TO THE HIGH COVRT OF PARLIAMENT, The humble Petition of all Colledges and Halls, and others well-willers to Piety and Learning, throughout the Kingdome of England,


THAT whereas many Persons disaffected to the pre­sent forme of Government of the Church of England (established not noly by the Ecclesiasticall, but also by the Common Law of this Realme, and diverse Acts of Parliament,) have of late in great multitudes Petitioned this Honourable Court against the Orders, honour, jurisdiction, and meanes of the Clergie; And have published such their desires in Print, and Pulpit, and dayly seeke to advance and propagate the same: To the great disheartning of all Learning, (if such disignes find favour,) the grievous scandall of the Reformed Religion as unstable, and the unspeak­able advantage of our Enemies of Rome.

WE therefore (well weighing, that the Seminaries must decay when the Garden shall be wasted,) in all humility most heartily pray this Honourable Court, that all the Orders of holy Church, of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, which from the Apostles times till these, have with­stood so many Practices, may have yet hopes to flourish under Your graci­ous protection. And that by Your assistance under our most Religious Sove­raigne the ancient Catholique Faith, and Discipline, may be defended from all Jnnovations, and novelties: The meanes and liberties of the Churches, as well Cathedrall, and Collegiat, as Parochiall to them hitherto of right belonging, according to the pious Wills of their blessed Founders, may be continued and preserved: Many thousand Families which on them de­pend secured from ruine: And that our Nation whose Lawes already fa­vours as much as any in the world, the right of the First borne, may ratain Ecclesiasticall promotions, as the Patrimony of younger Children, the prize of Labour and Studie, an incitement of Learning, and a reward of those that can intitle themselues thereto by honest desert.

And Your Petitioners &c.

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