
THe apparant danger wherein this County now stands, requiring a speedy and sufficient supply of Money for the preservation thereof; among many others you are represented by divers Gentlemen who well understand the State of the Country, to be a Man of sufficient abillity, and therefore fit to contribute a reasonable summe to the maintaining of the Forces which are here ready for the Defence of the Country, and safety of your selfe and estate. I doe therefore by their advice, require you to send hi­ther [...] to be payd in by directions of the Committee for this purpose named and residing at York; which I beleive you will doe most readily, seeing it is for a ge­nerall good, your perticular security, and safegard of your Goods and Estate, and of which there is such an absolute ne­cessity, That you can by no meanes avoid or delay the Payment thereof, without the hazard of farre greater Charge and Incon­venience. And so not doubting, but that your own Interest will perswade you to make a present dispatch, I rest,


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