ten Tribes in conjunction with the Two, abiding with the House of David; but when the Ten Tribes revolted, the Kingdom was rent, and the Glory of the House of David, and the Inhabitants of Jerusalem went off; and that the Ten Tribes might not magnify themselves against the Two Tribes, who ( Hosea. 11.12.) Ruled with God and was faithful with the Saints long after the revolt of the Ten: the Lord will (in the Latter day) save the two Tribes first, which is all that can be gathered in this matter from this Scripture, and it will not prove that the Kingdom shall first take place or begin amongst the naturall Seed of Abraham; but I shall add no more to this, but come to speak to the third particular relating to the Time of this Work taking place, and to that I shall lay down this Position.

Position, That the Work of destroying the Fourth, and setting up the Fifth Kingdom is begun, and hath taken place amongst us in this Isle of great Brittain. And in entering upon the proof of this, I shall for the making way, present some particular Considerations.

As first, That the Beast with the Seven Heads and Ten Hornes, mentioned, Rev. 17. and also the Whore mentioned in the same Chapter, have their Rise, Seat, Dominion, and Reign, in this part of the World called Europe, where the Roman, or Fourth Kingdom had its place, before, at, and since the coming of Christ in the flesh: and though the Rise, and Nature of the Power is changed from the meerly Civil, to the grosse Antichristian or Mixed State, yet those that will search the Histories, may find, that Antichrist hath taken and doth keep the same Territo­ries that were belonging to the Civil State.

The Second Consideration is, That this Nation or the Power of this Isle of Great Brittain, hath been accounted, and really is, one of the Ten Hornes of the Beast, or Toes of the Image, and was joyned with the Antichristian Beast very soon, re­ceiving Power as a King one hour with him, according to Rev. 17.12. and the Whore or false Church, hath been long mounted upon the Civil, or Beastly Power in this Nation. It is now above one thousand years, as history relates, since Au­gustine the Monck was sent over by the Pope into this Nation, where he found great incouragement from the Civil Powers, which Satan had fitted for his own design of carrying the Whore; Proud Augustine (for so he is called) doth forth­with settle the National Church, and mounts it upon the Civil Power, to bear up & maintain it, and many abominable wicked Lawes, were made to Answer the De­vils design in the upholding, and maintaining this Whorish Nationall Church: at the setting up whereof, there are found some Faithful Christians in the Nation, which so far as we may credit History, were some remainders of the fruits of the Ministry of Joseph of Arimatheah, who is said, was the first Preacher of the joy­ful sound of the Gospel in this Island: and these Christians not falling down to, but witnessing against the Antichristian Abominations, which were brought in from Rome, and readily received in this Nation: Augustine becomes their great enemy, and (being of that Popish stamp, that Thirsts after, and must be drunk with the blood of the Saints) thirsts after the blood of those poor Christians, who for their safety fled to the Mountains in Wales: but Augustine tho ough the help of the Civil or Beastly Power (as the beginning of the wickedness which God will reward) [Page 27] obtains his end, and drinks the Blood, or takes away the lives of those Faithfull Martyrs of Jesus, and so in shedding the blood of the Saints, the Beast, and the Whore were united together in this Nation, and therefore no wonder if they cleave so close together (as at this day) till the vengeance be accomplished upon them. This proud Augustine being Ordained and sent by the Pope, (whose power is deri­ved from Hell) Ordains and Settles, Bishops, and Archbishops, who Ordaine the National Ministry, and settle them in their respective Parishes, and this by suc­cession, hath continued to this day, and is the Ordination so much pleaded for in this Nation.

The Third Consideration is, That the Toe, or Horne, or that part of the Beastly Power in Brittain which carrieth the Whore, according to the National Constitu­tion, was made up with, and did consist of, King, Lords, and Commons.

The Fourth Consideration is, That it is the proper Work of the Stone or King­dom, mentioned Dan. 2. to Smite and Break these Toes, or Hornes, and so by its Government to fill up the room thereof. Having layd down these things, I shall proceed to the proof of the Assertion, to wit, That the Work is begun.

First, The VVork that is only proper for the Stone to do (to wit, the brea­king of the Toes, or Hornes) hath taken place in this Nation; The Horn or Toe of this Nation (to wit) King, Lords, and Commons, is broken, though not yet ac­cording to Dan. 2.35. made as the Chaffe of the Summer threshing Flower. Not only the King, but Kingship and Peeridge is broken: and not only the Commons, but the very Foundation of their Constitution from the Nation is broken, and God hath for several years been witnessing against it. I need not speak further to the proof of this, if we forget not the things which our Eyes have seen, Deut. 49. It is Matter of Mourning that this Generation (like Israel of old, either understood not or else have forgotten the workes of God, and it is no wonder if God destroy them, and not build them up, Psal. 28.5. Psal. 106.7.13. Though the Stone must break the Horne, or Toe: it is not said that it should be done at one blow, or two: and therefore if God should suffer King, Lords, and Commons to rally again in this Nation, it may not be said that the Work hath not been among us; for seeing the Stone may not do it at one, or two blows, the Lord may gather and pre­pare them for the Second, or rather the Third stroke, till he make them as the Chaffe and they be carryed away with the wind.

The Work in this Nation did not end in smiting the Horn, for the Kingdom and Goverment of Christ did take place in its roome. When the remainder of the Long Parliament was by the answer of the Faith and Prayers of the Lords People with an eminent hand of God broken: the undoubted right to the Throne being Christs (who had obtained it by his Sword, and Bow, as the fulfilling of many promises, & Prophesies of Scripture,) the Saints (whose Right under Christ it is) upon the Account, and on the behalf of Jesus Christ, did not onely take, but come into the possession of the Kingdom: for by a speciall hand of God, many of the Saints upon the breach of the Parliament (before mentioned) were sent for from several parts of this Island, (who found the Lord stirring up their hearts) to come to Receive, and Possesse the Government for Christ their King, and ac­cordingly, when they were come together at Whitehall, the Government was de­livered [Page 28] to them, and they (or at least many of them) received it upon the avowed account of the Son of God, as the answer of the Faith, and Prayer, of many of the Lords enlightned ones, as also by the joynt consent of both Armies, and Navy which God had wonderfully used in his Work, and this word Dan. 2.44. was then cited in the delivering of the Government to them, the Kingdom shall not be left to other People: but for a full understanding of these passages and pro­ceedings, I refer you to Cromwels speech made to the persons above mentioned at Whitehall, which speech is Printed in A Book called the Fifth Kingdom asserted in opposition to the Beasts.

Now this people being come together upon Christs account, the first thing they do, they keep a day of solemn Prayer to the Lord for his presence with them in his Work, in which day the Lord was much seen amongst them as a pre­cious welcome at their coming together: But although they were all Called as men fearing God, yet there is found several persons amongst them, that either through ignorance, or wicked craft, prove great obstructers of the Work of the Lord, and prevail, for the calling that Assembly by the name of a Parliament, with some other Passages, that were not agreeable to the Kingdom of Christ, which at this day proves a stumbling Block to some: but by the good hand of God, Kingdom Light did increase among that Assembly, yea the Spirit of the Kingdom, grew, and appeared openly, and the false Spirit fell before it; the An­tichristian Ministry were discountenanced and not called in to Pray among them as they expected; The Lawyers trade also began to fall, for in stead of the abo­minable Laws, and Heathenish books, the Bible was looked into, & the Law of God searched after; A new Body or Model of the Law was Voted, by which the Old must needs fall; The Court of Chancery was Voted down; A Vote also passed, tending to the throwing down of Tithes, by which the Antichristian Ministry was like to fall; The Power of Patrons for presentations to the livings of the Antichristian Church was taken away; The oppressing craft and gain of the Lawyers and National Ministry being so like to fall: they bestir them­selves, and endeavour to engage the Corrupt Party in that Assembly, (and Crom­well with his Officers) to stand by them for the keeping up their Trade: the spirit of the Apostacy being got into Cromwell and many of his great Officers (who had forgotten or little minded their Ingagements to the Lord at Dunbar, and Worcester in the day of their streights: when they resolved to prosecute the very things, which that Assembly were a doing, if the Lord would own, and deli­ver them in those difficult hours) they very readily joyn with the Zanballats, and Tobiahs of the day, to cause the Work of the Lord to cease, and as much as in them lay to turn it back. The Lord for gracious ends, and that the Work might answer the Types, and Prophesies that went before of it, permits the Apostacy to take place, and Cromwell (Judas like) entertains meetings with the Priests, Lawyers and Corrupt Party of that Assembly, and communes with them how he might be­tray this Righteous Cause, and the proffers of Honour, and Greatness, like the thirty pieces of silver to Judas, (as his actions have clearly manifested) did put him upon this abominable Treachery, and forthwith that wicked Instrument of Government was prepared, and false scandalous reports, and reproaches raised against, and cast upon the faithful Members of that Assembly thereby to render [Page 29] them odious to the Army and Nation, yea to their Brethren, (which was the very way that the Martyrs were formerly brought to suffering, yea Christ him­self by the wickedness of that Generation did thus suffer) as persons that would destroy Magistracy, Ministry, Laws, and Propriety; It is true they were for destroying the Magistracy, Ministry, Laws, and Propriety of Antichrist, but did own, and witness to, the Magistracy Ministry, and Laws of Christ, with Propriety according to those Laws: which must be the Salvation of this poor Island, if there be any left for it; upon these reproaches many were ready to cry out as they did of Paul Acts 22.22. away with such fellowes from the Earth for it is not fit that they should live.

