AN [...]PISTLE Concerning BAPTISM.

[...]asionally written upon the sight of two Treatises published by THOMAS JAMES, [...]cher of a Presbyterian Congre­gation at Ashford in Kent: Who hath reflected upon the Baptized Christians.

WILLIAM RƲSSEL, Medicinae Doctor, Academiae Cantabrigiensis, Lover of Primitive Christianity.

[...] for the old Paths, where is the good Way, and walk therein, and ye shall [...] rest for your Souls,

Jer. 6.16.

London, Printed in the Year 1696.

[...] those Inhabitants of Ashford, and the adjacent Parishes, who attend upon the Ministry of Mr. Thomas James.

THE Occasion of my writing this Epistle to you at this time, ariseth from the Considera­tion of two Books written by T. J. The one intituled, Spira's Despair revived. The other called, A Vindication of that Part of it which is [...]ed by the Anabaptists, &c. which is a pretended An­ [...]o a Book written by J. W. in Answer to his first [...] &c. the latter of which he dedicates to you.

[...] which Book he brings you in as Parties with him, in [...]deracy against that People; as making you to have [...]al, if not a greater Interest than him, in that Pa­ [...]ar he hath raised against them.

[...] seeing it hath pleased God (by his good Provi­dence) to put it into the Hearts of our King, and both [...]s of Parliament, to give us the free Exercise of our [...]on by Law, (which we esteem as a great Mercy) [...] a wonder to me to read such scurrilous and re­ [...]ful Language, against those of our Perswasion; and [...]ore, for that it proceeds from one who is himself a [...]er from the established Religion of the Land, and [...]ther of a Presbyterian Congregation. And to find [...]ublishing to the World, that the Inhabitants of Ash­ford and divers other Parishes, did join issue with him in [...]ng; it seems to bespeak but little Sense of the Good­ [...] God, and of our Rulers, in the Liberty you enjoy. [...] whereas those Ministers that are of the Episcopal [...]ision, do give us civil Treatment, and do not con­ [...] themselves to disturb our Peace and Quiet, much less [...]oach and abuse us: I was considering what should [Page 4]move Mr. Thomas James to act as he hath done: And at last I concluded it must certainly proceed from that very Spi­rit and Principle of the first Founder of your Sect, Mr. John Calvin, who burnt the Books of Servetus, a Learned Baptist; and afterwards perswaded the Magistrates of Ge­neva to burn him alive. Which Sentence was execute [...] upon him, as Castellio testifies (who was a Contemporary with him) in these words; Michael Servetus was burn alive for his Opinion, at Geneva, Anno 1553, upon the 27th day of October.

And yet, as one well observes, Mr. Calvin did acknow­ledg this of him, That he was a Learned and a Charita­ble Man.

Notwithstanding this, he wrote a Book to justify, the [...] putting him to death, as a Man whose Books were full [...] Errors. Which Book was sufficiently confuted by t [...] Learned Castellio; where he also shews that the Reason [...] Calvin procured his Death, was this, lest the excelle [...] Parts and Learning of Servetus should have eclipsed [...] Glory of Calvin, and prevented him from being the [...] of a Party. And yet Castellio was not a Baptist.

Now if Mr. James should have imbibed the same per [...] cuting Principles, it is no wonder to find so much Ranc [...] of Spirit appear in him against the Baptists in our Day as he hath expressed in these two Treatises. I speak [...] this, as if I meant to accuse the whole Party; for [...] know that divers of them are meliorated, and have mani­fested themselves to be Men of better and more peacea [...] Principles. But seeing there are some young Men of ano­ther mind, I thought it not amiss to give you a Cau [...] against it, remembring what an honest old Presbyter [...] Minister said once to some others of his Brethren, [...] met to ordain three young Ministers who had decla [...] themselves for this persecuting Principle; saith he, [...] will have no hand in their Ordination, for there [...] Firebrands enough in the World already; and ( [...] please God) I will have no hand in sending more, [...] such as they are enough to set the World in a Fla [...] where-ever they come.’

And I fear your young Man may be of that number [...] pray let me ask you a few civil Questions; which I de [...] you to propound to him, and do you demand of him [...] ­ticular and distinct Answers thereunto.

  • [Page 5]1. Whether Mr. James doth not believe the Episcopal Church of England to be a true Church? and their Tea­chers to be true Ministers?
  • 2. Whether he doth not own their Baptism and Ordi­nation to be true and valid?
  • 3. Whether he doth not think it lawful for you to go to their publick Worship, and attend upon their Ministry in their Parochial Assemblies; rather than suffer Imprison­ment, and the loss of your Estates? And if this be so,
  • Then, 4. what can be the Motive to excite Thomas [...]mes to keep up a Separation from the established Church [...] England, now in a Time of Peace? unless it be to get [...] better livelihood for himself, than he could otherwise [...]ain.
  • 5. Whether the fear of losing some of his Auditors, or [...]ing hindred from an increase of their Number, by which his Income might be diminished, might not be [...]e great Motive which excited him to such a foolish way [...] scribling against the Baptists?
  • 6. Whether it doth not therefore highly concern you, [...] make a diligent Enquiry into the Word of God, and ex­ [...]ne his Doctrines thereby, that you may see whether [...]y agree with the Doctrine and Practice of the Apostles [...]d Primitive Christians, lest you should be cheated, both [...] your Money and of your Souls?

Now, Sirs, if a prejudicate Opinion doth not interpose, [...] [...]oubt not but it may be said of you as of those in Acts [...].48. [...], you are disposed to eternal Life: [...]ed then there will be some hope, you will give credit to [...]e Authority of God, in the Gospel of his dear Son, [...]d be willing to learn what may be taught you.

Had not Mr. James opposed us in the Point of Holy Bap­tism, I had not concerned my self with him, believing he [...] sufficiently confuted about his Calumnies against our friends at Ashford by another hand.

I shall therefore (for the sake of Truth) use my endea­vour to elucidate the Point in controversy, that you may [...]re a more clear and distinct knowledg of it.

Neither you nor your Teacher, ought to think it below [...] to be instructed in any Gospel-Truth, but receive it [...] meekness and humility; and be thankful to them that [...] take the pains to do it.

[Page 6] For Apollos, who was a great Preacher, and a Man mighty in the Holy Scriptures, did not disdain that a Wo­man should instruct him in the Way of God more per­fectly, Acts 18.24, 25, 26.

And for your better understanding the Point in Con­troversy, I shall do these three things.

  • I. Shew you, that Baptism is to be administred by Dip­ping, Plunging, or overwhelming the Person in Water.
  • II. That true penitent Believers are the right Subject of Baptism.
  • III. That the Ordinance of Baptism is now in being and is to continue to the End of this World.

I. I shall shew that Baptism must be administred by Dipping, &c. if we consider these four things.

  • 1. The Etymology, or Signification of the Word, the Holy Spirit uses to express it by.
  • 2. Those Metaphors used in Holy Scripture, to repre­sent it to our Understanding.
  • 3. From the Practice of the first Baptizers.
  • 4. From the grand Commission of our Saviour, Mat. 28.19.

