
POURTRAICT Of the New Wonderful Blazing Star, Which appear'd to the Inner Austrian Countries, and the adjacent Parts of Croatia, standing over Rackelsburg and Czackenthurn, seen betwixt two and three of the Clock several mornings, from the 12th of January, 1664. to the terrour of the Beholders.

THis unnatural and on the Firmament in a horrid and fire-burning shape appeared Star, a lighted Torch of God's Wrath, conjecturally is feared to be a fore-runner of far greater Wars, and subsequent Calamities, then that which appeared Anno 1618, and seen all Europe over for thirty days together, foreshewing bloody Wars, lasting thirty years; as likewise that seen Anno 1652. upon which the Polonian, Swedish, and Danish Wars ensued. The form of this wonderful Star so exceedingly admired in respect of the appa­rent Half-moons in it, is doubtless a fore-runner of miserable Alterations, the rather because the Arch-Enemy to Christendom hath with a stupendious Army invaded the Christian Empire, threatning to come yet more strongly to make horrid Devastations; therefore let us fall upon our knees, doing true Re­pentance, be frequent and fervent in our Prayers, that God's fierce striking Hand may be stay'd, and these threatned Calamities be averted. And whereas Neubarthus in his Almanack of the 1663. last, under the Title of a Great Conjunction of Saturn and Ju­piter in the fiery Sign of Sagitarie, this ensuing Bla­zing Star from thence upon Astrological conjectures hath its descent, unto a warning to all is it published, that we all may be turning to a speedy and true Re­pentance.

High-Dutch Copy.

DELINEATION Of a Marvellous New Blazing Star, Which appear to Austria, chiefly about Rackels­burg and Czackenthurn, seen several mornings be­twixt two and three of the Clock, from the 12th of January, 1664. to the amaze­ment of the Beholders.

WE see clearly as in a Looking-glass that the coming of Christ draws nigh, and that the last times are at hand, through the Signs and Wonders that are seen on the Firmament of Heaven, Sun, Moon, and Stars, unto a warning and rowsing of the drowsie man, that he should be converted, and turn off from his sinful ways. Hereupon we thought good to communicate this horrible Star, the pourtraict whereof was sent hi­ther from Germany.

This unnatural, and never the like seen Heavens-sign or wondrous Star, appeared on the Firmament in a horrid shape and burning fire, as a kindled Torch of God's Wrath: It is feared that heavy Wars and Calamities will ensue thereupon; like as that Anno 1618. seen all Europe over for thirty days together, signified thirty years bloody Wars; and the Blazing Star also which was seen Anno 1652. intimated the ensuing Polonian, Swedish, and Danish Wars: The rather, because the form of it is strange and marvel­lous, bearing in the midst two Half-moons, the Otto­man Arms, who with his warlike Preparations asto­nisheth whole Europe. Yet the Lord of Heaven seems to promise some good towards Christendom, and through this token to turn off these Calamities. Neu­barthus in his last years Almanack 1663. under the Ti­tle of the Great Conjunction of ♄ and ♃ in the fiery Sign ♐, holds this Blazing Star for an effect of it. Se­veral Astronomers held it for good taht it should be published.

Low-Dutch Copy.

With License,

March 7. 1661/4.

Roger L'Estrange.

LONDON, Printed by J. M. and are to be sold by E. Brewster at the Crane in St Paul's Church-yard. 1664.

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