The Spirit of Apostacy having made its Party, and engaged the Corrupt Party of that Assembly, the day was appointed for breaking them up, and thereby the crucifying of the dear Cause of Christ; the day being come Cromwell repaires to the place appointed, (to wit Whitehall) and that Corrupt Party of the Assembly, to the Place of their sitting at Westminster betimes in the morning before the usual time of meeting: where being come: One of them begins with prayer or somewhat like it, fixing his eye upon the door till the Speaker came, and by that time he came in, (though the design was privately carryed, yet) there was so many of the friends of Christs precious Cause come in, as that they durst not venture their Treacherous, and wicked design upon a Vote, but disorderly and in confusion, took up the Mace, and went away to Whitehall where pretended­ly they delivered up the Government to Cromwell, I say pretendedly.

First, Because in reality the Government was not theirs to deliver up, but Christs, upon whose accompt it was obtained, and received, and so they could not really deliver it up.

Secondly, If the Assembly who had received it, could have delivered it up, this act was neither done by Vote in, nor agreement of the Assembly, but by a company of Rebellious disorderly persons dispossessing and putting themselves out of that Assembly, (who had received, and did possesse the Government for Christ) and having so put themselves out, had no more Power, or Right of Goverment to deliver to Cromwell: then Cromwell or any other persons at that time had, to deliver to them: yea a company of fellowes that had met in the street, might have gone to Cromwell and delivered as much Authority or Right of Govern­ment to him, as they did: but the undoubted Authority being with Christ the King of Nations, under him it did rest with those that remained in the As­sembly, keeping the Place and following the Work which the Lord had called them to, and set them in, who had clearly made an eminent decision betwixt cat­tell, and cattel, the corrupt Party of the Assembly going forth, and the Faithful Friends to Christ and his Cause remaining together; and though Cromwel and his Officers had owned the Government to rest in that Assembly up­on the Avowed Account of the Son of God; yet so bold and Wicked, were they now become, as they sent Col. Goffe and Lieut. Col. White, with Souldiers, (pre­sumptuously setting themselves against the very Son of God, to withstand his King­dom, and interrupt the exercise of his Government in the hands of his People whom he had Called, and by rich Grace seperated from the treacherous dealers, and kept [Page 30] together in the Assembly, after the Corrupt Party, (before mentioned) was gone forth) which bold Apostates came into the Assembly, and by force of Arms turned them out: and Cromwel being set up by the Priests, Lawyers, and his trecherous Army, Assumes (and exalts himself in) the Throne, which before he had declared did belong to Christ; And thus the Lord did permit a Stop to be put unto, and a Death to come upon the Glorious Work & Cause of Christ, and the Apostacy visi­bly to break forth, and take place in the midst of us, and so a turning back to Ba­bylon, building again the things which the Lord had destroyed, wherein he had used some of the Apostates as instruments: Also the many Flattering Titles, and wicked Addresses that were afterwards given and made, first to Cromwel the great Apo­state, and then to his Son, by the Officers and Souldiers of the (formerly Famous and Victorious, but now Revolting, and Time-serving) Army, and by many of the Churches and eminent Church-Officers and Members, yea by the generality of all Sorts and Rankes of Men, (except a poor despised Remnant, that were mourning over, and witnessing for the precious Cause of Christ) the many printed Books, and Papers that are still extant, do abundantly shew.

I shall forbear to add, but come to the Second Ground, to shew, That the Work of the Fifth Kingdom is begun, and as these Workes that have been done: So in the Second place, the extraordinary way by which it hath been effected, may discover it to be the very Work of the Fifth Kingdom. This VVork (according to Scrip­ture) being to be known by the extraordinary appearances of God in it, It is called The Kingdom which the God of Heaven shall set up, Dan. 2.44. and those that speak of the Glory, must also talk of the Power of this Kingdom, Psa. 145.11. by which Power, I understand the extraordinary appearance of God in accomplishing the Work of setting up the Kingdom; as in the coming up out of Egypt: so in this VVork God will shew, and do, great and marvelous things, Micha 7.18. Joel 2.21. and very many Scriptures speak after this manner. Now that the Work in this Island hath been so done, even by an extraordinary Hand, or Power: look back as far as the old Puritant day, in which the Power of God was eminently seen in preserving them, and owning their Faith, and Prayer, to the overthrowing that great Mountaine of the Bishops, and the rest of that Antichristian, [...]piscopal Traine, that were imbodyed with them, and the Calling of the Parliament upon the coming in of the Scots, and then come down to the War betwixt the King and Parliament; The King having the greatest part of the Nobility, Gentry, VVisdom, Riches, old Souldiery, and Commonalty of the Nation with him, and how inconsiderable the Parliament, and their Forces were to him; But though the Work of the Kingdom lay as it were under ground (or like a Wheele within the Wheele, hard to be discerned, or like David whilst in Sauls Army) yet it being the Work that God was about to do, in this latter day, did carry the day in Great Power; and though men had their various designs, yet God had his design also: and both in the same act. Several such instances there are in the Scripture, as the Selling of Joseph into Egypt, Gen. 45.5. with Chap. 56. 20. So in the Crucifying of Christ, and divers of the like passages that might be named. And then come to the New Moddel of the Army in the year 1645. First, by what an eminent hand was that matter carryed in the House against the very Spirit of both Parlia­ment [Page 31] and Nation. Secondly, how was it carried also against the very Spirit of the Army, severall hundreds of the Officers were turned out, and some that were ve­ry eminent; and in their Roomes, were put poor Inferiour, inconsiderable persons, who were prefer'd upon the account of their being such as Feared the Lord, (that being then the received principle, to imploy men in places of trust that feared the Lord) from which day there was a very eminent and powerfull presence of God in and with the Army; Time would faile me to insist upon the particulars to shew how God appeared in an extraordinary way at Naseby Fight, and the eminent Victories obteined in the VVest, and in the North parts of the Nation, after the new Modell. Then come to the Second Warr when Hambleton came into Eng­land with the Scottish Army, Consisting of near 27000 men; also how God ap­apeared in an extraordinary way in the Victories obteined in Kent, and in VVales and at Preston, and Colchester, at most or all which places the Enemy in number was three to one against us; Also the Eminent Hand of God in the Service in Ire­land, when that Nation was almost swallowed up by the Enemy, God appeared with an out-stretched arme, and wrought for his holy name; In the next place come to the Warr with Scotland which was Stated and undertaken upon Christ's Account, in which Warr God made his power to be known; when our Army was brought very low in a strange Nation, and Compassed in by the Eenemy, with an Army of about 27000 besides the whole Nation on their side: and we haveing a poor, weak, sickly Army, scarce Nine Thousand that were in a Capacity of fighting, then did God appear in the Mount; and in a short time after the Army, Nation, and Garrisons of the Scots by an out-stretched Arme of the Lord were brought under; I forbear to mention how God broke the designe of the Scots King, and his Army, when they were forced to quit Scotland, and with high ex­pectations of great things from this Nation, (who like Israel of old, Sam. 8.6.19. are generally very eager for a King) came to VVorcester and there were over­thrown; Then come to the Eminent Hand of God that was seen (as formerly) in the Garbleing: so now in the Breaking and Rooting up the Old Parliament with the very Foundation of their Constitution which was the last part of the Image Government; And though the VVork of the Lord was carried on before under that Parliament, yet it must also break them, as they were a part of the Horne. Da­vid after he was first Anointed did fight the Battels in Sauls Army, and as the de­signe, so the power of God was Eminently with him in the work; but afterwards Davids Kingdome was exalted over Sauls Kingdome, and brake down his House, for so had God spoken, 2 Sam. 15.28. that the Kingdome should be taken from Saul; And Saul knew that so long as the Son of Jesse was upon the ground, his Kingdome could not be established, 1 Sam. 20.31. This is to be noted that Da­vid, 1 Sam. 18.7. had the preheminence of Saul in the Battells, even whilst he fought in Sauls Army; Now that Old Parliament being broken upon the Account of Christ, that his Government might take place: by this breach an end was put to the Nationall Constitution, or to any Power or Authority that might arise from the Nation as a Nation, but the right is brought to Christ, whose in­deed it is, for he is King of Nations, and (under him) it is given to the Saints, who must possess the Kingdome, Dan. 7.27.18. and therefore it is no wonder [Page 32] that all this time of the Apostacy, the Apostates could make nothing Rise from the Nationall Constitution, or if they did, could not make it Stand up, but it hath been like a man when his life is gone from him, and the Day of the Lord according to Isa. 2.16. hath been upon all their pleasant Pictures. Then come to the VVar with Holland, and call over the Records which do abundantly manifest how eminently God Wrought and made his Wonders to be known in the Deeps, yea both VVind and Sea obeyed him in that Warr. As to the Eminent Hand of God in the Call of that Little Assembly, I shall not speak of it in this place, having spoken to it in the First Ground; but upon the whole I may conclude this Second Ground with these Scriptures, Num. 23.23. According to this time it shall be said of Israel, and Jacob, what hath God wrought? compared with, Psal. 40.5. Psal. 78.4. & 107.8. & 111.4. also Psal. 75.1. that his name is neere his wonderous works declare. And though this Generation as Deut. 4.9. have for­got the things that their eyes have seen: yet God in much mercy makes these Wonderfull Works as pretious food to a poor Despised Remnant, that are witnes­ing to, and waiting for the Resurrection of the Glorious Cause of Christ. Psal. 74.14 & 111.2, 3, 4. Compared with v. 5. Psal. 46.8. Come behold the works of the Lord, &c: Hos. 14.9. who so is wise, and he shall understand these things, &c: Isay. 51.9, 10. Awake, Awake O Arme of the Lord, as in Ancient dayes, art not thou it, &c.

