PRO [...]OS [...]O [...] For the Raising of 150000l. to be Advanced and Lent TO HIS MAJESTY.

WHEREAS There is owing to the late Farmers of the Customs, the Sum of 253242 l. 13 s. 5 d. or thereabouts, which they advanced aforehand unto His late Majesty, upon the Contract for His Cu­stoms, as by Tallies or Constars thereof may appear, a very large part whereof they borrowed and became ingaged for.

It is Propounded, If the said Farmers and their Creditors, can and shall raise the Sum of 150000 l. to be Advanced [...]nd Lent His Majesty, and to be paid in within a Moneth, That then the said Money so advanced and Lent, as also [...]he said Debt of 253242 l. 13 s. 5 d. shall be paid to the said Farmers and Creditors respectively, within the com­ [...]ass of four year from the 24th day of June next coming 1661. in manner following, viz. The money so to be Ad­ [...]anced and Lent to be Repaid with Interest thereof, at three equal Payments, half yearly from the said 24th of June, [...]661. and the Principal money or old Debt of 253242 l. 13 s. 5 d. to be paid them by five equal Payments, half [...]early within the remainder of the said four years, after the three first half years. All which to be secured by His Ma­ [...]esties Customs; and in case of failing thereof, then to be furhter secured by the Excise.

If this Proposition shall be acceptable to His Majesty, then in all humbleness His Approbation under His Signe Manual, is desired for the better and more speedy effecting thereof

Subscribed by
  • JO: JACOB.

I approve of this Proposition, and the Lord Treasurer is to perfait it.

C. R.

His Majesty having most graciously approved of this Proposition, the only Remedy for the satisfaction of this great Debt, If it shall please the East India Company interessed in that joint Stock, to double their remaining principal Deb [...], and the rest of the Creditors to double also their remaining principal Debts, We the said late Farmers (being dis­ [...]harged of all Obligations and Incumbrances whatsoever, concerning the same Debt, both in our Persons and Estates, thereby we may be made capable) will undertake by our selves and friends to bring in 50000 l. to adde to the rest of [...]he Doubling, to make up the said 150000 l. for which sufficient security according to the Proposition shall be passed [...]o several Feoffees to be indifferently nominat [...]d; whereupon we have first here unto Subscribed, hoping that with­ [...]n ten days after the Date hereof, the said Company and Creditors will also Subscribed, and that all of us may procure [...]heir Money according to the Proposition abovesaid.

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