1. From the Etymology, or Signification of the Word.

The word Baptism, is from the Greek [...], to dipt. Baptisma, a Dipping; from [...], Bapto, to dip, plunge or drown. It implieth the washing of the whole Body [...] even such a washing as is used in Bucks, where Linen i [...] plunged and dipt. For the native and proper signification of it, is to dip into Water, or to plunge under Water, see Leigh's Critica Sacra.

It is a Metaphor taken from the use of the Dyers Vat [...] and is such a Dipping, by which the Cloth put into it is dyed, and not a bare washing only; from whence cometh Baptism.

Zepperus de Sacramentis saith, [...], Baptism; [...] vocis notationem attendere velimus, vocabulum Baptismi mersio­nem significat in aquam, &c. If we will attend to the No­tation of the word Baptism, it signifies to dip into Water [...] or the Act it self of Dipping and Washing. From hence therefore, and from the Etymology of the Word it self, i [...] doth appear what was the Custom of administring Bap­tism [Page 7]from the beginning. Whereas now (saith he) we [...]ther use Rantism ( viz. Sprinkling) in the stead of Bap­tism, which is Dipping.

Alstedius in his Lexicon Theologicum, printed Anno 1612. [...] 310. saith thus, [...], & [...], Tingere, lavare, inficere: unde deductum aliud ver­ [...] [...], intingere, immergere, maximè quidem aquâ. [...] [...] tantum significat immergere; non lavare, nisi [...] unsequenti.

From whence it may plainly be seen, that this Learned [...]hor doth assert, That Baptism is to dip, plunge, or [...] whelm the Person baptized in Water: And that its [...]per signification is to dip, or dye, and not to wash, but [...]y by Consequence. For which he cites for his Autho­ [...], both Plutarch and Nazianzen; as may be seen at large [...] the Book it self.

Besides this is so well known, that every School-boy in [...] Greek-Grammar can tell you, that [...], bapto, is [...]re rendred mergo, immergo, to dip, to plunge or over­whelm.

[...]lso in a Greek Lexicon, published and recommended to [...] for the encrease of Knowledg, by

  • Joseph Caryll,
  • George Cokayne,
  • Ralph Vening,
  • William Dell,
  • Matthew Barker,
  • William Adderly,
  • Matthew Mead, and
  • Henry Jessey,

[...]ey tell us, that the signification of [...], is to dip, [...]ge, or drown. And in the Passive Voice, [...], [...] to be plunged, or overwhelmed. And that [...], [...] to plunge, to overwhelm, to baptize, to dip. And in [...] Passive Voice, [...], to be plunged, to be bap­tized, or dipped.

In Clavis Graecae Linguae, printed at London, Anno 1640. [...] is thus rendred; [...], mergo, tingo, to dip, [...] dye. [...], Idem, the same.

[...], & [...], mersio, to drown; and there­ [...] [...], is often rendred, to dip into, to drown. [...] from thence the Latins use mersus, à mergo, drowned, [...]ered, or over whelmed with Water. And therefore it [...]sed in the New Testament, for that Holy Ordinance of [Page 8]Baptism; it being performed by dipping the whole Body of the Person baptized under Water.

The Learned Robertson, (my singular good Friend) in his Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, saith, Baptizo, mergo. [...], Intingo, mergo, to dye, to dip, plunge, &c. Hence (saith he) is Baptizo, which signifies the same. As also Baptis­mos, Baptisma, &c. But the Greek word [...], Ran­tizo, (he saith) is aspergo, to sprinkle.

[...], Rontismos, Aspersio, Sprinkling. So that you may ea [...]ly [...] is as much difference betwint these two Greek [...] Baptismos and Rantismos in Greek, as there is betwixt these [...] words, Dipping and Sprink­ling in English; and therefore surely, not to be conceived to be sy [...]imous, so as to signity the same thing.

I now presume, from what hath been said, that if the word [...], and its Derivatives, are used in all places in the New Testament, where this Ordinance of Baptism is spoken of: Then it will follow, by an unavoidable Con­sequence, that Dipping is the right manner of Baptizing and that Sprinkling is not Baptizing.

That it is so, will evidently appear from an Enumeration of Particulars. I will instance in some of the principal, when I come to shew you what was the Practice of the first Baptizers. But of that in its proper place.

I now come to treat of the second Particular under this Head, viz. Dipping the Persons baptized into Water, ap­pears to be the right way of administring this Ordinance if we consider the Metaphors used in Holy Scripture [...] express it by.

There are two I shall chiefly insist upon: 1. A Burial 2. A Resurrection.

We are to consider, that our Lord Jesus Christ hath no [...] burdened us under the Gospel, with a multitude of Cere­monies, as it was in that Oeconomy of the Jews under the Legal Dispensation: But only with some few, and those very significant; this being a more spiritual Dispensation.

As therefore the Holy Supper of our Lord in the break­ing of the Bread, signifies the breaking of his Body; and the pouring out of the Wine, the shedding of his most pre­cious Blood; and both of these in conjunction his Death 1 Cor. 11.26. For as often as you eat this Bread, and drive this Cup, ye do shew forth the Lord's Death till he come. [Page 9]Even so Holy Baptism doth shew forth his Burial and direction; Rom. 6.4. Therefore we are buried with him baptism into Death; that like as Christ was raised up from Dead to the Glory of the Father, even so we also should walk [...]ess of Life.

[...]ow consider the Metaphor: when Men are dead, we [...] them by covering the whole Body under Ground, [...] not by scattering or sprinkling a little Dust or Earth [...] their Faces only.

[...]prinkling (you know) hath no resemblance to Bu­ [...]; but dipping or plunging the whole Body under Wa­ [...] is a most express and lively representation thereof.

But perhaps Humane Testimonies will please you and [...] Pastor, better than Divine. And therefore I shall [...] you the Opinion of some Learned Bishops to corro­borate what I say, who may be supposed to understand [...] Original as well as Mr. James.

The late Arch-Bishop of Canterhury, Dr. John Tillotson, [...]h, in his Sermon upon 2 Tim. 2.19. ‘Antiently those [...]ho were baptized, put off their Garments, which signified the putting off the Body of Sin; and were im­mersed and buried in the Water, to represent the Death of Sin; and then did rise up again out of the Water, to signify their entrance upon a new Life; and to these Customs the Apostle alludes Rom. 6.4.’

Also Dr. Fowler, the present Bishop of Gloucester, in his [...]ook of the Scope of the Christian Religion, interprets this saying of the great Apostle, Rom. 6.4. as follows;

‘Christians being plunged into the Water in Baptism, signifieth their undertaking and obliging themselves in a Spiritual Sense to die, and be buried with Jesus Christ, (which Death and Burial consist in an utter renouncing and forsaking of all their Sins) that so answerably to his Resurrection, they may live a holy and godly Life.’

Moreover, Dr. Jer. Taylor, late Bishop of Down, in his Doctor Dubitantium, lib. 3. cap. 4. saith thus:

‘The Custom of the Antient Church was not Sprink­ling, but Immersion, in pursuance of the Sense of the word [...], both in the Commandment and Ex­ample of our Blessed Saviour.’

‘And this (saith he) agrees with the Mystery of the Sacrament it self; for we are buried with him in Baptism, [Page 10]saith the Apostle. The old Man is buried and drowned i [...] the Immersion under Water: and when the baptized Person is lifted up from the Water, it represents the Re­surrection of the new Man to newness of Life.’

