
A Proposal for the Sale of several Rich Indian Goods, by way of Ticket or Lot, to the Value of 1500 l. consisting of fine Cabi­nets and Skreens, Tables, Stands and Glasses, Tea-Tables and Stands; Chests, Trunks, &c. and several other sorts of Japan: Several Sets of fine China Jarrs; also all sorts of China fine Indian wrought Beds and Quilts, Rich Indian Silks, viz. Atlasses, Cuttances, and seve­ral other sorts of Indian Silks, Fine Indian Fanns, Muslins and Cal­licoes, and several others too long to incert.

AT the Indian Ware-house, at the Sign of the Black Bell in Bedford-street, Convent-Gar­den, by Joseph Rose, and Eliz. Madox, will be delivered out 12000 Tickets, at 2 s. 6 d. each, and there shall be also 12000 Blank Tickets prepared, 240 whereof shall be made Benefits; which said Benefits shall contain in Goods to the value above-mentioned.

The Benefits are to be
The first Ticket drawn shall have 20 l. value if not Benefited, but if Be­nefited, 20 l. value above its Benefit. 1   150 l. The first Ticket drawn after all the Benefits shall have 20 l. value, but if a Benefit be last drawn, 20 l. value above its Benefit.
1   100 l.
1   80 l.
1   60 l.
2 each 30 l. 60 l.
4 each 20 l. 80 l.
10 each 14 l. 140 l.
20 each 8 l. 160 l.
30 each 5 l. 150 l.
40 each 4 l. 160 l.
60 each 3 l. 180 l.
70 each 2 l. 140 l.
Tickets 240 1460 l.  

First Ticket 20 l.
Last Ticket 20 l.
  1500 l.

Books are already made, containing three Tickets to every number, the first shall be cut out and delivered to the Adventurer, as a receipt for the Money; the second shall be cut out to be drawn, and the third kept in the Book to be compared with, to prevent Mistakes or Fraud.

Each Benefited Ticket when drawn, will contain in it an exact List of the Goods belong­ing to it, which shall be carefully sorted and appraised, by Mr. Thomas Pym, in Water-lane, near the Custom house; Mr. Thomas Cushe, in the Poultry; Mr. Joseph Kilbey, in Red-Cross-street, and Mr. William Halford of Garlick Hill, sworn Appraisers, and Persons very knowing in the goods aforenamed, who also shall be sworn before a Magistrate to act justly upon this occasion.

And for general satisfaction, these persons following, not at all interessed in this matter, do offer to be security for the just and due performance of these Proposals, and do likewise pro­mise, that three or more of them will be present to see the same duly and rightly managed, viz. Mr. Make-peace Holloway, at the Golden Cup in Leaden-hall street, near Creed Church; Mr. Joseph Sheen, in Ball-alley, Lombard-street; Mr. Charles Lucy, at the Golden Cup, in Russel-street, Convent Garden, Goldsmiths; and Mr. John Hasel, at the Cross Keys, in Ludgate-street, Lace­man; Mr. William Bleak, at the Kings Arms, in the Strand, near Northumberland-house, Caneman.

'Tis hoped the whole number of Tickets may be compleated by the 20th of Marth next, but if it should sooner happen, publick notice shall be given when the same shall be drawn at the place aforementioned, which is a large convenient Room, fit to receive Spectators, where also the said Goods are to be viewed.

But if the whole number be not compleated by the time prefixed, a draught shall notwith­standing be then made for the Money already put in, and the Benefits shall be exactly propor­tioned to the Money advanced by the aforenamed Appraisers, and by the Approbation of the aforementioned Overseers.

Tickets are delivered besides at the place abovenamed; also at Mr. Make-peace Holloway's, at the Golden Cup, in Leaden-hall street, near Creed Church; Mr. Joseph Sheen's, in Ball-alley, Lom­bard-street; Mr. John Hasel's, at the Cross Keys, in Ludgate-street; and Mr. William Bleak's, at the Kings Arms, in the Strand, near Northumberland-house, Overseers aforenamed; and at Mr. Charles Mather's, next the Rainbow Coffee-house, near the Temple, who have all given security for every particular Summ by them received.

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