The Third Ground which may further manifest that the Work of this Kingdome hath taken place, is, from the Cause that was Stated, and Layed in the Bottom as the Foun­dation of the Quarrell, upon which the great Works have been wrought, and Victo­ries obtained: and that hath been the Cause of Jesus Christ in opposition to the Kingdome of Antichrist and as the Day, so the Light hath increased; First, against Popery and Prelacy, not only against their wicked practices, but against the Foundation of their standing, as Antichristian; and though there was then but lit­tle Light in the visible Kingdome of Christ, yet there was so much as the Lord saw needfull for that day. Secondly, in the beginning of the Wars, which outwardly to men appeared to be betwixt the King and Parliament, but in the Bottom (as those who had the Light of that Day may remember) was betwixt Christ and Anti­christ; and many of the people of God took up Armes in Judgment and Conscience upon the account of Christ, and went to the help of the Lord against the mighty, although it was but a dark Day, and a day of small things; But by that time we came to the Warr with Scotland, there was a good measure of Kingdome Light given down, and sprung up, though it was not upon all that were engaged in the War, but only some few to whom the Lord was pleased to manifest it; and through this Light the Cause came more clearly to be stated in publique view, and then the ground upon which the late King and his Monarchy was taken off, is publickly asserted by the Army, (who were the most eminent outward Instru­ments in the Work) to be upon the account of Christ, as may appeare by a Letter from the Officers of the Army at their march for Scotland, directed to the rest of the Army that remained at their Quarters in England; and also by their Declara­tion when they were come to Muscleborough in Scotland. This Cause comes yet more clearly to be Stated, and Owned in the Breach of the Old Parliament, and is [Page 33] laid in the Bottom (by those that were Anointed for, and had the Light of that day) as the Ground upon which they were Broken, and also as a farther manifesta­tion of this, the Kingdom of Christ being to take place next to the Image Govern­ment and that being broken, the Little Assembly was called, and the Government delivered to them upon the Avowed Account of the Son of God; Also in the Stating and Carrying on the War with Holland, the Faith, and Prayer for the Suc­cesse in that War, was (by those that had the Light) upon the account of the Kingdom of Christ; these things are evident and may further appear by a Letter from the Officers at Whitehall to Lt. Gen. Fleetwood, and the rest of the Of­ficers in Ireland upon the Breach of the Old Parliament, and also by Cromwels Speech to the Little Assembly shewing their Call to be upon the account of Christ; and also the proceedings of the Assembly, and Council, and the Committee of Admiralty in the managing of that War with Holland; The Letter to Ireland, and the Letter (before mentioned) to those of the Army that remained in Eng­land, the Muscleborough Declaration, and Cromwels Speech, are all Printed together in the Book before-mentioned called The Kingdom of Christ, or Fifth Kingdom in opposition to the Kingdom of the Beast, and is Sold at the Crown in Popes-Head Ally. The Grounds upon which the enlightned Part of the Little Assembly did Act, and Own their sitting do also clear the Cause to to be stated for Christ against Antichrist.

The Fourth Ground to clear this Assertion, is from the Anointing, a Measure whereof hath been given down in, & for the accomplishing of the Work & by which it hath been done. And first that there is an Anointing reserved for, and promised to this Work of the Fifth Kingdom, yea that the Work is to be done by the Anointing (though not without the use of Instruments) consider Isa. 10.27. which speaking of the Latter day Work, and of Zions deliverance, saith, That the yoke shall be broken off because of the Anointing also Isai. 28.6. speaking of this VVork saith: The Lord shall be for a Spirit of Judgement to them that sit in Judgement, and for strength to them that turn the Battel to the Gate. Also Haggai 2.5. My Spirit remaineth among you fear ye not; though this word in the Letter may relate to the Building of the Temple; yet that VVork being Typical to this Glorious VVork of the Lat­ter day, this promise of the Spirit, doth most properly respect this Latter day VVork; So Zech. 4.6. Not by might, nor by Power but by my Spirit, &c. The word (upon the forementioned ground) may also be applyed to this VVork of the Fifth Kingdom, Isai. 59.19.21. when the enemy shall come in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall put him to flight, &c. These and several other Scriptures do clear it, that this VVork hath the promise of the Spirit in a special manner belonging to it; and now that a measure of this Spirit hath been given down for Light, wisdom, strength, and courage in the Work which hath been done amongst us, hath been very evident to, and owned by many who have been employed therein, and also to se­veral Beholders, yea God hath wrested, a Testimony to the truth of this out of the mouths of the very enemies themselves, and although (through the Apostacy) ma­ny have lost that spirit, the Anointing, being gone of from them, (as it went from Saul through his wickedness) yet through unspeakable grace, there are some who (being yet preserved for the King) have still a measure of it remaining with [Page 34] them; Many things might be instanced to shew that there was of this Anointing given down in the VVork which did help the Instruments over the many Moun­tains of difficulties, and oppositions that stood in the way, and through this, the enemy was much daunted and their VVisdom, and Councels confounded and turned into foolishness, and made to them like the Councels of Achitophel, and this through poor, weak, and contemptible Instruments; this spirit did not onely rest upon some of the leading Persons and others of the Army: but upon many of the Churches, and People of God, who were by Faith, and Prayer made as Princes in the VVork; But I shall leave this to the Consciences of those who in the fear of the Lord may look back to the things that their eyes have seen, and call to mind the days of old, which may speak much more to them (if their consciences through the Apostacy be not ceared) then I am able to expresse.