To this I shall only add that other Divine Testimony o [...] the Apostle Paul, Col. 2.12. Buried with him in Baptism wherein also ye are risen with him through the Faith of the Opera­tion of God, who hath raised him from the Dead. And shall now proceed to the third Particular, viz.

3. It doth appear that Dipping is the right way of Bap­tizing, from the Practice of the first Baptizers.

The first mention of this Ordinance of Holy Baptism, we have in Mat. 3.1. where John the Dipper is mentioned. And in ver. 6. it is written, And were baptized of him in Jordan confessing their Sins. The Greek word there is [...]; which is in English, They were dipped, plunged, or over­whelmed: For it is from the word [...], to dip, &c. as I have already shewed.

In the 7th Verse, the word is [...], which signifie the same.

In the 11th Verse [...], to dip, &c.

In Verse the 13th [...], to be dipped.

The Word is used again in ver. 14.

And the same also in the Passive Voice, is used in ver. 16. where it is said, And Jesus, when he was baptized, &c. And the following words do make that Sense evident; for when he was dipped by John in the River of Jordan, it is said, He went up straightway out of the Water: Which implies, beyond contradiction, That he was in the River, and o­ver whelmed with the Water, according to the proper and native signification of the word [...]. And if you will read the 5th and 6th Verses of this Chapter, you will find there Multitudes thus baptized by John the Baptist, (or Dipper) for it's said, Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judea, and all the Region round about Joran, and were baptized of him in Jordan. The same is also testified in that parallel place, Mark 1.4, 5. and the same Greek words used there as in Mat. 3. which I have above recited. And in Mark 1.9. Jesus was baptized of John in Jordan. The Greek is [...], into Jordan. Now what Sense would this be? Jesus was sprinkled into Jordan. But to say, Jesus was dipt into the River of Jordan, is good Sense, as well as a great Truth. [Page 11] Diodate, upon Mat. 3.6. saith, They were plunged in the [...]der. And the Assembly in their Annotations, say, Dip­ping in Jordan. But because they are noted by Mr. Wells [...] his Answer, I shall forbear reciting them, and proceed [...] other Authors.

Cajetan saith, Christ was baptized, not by Sprinkling, but [...] Dipping him into the Water. And Piscator, on John 3.23. [...] Baptism was administred by dipping the whole Body in [...]er.

Mr. Mede on Titus 3.5. saith, ‘There was no such thing as Sprinkling used in Baptism in the Apostles Time, nor many Ages after them.’

It is also the Observation of that late Learned and Pious [...]aister of Christ, Mr. John Gosnold, in his Book intituled, [...]; ‘That Mr. John Calvin, up and down in his Works, doth often (with many others in our Days) confess, That the Antient manner of Bap­tism in the Primitive Times was, by dipping the whole Body under Water. And also confesseth that the Church hath assumed this Liberty to her self, of using Sprinkling in the room thereof.’

The same Author also observes, ‘That the Translators themselves never so much as once in all the New Te­stament renders it by Sprinkling. There is another Word for that, which they constantly translate to sprin­kle, to wit, [...], Rantizo; whereby it's evident, Rantism is not Baptism, Sprinkling is not Dipping.

Besides, in all the Places that I have met with, where nothing of the stress of this Controversy depends, our Translators have every where rendred [...], &c. to dip. for instance, in Rev. 19.13. He had his Vesture dipt in Blood. and in Mat. 26.23. He that dippeth his Hand with me in the Dish. Luke 16.24. That he may dip the Tip of his Finger in later. And in John 13.26. it is twice used, [...], dip­ped; [...], and when he had dipped, Jesus an­swered, He it is to whom I shall give a Sop, when I have dip­ped it. And when he had dipped the Sop, he gave it to Judas [...]eariot, &c.

Moreover, if we will but consider the Places where this Holy Ordinance was administred by the first Baptizers, it will greatly elucidate this Truth.

[Page 12] For it was not practised in the Temple, nor in their Sy­nagogues, nor yet in private Houses, in which it might have been done more commodiously, if sprinkling a [...] Drops of Water upon their Faces would have sufficed.

But they baptized in the River of Jordan, and other Places where there was much Water; because plunging the whole Body under Water did require it.

In John 3.23. And John also ( [...]) was dipping in Enon, near to Salim, because there was [...] Water there; and they came and were ( [...]) dip­ped. Now here we have the Reason given, why J [...] baptized in this place, i. e. Because there was much Water. But if he had not plunged them into the Water, but on [...] sprinkled them with a few Drops thereof, this Reason [...] been without Foundation. For as Cornelius à Lapide [...] serves, A very little Water would have served to have sprinkled Thousands. But their manner of baptizing be­ing to dip the whole Body under Water, therefore much Water was necessary thereunto, without which [...] Act of Baptizing could not be performed.

Now altho T. J. hath trampled upon our Reasons of­fered in justification of this Practice, I hope he will not make so bold with the Spirit's Testimony, as to contra­dict the Reason he hath given in the Text under Conside­ration.

Thus you see that John, who was the first Baptizers and sent of God to dip Persons in Water, as the beginning of the Gospel, and to prepare Christ's Way before him [...] Joh. 1.33. He that sent me ( [...]) to dip, plunge, [...] overwhelm in Water, meaning God the Father. Where ever there is mention made of his Baptizing, the same Words are used, either Bapto, or its derivatives.

If we observe what is said of our Saviour's Baptizing (tho Jesus himself did not baptize (in his own Person) but by his Disciples) in every place the same Word [...] used; as John 3.22. [...]. Also John 4.1, 2. [...], & [...]; which all signify to dip, to be dipped, &c.

To proceed to the Practice of the Apostles, and chief Ministers of the Gospel, after our Lord's Resurrection we shall find the same Word used (as above) in every place, where there is mention made of their Baptizing.

[Page 13] The first Instance is in Acts 2.41. Then they that gladly [...]ved his Word, were baptized, the word is [...].

In Acts 8.12. it is also from the same word [...], [...] were dipped, both Men and Women.

And in Acts 8.38, 39. [...], And he dipped him.

It is here to be observed, that the Administrator Phi­ [...] as well as the Eunuch, went both down into the Water, which had been needless, if Sprinkling would have ser­ [...]d the [...]rn); And when they came there, it's said, He [...]zed him, i. e. dipt him. And then it's further said, [...]y came up out of the Water; not from the Side, or Surface [...] it, as Mr. James would insinuate, by distinguishing be­ [...]een from and out of; for here it is said expresly, they [...] up out of the Water.

Also in Acts 10.48. [...], to be dipped, &c.

To be short, There is, you see, an Account that John the [...]ptist, Christ (by his Disciples) when upon Earth, and [...] Apostles after his Resurrection, did all of them practise [...] Holy Ordinance of Baptism by dipping, or plunging [...] Persons baptized into the Water.

