A Second PROPOSAL by William Morgan His Majesty's Cosmographer, for a general Sale of Mr. Ogilby's WORKS, to Enable him to Finish BRITANNIA, with the Second Part of ASIA, and EƲROPE.
By His MAJESTY's Authority under the Great Seal, &c.
WHEREAS John Ogilby Esq; his Majesty's Cosmographer, with the Approbation and Encouragement of His most Gracious Majesty, His Royal Highness, the Lords of the Council, and others of the Nobility; did Undertake the Actual Survey of England, &c. In Order to the Compiling an Historical and Geographical Description thereof, under the Title of BRITANNIA, consisting of Two large Volumes:
The First containing one Hundred Whole-Sheet Maps, at the Scale of One Mile in an Inch, plainly Describing the High-Ways, and Cities, Towns, Villages, Churches, Castles, Houses, Parks, Woods, Hills, Mills, Beacons, Rivers, Brooks, and Bridges; with all things else observeable in the Travelling-part of England and Wales.
The Second, comprehending a Topographical Description of the whole Kingdom, with the County-Maps, Principal Cities, and other Eminent Places.
Also the Maps of London and Westminster, and the Compleat general Map of England, &c. In which WORK, at the Expence of 7000 l. and upward, Mr. Ogilby Proceeded so far as to Finish the First Volume, and Prepare much for the Remainder, especially the General Map of England. Since whose Death, William Morgan earnestly desiring to Finish a Work brought so near Perfection, did Propose to raise Mony by the Sale of Mr. Ogilby's Books in a Standing-Lottery; which being Open'd on the First of May at Jo's Coffee-House, and Drawn by the 22th of May, to the general Satisfaction of the Adventurers. This sudden Dispatch caused some quantity of the Books to come into the Hands of the said William Morgan; which, with the Addition of some Bibles, he is encourag'd once more to set to Sale in manner following:
Each Lot is 20 s. and the least Prize is 18 s. which, whosoever Draws single, and doth not like, shall receive 15 s. for it again.
The Number of the Prizes is 798. The Number of Blanks 400. which is Two Prizes to One Blank.
But considering the Abatements, Additional Lots, and Satisfaction given to those that Draw Blanks, as is mentioned in the 2d. 3d. and 4 [...]h. Proposal, the Adventurers will have near two and a half to o [...]e Blank, and the Prizes of the Books will certainly advance when this Disposal is over, as hath done the BIBLE, which being sold by Mr. Ogilby for Thirty Shillings, is now rais'd to Five Pound Ten Shillings; for that none of these Books, will ever be Printed again.
The Books will be Deliver'd as soon as Drawn, at the Office near the Chancery-Court in Westminster-Hall. And the Lots may at any time be sent for and open'd by the Adventurers, and the Prizes deliver'd upon return of the Lots to the Office.
Those that adventur'd 40 s. in the last Drawing open'd the first of May at Jo's Coffee-house, and drew a Prize under the value, shall have the Advantage of the 5 l. Proposal if they adventure 3 l. more.
I. He that adventures Twenty Shillings hath his Chance among 798 Prizes, and may happen to Draw the greatest Value, 39 l. 8 s.
II. Those that adventure Forty Shillings, and their Fortune be such as to Draw two Blanks, shall be presented with a Book of Forty Shillings: Provided, they Open their Lots at the Office
III. They that adventure for Five Lots, shall be Presented to the Value if they Draw under 5 l.
IV. Such as adventure for Ten Lots, shall receive one additional Lot, viz. Eleven for Ten; or be Presented to the Value if they Draw under 10 l.
The Numbers and Value of the PRIZES.
l. | s. | ||
The first Prize | Containing one Imperial Africa, America, Japan, and 2d. China, bound in Turkey-leather and Gilt | 26-00 | |
One Lot N o 1. | One Imperial Asia first Volume, and one Imperial China first Vollume, in Quires | 08-00 | |
One large Map of London | 02-10 | ||
One Britannia first Vol. | 02-00 | ||
One Silius Italicus | 00-18 | ||
39-08 | |||
One Lot N o 2. | Containing one Royal Africa, America, Asia first Volume, China Compleat, Japan | 10-00 | |
One large Map of London | 02-10 | ||
One Britannia first Vol | 02-00 | ||
One Homer, Virgil, and Aesop. | 06-00 | ||
One Silius Italicus | 00-18 | ||
21-08 | |||
One Lot N o 3. | Containing one Royal Africa, America, Asia first Volume, China Compleat, Japan | 10-00 | |
5 Lots N o 4. | Each one large Folio Bible | 03-10 | |
10 Lots N o 5. | Each containing one Royal China Compleat and Japan | 05-00 | |
5 Lots N o 6. | Each containing one large Map of London & Britannia first Volume | 04-10 | |
5 Lots N o 7. | Each containing one large Map of London and Japan | 04-00 | |
5 Lots N o 8. | Each containing one China Compleat | 03-10 | |
100 Lots N o 9. | Each one Large Map of London, Pasted, Colour'd, and Roll'd | 02-10 | |
100 Lots N o 10. | Each one Map of London in Sheets | 01-10 | |
50 Lots N o 11. | Each one Royal Britannia first Volume | 02-00 | |
50 Lots N o 12. | Each 100 Maps of the Roads | 01-10 | |
50 Lots N o 13. | Each one Royal Africa | 02-00 | |
50 Lots N o 14. | Each one Royal America | 02-00 | |
50 Lots N o 15. | Each one Royal Asia first Volume | 01-00 | |
100 Lots N o 16. | Each one Royal China first Volume | 01-10 | |
100 Lots N o 17. | Each one Royal China Second Volume | 02-00 | |
100 Lots N o 18. | Each one Royal Japan | 01-10 | |
10 Lots N o 19. | Each one Royal Homer Compleat | 02-00 | |
5 Lots N o 20. | Each one Royal Silius Italicus | 00-18 |
Those that please to Adventure may repair to the Office near the Chancery-Court in Westminster-Hall, every Day from Nine before, till Three after Noon; or to Mr. Robert Pask at the Stationers Arms under the North-side of the Royal Exchange.