It is humbly desired by William Ryley Clerk of the Records in the Tower, that you will be pleased to assist him in his Petition.

1. THat (in regard there is due to him in arrears 120. l. as an officer of Armes, for want whereof, he and his family are unable to subsist) some present support may bee al­lowed him as Clerk of the Records in the Tower, which Office was chiefly supported by the Court of Wards (lately taken away) which occafioned many searches in the said Office of Records; yet those that depended up­on the said Court are to have a competent satisfaction, in liew of their offices, and the profits which they respe­ctively had thereby, as by an Ordinance of Parliament, dated 4 th. Martii, 1645. may appeare.

2. And that for the maintenance of the Petitioner for the future, it may (if you please) be referred to the Committee of the Revenew, to consider of it, and to re­port to the House what may be a competent Salary for him, that an Ordinance may be drawne up accordingly.

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