‘I will add to this the Testimony of Mr. Dan. Rogers; None of old were wont to be sprinkled; And (saith he) I confess my self unconvinced by demonstration of Scrip­ture for Infants sprinkling.’ And further, in his Trea­tise of the two Sacraments, Part 1. Chap. 5. he hath these words, ‘It ought to be the Church's Part to cleave to the Institution, which is Dipping. And that he betrays the Church, whose Officer he is, to a disordered Error, if he cleave not to the Institution, which is to dip.’

And this leads me to the 4th Particular, namely, That [...] will appear that Dipping is the right way of Baptizing, [...] we consider that grand Commission of our Saviour, Mat. 28.19. the Greek word is [...], from [...] to dip. And being given here by way of Precept, it is Dipping them. But seeing I have already explained the signification of the Greek words by which Baptism is sig­nified, even to tediousness, both to my self and you, I shall insist no longer upon it.

As also, because I am of Opinion that the Gospel of Mat­thew was written in Hebrew, according to Jerom's Testi­mony, and the Opinion (I think) of most Learned Men. I shall therefore give you the words, so far as they concern [Page 14]our Purpose, under this Head, as they are in that Lan­guage, in which I am sure it was spoken, if not written; It is [...] vetabelu Otam; and dip ye them. The Root is Tabal, which is the third Person Singular in the Preterperfect Tense, and signifies, he dipped: And is so rendred in many places in Holy Scripture; particularly in 2 Kings 5.15. where speaking of Naaman the Syrian, it is said, He dipped himself in Jordan seven times, and was clean.

In Mat. 3.6. you have the same Word again in the Passive Voice, which must be rendred in English, and were dipped of him in Jordan. And in Ver. 16. you have the same Root again, as it is there applied to our Saviour; And Jesus, when he was dipped, went up straightway out of the Water.

Also in John 3.22, 23. the same Word is used. And in John 4.1, 2. it is the same in that Hebrew New Testament of Mr. Robertson's, who was certainly one of the most Learned Hebricians our Age hath afforded.

I might add to this the Testimony of the Dutch Tran­slators, who call John the Baptist, Johannes de Dooper, John the Dipper; and in this Commission de selve dopende, dip­ping them. And if our Translators had generally (where that Word had occurred) turned it into English, as they have into Dutch, they had saved me and others the trou­ble.

Now if all this will not suffice, I know not what will. However I will make Mr. James one generous Offer; That if he can shew me where our Translators have in any one place rendred Baptizo to sprinkle; or è contra, have rendred Rantizo to dip, in the New Testament, I will grant him the Cause. And I do hope, if he cannot do it, he will own that we are in the right.

O, what a Tyrant Custom is! that dares stand up and contradict a thing that is so evident in it self, so agreeable to the Reason of the Ordinance, to the Etymology of the Word, (and that from the Pens of our Adversaries) and to the use of the Phrase and Expression in Holy Scripture, to the Commission of our Lord, to the Doctrine and Pra­ctice of the first Baptizers, both before and after our Sa­viour's Resurrection, and the manner of planting the Pri­mitive Churches.

[Page 15] Notwithstanding all this (I say) Custom in a wrong [...]ay, makes Men bold to oppose the right Way, altho [...]ey acknowledg it is the best.

In things civil and indifferent, I can be content that [...]stom should be my Guide, but not in the Matter of [...]dinances, and things Sacred; the Rule of which lies in [...] Institution, (which we are strictly to observe) and is [...] in the Power of our Liberty or Choice, either to use [...] refuse: For that Blessing which attends the Use there­ [...] is annexed unto our Conformity to the Rule and Insti­ [...]ion; see Mat. 28.20.

But to proceed to the second General Head.

II. That true Penitent Believers are the right Subject of Baptism.

I shall make it good by doing these three things.

1st. By examining who John the Baptist (who was the [...] Baptizer) did admit to his Baptism.

2ly, Who our Saviour commanded to be baptized, in [...] grand Commission Mat. 28.

[...]ly, Who it was practised upon by the Apostles and first [...]isters of Christ, pursuant to that Commission. And [...] these in their Order.

1st, Therefore let us examine who they were that John [...] admit to his Baptism.

The first Syllable we read of its being practised, is in [...]. 3. by John the Dipper, (so called by the Evangelist, [...] Eminentiae, as being the Beginner of that Holy Ordi­nance) where we have an Account, in Ver. 2. what Do­ [...]ne he preached before he baptized, Repent ye, for the [...]dom of Heaven is at hand. And in ver. 5. Then went out [...] Jerusalem, and all Judea, and all the Region round a­ [...] Jordan. Ver. 6. [...]; [...] were plunged (of him) into Jordan, confessing their Sins. [...] Hebrew word also, is Vaitabelu, and were dipped, &c.

Upon this I shall observe some things, and so pass it.

1. That those he baptized were Adult Persons, (and [...] Infants) for they went out to him.

2. That they were penitent Persons, such that confes­ [...] their Sins.

[Page 16] 3. That no others were admitted to his Baptism.

For, in ver. 7. it's said, But when he saw many of the P [...] ­risees and Sadduces come to his Baptism, he said unto the [...], [...] Generation of Vipers, who hath warned you to flee from [...] Wrath to come? Bring forth therefore Fruits meet for Repent.

4. That no Birth-Privileges will entitle any Person [...] that Holy Ordinance without Repentance.

For the Baptist tells them, in ver. 9. Think not to [...] within your selves, We have Abraham to our Father. [...] (in ver. 10.) now also the Ax is laid to the Root of the Tr [...] therefore every Tree ( i. e. every Person) which bringeth [...] forth good Fruit, is hewen down and cast into the Fire.

And to inform them more fully of the Nature of [...] Commission, and the Qualifications of the Subjects, [...] further saith, I indeed baptize you with Water (unto, or [...] the Original hath it) upon Repentance.

Which agrees most exactly with the Design of Jo [...] Ministry, he being to make ready a People prepared [...] the Lord; Repentance being a necessary Qualification without which they could not be admitted thereunto.

But some may query, How I prove they were to believe as well as repent?

I answer, in the words of the Apostle Paul, Acts 19. [...]. John verily did baptize with the Baptism of Repentance, say [...] unto the People, That they should believe on him which sho [...] come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.

From all which it appears, beyond dispute, That [...] little Infants were the Subjects of John's Baptism. For,

  • 1. They could not come from Jerusalem to the River [...] Jordan, and desire to be baptized.
  • 2. Nor could they confess their Sins.
  • 3. Nor yet be able to understand his Preaching, with [...] Nature and Design of his Baptism.
  • 4. Nor, lastly, could they be expected to bring fo [...] Fruits worthy amendment of Life.

All which agrees only to Adult Persons; they can [...] ­pent, they can believe in Christ, they can confess th [...] sinful Deeds, and come to tender themselves for Baptism (as all those did whom John baptized) which things [...] ­tle Infants are not capable to perform: Therefore Pe­tent Believers (and not Infants) were the right and o [...] proper Subject of John's Baptism.

[Page 17] 2ly, I shall consider the grand Commission of our Lord, Mat. 28.18, 19, 20. And Jesus came, and spake unto them, [...]ing, All Power is given to me in Heaven and in Earth. Go [...] therefore and teach all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of [...] Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching [...] to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: [...]o, I am with you alway, even unto the End of the World. [...]em.

