A PERFECT LIST OF THE SEVERAL HIGH SHERIFFS Appointed by His Highness the Lord Protector and His Councill, for the severall Counties in ENGLAND and WALES for the Year ensuing, Viz.

  • FOr the County of Berks,
  • Sir George Pratt,
  • For the County of Bedford
  • Robert Stanton Esq;
  • For the County of Buckingham
  • Nicholas le Grice Esq.
  • For the County of Cumberland
  • Sir Wilfrid Lawson Knight
  • For the Counties of Cambridge and Huntington.
  • Hugh Audley Esq;
  • For the County of Cornwall,
  • Edward Nosworthy Esq;
  • For the County of Devon.
  • John Copleston Esq;
  • For the County of Dorset,
  • Edmond Okeden Esq;
  • For the County of Darby,
  • John Ferrers Esq;
  • For the County of Durham,
  • Timothy Wittingham Esq;
  • For the County of Yorke,
  • John Bright Esq;
  • For the County of Essex,
  • Sir John Barrington Baronet
  • For the County of Glocester,
  • Symon Bennet Esq;
  • For the County of Hartford,
  • William Leman Esq;
  • For the County of Hereford,
  • Richard Hopton Esq;
  • For the County of Kent,
  • Sir Humphrey Tufton Baronet,
  • For the County of Leicester,
  • Palmer of Wanlip Esq;
  • For the County of Lincolne,
  • Henry Massingberd Esq;
  • For the County of Monmouth,
  • Henry Baker Esq;
  • For the County of Northumberland,
  • John Ogle of Gillingham Esq;
  • For the County of Northampton,
  • Robert Andrews Esq;
  • For the County of Norfolke,
  • John Coke Esq;
  • For the County of Nottingham,
  • John Musters Esq;
  • For the County of Oxford,
  • John Cartwright, Esq;
  • For the County of Rutland,
  • Sir Thomas Mackworth Knight and Baronet
  • For the County of Salop,
  • Matthew Harbert, Esq;
  • For the County of Somerset,
  • Henry Rogers Esq;
  • For the County of Stafford,
  • Thomas Wilbraham Esq;
  • For the County of Suffolke,
  • Sir Jo: Barker Baronet
  • For the County of Southampton,
  • George Pitt Esq;
  • For the County of Surrey▪
  • Harvey of Combe Parke Esq;
  • For the County of Sussex,
  • Nathaniel Powell Esq;
  • For the County of Warwick,
  • Edward Petoe Esq;
  • For the County of Worcester,
  • Sir Henry Littleton.
  • For the County of Wilts,
  • John Dove Esq;
  • For the County of Lancaster,
  • Sir Ralph Ashton Baronet.


  • FOr the County of Anglesey,
  • William Bowle Esq;
  • For the County of Carnarvan,
  • Edward Williams of Weege Esq;
  • For the County of Merioneth,
  • William Vaughan Esq;
  • For the County of Carnarthen,
  • Humphrey Browne of Newcastle Esq;
  • For the County of Pembroke,
  • James Price Esq;
  • For the County of Cardigan
  • Henry Vaughan of Kilkemy Esq;
  • For the County of Glamorgan,
  • Harbert of Swailes Esq;
  • For the County of Brecon,
  • Meredith Lewis Esq;
  • For the County of Radnor,
  • Samuel Powel Esq;
  • For Chester,
  • Phillip Egerton Esq;

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