But it is objected, that if they ever had had the Anointing it would have remained upon them, but several of them have proved Apostates, and discovered themselves to be wicked men, yea the most eminent Leaders in the VVork; and this proves a stumbling block to some of the Lords precious People, who are ready to conclude and say (as to this VVork) that the Lord is not among us.

Answ. There is a Twofold Anointing, the one peculiar to true Believers, by which they are convinced of sin, and enabled to believe on Christ for the salvation of their souls, as Joh. 16.8. Rom. 8.9. and Gal. 5.22. The fruit of the Spirit is Faith; The Second is proper to those whom the Lord Calls, and imployes in some peculiar or extraordinary VVork, either for Prophesie, as Num 24.2. The Spirit of God came upon Balaam; Or for War as Judg. 6.34. The Spirit of the Lord came upon or clothed Gideon; The like of Sampson Judg. 14.19. Or for the execution of Justice, Judgement, and Vengeance upon the enemies of the Lord, as that of Jehu, 2 King. 9. and tenth Chapters; Or for some special Building VVork as Isai. 45.1. Compare 2 Chron. 36.23. Cyrus is called Gods Anointed, also Exod. 31.3.6. Or for Rule and Government so it was upon Saul, and through sin (as before was men­tioned) came off from him, 1 Sam. 16.13.14. The Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and came upon David, and an evil spirit was upon Saul.

This Second part of the Anointing under the several Heads of it before men­tioned, may be upon Hypocrites, and men in their natural Estate, as by Balaam, Saul, Jehu, and others may appear, and this Anointing may either depart or be taken from them through sin or when the VVork for which it was given is ac­complished.

The First part of the Anoineing where ever it is in truth received, though through sin it may be grieved, quenched, and the operation of it not discerned, and the comforts of it much taken away, yet it remains as a well of water springing up into everlasting Life, Joh. 4.14. chap. 14.16. and if this distinction in the Anoint­ing, be observed, and rightly understood, it will not be accounted an owning of that corrupt Principle of Falling from grace: to say, That by the Apostacy, the spirit is departed from such who were anointed for, and used in the VVork which the Lord hath done among us; and it is no wonder to behold at this day, that many of the people of God in the Army and Churches have lost their strength through the Apostacy, and as Sampson without his locks, are become like other men, [Page 35] though they themselves cannot see it; yea how did the Great Men of the Army, (who were formerly very famous for Zeal, and Courage) manifest themselves to be like men of might who had lost their hands, and like Princes whose spirits were cut off, (Psal. 76.5.12.) when the pretended Old Par­liament returnd to their Usurpation at VVestminster, and if this distincti­on in the Anointing be kept to, it may fully answer the objection; And though it should be concluded that Cromwell, and divers others imployed in the VVork, were without the truth of grace in their souls (which thing I leave to the Lord) yet it cannot follow from thence that the VVork they were imployed in, was not the Work of the Fifth Kingdom, for as hath been shewed, God doth sometimes Call and Anoint unconverted persons to his Work. It is said of wicked Jehu 2 Kings 10.30. That he did well, and did that which was right in Gods eyes, yea and according to all that was in Gods heart; therefore it may not be said, that the Work was not the Work of the Kingdom, or that Cromwell was not Anointed for that Work because he so wickedly turned aside, and dyed in his Aposta­cy; Nay the Lord may avenge the very blood of the King with his Nobles, and that wicked Generation, upon the House of Cromwel, and the Apostates of his Army, together with the very Congregations that have turned aside with them in, and not Witnessed against the Apostacy; Though this may be accounted rash Judgment, yet it will be no more then is said in Hosea 1.4. concerning the House of Jehu and Ahab, For yet a little while saith the Lord, and I will avenge the blood of Jezreel (to wit, the House of Ahab, which were slain by Jehu in Jezreel, 2 Kings 11.30. and Chap. 10.11.) Upon the House of Jehu, so that God accounts Jehu guilty of the Blood of Ahabs House, which must needs be through the wickedness of Jehu: the Judgment of the Lord executed by him upon the House of Ahab, being righ­teous. Let the Apostates to whom this may come, Read, and Tremble, at this VVord, and let them not think that they suffer for Righteousness sa [...]e, if God come to avenge the blood (which hath been shed in the late quarrel) upon them that have so turned from and denyed the Cause of Christ, which is the only ground to justi­fie all our proceedings, in knocking off the Horne of the Beast in this Island; and though Cromwell in all the Work that he did might seek his own ends, and keep his Idolls in his heart, Yet that will not lessen the force of this Argument (to wit) That the Yoak hath been bro en because of the anointing; if the proceedings of Jehu in the Lords Work be consulted, we may find much of that in him, to wit, seeking himself, and keeping his Idolls, 2 Kings 10.31. I shall not speak further of that extraordinary Anointing, which was upon Cromwell and many others, in Parli­ament, Army and Navy, by which they were carryed forth above, and beyond their own Spirits in the Work, which makes it very evident that the Work hath been done, not by the Might or Power of Man, but by the Spirit of the Lord, though all that were employed in the Work had not the Anointing; Not all that were with David in the VVork, but Himself, and his VVorthies, with some others had the Anointing for it; All the Men of Issachar had not the Anointing, to understand the times, but it rested with the Heads of them who had all their Brethren at their Command, 1 Chro. 12.32. from these and divers other instances, it may appear, [Page 36] that the ordinary way of the Lord hath not been to Anoint all, but only some of them that have been imployed in his great VVork.

The Fifth Ground to prove that the Work hath taken place in this Nation, may be taken from the many Revolutions and Overturnings that have attended all the pretended Governments, and Governours, that have been in this Nation, since the interruption of the exercise of the Government of Christ in the hands of his People in the Little Assembly before mentioned; It is evident that they have been such Revolutions as have not been known in former days, though few considers the Cause of it; There have none come up upon the Stage to Usurp the Power, that haue gone off without a brand upon them of Gods displeasure. Now that such things must be when the Day of the Lord, or Kingdom of Christ takes place in the World; Consider, First, that word in Isa. 2. speaking of the Day in which the Lord alone shall be exalted, which must respect the Day of his Kingdom, saith in Verse 16. The day of the Lord shall be upon every pleasant picture, which I understand to be those pretended Governments, which shall be Set up, when the great Powers, or the Image Government is broken; and further in Verse 18. the Idols shall be utterly abolished; which as I understand respects the same with Verse 16; It must be gran­ted, that many pleasant Pictures and Idols have been set up since the Apostacy in this Nation, and it is most evident that the Day of the Lord hath been upon them, and like that in Isa. 8.9.10. the Apostates have Associated, and Guirded themselves and taken Counsel, but all hath come to nothing except shame and contempt upon themselves. The Spirit speaking Isa. 27.9. of the Latter day VVork when the Stones of the Altar must be broken a sunder: holds forth, that there must be Groves, and Images, and endeavours used to make them stand up; there hath been among us many Groves and Images since the Apostacy, but that Word hath been fulfilled, that they shall not stand up, and though the Apostates have been seeking deep to hide their Councels from the Lord, yet the VVisdom and Understanding of their VVisemen. hath been hid & perished, and their turning of things upside down, hath been esteemed as the Potters Clay, Isa. 29.14, 15, 16. The Throne or Government being given to Christ, is become too heavy for the Apostates to bear, but they sinke and wither under it.

It is not unknown how Cromwell and his Family sunk under it: they were wea­ker and weaker from the first day they came to the Throne, till it was taken away from them; the like of the Reliques of the Old Parliament, who though they came in with a high hand, yet soon withered and came to nothing but scorn and derision, the like of the Army and their pretended Committee of Safety, and for these that are now returned, and in the Usurpation of the Throne, and have the very spirit of the Nation with them, I do not doubt, however they may carry it with a high hand, but they shall shortly melt like wax before the fire, and shall be as smoak driven away, and made as Ashes under the Soles of the feet of those that Favour and Wait in a true spirit for the Resurrection of Christs Righteous Cause, though the Lord may for a time suffer them, yea and make them as the Assyrian Rod to execute the Stroke that is comming upon the Professors of this Generation for their Disowning, Denying, yea and Crucifying the Righteous Cause of their dear [Page 37] King, who through the shedding of his Blood for them, deserved other things at their hands.

I shall present one Scripture more to this Fifth Ground, to wit Dan. 2.44. The Kingdome shall not be left to other people. The words do hold forth Two things.

