[coat of arms of the Commonwealth of England, circa 1652]

By the Commissioners of the Parliament of the Common-wealth of ENGLAND for the Affairs of IRELAND.

WHereas many persons, who have been in Arms against the Parliament of the Common-wealth of ENGLAND, and have of late come in upon Articles, and submitted to the Govern­ment of the said Common-wealth, and since their said Submission (under pretence of Li­bertie to travel into any of the parts of IRELAND about their private occasions) have again joined with such as continue in Hostilitie against the Parliament and their Forces, and thereby have found means to prolong the Warrs, and disturb the publick Peace: The said Commissioners of Parliament, upon Advice had and taken thereupon, at a Councel of War for the better prevention of the said evils for the future, Do Order and Declare, And it is hereby Ordered and Declared,

First, That no person or persons who since the first of Ianuarie 1649. have been in Arms in IRELAND against the Parliament of the Common-wealth of ENGLAND shall tra­vel or remove themselves out of the Counties wherein they are, or shall be licenced or permitted to live or inhabit in any other Countie without special Licence in writing first had and obtained from the Commander in Chief of the Parlia­ments Forces in IRELAND, or from the Commander in Chief within the respective Precincts, wherein the said persons respectively inhabit, the said Licence in writing discribing the Age, Stature and colour of Hair of the person, with the oc­casion of his said travel or remove, and the time to be limited in his said Licence, how long to continue answerable to the occasion mentioned in the said Licence: (which said Licence is to be granted gratis) the said persons above mentioned, Travelling or Removing themselves as abovesaid, without such Licence as abovesaid, are to be judged and deemed as Spies; and to be proceeded against accordingly, as Spies and Enemies to the said Common-wealth.

Secondly, That all persons who shall be found in Arms against the Parliament of the Common-wealth of ENGLAND, within the Provinces of Munster, Leinster, Connaught, and Ʋlster; at any time after the expiration of Ten days next en­suing the Publication hereof, in every respective Precinct, shall be taken and proceeded against as Enemies, and shall suf­fer accordingly.

Thirdly, That all persons, who are included in any Treatie, for laying down of Arms, agreed upon at any time since the First of March 1651. And shall be found in Arms against the Parliament of the Common-wealth of ENGLAND, after the Twentieth day of Iuly instant, shall be proceeded against as Enemies and Traitors; and shall suffer accordingly.

Fourthly, That all persons, who shall at any time after the expiration of Ten days next ensuing the Publication hereof in every respective Precinct, Harbour, Relieve, Assist, Comfort, Maintain or Abet any persons in Arms against the Parlia­ment of the Common-wealth of ENGLAND or their Forces in IRELAND (except the persons so Harbouring or relieving be compelled thereunto by Force of Arms) shall be deemed and taken to be Enemies and Traitors to the said Common-wealth, and shall be proceeded against at the Court-Martial, as persons holding Correspondencie with, and giving Intelli­gence to the Enemie.

And it is further Ordered, That the respective Commanders in Chief, in every respective Precinct in IRELAND, do cause due Publication to be made hereof in all Garrisons and Market-Towns within their several respective Limits, by beat of Drum, or sound of Trumpet: To the end all persons may have due Notice thereof.

  • Edm. Ludlow.
  • Miles Corbet.
  • Jo. Jones.

By the said Commissioners, It is Ordered that this Declaration be forthwith Printed and Published.


¶ Printed at DUBLIN, by WILL. BLADEN. Anno Dom. 1652.

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