PROPOSALS Humbly Offered to the Consideration of the Honourable House of COMMONS, TO SUPPORT The Manufacture of England, and Raise Money to pay the poor distressed People concerned in Quartering and Cloath­ing the Army Disbanded in 1679.

FIrst, That all Foreign Goods prohibited to be brought into this Kingdom, which afford no Moyety to the Seizor, are privately brought in; No Revenue comes to the Crown, and the Workmen of England ruined thereby: Which if a considerable Custom were laid upon them, with severe Penalties upon all Masters, Merchants, and others that do bring over such Goods, and not make a true Report and due Entry thereof, would advance the price of Work here, bring in a great Revenue to the Crown.

Secondly, All Guns, Musquets, Pistols, Carbines, Sword-Blades, Iron and steel Wire, Hilts, Pannels, Lockets, Chapes, Hooks, Gunpowder, Arms, Ammunition, and all Utensils of War, with divers other Goods, would bear a very considerable Custom upon them: (Yet great Quantities would be brought in.) Also Padlocks, Snuffers, Bitts for Bridles, Stirrups, Spurs, Gerth, Buckles, Snaffles, and many other Goods wrought in Iron, as Frying-pans, Dripping-pans, which are all privately brought in, pay no Custom: Which if a large Custom were laid upon them, would encourage the Workmen, and advance the Customs also. Other Goods which are Free to come in, which pay little or no Duty at all, as Bar, Iron, Rod Iron, Iron Plates, Black, Tin Plates from Hamburgh, all sorts of Dantzick, Swede, and German Steel, Salt, Iron Backs, Stoves and Fur­naces, Chafing-Dishes, and many other Goods that would bear a very considerable Custom, and do a kindness to all Workmen in that way; and many other wrought Goods, which the Officers of the Custom-House can well inform your Honours.

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