The humble Petition of Captaine Morgan Polden, Esquire.

SHewing, That Sir Henry Cheney Knight, late Lord Cheney, was summoned to severall Parliaments as one of the Peeres of this Realm in the time of the late famous Queen Elizabeth, by the name of Henry Cheney of Tudengton Chr: And accordingly sate in the said severall Parliaments as one of the Barons of this Realme; as by the Re­cords of this honourable House doth appeare.

That by vertue of the said summons and sitting, the said Lord Cheney became seised in fee-simple of the Title and Dignity of a Baron of this Realme, discendible to his heires, and accordingly enjoyed the same by the name of Lord Cheney of Tudington.

That afterwards 3. Septemb. 29. Elizabeth, the said Lord Cheney died at Tudington seised of the said Title of Honour, without issue of his body; after whose decease the said Title of honour discended, and of right ought to have discended to Thomas Cheney Esquire, Cousin and heire of the said Henry Lord Cheney, that is to say, sonne and heire of Thomas Cheney, sonne and heire of John Cheney, sonne and heire of John Cheney, sonne and heire of Sir Roger Cheney Knight, brother of Sir William Cheney Knight, father of Sir Tho­mas Cheney Knight of the Garter, father of the said Henry Lord Cheney.

That the said Thomas Cheney about 15. R s Jacobi died without issue; by reason where­of the said Title of Honour is of right discended to your Petitioner as Cousin and heire unto the said Henry Lord Cheney, and the said Thomas Cheney Esquire; that is to say, sonne and heire of Dorothy the wife of Thomas Polden Esquire, sole sister and heire of the said Thomas Cheney the sonne, as by the pedigree annexed appeares. By reason whereof your Petitioner ought to beare, hold, and enjoy the said Title of Honour, and all priviledges and preheminencies thereunto belonging.

That your Petitioner having hitherto spent his time in the service of this and for­raigne States in the Warres, hath not been so pressing in the prosecution of his right as otherwise he had been: Neverthelesse he is now desirous to pursue the actuall enjoy­ment of that right which the Lawes of this Kingdome cast upon him, and his posterity.

May it therefore please your Lordships to heare your Petitioners Title to the said Dignity, and upon due proofe thereof to admit your Petitioner to the en­joyment of such Rights, Priviledges, and Preheminencies as belongs to one of the Peeres of this Realme.

And your Petitioner shall ever pray, &c. MORGAN POLDEN.
  • Sir Iohn Cheney of Shurland in the Isle of Shepey in Com: Kanc: Knight.
    • Sir William Cheney Knight, eldest Sonne.
      • Sir Thomas Cheney Knight of the Garter.
        • Henry Lord Cheney of Tudington dyed without issue.
    • Sir Roger Cheney Knight, younger Son.
      • Iohn Cheney.
        • Iohn Cheney of Woodhay in Com: Berks.
          • Thomas Cheney of Woodhay in Com: Berks: Mary daughter of Thomas Roberts of Glasenbury in Com: Kane: First wife. Anne daughter of Ed­ward Scott of Mole in Com: Sussex Second wife.
            • Thomas Cheney next Cosin and heire unto Henry Lord Cheney by Inquisition.
            • Dorothy Cheney Sister and sole heire to Thomas married to Thomas Polden of Ewrenminster in Com. Dorses Esquire.
              • Captaine Morgan Polden Son and heire.
            • Robert Cheney who had issue Henry Cheney.

IT appeares to me upon credible testimony, and good Certificates, that Captaine Morgan Polden was the sonne and heire of Thomas Polden of Ewrenminster in the County of Dorset Esquire, who married Dorothy Chen [...] who was daughter of Thomas Cheney of Woodhay in the County of Berks, Esquire; and sister and sole heire of Thomas Cheney the sonne, who [...] cousin and next heire of the whole blood to Henry Lord Cheney of Tudington, as is above expressed.

Ita testor W [...] [...] Lancaster.

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