That the Gospel of Matthew was written in Hebrew, [...] I have touched above) I find it to be the Opinion of [...]ers Men, eminently Learned: And among others, Hie­ [...], in the Life of this Evangelist, saith, M [...]tthaeus qui [...] Levi ex publicano Apostolos, primus in Judaea propter eos qui [...] Circumcisione credidernt Evangelium Christi, Hebraicis literis [...]bisque composuit. And further notes, In quo animadverten­ [...], quod ubicumque Evangelista sive ex persona sua, sive ex [...]ona Domini Salvatoris, veteris Scripturae testimoniis utitur, [...] sequatur Septuaginta translatorum autoritatem, sed Hebrai­cis. Here you see he tells us, That the Gospel of Christ [...] Matthew, for the sake of those of the Circumcision [...] believed, was written in Hebrew Words, and Hebrew [...]ters. And that he every-where, in his Quotations out [...] the Old Testament, followed the Hebrew, and not the [...]p [...]uagint Translation.

In Mr. William Robertson's Hebrew New Testament, I [...] these words between the 18th and 19th Verses, which do not find in any Greek Copy.


And as my Father hath sent me, even so also I send you. Go [...] therefore, &c.

I pray observe in what a solemn manner our Saviour be­ [...]s this Commission.

  • 1. By declaring his own Authority; All Power in Heaven [...] Earth is given to me.
  • 2. The Fulness of that Authority he gave to his Apo­ [...]es; As the Father hath sent me, even so also I send you.

He then comes to give forth the Commission it self, as in [...] 19th and 20th Verses.

[Page 18] The first thing in this Commission is this, Christ com­mands them to make Disciples by their Ministry. The Word that is translated Teach, is in the Hebrew [...] Velamedu, it signifies to make Disciples by teaching; for the Root is Lamad, he learned. And from thence is for­med the Heemantique Noun Talmid, a Scholar or Disci­ple, one that hath learned.

The plain meaning therefore is, That they were first to make Disciples by their Ministry, and after that to bap­tize them.

If we also examine the Greek Copy, we shall find it to agree with the Hebrew; [...]. That word up­on which the whole Stress of the Argument depends, is Matheteusate, which signifies, to make Disciples. The Learned render Mathetes, a Scholar, a Disciple; and Ma­theteuo, to be a Scholar, or Disciple. And upon this word in this place, the Greek Lexicon renders it, to make Disciples.

But if Mr. James will not believe our Lexicographers, I can give him the Opinion of all the Translators of the New Testament for it, who have rendred it so in a multi­tude of Places; and so far as I have found, in every place where the word is used, except only in this Commission, and here, (for some Reason best known to themselves) instead of Disciples, they have only rendred it Teach. And that which is most remarkable, they have five times in this Chapter rendred it Disciples, till they came to the 19th Verse, and there only it must be rendred teach; as in ver. 7, 8, 9, 13, and 16. And in John 4.1, 2. Jesus made and baptized more Disciples than John, but his Disciples; in both which the same word is used.

And I pray observe the Order of the words, They were first made Disciples, and afterwards baptized; as a pre­requisite to fit them for that Holy Ordinance.

Also in Acts 11.26. The Disciples are called Christians. And ver. 20, 21. it's said, how the same Persons came to be Disciples, The Lord Jesus was first preached to them; upon this, a great Number believed, and turned to the Lord. And thus they were made Disciples, according to Christ's Commission.

[Page 19] Besides, in Mark 16.16. He that believeth, and is bap­tized, shall be saved. This place is parallel in Time with Mat. 28.19. And whereas in Matthew is required Disci­pling, there is required in Mark Believing, and both be­fore Baptism; It's therefore plain, they must be be­lieving Disciples. And Faith comes by hearing; and therefore the Apostles were,

  • 1. To preach to them; as in Mark 16.15. Preach the Gospel to every Creature.
  • 2. By their Preaching to make them Disciples.
  • 3. Being so made, to baptize them.

This is the genuine Sense of our Lord's Commission, Mat. 28.19.

Say some, they own they must first be made Disciples, and afterwards baptized. But then they ask this Que­stion, How do we know that little Infants are not made Disciples, by some secret Teaching of God?

And supposing this to be true, of those who are born of believing Parents, they conclude they may be bap­tized.

I answer; For Argument's sake, I will for once appose with them; that not only the Infants of Be­levers, but all Infants, so soon as they are born into the World, are made Disciples by some secret Teaching of God, (but how we shall prove either of our Suppositions, I know not); Nevertheless I deny that they are there­fore to be baptized by virtue of this Commission. And low any mortal Man can know of this secret Work upon their Souls without Revelation. I can't imagine.

But pray consider a few things, and it will set the Truth [...]e contend for in a clear Light. As,

  • 1. it was Christ the Son of God who gave this Commis­sion. And Jesus came and spake.
  • 2. Who did he give it unto? Not to his Father to make Disciples of little Infants, by some secret Teaching of his, but to his Apostles that were Men, to make Disciples by their Ministry; He spake unto them.

The Conclusion is natural; which I shall form into this short Syllogism.

[Page 20] If little Infants are not capable to be made Disciples by the Ministry of Men;

Then they cannot possibly be the Subjects of Baptism intended in this Commission.

But little Infants are not capable to be made Disciples by the Ministry of Men;

Ergo, They cannot possibly be the Subjects of Baptism intended in this Commission.

The Major is undeniable, the Minor I thus prove.

If little Infants have no knowledg to discern between Good and Evil, then they are not capable to be made Disciples by the Ministry of Men.

But they have no knowledg to discern between Good and Evil;

Ergo; They are not capable to be made Disciples by the Ministry of Men.

The Minor only is questionable, which I prove by Di­vine Authority, Deut. 1.39. Moreover your little Ones— and your Children, which in that Day had no knowledg between Good and Evil.

So that the first Argument is made good, viz. That lit­tle Infants cannot possibly be the Subjects of Baptism in­tended in this Commission.

Whereas some of our Antagonists say, the word them relates to all Nations: As they confute themselves, by refusing to baptize Turks and Jews, before they own Christ; so that they cannot extend it universally: Even so it appears, the word them, hath no reference unto all Nations, if they will but mind the Grammar of the Text.

For [...], them, is of the Masculine Gender, (but [...], all Nations, is of the Neuter) and a­grees with [...], Disciples; and must have refe­rence to them, as the only Persons fitted for Holy Bap­tism.

But to proceed,

3ly, I shall shew you who it was practised upon by the Apostles, and first Ministers of Christ, pursuant to the grand Commission.

[Page 21] We find all along in the History of the Acts of the Apo­stles, that Baptism was practised upon grown Persons, that there Disciples of Christ, having gladly received their [...]eaching, repented of their Sins, and believed the Go­ [...]el, which Infants are not capable to perform.

Acts 2.38. Repent, and he baptized. Ver. 41. Then they [...] gladly received his Word, were baptized. Ver. 44. And [...] that believed were together.

