⟨17. febr. 1696⟩ THE ROYAL ASSEMBLY OF EUROPE CONSULTING About The Affairs of CHRISTENDOM at the HAGUE in Hollan [...]
Reader, I here Present Before thine eye
A Map of Wisdom, and State policy
Here Europ's Worthys their Good Councel Bring
To Influence the now approathing Spring,
Where Britains' Monarch in the Center Sits,
As Preses or Apollo of the Witts
He he Who England Lately did Restore,
And Pluck'd three Kingdoms From the Roman Whore
The high and Mighty States here Truckle down
And, on their Knee, Present him With a Crown
The Germane Emperour and Princes too,
D [...] beg his aid, and to his Greatness bow
Petitioning, their intrest to aduance
To Ouerthrow the Bastard King of France,
That Mungrel Monster, bloody Beast of Prey,
Who Christendome to Mahumet did betray
On thirty thousand Christians Past dome,
For not Submitting to the Pope of Rome
Now blest be their Proceedings let them bee
Endu'd wth Wisdom, Void of Treachery
May Precious Peace and Truth be their design
With all that's Good Iust, Pious and diuine
That Wee and all true Christians may Sing
Praise to our God and thank our Royal King

Printed and Sold by Philemon Wollfe next dore to the Sign of the Ship on the Squar on London Bridg [...]

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