By the Mayor.
WHereas divers good Laws and Ordinances have been made for the due observation of the Lords Day: And divers penalties thereby imposed both upon the prophaners thereof, as also upon the Constables, Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor, Parents, Masters of Families and others, who should by their neglect suffer the same. And albeit I have by several precepts, and otherwise, required all persons concerned therein to perform their duties in that behalf, yet I have continuall complaint made unto me of a great neglect thereof, by suffering servants and children to play in the fields and streets, and beggers to beg on that day. And to the intent that every one in their own particular may be a Law unto themselves in the observing of the Lords Day: And also that all persons, who by the Law are appointed as instruments to prevent the prophanation thereof, and to bring to punishment such as shall offend therein, may prevent the penalties to be inflicted upon them by the Law, These are in the name of his Highnesse the Lord Protector, of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to will and require you that presently upon sight hereof you cause notice to be given to all the inhabitants within your Ward that they keep in their servants and children from playing in the fields and streets on the Lords Day, as they will undergo the penalty in the said Laws contained: And likewise that you cause notice to be given to all the Constables, Churchwardens, and Overseers for the poor, that they within their severall precincts take care to put the acts and ordinances in execution which are provided for the better observation of the Lords Day, to which they are severally enjoyned upon a penalty of twenty shillings for every default therein. And also that the Constables within their several Precincts do prevent the singing of Ballads, which they are enjoyned to do under the penalty of forty shillings. And to the intent that all persons may be without excuse, you are to cause one of these precepts to be delivered to every Constable, Churchwarden, and Overseer of the poor within your Ward, who are hereby required once every moneth to give me or some other Iustice of the Peace within the City and Liberties an exact accompt of their doings herein, and not to fail as they will answer the contrary at their perill.