Acts 8.12. When they believed Philip, preaching the things [...]urning the Kingdom of God, and the Name of Jesus Christ, [...] were baptized, both Men and Women, not little Infants. [...] ver. 36. After Philip had preached Jesus to the Eunuch, according to Christ's Commission) they came unto a cer­tain Water; and he asked Philip, What did hinder him to be baptized? Philip answers, If thou believest wirh all thine heart, [...] mayest. And he answered, I believe that Jesus Christ is [...] Son of God. And upon that Profession of his Faith, he [...] immediately baptized. So that we may learn hence, [...]at Faith is a pre-requisite of Baptism; for Philip re­ [...]es Faith of the Eunuch, before he would baptize [...].

So in the Jaylor's Case, Acts 16.31. Paul requires of [...], to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. And in ver. 33, 34. is said, he was baptized, believing in God, &c.

Acts 18.8. Crispus believed on the Lord; and many of the [...]inthians hearing, believed, and were baptized. If these testimonies are not sufficient, I know not what will.

I could in this place produce divers Testimonies from [...] learned (were it needful) to prove that no Infants [...]ere baptized for about two hundred Years from Christ. [...] Dr. Barlow's Testimony: ‘There is (saith he) no just Evidence of Infant-Baptism, till about two hundred Years after Christ.’

The Learned Curcellaeus affirms, ‘That the Custom of baptizing Infants, was brought in without the Com­mandment of Christ, and did not begin before the third Century.’

Grotius, on Mat. 19.13. gives this Account; ‘That according to the Rule of Scripture, and agreeing with Reason it self, the most part of the Greeks in all [Page 22]Ages, even unto this Day, retain a Custom of delay­ing Infant-Baptism, till they themselves can give a Confession of their Faith. And it is certain that Na­zianzen, though the Son of a Christian Bishop, who li­ved about the fourth Century, and was bred up in the Christian Religion, was not baptized till he was about thirty Years of Age.’

The same is also true of Chrysostom, Hierom, Ambrose, Augustine, and others.

And as the Learned Dr. Dia. Veil observes, it does mani­festly appear, ‘That the wisest of our Fathers in Christ, did not come to Baptism, until they were come to a strong and confirmed Age and Wit. So that (it's plain) they were not baptized in their Infancy. Yea, further he saith, I could never read of so much as one of the Antient Fathers, for six hundred Years after Christ, that was baptized in his Infancy.’

Ludovicus Vives affirms in his Treatise de Civitate Dei, Lib. 1. cap. 27. Neminem olim consuevisse baptizari nisi adulta aeta­te, & qui per se peteret baptisnum, & intelligeret quid sit baptizari. None of old Time were wont to be baptized but in a grown Age, and who desired it themselves, and understood what it was to be baptized.

Erasmus in his Annotations on the E [...]istle to the Romans, affirms, ‘That baptizing of Children was not in use in Paul's Time.’

And Dr. Field, in his learned Treatise of the Church, pag. 729. affirms, ‘That many very antiently, who were born of Christian Parents, put off their Baptism a long Time; insomuch as some were elected Bishops before they were baptized. As we read (saith he) of A [...] ­brose, &c.’

The Learned Bossuet, speaking of the manner of admi­nistring Baptism, saith, ‘We never read in the Scripture, that any were baptized otherwise than by Immersion, And we are able to prove, from the Acts of Councils and antient Rituals, that every-where in the whole Church throughout the World, for the space of 1300 Years, Baptism was never administred but by Dip­ping, except only in Cases of Necessity.’

[Page 23] And Bellarmine saith, ‘Infant-Baptism is called an Apo­stolical Tradition not written, because it is not found written in any Apostolical Book.’ Tom. 1. lib. 4. cap. 2.

Where by the way I shall note, That if a Man of his Parts and Learning could not find it there, I believe o­thers will have as little Success in their search after it: And it had been his Interest to have proved it from Scrip­ture as much as any, because [...] say a greater stress upon [...] than [...], and these of his Religion; for they assert it to be necessary [...] [...]ation.

Let Mr. Ja [...]. know, we do not bring the Testimo­nies of Hur [...] he Writers, because we think the Holy Scriptures [...] to justify our Cause. For I may say with Tertullian, Lib. contra Hermogenem, Adoro Scripturae ple­ [...]itudi [...], &c. I adore the Fuluess of the Scripture, let [...]gexes shew that it is written.

But to satisfy the World that we are not singular in our Judgments about these Matters, as also to obviate an Objection of your Pastor, who tells us in his last Trea­se, Pag. 20, ‘That at the rate some Baptists write and [...] report the Words of the Learned, they would per­ [...] swade silly People, all the Learned Men were almost [...] Anabaptists, and [...], self-condemned, being [...] as they are in Opinion, though of a contrary Pra­ctice.’

I answer, That although they are of a contrary Pra­ctice, I hope that can be no Bar to us from reciting their words in favour of our Opinion; For, Firmum est [...] prohationis, quod ab ipso adversario sumitur, ut veritas, [...] ipsis inimicis veritatis probetur. It is a forcible kind of Proof, which is taken from the Adversary himself, when [...]e Truth is proved from them that oppose the Truth. [...]nd I have herein followed the Counsel of Lactantius, [...] 1. c. 6. Eos suorum Testimoui [...] revincere, &c. To convince [...]hem by their own Testimonies, which is the strongest Con­viction that may be.

As it is truly said by Chrysostom, Tunc illos maxime revin­ [...]us, cum suorum, in eos, dicta retorquemus. We do most [...]rcibly convince them, when we can retort their own [...]yings against them.

[Page 24] And therefore as Lactantius, de vera sapientia, cap. 12. faith, Satis firmum Testimonium, ad probandum veritatem, quod ab ipsis perhibetur inimieis. That is a sound Argument for the proving of the Truth, which is setched from the Enemies of the Truth.

Yea, suppose it were but weak in it self, yet it hath great weight against him that brings it. For, as the Ro­man Orator observes in the like Case; Tuum Testimonium, quod, in alienare, leve est; in tua, quoniam contra te est, gra­vissinum esse debet. Thy Testimony, which is but light and frivolous in another Man's Cause, yet is weighty in thine own, when it is against thy self.

Now I fancy that the Reason why Mr. James would not have us urge the Testimonies of the Learned, for fear of shewing how contradictory some of their Opinions have been to their Practices, is, lest in so doing he also should be found to be [...], condemned of himself; and that in many places of his Book, parti­cularly, when he brings a Poet to prove, that Christ was not baptized by Dipping.

And in Pag. 20. he saith, ‘I would fain know who can prove our Lord Jesus Christ was dipped, or plunged, in his Baptism; or any of those baptized Ones spoken of in the New Testament, were so dipped, or plunged?’

I will give you the Opinion of some Learned Men up­on it in this very Place, altho I have said sufficient to it elsewhere; and then shew you how Mr. James is condem­ned by his own Pen.

‘Now if any one (saith Maldonate) ask why the Evan­gelists use the Word of Ascending? &c. It was because Christ ascended, or went up out of the Water, in the which he had been dipt or drowned.’

Lucas Brugensis, saith upon the Place, Matth. 3.16 ‘Christ descended into the River (after the manner o [...] others that were baptized) as deep as his Thighs, o [...] his Navel, for the rest of his Body was dipt by Joh [...] and not sprinkled only with Water.’