First, That other people then Saints shall make attempts upon, and endeavour to take, and keep this Kingdom after it hath taken place in the hands of the Saints.

Secondly, Though other people may endeavour to take and possess it, yet it shall not be left to them, or they shall not enjoy or possess it, as the other Foure Monar­chies that went before this Kingdome, which were left to other people.

The Monarchy of the Chaldees was left to the Medes and Persians, and their Monarchy to the Graecians, and the Graecians to the Romans, and the Romans shall be left to the Kingdom of Christ, whose Kingdome shall never be destroyed nor left to other people; and it is manifest that since this Kingdom hath taken place in the hands of the Saints, Other People have endeavoured and made great attempts to Take and Possess it: as Cromwell, the Army, the Reliques of the Old Parliament which God hath at severall times Cast out, and it is as cleare that the Kingdom hath not been, neither is, left to any of them; and though the Family of the Stu­arts whom God hath poured Contempt upon and Broken, have also endeavoured to take the Kingdome, and for ought I know may come as neere to Obtaine and Possess it as Cromwell or any of the forementioned Usurpers have done; yet let them know, that the VVord of the Lord shall stand, and the Kingdome shall not be left to Other People then the Saints, who by grace are kept for Christ the King, and by Faith and Prayer, with the VVord of their Testimony, are helped to undermine, and bring down all the Groves and Images, which the Treacherous Dealers have set up.

The Sixth Ground to prove that the Work of the Fifth Kingdome hath taken place, is from the Eminent hand of God that hath been seen in preserving the lives of those which have been kept by Grace from the Apostacy, in a Testimony for Christ against those that have turned aside from, and betray'd his Righteous Cause. It is not unknown that ever since the First day of the Apostacy the Lord hath had a Remnant which he hath kept, & helped to Favour & Cleave to the Pretious though despised Cause of Christ, and by them a Publick Witness hath been kept up against the Apostacy, and there hath been many Gins, and Snares laid, and Trappans im­ployed to take them, and Old Acts revived and published, by which their Testimo­ny should be adjudged Treason, Severall of the Faithfull Remnant having been Ta­ken and Imprisoned, and deep Designes and Plots laid to take away their lives, the Great Apostates having even been thirsting for their Blood: but such hath been the Wisdome and Over-ruleing hand of God, that to this day all their Plots have been disappointed, and not one of the Remnant hath suffered to the loss of Life by them: and though those now in Power, or some that may Succeed them may be permitted to come so high as to take away the Lives of many of Gods people, as a judgment from the Lord upon them for their turning aside from the Cause of Christ, and joyning in affinity with, and pertaking of the Sins of Babylon, yet surely the Lord that hath hitherto, will still preserve the lives of his Faithfull Remnant whom he [Page 38] shall please to keep for his Son in this evil day; In former days the lives of Gods faithfull ones were taken away by the Enemies, when according to their own Laws they could not lay so much to their Charge as may be Charged upon the Remnant at this day, who according to the VVicked Lawes may be adjudged guilty of the Highest Treason in VVitnessing for, and Proclaiming Christ the King, in oppo­sition to the Usurpers, and yet their lives have been, and still are preserved; and the reason I understand, is not that these Usurpers are better then the Cruell Per­secutors in former days, but they being in that day when Babylon was filling up her measure, and making her self Drunk with the Blood of the Saints, and these com­ming upon an Apostacy after Babylons Cup was full, and the Vengance of the Lord by the pouring out of his Vialls being begun upon her, though the former were per­mitted to persecute the Faithfull People of God to death, yet these are not suffer­ed so to do, because the Dispensation is altered: and this Work having taken place, though great Tryalls and Deaths are come upon it, and a great Apostacy from it: yet the Lord suffers not the Work to be so farr turned back as that Babylon should drink any more of Zions Blood, the streame being now turned upon Babylon, but if Gods people abide in, and share of Babylons sins, let them not think that because they are the People of God they shall escape her Plagues, Rev. 18.4. And though Zion must reward Babylon, and the Vialls must come forth of the Temple, yet the Lord for wise ends, and best known to himself may permit the most VVicked and grosser part of Babylon to execute that part of the Vengance, that is to come upon such of his Own People, who remaine in and pertake of Babylons sins, & thereby pre­vent his Own People from doing that part of the VVork which might be unpleasant to them.

There are many Objections made against this Truth (to wit) That the Work of the Fifth Kingdome is begun, some of them I have already occasionally spoken to in the forementioned Grounds; But the great Stumbling Block that lyeth in the way of ma­ny, is the Apostacy from, and so the Death that is come upon this VVork which makes them ready to say with the Disciples, Luke 24.21. VVe trusted it had been he, &c. When this Cause was publickly own'd by the Lord in the High places of the Field, there were many that would cry Hosanna to the Son of David; and with much rejoyceing imbrace his Cause; but since a Death is come upon it, the Num­ber of the true Favourers that publickly own it, is become very Small. When Christ was upon the Earth in the Days of His Flesh, shewing and doing great Signes and VVonders, there were many own'd and follow'd him; but when he comes to the Judgment, Cross, and Sepulcher, very few continued with him: severall emi­nent Disciples were stumbled not understanding the Scriptures, till Christ being risen comes and opens them, Luk. 24, 25, 26, 27.45. 46, and as the Disciples in that, so many of the Professing Generation in this day, are through ignorance sur­prised, not understanding, or at least not so considering that after the Fifth King­dome hath taken place in the world, there must be such an Apostacy from, and Death upon it; Now if there be an Apostacy from a VVork, the VVork must needs take place before the Apostacy, without which there could be no such Apostacy, That there must be such a Revolting from, and Death upon the Work of this Fifth Kingdome.

[Page 39]Consider, First, The several Types thereof contained in the Old Testament, as Israels coming out of Egypt to Canaan, in which were many Revoltings, Turnings back, and Deaths upon the Work: yea Forty Years was the Tryal upon them, before they came to Canaan, and for ought we can find from the Scriptures, the Lord had not before given them warning, or told them of this Death in the Wildernes, though he had told them exactly how long they should be in Egypt, and given them great grounds for sence to say, Is the Lord among us? and many might cry out (as at this day) What Scripture ground is there to believe, that such a Death should come upon the Work of the Kingdom? and if we had no more ground then we find Israel had to expect such a Death; yet as it was theirs, so it would be our sin, after such wonderful Works of God as he hath wrought among us, to say as in Exod. 17.7. Is the Lord amongst us? or hath the Lord begun to bring us to the promised glory? though God had wrought many wonderful VVorks in the sight of Israel of old, yet they understood not his wonders; no doubt but they knew that such things were done, but they understood not the great Design of God in them, Psal. 106.7.

The Second Typical example, is from Davids Kingdom, which did clearly Type out this Fifth Kingdom according to Luk. 1.32. If we read 1 Sam. 16. to 2 Sam. 6. we may find many Deaths upon the Work of Davids Kingdom after it was be­gun; First whilst he was pursued by Saul, and then after Sauls death he obtains but one Tribe to follow him for Seven years and six Moneths, 2 Sam. 2.11. There was War betwixt him and the House of Saul long after Sauls death, 2 Sam. 3.1. and in most of the time of that Seven years War, his Kingdom was under a great Death; also there came a great Death upon his Kingdom, when his son Absalom conspired against him, and all Israel from Dan to Beersheba fol­lowed Absalom, and David fled from Jerusalem which was the Kings Seat, 2 Sam. 15.16.17. Chapters.

The Third Typical example, is Israels return from the 70. years captivity in Babylon, to Jerusalem, and their building of the Temple; great Deaths, and In­terruptions did attend that Work, both from the enemies of Judah who endeavoured to block up the way, and from Gods own People who cryed the time is not yet come, though they thought it a time for themselves to dwell in their cieled houses; and this may be observed by the way, that though the enemies of Judah by force did cause the Work to cease, yet that doth not excuse the neglects and backward­ness of Gods People who ought to be valiant for the Truth. These things contained in this third Particular, being written at large in the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Zechariah, and Haggai, I shal refer you to the reading and comparing of them, and shall come in the next place to cite some Prophesies of Scripture which relate to this Fifth Kingdom, and do clearly hold forth that there must be such an Apostacy from, and Death upon the Work, after it hath taken place. The First Scripture is, Psal. The Heathen rage, the Kings of the earth set themselves, and the Rulers take Councel together against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us, &c. By the Bands and cords: I understand the Government, and Laws of Christ; and the breaking in sunder, or casting off its Government and Laws, must needs hold [Page 40] forth a Rebellion against, and a turning from them after they had taken place in the World, and then the Lord doth vex them by setting his King, &c. and after this as in verse 8.9. Christ must have the Heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the Earth for his possession, and must break them with a Rod of Iron, &c.

