[coat of arms of the Commonwealth of England, circa 1653]

LAND A A Declaration for the Destroying of VVolves.
❧ By the Commissioners of the Common-Wealth of England, for the Affairs of Ireland.

FOr the better destroying of VVolves, which of late years have much increased in most parts of this Nation: It is Ordered and Declared, That the Commanders in chief, and the Commissioners of the Revenue in the several and respective Precincts of this Nation, Do consider of, use, and execute all good ways and means, how the VVolves in the Counties, Towns and places, which in their respective Precincts may be taken and de­stroyed: And to imploy such Person, or Persons, and to appoint such days, and times for hunting the VVolf as they shall judge fitting and necessary. And it is further Ordered, That all such Person or Persons as shall take, kill, or destroy any VVolf, he or they, making i [...] to appear before the said Commissioners of the Revenue of the Precinct, where such VVolf is or shall be so taken, that he or they have taken and destroyed such VVolf, and to that end shall bring forth the head of the VVolf so taken, before the said [...]ommission [...]rs of the Revenue: And the said Commissioners of the being satisfyed with the Evidence brought before them, that such Person or Persons, have taken or destroyed, or caused to be taken or destroyed such VVolf or VVolves, That such Person and Persons, shall have, & receive for every such VVolf so taken and destroyed; for which they shall make proof as abovesaid, the Sums of money hereafter following, viz. For every Bitch Wolf, Six Pounds, for every Dog Wolf, Five Pounds, for every Cub which preyeth for himself, Forty Shillings, for every sucking Cub, Ten Shillings; And no Wolf, after the last of September, until the Tenth of Ianuary, be accounted a young Wolf. And for the better Encouragement of all such Persons, as shall take or destroy any Wolf or Wolves, It is further Ordered, and the said Commissioners of the Revenue are hereby authorized and required, upon due proof made to them, that such Wolves have been taken, and destroyed as abovesaid, and they being satisfied therein, and that there hath been no fraud or de­ceit used therein, that then they, or any two or more of them do cause to be paid the Sums of Money as abovesaid, to such Per­son or Persons as have taken, killed and destroyed, or caused to be taken, killed and d [...]stroyed such VVolf as abovesaid; And the VVarrant of any two, or more of the said Commissioners of the Revenue, and the Receipt of the parties the said Commissio­ners of the Revenue shall appoint to receive the same, being one of the Persons by them judged and Declared to have taken, kil­led or destroyed the said VVolf, shall be a sufficient VVarrant to the Treasurer of the publick Revenue of that Precinct to pay the same, who is forthwith to issue out, and pay the same out of any publick Treasure then remaining and being in his hands. And it is further Ordered, That the Treasurer o [...] the publick Revenue in every Precinct respectively, shall twice in the year, (viz.) in the first week of November, and the first week of May, give Account in writing to the said Commissioners of the Revenue, what Sum or Sums of Money have been by him paid, and di [...]bursed for taking, and killing of Wolves, by Order as abovesaid. And the said Cōmissioners of the Revenue shall cause the same to be equally assessed, layd & applotted on the several Counties, Cities, Baronies and places within their respective Precinct, according to the Rules and Instructions to them given for the ray­sing, Assessing and Levying the Monthly Assessments; the same to be brought in, and paid to the Treasurer of the publick Re­venue of the said Precinct. And the said Commissioners of the Revenue of the said Precinct shall, and may, and are hereby Au­thorized and required to Assess, Levy, and Collect, and to cause to be Assessed, Levyed, and Collected the said Sum, and Sums abovesaid, and to inflict all Penalties, Fines, and other punishments upon such as neglect, or refuse to pay such Sum or Sums of Money, or to Assess, Levy, or Collect the same according to the power given, or to be given to them for the Assessing, Levying and Collecting the Monthly Assessment. And all Officers and Souldiers, and all Officers and Ministers of Justice, are to be ayding and assisting to them, in the execution of the power herein given to them, as they shall be thereto required.

  • Charles Fleetwood.
  • Edm. Ludlow.
  • Miles Corbet.
  • Jo. Jones.

Ordered by the said Commissioners, that this Declaration be forthwith Printed and Published.

Signed by Order, &c. Io. HUCHES.

Dublin, Printed by William Bladen, Anno Dom. 1653.

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