And the Learned Cajetan tells us upon the Place, ‘Christ ascended out of the Water; therefore Christ was bapti­zed by John, not by Sprinkling, nor by pouring Wate [...] upon him, but by Immersion, that is, by dipping o [...] plunging in the Water.’ [Page 25]Many more Testimonies might be brought from Men, [...] use Rantism instead of Baptism, but that I have al­ [...] exceeded my first Intention. But I shall now shew [...] that Mr. James (like the rest of those I have quo­ [...]) hath contradicted himself: For in the same 20th [...] of his Book, where he vapours so mightily, and [...]enges us to prove, that Christ, or any others, were [...]ized by Dipping, as you have seen above; yet pre­ [...]y he tells us, That Baptism was oft performed by [...]ping, I gainsay not. And in the very next Page he [...], I do not produce these Testimonies, as tho I would [...]tain that our Lord Jesus was not dipped. It seems [...] Conscience began to check him whilst he was writ­ [...].

And again, in Pag. 25. Who speaks against the Anti­ [...]ity of Dipping? I thought Mr. James had. But he goes [...], Dipping there might be in Christ's Time, and that the [...] way of Baptizing. Very well, then it seems we pra­ [...] the most Antient, and the best Way of Baptizing, Mr. James's Acknowledgment: And himself doth pra­ [...] the contrary, and therefore must needs be self-con­ [...]ed, as practising the worst Way; especially if he [...] consider, That there is neither Precept nor Precedent [...] Infant-Sprinkling in all the Word of God.

But to close this Head I am upon: If this be true, that [...] of the Apostles, nor first Ministers of the Gospel, [...] ever practise the Sprinkling, of Infants; there must [...] some good Reason why they did it not: And the best [...] think of is, because Christ had not commanded them [...] do. But on the contrary, had commanded them to [...]ize Penitent Believers, which were Persons of grown [...]s; to which Command they were obedient.

And we have great Reason to account them saithful: [...] the Apostle Paul protests, before an Assembly of Mi­ [...]ers, Acts 20.20. He had kept back nothing that was [...]able to them. And in ver. 26. he saith, I have not shun­ [...] to declare to you all the Counsel of God. If there­ [...] the Sprinkling of Infants had been profitable for [...], or a part of the Counsel of God concerning the [...]ches, we had certainly heard of it in some of Paul's [...]eches or Epistles: But not one Word being mentioned [Page 26]about it, we may safely conclude, it was wholly unknown to those Times, (both as to Subjects and Manner) it [...] ­ing a Practice both unprofitable and vain, as being b [...] upon Humane Authority only, having no Foundation [...] the Word of God: In vain do they worship me, teaching [...] Doctrines the Commandments of Men, Mat. 15.9.

I will offer an Argument or two, to prove that Infan [...]

Sprinkling is not of Divine Authority.

The Sprinkling of Infants, is either from Heaven, [...] of Men.

But it is not from Heaven: Ergo, It is of Men.

If it be from Heaven, the Holy Scriptures have so [...] where revealed it so to be.

But it is no where so revealed in the Holy Scripture [...] Ergo, It is not from Heaven.

If it be any where so revealed in the Holy Scripture you, or some other, are able to shew it.

But you, nor no other are able to shew it: Ergo, It [...] not any where so revealed in the Holy Scriptures.

If Mr. James should tell you he can shew it so to b [...] let him give you an Instance where it is written, as al [...] [...] gician ought to do, (the Minor being an Universal Ne­gative) or let him for ever be silent upon this Subject [...] For it is written, Rev. 22.18. If any Man shall add [...] these things, God shall add unto him the Plagues that are writ­ten in this Book.

I cannot well go off of this Head, without taking [...] ­tice of a pernicious Notion which some of the Learned have espoused.

They will allow us that we are in the right, as to wh [...] we assert about the practice of the Primitive Churche [...] but tell us, that their Ceremonies may be lawfully u [...] also, which they ground upon this following Supposition [...] That it is lawful for Men to bring in things indifferent into the Church, and join them with the Worship [...] God.

And as this refers to the Point of Baptism, I will bri [...] ­ly relate what past some Years ago, betwixt Dr. Bail [...] late Bishop of Lincoln, and my self. It was upon [...] [Page 27]Occasion; A Name-sake of mine being taken up upon a [...], and committed to Ailesbury Goal, for not having child sprinkled, I went to his Lordship (after [...] Months confinement) to desire his Discharge; [...]old him, my Friend was not a Member of any [...]te Congregation, but only doubted of the [...] of Infant-Baptism, which I supposed his [...]hip thought he might do, and yet be a good [...]ian.

[...] told me, ‘Yes, for he had tumblings and tossings [...]out it in his own Mind in his younger Days, but now [...] was satisfied.’

[...] desired then to know the Grounds of his Lordship's [...]stion.

[...] said, ‘The Apostle Paul, in Rom. 13. and the be­ [...]ing. exhorted the Christians to submit to the [...]gher Powers, &c. And also the Apostle Peter said, [...] vour selves to every Ordinance of Man, for the [...]d's sake, &c. Now (saith he) you must know [...] the Convocation met and concluded, that Infants [...]ould be baptized; and the King and Parliament en­ [...]ed it: And forasmuch as we are required to be obe­ [...]ent to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's sake. [...]herefore we ought to do it.’

[...] answered; My Lord, If the Convocation had so con­ [...]d, and the King and Parliament so enacted, That [...] should have been baptized in the King's Name, or [...]he Name of the King and Parliament as Legislators, I [...]ere those People might have complied with it.

[...] answered, "That would have been odd.

[...] reply'd, As odd as it is, if they had comply'd with it, [...] Controversy had been at end.

He said, ‘That is true; But why cannot they comply [...] with it now?’

My Lord, They have got a Notion in their Heads, that [...] not in the Power of any Man, or number of Men in [...] World, to alter the Nature of Institutions, so as to [...] that Divine that is in it self Humane, or that Hu­ [...]e that is in it self Divine.

The Bishop reply'd; ‘They are right in that, for none [...] alter the Nature of things but God alone.’

[Page 28] Why then, my Lord, forasmuch as you do not baptized Infants in the Name of the King, or King and Parliament as an Humane Institution, but in the Name of the Father Son, and Holy Spirit, as a Divine Institution, they cannot comply with it.

‘Well (saith he) there is never a Word of God a­gainst it: It is no where said in the Scriptures ye shal not baptize Infants.’

I reply'd;

My Lord, I shall only put your Lordship in mind of th [...] Notes of a Learned Man upon that of Lev. 10.1, 2. con­cerning Nadab and Abihu, Sons of Aaron, Priests of the Lord; who offered strange Fire before the Lord, which the Lord commanded them not. He saith, It is not suffi­cient to say about instituted Worship, It is nowhere for­bidden: For it was nowhere said before this time; [...] shall not offer up strange Fire upon mine Altar. But because there was a Divine Precept, what Fire they should off [...] what Perfume they should mix with their Sacrifices, an [...] the manner of its Composition: And they not observing that Divine Precept; but offering strange Fire, which th [...] Lord commanded them not, they were destroyed by [...] from his Presence. His Lordship only gave me this An­swer; He would speak to his Official, to be kind to [...] Friend that was in Prison, &c. but wholly waved [...] Matter in Controversy; and so I took my leave, and de­parted.

