By the Commissioners of the Common-wealth of ENGLAND for the Affairs of IRELAND.

WHEREAS several Persons being sued for just Debts have been, and are dayly taken in Execution, and to avoid the payment of their said Debts out of their Estates, do continue in Prison, and enjoy the benefit of their Estates, which oftentimes are by them consumed in Gaols, Ale-houses, and other places amongst their lewd and wicked Companions, and their Creditors thereby defrauded of their said just and due Debts. For prevention whereof, and that Iustice may be effectually administred, and that the Law may have the more force, for the due and speedy satisfaction of such Debts: It is hereby Ordered and Decla­red, That where any person or persons, having an Estate in Ireland, is, or hereafter shall be in Prison, or otherwise in restraint for and concerning any Debt, or any other Sum of Money justly due, That all such persons to whom such Debts, and Sums of Money shall be due, shall and may by themselves, or by other persons by them lawfully Authorized, and appointed thereunto in such Court, and Courts, or before such Iudge or Iudges by whom the said persons were committed to Prison, or before whom any Suite, or Plaint is, or shall be had, and made con­cerning such Debt, or other Sum of Money, and shall under their hands in Writing Declare, that they are willing to relinquish, and wave all advantage that by Law, or otherwise they have against the person or persons that are or shall be in Prison, or restraint as abovesaid, in Order to be satisfied out of the Estates of such persons; That in all such Cases the Court or Iudges, or others Au­thorized for Administration of Iustice as Iudges in such Courts, shall and may, and are hereby Authorized and required to give Order for the discharging of such perso [...] [...] they be not committed for any other Cause, then for the Debts of such persons as shall make such waver, or relinquishment as abovesaid; And the said Iustices, and Iudges shall and may Order, and award the persons so waving, or relinquishing their advantage against the persons in Prison, and restraint as abovesaid, to make such release and discharge of the person, or persons so in Prison for the said Debts as abovesaid, as they shall judge reasonable. And it is further Ordered, that the person, and persons that shall under their hands in writing, release, re [...]qui [...], and wave all advantage that by Law, or otherwise they have against the person, or persons that are, or shall be in Prison as abovesaid, shall, and may have as full remedy to be relieved for their said just Debts against the Goods, and Chattles, and other the Estate of such person and persons so in Prison, or restraint as abovesaid, as if no Process had been taken out against his person, or as if his person had not been in Prison, or other restraint: And the Iudge, or Iustices of such Courts that committed such persons to Prison, or before whom such Suite or Suits are, or shall be depending, shall and may, and are hereby Authorized, and required to grant out Process, to release such person from Imprisonment at the Suite of such persons, (if it be demanded) and give relief to the persons demanding relief out of the Estates of such persons so in Prison, or restraint as shall be agreeable to Iustice, notwithstanding any former Execution, or other restraint of the person as a­bovesaid. And whereas also divers persons being not willing to take such satisfaction for their Debts, as the Estates of their Debters will amount unto, do continue in Prison their said Debters, that are willing to expose their whole Estates for payment of their said Debts, insomuch that many have perished in Prison, who otherwise might have done much service to the Common-wealth. It is fur­ther Ordered, and Declared, That all and every person, and persons (except hereafter excepted) that are or shall be in restraint, or Prison for, or concerning any Debt, or any Sum of Money justly due to any other person, or persons, That such person or persons so in Prison, or restraint by themselves, or others duly Authorized for or on their behalf, as Atturneys or otherwise; that shall make it appear in open Court before such Iudges, or Iustices of such Courts, or other persons having Authority as Iudges, and Iustices in the said Court, from whence such Process did issue for the commitment to Prison, or other restraint of such person and persons by Oath, or otherwise as the said Court shall judge fit, what Estate he hath for satisfaction of his due Debts, and do deliver up his said Estate for satisfaction thereof, as the said Court shall award, and the Court be satisfyed that his whole Estate is in Execution, and that he hath made no conveyance of any part of his Estate, to the defrauding his Creditors; And that no person directly, or indi­rectly hath any other Estate for his use, and benefit, then what is made liable to Execution, as aforesaid; that then the said Court of Administration, of Iustice shall, and may free such persons from Imprisonment. Provided, That the said clause for discharge of, or from Prison, shall not extend to any person that is, or shall be in Prison for a Sum of Money due upon any Accompt as Factor, or as Baylif, or Receiver of any Money, Iewels, Merchandizes, Wares, Rents, or other Goods, or Chattels, nor to any Merchant or o­ther person that hath any Estate real, and personal in any Nation beyond the Seas: nor to any person or persons in prison for any Bargain, or Contract made between Merchant and Merchant: nor to any person in Prison for Debt due upon sale of any Goods in any Faire, or Market.

  • Charles Fleetwood.
  • Edm. Ludlow.
  • Miles Corbet.
  • Jo. Jones.

Ordered by the said Commissioners, That this Declaration be forthwith Printed and Published.

Signed by Order, &c. IO. HUGHES.

¶ DƲBLIN, Printed by VVILLIAM BLADEN Anno Dom. 1653.

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