[blazon or coat of arms of the City of London]

By the Mayor.

To the Alderman of the Ward of [...]

WHereas by an Ordinance entituled, An Ordinance for the better amending and keep­ing in repaire the common High-wayes within this Nation: It is ordained amongst other things that in every Parish within this Nation of England and Wales there be two or more (according to the greatnesse of the Parishes) able and sufficient Householders inhabiting in such Parish, yearely elected and chosen to be Surveyors for amending High-wayes, Streets and Pavements, within their re­spetive Parishes the first Tuesday next ensueing the twenty fifth of March yearely, under the penalty of Twenty pounds to be forfeited by the Parishoners of such Parish where no such Surveyors shall be chosen as aforesaid, who being chosen are to accept of the said place, and be sworne, as is appointed by the said Ordinance, after such election, under the penalty therein contained; Streets and pavements being thereby declared to be common High-waies, and Scavengers to be Surveyors, within the intent and construction of the said Ordinance and within all Lawes in force concerning Highwayes, And whereas by a latter Ordinance of the twelfth of April 1654 the time for election of such officers this present yeare is appointed to be before the first day of May next, and sworne on or before the first of May aforesaid, under the penalties aforesaid, as by the said several Ordinances may appeare: In persuance thereof, and to the intent that all persons concerned therein may be carefull to performe what on their part is to be observed, and that a more full reformation may be had and made, then formerly in the paving and cleansing the streets and in the channells and watercourses within this City and liberties thereof. These are therefore in the name of his Highnesse the Lord Protector, of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to will and require you that presently upon sight hereof you send directions with a coppie of this precept to every parish within your ward, That the Scavengers now in being and other House-holders inhabiting in their respective parishes rated to the poore doe before the first day of May now next ensuing chose two or more according to the greatnesse of their said parishes to be Scavengers accor­ding to the true intent and meaning of the said severall Ordinances, and for the purposes therein contained, to the end they may be sworne in due time and proceed in the due execution of the premises: And that on or before the said first day of May you cause certificate in writing to be made unto me of the names of all such persons as shall be chosen Scavengers, and the severall parishes for which they shall be so chosen, And herein you are not to fayle.


Printed by James Flesher, Printer to the Honourable City of LONDON.

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