I mention not this, as if I thought this Learned M [...] singular in this Point; for it is too manifest, that m [...] others are of the same Sentiments, without which the could not satisfy their Consciences in the Practi [...] of Infant sprinkling, and other things which they [...] practise without either Precept or Precedent from [...] Word of God.

There are many things very ridiculous, that have [...] Degrees been brought into the Church; of which it is [...] where said in the Holy Scriptures, they shall not [...] done. And that about this very Ordinance as well as [...] other Matters.

As for instance;

1. Where is it forbidden to baptize Bells? This [...] [Page 29] [...] practised by the Popish Priests, and that very lately. [...]. Where is it forbidden to use the Sign of the Cross Baptism? as the Popish Priests do thrice, and the Epi­ [...] once.

Where is it forbidden to use Cream and Spittle, as [...] Papists do, to anoint the Childrens Eyes, Nostrils, [...] Ears, in their Practice of Baptism?

[...] Where is it forbidden to put Salt in the Child's [...]th, as they also do? and give this Reason for it, [...] his Words may be with Grace, seasoned with Salt.

And where is it forbidden to baptize your Cattle? [...] yet how ridiculous would it be so to do? But perhaps [...] James may pretend Scripture for it, from his Inter­ [...]tion of 1 Corinth. 10.2. For all their Cattle (of [...]ich they left not a Hoof behind) were under the Cloud, [...] all passed through the Sea; and were all baptized unto Moses, [...] the Cloud and in the Sea. The Word is [...], [...]ich he leaves to Mr. Wells to interpret. And I pray ask [...] if this Word, as here used in the passive Form, may [...] be read thus; And they were all overwhelmed unto [...], as they must needs be when the Cloud covered them, [...] the Waters were a Wall to them on the Right-hand [...]on the left. So that you see here is the same Ground [...]onclude, their Cattle were all baptized as well as their [...] Children: But if the Word had been translated [...]whelmed, who could have dreamt of a Baptism from [...] Place?

But Mr. James will have it that there was a Multitude [...] Children baptized by Moses, and that it was done by [...]inkling also, through the dropping of the Cloud, and [...] dashing of the Waters; and that many learned Men [...]bt not of it; but hath not quoted one of them. I am [...] the Dutch Translators, who were Presbyterians, read [...] thus; Ende alle in Mosen Gedoopt Zin; And they were [...]dipt unto Moses: And all learned Men do tell us, when [...] speak as Scholars, that [...], is mergo, immergo; [...] how it comes to lose its Signification in this one [...], I cannot imagine.

But I pray ask Mr. James these few things;

1. Who told him there was Water in that Cloud? For the Epistle of Jude ver. 12. we read of Clouds without [Page 28] [...] [Page 29] [...] [Page 30]Water: and we must remember that this Cloud [...] Miracle.

2. If it had Water, who told him that it droppe [...] the Children of Israel whilest they past through [...] Sea? His ipse dixit will not do where the Scri [...] silent.

3. How came he to know that the Waters dash [...] them? I cannot suppose that he was present to [...] And if it be nowhere written, 'tis but an impr [...] Guess.

But to leave off these trisling Fancies of Mr. James us see how it is written, Exod. 14.21. The L [...]d the Sea dry Land, and the Waters were divided.

Ver. 22. And the Children of Israel went into the midst Sea upon the dry Ground, and the Waters were a Wall unto on their Right-hand and on their Left.

Ver. 29. And they walked upon dry Land in the midst Sea.

Chap. 15.8. The Waters were gathered together Flood stood upright as an Heap, and the Depths were co [...] in the Heart of the Sea.

Psalm 106.9. He rebuked the Red-sea also, and it wa [...] ­ed up; so he led them through the Depths as through the [...] ­derness.

Thus you see here is not one Word of Sprinkling of dashing the Water upon them. As to the Cloud was no common Cloud, but a Cloud that did const [...] attend them in their passage through the Wilderness: Exod. 13.21, 22. And the Lord went before them by D [...] Pillar of a Cloud, &c. He took not away the Pillar of Cloud by day, nor the Pillar of Fire by night, from [...] the People. See also Numb. 14.14. Now if the W [...] were a Wall on each side, and the Cloud covered th [...] then they must need be overwhelmed. Psalm 105. He spread a Cloud for a Covering, and Fire to give Light [...] Night. But not one Word of this Cloud's having Wat [...] it, nor of its dropping upon them. What Cause have to be cautious, how you admit any thing for Truth upon Credit of your Teacher; who can allow himself the [...]berty to talk at this loose Rate about sacred thi [...] Besides, if this he to be understood of Baptism as an O [...] [Page 31] [...] according to the Use of the Word in the New [...] then I affirm (according to Mr. James's [...] if their Infants were baptized, all their Cattle [...]wise baptized: But I hope he will be ashamed [...] at such an Exposition; for besides all other Ab­ [...] that attend it, Moses is hereby made the first [...]er, and not John the Baptist. But I shall leave this, [...] to the third and last general Head.

That the Ordinance of Baptism is now in being, [...] is to continue to the End of the World.

[...] 28.20. Teaching them to observe all things what­ [...] have commanded you; and lo, I am with you alway, even [...] End of the World.

[...] this Ordinance of Baptism in Water, being one [...]e things he hath commanded, as in the Words [...]ing; then the Apostles were to teach all the suc­ [...] Churches to observe it, they being to teach them [...]e all things he had commanded them; and to [...] also the Promise of Christ's Presence is annexed until [...] of the World: The Ordinance it self is therefore [...]inue till that time.

[...] [...]des, it was the Care of the Apostles, not only to [...] that present Age the Will of Christ, but also to [...] it continued to succeeding Ages: see 2 Tim. 2.2. [...] Charge here to Timothy is, The things which thou hast [...] of me among many Witnesses, the same commit thou to faith­ [...], who shall be able to teach others also. And our Lord [...] to those faithful ones in Thyatyra, Rev. 2.24, 25. [...] put upon you none other Burden; But that which ye have [...], hold fast till I come.

[...] seeing we differ not about its Duration, (although [...] about the Subjects, and the right Manner of ad­ [...]ring the same) I shall add no more upon this Head. [...] been concerned with another sort of People, I should [...] thought my self obliged to have insisted more largely [...] it.

[...] beseech you consider what I have said; for it is in [...] Love to your Precious Souls; that you may no lon­ger [Page 32]be deceived by false Teachers who handle [...] of God deceitfully: But that you may come to [...] the true Doctrine of the Gospel, and imbrace [...] which was once delivered to the Saints; wh [...] first spoken by the Lord himself, and confirme [...] and Wonders, and divers Miracles and Gifts o [...] Spirit, according to his own Will.

For there is but one Law-giver to the Chur [...] him who is able to save and to destroy: He [...] all things whatsoever he hath said unto you. Footsteps of the primitive and Apostolick Chur [...] that is the right Path, and the good old Way; [...] in, and ye shall find rest for your Souls. Com [...] the Word that Christ hath spoken, that shall the last Day. The Lord help every one of joy the Light of the Glorious Gospel, to be fo [...] thereunto, that so we may receive that blesled Well done good and faithful Servant, enter thou into thy Lord.


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