¶ By the Commissioners of the Common-wealth of England, for the Affairs of Ireland.

THE said Commissioners, taking into their consideration the want the Forces in Ireland would be in the next VVinter for Hay, Fire and Candle, [...]f a timely provision were not made for them, did by their Order of the 21. of April last, referr the same to a Committee of Officers, who have (in order to a timely supply) offered as followeth.


FIrst, That Hay be provided for the Horse, according to the Number of Horse quartered in the respective Pre­cincts, and according to the proportion of 20 l. weight of Hay by the day for each Horse, as was formerly agreed upon by the Vote of a Council of Officers.

Secondly, That the Commander in chief in each Precinct, do appoint the place, and proportions where the same shall be stacked.

Thirdly, That the Commander in chief, with advice of the Commissioners of Revenue in each Precinct, do ap­point and set out Lands on which the said Hay shall be cut, contiguous as may be to the respective Garrisons, and places where the same is to be stacked: Provided the same be cut on Lands not set in Custodium to Officers, or o­thers at a certainty or belonging to Proprietors; And if no such Lands be found to lye convenient to the said Gar­risons and places; That then such excepted Lands be made use of, the Commissioners of Revenue paying a reason­able Rate for the same, to be by them or any two or more of them adjudged.

Fourthly, That the care of providing the said Hay shall be committed to the charge of the chief Officer in each Precinct, to give order to the respective Horse-Officers commanding Troops under them, to see the same effectual­ly provided.

Fifthly, That the said Officers of the respective Troops be allowed for making the said Hay, not exceeding ten Shil­lings by the Tun, to be paid for monthly out of the Treasury, according to such Certificates as the Commissioners of Revenue shall receive from the Quarter-Masters of the Troops, and certifyed by the Chief Officer of the said Troope, that the same is accordingly made and stacked, well conditioned. Provided, that the Commissioners of Revenue have power to administer an oath to such Quarter-Masters as they think fit, or doubt of their Certificates.

Concerning FIRE, and CANDLE.

SIxthly, That Fire and Candle be allowed onely for the use of the Guards; the same to be provided and paid for by the State.

Seaventhly, That the Commander in chief and Commissioners of Revenue in the respective Precincts, do forth­with, and from time to time take effectual care that the said Guards be seasonably provided with Fire and Candle, at the cheapest and best rates they possibly can, returning their monthly accounts of the same to the Surveyors of the Revenue and Stores. In which provisions, the said Commander in chief and Commissioners of Revenue, are to have a special regard to length of nights and numbers of men in each Guard; the said allowance to commence the same from the 25 of Iune next.

The said Commissioners of the Common-wealth having considered of the aforesaid Resolves, do approve of them and every of them, and do hereby order and require the Commissioners of Revenue, and the other Officers concerned therein to observe the same.

And to the end no doubt may arise about paying for the said Hay, Fire, and Candle, the said Commissioners of the Common-wealth do hereby order the Commissioners of the Revenue, to pay for the same out of the Moneys growing due for in-land Excize, according to Instructions for issuing the Revenue. Provided, they exceed not the Rates aforesaid.

  • Charles Fleetwood.
  • Miles Corbet.
  • Jo: Jones.

Ordered by the said Commissioners, That this Declaration be forthwith Printed and Published.

Signed by Order, &c THOMAS HERBERT, Secr [...]

DƲBLIN, Printed by VVILLIAM BLANDEN, Anno. Dom. 1654.

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