WHereas the late Parliament dissolving themselves, and resigning their Powers and Authorities, The Government of the Common­wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by a LORD PROTECTOR, and Successive Triennial Parliaments, is now established; And whereas OLIVER CROMWEL, Captain-General of all the Forces of this Common-wealth, is Declared LORD PROTECTOR of the said Nations, and hath accepted thereof: VVe have there­fore thought it necessary (as we hereby do) to make publication of the Promisses, and strictly to charge and Command all, and every person and persons, of what quality and condition soever in any of the said three Na­tions, to take notice hereof, and to conform and submit themselves to the Government so established. And all Sheriffs, Mayors, Bayliffs, and other publick Ministers and Officers, whom this may concern, are required to cause this Proclamation to be forthwith published in their respective Counties, Cities, Corporations, and Market-Towns, To the end none may have cause to pretend ignorance in this behalf.

IRELAND. ¶ By the Commissioners of the Common-wealth of England for the Affairs of Ireland.

THe Proclamation abovementioned lately coming to our knowledge, We held it our duty, for prevention of publick disturbances and interruptions in the administration of Ju­stice, to publish the same: To the end, that all Sheriffs, Mayors, Bayliffs and other publick Officers and Ministers in this Nation, whom the same doth concern, may take notice thereof; Requiring all Officers and Souldiers of the Army, and all Sheriffs, Judges, Justices of the Peace, Commissioners for Administration of justice, and all others who are entrusted with the management of any publick Affairs, to be vigilant in their Respective Charges and Trusts, That the publick service may be carried on, and that the Common Enemy, upon this Change of Government, may not take any advantage, to contrive or act new disturbances against the publick Peace.

Signed by Order and Command of the said Commissioners. IO. HUCHES. Secr.

❧ DUBLIN, Printed by VVILLIAM BLADEN, Anno Dom. 1653.

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