The next Scripture is Hab. 3.2. O Lord revive thy Work, &c. if we consult the Scope of the words, they will appear to be a Prayer for, or a Prophesie of the Lat­ter day Work, and doth clearly hold forth a Death to come upon it after it hath been begun; also he saith, O Lord remember mercy, which shews that the Work and People of God at that time when this Prayer takes place, are very low; also Psal. 94.15. But Judgement shall return unto Righteousness, &c. This word doth relate to the time of Gods coming forth in the execution of vengeance, as the scope of the Psalm doth manifest, and to that part of the time when Gods People are low, and the enemies high, as verse 16. Who will rise up for me against the evil doers, &c. also verse 20.21. Now Judgement being to be understood) of Rule and Government, and by its being with Righteousness, (I understand the Rule and Government to be upon Christs shoulders, (in whom alone there is true Righte­ousness) and in the possession of the Saints for, and under him; and by this Rule, and Government returning to Christ and his Saints: must imply, First, that it hath already taken place; and Secondly that there is a turning, or an Apostacy from it.

There is another Great objection or stumbling block that I find is laid in the Way at this day about the Two VVitnesses mentioned in Rev. 11. which is this.

Obj. That the VVitnesses are not yet slain, and therefore the VVork of the Fifth Kingdom cannot be begun, neither hath the Active dispensation taken place, but the Saints must be, preparing for, and in the expectation of sharp sufferings, even to Corporal death as the fulfilling of their Staying.

Answ. First, If it should be granted that the Slaying of the VVitnesses must be accomplished in this Island; yet If there Two following things be considered, it will rather confirm the Truth, viz. that the Work is begun, then prove a Stumbling Block in the way of it, And the First thing, is, what the VVitnesses are, and what their Testimony is; and The Second, what their Slaying is.

To the first, If the Scriptures be weighed, the VVitnesses cannot be understood of Two particular Persons (as some have supposed) because they are to Prophesie a thousand two hundred and threescore Dayes or Years, for the Dayes must be Prophetical, a Day for a Year according to Num. 14.34. Ezek. 4.6 All must grant that the Latter Number to wit, the Three Dayes and a Half mentioned in Rev. 11 9. must be Prophetically understood, and no doubt the Former must in that agree with the Latter and if they must Prophesie so long, they cannot be Two Persons, for no such singular extraordinary Persons have yet been found in the world since Johns Dayes, and there is much ground from the Scripture to believe that the Beast which in verse the 7. Slaves the VVitnesses when they have finished the 1260. Dayes or Years, hath not so much time to come of his Reign; Much more might be spoken Both from the VVar that is made with them, and from the Time of their Lying Dead, to shew that they cannot be Two Persons, [Page 41] neither can they be understood of the Church of the Jewes, and the Church of the Gentiles as Two distinct Churches; First, because ever since Johns Dayes the Church of the Jews, as a Church, have been cut off, and not in a capacity of bearing VVitness for Christ. Secondly when they shall be Called, they are not to Come in as a distinct Church; but both Jew, and Gentile, being all One in Christ, makes but one Gospel Church; but they must be understood of the Faithful People of God, who through his Spirit are kept alive in a Testimony for Christ, against Antichrist, during the time of the Beasts Reign; That the People of God or such of them as are kept alive by him are his VVitnesses see Isai. 43.10. Chap. 44.8. And they are here called two; First because two according to Scripture, is a competent Number for VVitness; and Secondly their Testimony is two fold;, viz. for the Magistracy, and the Ministry of Christ, against the Civil, and Ecclesiastical Part of Babylon, or Antichrist, these being the great Truths Witnessed too, and contended for by those that have been enlightned and kept alive for Christ; and also the Truths which Antichrist hath most struck at, and endeavoured ever since his Reign to Race out (if possible) from the Face of the Earth, that so Himself might Reign alone; and this agrees with the Two Anointed Ones (to wit) Joshua, and Zerubbabel, the High-Priest and the Go­vernour, Zech. 4.11. To the Second thing (viz.) the Slaying. It must either be a Spiritual, or a Corporal Slaying; It cannot be a Corporal Slaying; First, because they were so Slain in the time of their Prophesie in Sackcloth, but this Slaying being distinguished, and taking place when they have finished their Testimony, ap­pears to be such a Slaying as they did not partake of before; 2ly. It cannot be a Corporall Slaying, because their Dead-Bodies lie in the streets three Dayes and a Half, which must be Prophetical Dayes, a Day for a Year: for the Rejoycing and sending of Gifts to one another, cannot be Accomplisht in so many natural Dayes, and if it must be Years, then the Slaying cannot be Corporal, for none may sup­pose that such Dead Bodies should lie so long in the streets. 3dly. it cannot be a Corporal Slaying, If we consider the Resurrection of them, for it is not the natural life or spirit, that enters into them, but the Spirit of life from God; and if it be considered that there is a space of Time in which they are Slaying, and also a Time of their Rising and Standing upon their Feet, before they are Caught up to Heaven into the Throne of Government, and both may be distinguished from the Three Years and a Half of their Lying Dead, and that the Lord who never leaves Himself without Witnesse will keep a Remnant alive to Bear up his Name and Truth, even whilst the VVitnesses are said to Lie Dead in the Streets of the Great City, or Territories of Babylon which in Rev. 17.18. is Called The Great City, and their Slaying being spiritual, and not Corporal, is most likely to take place after God hath begun to Reward Babylon; If this I say be considered, why may not this Tryal that is Come upon the VVork at this Day, and the spi­ritual slaughter that is come upon those that have been VVitnesses for Christ agree with, and in a great measure answer to the Slaying of the VVitnesses: For as hath been shewed, the Lord suffers not Babylon to drink more of Zions Blood, because he hath begun to Reward Her. And as to the extraordinary things that the Witnesses are said to have Power to Do, in shutting Heaven, and smiting the Earth, &c. I understand that it holds forth their Prevalency with God through [Page 42] Faith and Prayer, not that we must needs expect those several things to be done in the Letter, for it is not said that they shall do them, but they have Power to do them Verse 6, and no doubt but the Lords People that have been kept Faithful for him, have had Power as Princes to prevaile with him for Great Things, and he hath answered them by terrible things in Righteousnesse, Psal. 65.5. But I shall say no more to this Objection, Though there are several other Objections against the VVork of the Lord, as it hath taken place in this Nation, I shall not further in­sist upon them, being much perswaded that the Day of the Resurrection of it is very near, in which God will wonderfully answer the Doubts and Objections of his Own People, and will stop the Mouths of Gain-sayers, and Cloth the Enemies of his Son with shame, while the Children of Zion shall be rejoycing in their King, and singing Hosanna to the Son of David, upon whom alone the Crown shall flourish, Psal. 132.18.

I shall not add more in this Matter, having spoken to the Several General Heads; But from what hath been laid down of the Work and the Apostacy from it, The Officers and Souldiers of the Army by keeping their Places under Cromwell and the rest of the Apostates in the Apostacy, and not openly improving their Power to the hazzard of their all for Christ (who had formerly owned them) against the Apostates wicked Usurpation, but declaring and improving their Power for the Apostacy against Christ, (whose Cause they had engaged to own) they became guilty of Cromwels Abominations and the others that have Succeeded in the Apo­stacy: and comparing their Solemn Oaths, Covenants, Engagements and Declarati­ons, made by them at their first taking up of Arms, and at the New Model of the Army in 45, and at Naseby, Triplo-Heath, Albanes, Putney and VVindsor: Also at their March to Scotland, when they went to engage in that VVar, and at Mus­clebrough, and Dunbar in Scotland, when they were brought very low, also at VVorcester, and in the late War in Ireland, and after VVorcester, In their So­lemn daies of Prayer at Jameses, immediatly before the breaking up of the Parlia­ment, with many other Solemn daies of Prayer: All these with many more En­gagements, which are best known to God and their Own Souls, being compared with their late Abominations in turning aside with Cromwel, and engaging and standing by the Apostacy, and setting up Rich. Cromwel the Son of the Apostate, it is plain and manifest to all (that are not blinded through partaking with the Apostacy, or do not willfully shut their eyes, or through Carelesness or fearfulness, look not after these things) That the Officers and Souldiers of the Army, with others who have kept their Places in the Apostacy are deeply Guilty.

