At A COƲNCIL Held at Boston, January the 3d. 1677.
WHereas the Holy God, who out of his tender mercy and bowels of Compassion hath preserved this People, and these Churches from the Malice and Rage of their Enemies, and of those that devised Mischief against them, and thereby bespoken his own praise in that to this day we remain a People, that out of his very Faithfulness, doth continue to afflict us, as with the remainder of the Heathen, yet in Hostility with us, so also with that sore Distemper of the Small Pox (daily increasing in our principal Towns, and severely threatning us in this winter season) and thereby lately bereaving us of that most eminently Learned, Pious and Faithful S [...]rvant of Jesus Christ Mr. Thomas Shepard Pastor to the Church of Christ in Charlstown; the continuance of our Messengers in England, and their Negotiation the rein; and the dissettlement of the Colledge contrary to our hopes and expectation: olse also cause of our serious application to God, besides the consideration of that little advantage the body of the Lords People in this Wilderness have obtained by the late passed Woes and Miseries he hath brought upon us; thereby frustrateing his declared intention of such Affliction, viz. to Humble us, and Prove us, and do us good in the latter end: The joint consideration of these things have moved the COUNCIL to set apart the one and twentieth of February next, to be kept as a day of solemn Humiliation and Prayer unto God, and invocation of his Holy Nume, if possible we may meet him in the way of his Judgement, and obtain reconciliation with him; the settlement of our remaining troubles at home, right understanding and favour with the Kings Majesty, and the turning of our hearts unto God, and to each other, that the Lord may yet vouchsafe his presence with us:
And do therefore Inhibit all Servile Labour on that Day, and commend it to all Churches, Ministers and People throughout this Jurisdiction, solemnly and seriously to keep the same accordingly.