Commune Concilium tent. in Camera Guildhall Civitatis LONDON, vicesimo quarto die Maii, 1649.

AT this Common-councel was read an Order of Parliament, of the eighth of this instant May, and a Letter presented to this Court by Collonel Whalie, from his Excellency the Lord Fairsax, Dated the two and twentieth of the said month of May, whereby it is desired that 27400 l. which was borrowed at Weavers-hall for the necessary supply of the Army, should be forthwith repaid out of the Arrears upon the Assessments for the Ten months, Six months, Four months, and first Twelve months, for supply of the neces­sities of many hundred wel affected persons, who out of their affection to the Publique lent the said moneys, and are now reduced into very great extremities, even to perishing for want there­of, and was by Ordinance of Parliament to be repaid; and many urgent and pressing reasons were given by the said Colonel VVhalie, for the present payment thereof, both in relation to the Army and City: And inasmuch as by an Order of the Committee of Arrears made the 22 th. of May aforesaid, it doth appear that there is 38000 l. of the same Arrears to be collected, or in the Collectors hands. And forasmuch as this Court doth conceive that the same is ow­ing by such as are well able to make payment thereof; and that all fair and friendly meanes which have been formerly used therein have been fruitlesse; It is therefore thought fit by this Court, that the Common-councell-men of the severall Wards within this City, shall with all expedition call before them the respective Collectors of the said Assessements, and informe themselves who have paid, and who not; and thereupon, or otherwise by fight of the Bookes and Rolls of the said Assessements within seven dayes now next ensuing, make certificate in writing of some names of the most ablest persons within their respective Wards, as they shall think fit, as are in arrear upon any of the said Assessment, together with the sums so by them owing, and the places of their present aboad: As also the names of such Collectors as have any money in their hands, or do not act in the collecting of the said Assessement, as by the seve­rall Ordinances is required; and that the same within the time aforesaid, bee delivered unto M r. VValker who is Agent for the Committe for the Army, to bee by him returned to the Officers of the Army, to proceed thereupon as may be effectuall, not only for the obtaining of the money so owing, but also for the punishment of such as have been wilfull and negligent therein, and be an example unto others that are deficient in the like kind. And it is further ordered, that this order bee forthwith printed, and sent to every Common councell-man, who is desired by this Court to take especiall knowledge hereof, and the necessity inforcing the speedy doing of what is required.


Printed by Richard Cotes Printer to the Honourable City of London.

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