First, Of Treachery in betraying the Cause of Christ, and the Liberty of the Nation which is abundantly wrapped up therein.

Secondly, Of doing Injury and Violence to Jesus Christ, by withstanding and interrupting his Government in the Hands of his People, in the Little Assembly.

Thirdly, Of the highest Usurpation, in Owning and Standing by Cromwell, in his Usurping the very Throne of Christ.

Fourthly, They are Guilty of Theft or Robery, in not only Robbing Christ [Page 43] (as much as in them lay) of his Throne, and God of his Glory, but the Nati­on of its Treasure, by forcing from them Taxes, Excise and Customes, to maintain the Apostacy: For though it may be lawful in a Lawful Magistracy to Raise Money in the Nation, to do the Nation service, yet it is Robbery and Oppres­sion for a Usurper that sets himself both against God and the Nation, to impose Taxes upon them.

Fifthly, They are guilty of Blood: the Cause and Interest of Jesus Christ which hath been a foot amongst us, being the only Ground to Justifie, and clear the In­struments imployed in the War, from the Guilt of the Blood that hath been shed therein, and also of the Blood of the late King and his Nobles, whose Heads were taken off; the Army and those that have been engaged in the VVar, and are since turned aside in the Apostacy, to the Disowning and casting off the Cause of Christ, must needs bring the Guilt of the Blood upon themselves.

Sixthly, They are guilty of the breach of Oaths, and Covenants, and of Lying both to God and Man.

Seventhly, They are guilty of the Persecuting, Imprisoning, and Banishing the People of God, who through free grace have been kept from the Apostacy, and helped to Witness for the Righteous Cause of Christ against it, and although Cromwel and his Councel, had the greatest hand in the Apostacy: yet the Army in standing by them, and putting their Commands in Execution, carrying the Saints to, and keeping them in Prisons, and that with much Heighth and Rage of Spirit, are involved in, and become Guilty of, the Evils with Cromwel.

Eighthly, Through this Apostacy, they are fallen into, and have embodyed themselves with Babylon, or the Antichristian State, and have made themselves as a Prop to the Whorish false Church, and did manifest this by setting up Tryers for Babylons Ministers, and Keeping up the Universities or Schools of Antichrist, and Tythes which is Babylons Maintenance, and also Babylons Lawes, and Courts, and many such like Abominations, have been and are kept up by Cromwel and those that have succeeded him in the Apostacy, through the Power of the Apostatising Ar­my, without which they could not stand, and so the Guilt of these Evils falls upon the Army; these things not being done in a Corner, but Publiclky transacted in the Face of the Sun, and the most of them being Published in Print to the World I shall not take up time to insist more upon Partitulers, in the opening the Sins of the Officers and Souldiers of the Army; the most of these Great Evils being acted by the Army, as a Compact Body, (how ever some particular Persons may think to excuse themselves) the Guilt (and except the Lord gives repentance) the Judgments due to these Abominations, is like to fall upon the Skirts of those that have gone along in the Sins, though they have not been the Leaders, but the Followers; When Israel did Sin, and were Led into it by some particular Persons, yet they as a People embodyed turning aside, the Judgment was General that came upon them, as in the Matter of the Molton Calf, Exod. 32. Aaron was the great Transgressor, as Verse 25. yet all that did not Separate and come to Moses, were in danger of the Stroke, as Verse 26, 27. When but Hezekiah 2 Chron. 32.35. had sinned, Judah and Jerusalem being embodyed with him, the Wrath comes upon them, as well as on him; Jehoshaphat was not the Ringleader in going to the Battel [Page 44] at Ramoth-Gilead with Ahab, neither was the VVork in it self unlawful, for Ramoth Gilead did of right belong to Israel, and was kept from them by the King of Syria, yet but for joyning with Ahab who was turned from the Lord, Jehoshaphat was sharply reproved by the Prophet, and escaped very narrowly with his Life and wrath from the Lord was upon him. See 2 Chro. 18.1.31. Ch. 19.2. And though many poor Creatures have manifested Grief, and Spoke against Cromwel and others that were the Champions in the Apostacy, and yet have kept their Places either in the Army or elsewhere under it, and have not Separated from, nor improved their Power against it, will (as may be feared) be found in the day of Decision, helpers of the Mighty against the Lord, VVhen [Isa. 31.2, 3.] he that helpeth and him that is holpen shall fall together, Then shall ye know, Num. 16.30. that this people have greatly provoked the Lord; If the Congregation observed not the Command Verse 26. to depart from the Tents of those wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, they were like to be consumed with them. And if they must be Cursed Judges 5.28. that Come not to the help of the Lord against the Mighty: How shall those escape that help the Mighty against the Lord. And if Jeremiah Chap. 15. would not sit in the Congregation of Israel, but rather Sit alone, how shall those think to Escape, that both Sit, and Act in the midst of those which not only Mock at, but have Be­trayed the Cause of Christ, and set themselves against the Lord?

Having been much larger upon these things then I did expect, I have for brevi­ty sake, omitted severall things that relate to this Latter day VVork, as also the speaking to severall Objections, which I desire those that seek for Knowledg as for hid Treasure, may waite upon the Lord for Answers thereunto; and as for the Cavillers, I am not carefull to Answer them, but shall leave it to the Day of De­cision, and Revivall of the Lords VVork.

And now to Conclude the whole, I shall present to the true Favourers of this Despised Cause of Christ, some Considerations by way of direction, and the Lord give them an understanding in all things.

The First Thing, is, To be much in Faith and Prayer for the Anointing which as hath been shew'd is Reserved for, and Promised to this VVork, and without which the VVork will not be accomplished, but thorough the Anointing it must be done.

The Second Thing is, to be much in Looking after, Calling to mind, Prizing and Feeding upon the VVorks of God, which he hath VVrought in the Mid'st of us, and comparing those VVorks with the Promises, Prophesies and Types of the Latter day.

The Third Thing, is, To be Eying, and Reaching after, the understanding of the Glory of this Fifth Kingdome, and to be Talking of the Power of God, by which the VVork must be accomplished.

The Fourth Thing, is, To be much in the Consideration, of what Christ hath done for their Souls in the shedding of his Pretious Blood to Redeem them from Hell, and bring them to Glory, and that this Fifth Kingdome is given to Christ as a Reward to, and the Desert of, what he hath Done and Suffer'd for them.

The Fifth Thing, is, To be giveing unto Christ the Chief Seat in, and Sole Go­vernment over their own Souls, that so in all things they may be Conformable unto [Page 45] him, having their Conversations in Heaven, as those that are Looking for, and ha­stening to, the Glorious Things which are to be brought forth in the Latter Day, 2 Pet. 11.14.

