IRELAND. ¶ By the Lord Deputy and Council.

WHEREAS in December last past one Commission was then issued and granted unto Iohn Santhy Esq; and others therein named, thereby authorizing them to enquire of, hear and determin the Claims, Rights and Cities of all persons of the Irish Nation that are transplantable into the Province of Con­naught and County of Clare, as in and by the said Commission is set forth; and also for the hearing and determining of all and singular the crimes, Offences and Misdemeanors of any the persons so making such Claims, by them done or committed on the 23 of October 1641 or since; and Sir Charls Coot Knight and Baronet Lord President of Connaught, and other the Commissioners now sitting at Loughrea, formerly appointed for the ordering, disposing and putting all such persons transplantable, as abovesaid, into the possession of Lands in Connaught and Clare as do justly belong unto them, are thereby also required to assign, set out and allot unto such persons (so transplantable as abovesaid) and their Assigns, such part and portion of Lands in Connaught and Clare as do justly belong unto them according to their respective Articles, or according to the respective Qualifications they shall respectively be adjudged and sentenced to fall under, and to be comprehended in; Which said Commission was to be of force untill the first day of Iuly now next ensuing, and no longer without other or farther Order.

And whereas notwithstanding the said powers and authorities given, to the ends abovesaid; and the many Declarati­ons formerly published for the transplanting of the said persons into Connaught and Clare; and the several provisions made for accommodations of such as should yield obedience thereto: Yet nevertheless there is not that conformitie and obedience yielded as ought to be, but very many persons transplantable, being Irish Papists that are Proprietors of Lands in Ireland; or that have, since the 21 of October 1641, been in arms against the Common-wealth of England their Armies and Forces; or that acted, aided and assisted in the late bloudy Rebellion, at or before the 21 of October 1642, do still remain in the Pro­vinces of Leinster, Munster and Ulster, not having any Licence or Dispensation so to do.

The Lord Deputy and Council taking the premises into consideration; and the great charge the Common-wealth is now at in maintaining the several Courts and Officers thereto belonging, now sitting at Athlone and Loughrea by virtue of the Commissions aforesaid, and for the ends abovesaid; and the little fruit that is reaped thereby through the neglect of the persons abovesaid, for whose benefits the said Courts were erected; The said Lord Deputy and Council do now Order and Declare, and it is hereby Ordered and Declared, That the said Commission, bearing date the 28 of December last, be continued to be of force, and the Commissioners therein named are to execute the same untill the 20 day of September now next ensuing, and no longer.

And it is farther Ordered, That all persons transplantable (as abovesaid) who have any right to any Lands, Tene­ments and Hereditaments by virtue of any Articles, or by virtue of the Act of settlement, intituled, An Act for the Settling of Ireland, made and passed in August 1652, or that do expect any mercy and favor by virtue of the said Act; or that do or shall claim any Lands in the Province of Connaught or County of Clare by virtue of the farther Instructions from the Council of State, bearing date the second of Iuly 1653: That all and every such persons transplantable, as abovesaid, shall and they are hereby required to enter their Claims of their respective Rights, Titles and Interests to any Lands. Tenements or Hereditaments before the said Iohn Santhy and other Commissioners in that Commission named, and now sitting at Athlone, at or before the said 20 of September now next ensuing; and effetually prosecute their said Claims, and obtain sentence or judgement therein before the said 20 of September.

Thomas Herbert Clerk of the Council.

ORdered by the Lord Deputy and Council, that this Declaration be forthwith Printed and published.

Thomas Herbert Clerk of the Council.

DƲBLIN, Printed by WILLIAM BLADEN, 1655.

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