By the Commissioners of the Common-wealth of ENGLAND for the Affairs of IRELAND.
WHereas by a Declaration bearing Date at DUBLIN, The 6 of Ianuary last, The said Commissioners did for the Reasons in the said Declaration set forth, Order, That all Iesuits, SeminariePriests, and other Priests whatsoever, Made or Ordained by any Authoritie, Power or Iurisdiction, Derived, Chalenged, or Pretended from the Sey of Rome, should, within 20 days after Publication of the said Declaration, depart out of this Nation: And if any of the said Persons should not depart according to the Tenor of the said Declaration, or should return again into this Nation, without special Licence, as in the said Declaration is expressed; The said Persons not departing or returning, as aforesaid, should be liable unto such penalties and forfeitures, as are Declared against Iesuits, Seminarie Priests, and other Priests, in one Act made the 27 Year of Queen ELISABETH, Commanding all Iesuits and Priests to depart out of, and not return into England, &c. as by the said Declaration published in Print appeareth: It is now Ordered, That all Officers, both Civil and Militarie, and all other Ministers of Iustice in every Precinct in Ireland, do forthwith cause the said Declaration to be strictly put in Execution in all Points: And that the Law in the said Declaration may be more effectually put in Execution, It is further Ordered and Declared, That if any Person or Persons, shall at any time after the 25th of this Instant Month of May, apprehend and bring before any Iustice of Peace, or any Person or Persons who have power to put the said Laws in Execution, any Iesuit, Seminarie Priest, or other Person enjoyned by the said Declaration to depart this Nation, and not being Licenced to stay, or any Person that shall relieve, harbour, or maintain them, contrarie to the Tenor of the said Declaration, to the end they may be proceeded against, as in the said Declaration is directed, The said Person and Persons, performing the said service, shall have for a reward and encouragement, such a Sum and Sums of Money, as any one Iustice of Peace, with any two of the Commissioners of Revenue of the Precinct where the service is performed, shall adjudge to be a reasonable reward: Provided the said reward for the apprehending of any one of the said Persons exceed not the Sum of Five Pounds. And the Commissioners of the Revenue within the respective Precincts, are hereby Authorized and Required to issue their Warrants or Orders, unto the respective Treasurers of the said Precincts for Payment of such Sum and Sums of Money as shall be so awarded and adjudged reasonable to be given as a reward for the said service, out of such Fines, Amerciaments, or other casual Revenue, arising within the said respective Precincts, and in default of such casual Revenue to make good the said Payments then, out of the Receipts of Excise.
And to the end that all Persons concerned may take notice hereof: It is further Ordered, That this Declaration be forthwith Printed, and Published in all Market-Towns in IRELAND.
- Charles Fleetwood.
- Edm. Ludlow.
- Miles Corbet.
- Jo. Jones.
¶ Dublin, Printed by William Bladen, Anno Dom. 1653.