The Sixth Thing, is, To Come forth of, and Seperate from, whole Babylon, in all the Parts and Branches of it, and all the Parts of the Late Apostacy, upon which Gods displeasure hath been and is eminently Manifested; and O that both my Self and all that Love Jesus Christ, and have in Days past touched with the unclean thing, may obtaine such Repentance from the Lord, as to be Spared and Hid in this Day of his feirce Anger, when he is comming forth, and making himself Known by the Judgments which he Executeth: and as Noah found Grace, and Lot obtained Mer­cy, by which they were delivered from those Judgments that were Executed in their Day: so those that must be Saved for the King in this Day, must be saved thorough Grace and Mercy; and seeing we stand by Faith, let us not be high-minded, but feare: and in this of Seperation, let it not suffice to Seperate from the Nationall False Church, and the Usurpers of the Civill Power, in all the Parts of their Usurpation, and the Apostatising Army, by which the Usurpation hath been Encouraged and Upheld, and from all Those that have Kept, and do Keep Places under the Apostacy, or have been Turned out and not Repented of their Sin; But also from all those Churches or Congregations, that have not Born their Testi­mony against, but Contrariwise Fallen in with, and Encouraged the Apostacy, ei­ther by Addressing to, or Standing by Those that have so Betrayed the Cause of Christ, or by Keeping Communion in the Ordinances of Christ n the Church with those that have Stood by and Kept Places under the Apostacy, by which those Churhes have brought upon Themselves the Guilt of, and are become Partakers with other mens Sins, Contrary to 1 Tim. 5.22. And have Suffere Sin to lye upon their Brother, contrary to Lev. 19.17. And have deeply not only Touched, but Embraced the Unclean thing, contrary to 2 Cor. 6.17. And have not depart­ed from the Tents of those Wicked men, according to Numb. 16.26. Nor been Va­liant for the Truth, as Jer. 9.3. Nor stood up for the Lord against the evil doers according to Psal. 94.16. And have not frowned upon those Members that have made themselves Vild thorough the Apostacy, 1 Sam 3.13. But have justified the Transgressors, and said to the Apostates yea are Righteous, Pro. 17.15. chap. 24.24. They have not Turned away from the Traytors, as the ought to have done according to 2 Tim. 3, 4, 5. but have had fellowship with the unfruitfull Works of Darkness, and not reproved them, contrary to Eph. 5.11. and b [...] all these Scriptures those Churches that have so Turned aside wi h the Apostacy, have greatly Sinned against the Lord; and as a further A dition to there Evills, seve­rall of the Elders and Leading Persons of the Baptized Congregations in London, have set forth a Very Evil D claration, bearing Date the 12th of the 10th Moneth, 1659. which as appeares b [...] the Title compared with the [...]ostscript, they would have it be understood to comprehend the Ju gment of the Generality of the Baptized People; and although many Things in that Declaration is Manifestly con­tradictory both to the Judgment and Practise, of not only the Generality of the Baptized People, but even of Severall of [...]hose whose Hands are to it, and the Evills of these Persons made Obvious to the World: yet the Churches to whom [Page 46] they Relate have not Dealt with them, but rather Justified them in those Evills, by which they become Partakers with them in those Sins; and now those Churches being Guilty of the Evils before mentioned, it is the Duty of the Lords Faithfull Remnant, whose eyes are open to see these Evils, after all due meanes that accor­ding to Rule hath been Used for their Recovery, to Withdraw their Communion and Seperate from those Churches, according to 2 Thes. 3.6.14. Withdraw from eve­ry Brother that Walks Disorderly.

It is not the Church, or the Greater Number of Persons in that Church (if they Walk Disorderly,) that will exempt them from the Censure due to the Sin; When the Church of Israel turned aside from the Lord: Jeremiah (though a Single Person) Seperates from them and Sets alone, chap. 15. 17. and the Lord doth so far ap­prove of that Action of his, as that in Verse 19. he saith, Let them return to thee, but return not thou unto them: Also in Exod. 32.26. When Israel had sinned and turned aside from the Lord in the Matter of the Molton Calf, Moses stood in the Gate of the Camp and said, Who is on the Lords side, let him come unto me. In the forementioned place of 2 Tim. 3.4.5. Timothy though a single person, is com­manded to turn away from the Evil Doers, and no doubt if a Whole Church come under the Guilt of those Evils there mentioned, Timothy is not to abide with them because they are a Church, there being no such Limitation in the Command, but from such he must turn away. I have formerly thought that a Particular Member might not Separate from a Church, till thorough sin their Candlestick was taken away, but after waiting upon the Lord & much searching the Scriptures, and through many Tryalls bearing my Burden, I have seen, that according to Rule, as there is a difference betwixt the VVithdrawing from, and the Cutting off of a Member: so there is a difference betwixt the Withdrawing from & the Unchurching of a Church; and as a Church may Withdraw from a Brother without Cutting him off, or Coun­ting him as a Heathen or a Publican, but still to admonish him as a Brother, 2 Thes. 3.15. so a Brother for Sin committed by a Church, may withdraw from them, and yet not count them as Heathens and Publicans; and though VVithdrawing be an Authoritative Act, as is alleadged, yet the Authority doth not of necessity rest with the Greater Number, but with Truth, and where Truth is there is the Authority of Christ, Math. 16.18. Christ doth not Build his Church upon the Number, but upon the Truth which was with Peter, when he said, Thou art Christ the Son of the Living God.

I know it is objected, That in several of the Seven Churches in Asia (mentioned Rev. 2. and 3. Chapters) though there was a great turning aside, yet there were some kept faithful even in those Places where the Churches were turned aside, and we do not find that they were commanded to Separate.

The Answer to this is Twofold. First, That though in Sardis and Thyatyra, which are (as I think) the only Churches that can be instanced in this Matter, there were some kept Faithful even in those Places, it will not follow, that because they were in Sardis and Thyatira, which were the Places, in which those Churches were, and these Faithful Ones were written to by John, that therefore they were in Communion with those that had turned aside from the Lord.

And Secondly, Though we do not find they are expresly commanded to With­draw [Page 47] if they were in Communion by the Epistles that were written to them, yet it was sufficient that there were such Rules laid down in the Scripture which Rules they ought to look to, for there were several Churches that were written to by the Apostles, and no mention made in the Epistles either of Baptism, Breaking of Bread, and several other Ordinances; but it will not therefore follow that those Ordinances ought not strictly to be observed by them, according to other Scri­ptures.

The Last thing that I shall present to those that are Waiting for the Resur­rection of the Cause, is, to be giving up Themselves and their All to the Service of Christ the King, accounting it a very great mercy if he shall Accept of, and Imbarque them with all their Concernments, in the Bottom with that Dear Cause, that so they may be Waiting at his Foot, till he shall Arise up to the prey, and blow the Trumpet giving them the Word of Command to gird on their Swords and Follow him in the Revival of his Work, and the further Execution of the Judgements written: in which Day they shall undoubtedly Reap the blessed Fruit of all their Labour, Service, and Tryals, that they either have, or may yet fur­ther undergo for him. In due season we shall reap if we faint not, Gal. 6.9. They that sow in Tears, shall reap in Joy, Psal. 126.5. Thine eyes shall see the King in his Beauty, Isai. 33.17. Let the Children of Zion be joyful in their King, Psal. 149.2. Let them shout for joy and be glad, that favour my Righte­teous Cause, Psal. 35.27. And it shall be said in that day, Lo this our God we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoyce in his salvation, Isai. 25.9.

And thus I have according to the Measure of Light received, Presented unto Thee, with the rest of my Friends in Communion with thee that are Waiting for the Coming of Zions King, my Understanding in these Matters of the Fifth Kingdom: and I desire but so much favour from you as Paul obtained from the Bereans, and when you have seriously Weighed the several Things contained in this Epistle, in the Ballance of the Sanctuary: wherein I may appear to be in the Dark or Mistaken about these Great Matters, be Earnest with the Lord for me, that my Mistakes may be rectified and my Judgement rightly Informed, for I desire I may not through Errour serve the Design of Satan, But that I may by the Spi­rit of the Lord be led into all Truth, and so serve my Dear Lord Jesus Christ who Loved me a Vild Wretch, and shed his Precious Blood for me: and if you re­ceive any Benefit by these Things, let Christ my King bear the Glory according to Isai. 22.24. Zech. 6.13. And now I shall Commit you, with these Things to the Blessing of the Lord, and Close with that Word in 2 Tim. 2.7. Consider what I say, and the Lord give thee understanding in all Things.

I remain through grace thy B [...]other and Servant in the Kingdom and Patience of Christ. N. S.


SEveral Friends having Knowledge of this Epistle, and earnestly desiring Copies of it, more then could well be Transcribed; I have for them and Others of my Friends both in City and Countrey, Caused several of them to be Printed; But considering my own Weakness, and the many Books that have been Published about these Matters, I have not been willing to Pub­lish this to the World, but only to present it to such of my Acquaintance that Love the Lord Jesus in sincerity, some of them being far Remote in the Countrys, that I cannot as yet visit them, and Others in such Churches, where by Reason of my Judgment, and Testimony, in these Matters of the Fifth Kingdom, I am debarred of my Liberty of Preaching to them; and the Lord make this Service (so far as it shall really appear to be for his Glory and their Good) Acceptable and Successful to them.

The END.

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